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by maddie
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Action/Adventure · #2141196
this is a short thing me and a friend where writing
';- I Sat there Staring at the Dismal Grey of the Brick walls around me, Listening.. nothing but the sound of The Crashing ocean waves honestly I was sick of that sound, I'd heard it for so long I was starting to think I had gone Mad . Though the tiny Slit that posed at a window I could see about 40 Dementors Skulking around Guarding the place, I was sad to call home drip.. drip .. drip water from the leaking Roof along with the Wind Whistling through the cracks in the walls, it almost sounded like singing.. it sounds like the sound of hope that prisoners once had and used to sing but after so much time lost hope that someone would come along and hear them, to come to there rescue, I smiled at the thought knowing .. there is no way out. I got up again pacing around my cold damp room it had started raining I was walking from the window that was once comforting is now allowing the harsh cold winds and unforgiving rain to hit me as I passed, The Whispers started again I could hear them like a soft whisper that is now growing to a blaring Roar, ESCAPE they yelled!! get out while you still can!! I tired to ignore them but it was useless louder and louder they cried, it was almost deafening SHUT UP!! I yelled shocking myself with how loud I was yelling listen to it bounce of the walls and back to me, please.. I begging sliding my back down the wall, please stop.. you know I cant get out. I cant I exclaimed putting my head in my hands';-

Somewhere in another cell..

“SHUT UP!” The words echoed down the cold damp corridor. Hearing the exclamation Matt slowly lifted his head from the hard stone he was resting on. Resting, such an inadequate term, thought Matt. There is no rest to be had in this place. Azkaban… The cold seeping through your body like an icy river piercing all your defenses. Never going away, ever present in varying intensities erasing any possibility of a happy thought. Echoes of voices constantly reverberating through your mind. Making it nearly impossible to discern between what is in your head and reality.

Matt was used to hearing various nonsensical things being shouted. These random outbursts would always lead to mutterings and eventually silence. A silence so profound it would be even more disturbing than the rambling of prisoners who have long ago gone crazy.

This symphony of the damned, one could call it, was normally easily ignored while being lost in your own madness. However, there was something different about this echo. It sounded clearer, more like a conscious instruction rather than mindless drivelling.

“I hear you!” Matt tried to shout but the sound escaping his lips was but a whisper. As the last of his strength seemed to leave him and his head slowly started lowering back onto the stone a thought flickered through Matt’s tortured brain.

Could it be that I am not alone in my sanity, at least what is left of it?


';- id slide my back down the wall';- slowing in a constant rhythm hitting my head on the wall knowing that yelling at them wasn't going to make them stop when I hear a faint voice calling out I cant make out what its saying, but as it echoes In my head I finally make out what its saying , I jump up and press my face to the wall and listen.. am I alone here? am i finally loosing what little sanity I had left or is someone just like me reaching out for help, for a moment i thought of telling them it was useless to yell and cry and scream having done it for months when i first got here.. but then I started thinking .. how long had someone been here without me knowing? where they always here?? or maybe they just got thrown in here.. I had to find out more.

Matt woke with a start. He had a piercing ache behind his left eye. For some reason this seemed important to him but it was difficult to maintain a constant train of thought as the misery and cold made itself known again and he found himself giving up on the attempt. This was just easier, he never had much determination. His mother used to wonder aloud at how someone with such a strong will could have so little drive.
No don’t think about her not again… too late. The images started playing inside his head. A moan escaped him as he experienced that moment again like ‘n movie that has been recorded there, only, in this movie you experience all the senses. There was the red sticky mess covering his hands, wet and warm. The smell of copper lingered in the air. The shouts of many different voices blurring into a confused roar. Suddenly Matt hits his head on the hard grey stone. Again and again he pulls back his head and smashes it. Yes this is better, physical pain is better than the torture the Dementors bring. But it does not help, all that changes is now he has a burning pain on his forehead.
He gets up slowly and starts walking. Where is he going, he does not know. Something changes. His mind feels a bit clearer, the cold less piercing, it feels like a smothering weight has been lifted, but only slightly. The change is not enough to allow hope to enter his mind but it does allow him to remember something, a voice. Raspy and steady. “It will be difficult; there will be times that you will not even know who you are. Your time there should be short but once you are there you are on your own. You understand the risks? Good. No matter how bad it gets you must remember, when the time comes, stick together.”
Why does this feel so important? Matt could feel his slight reprieve from the effects of the Dementors was coming to an end. Already he could start hearing the sirens again. I must find this person, who is it again? No. I can’t remember. This is important, concentrate. “Thud” He had walked into the bars of his cells doors.
What can I do? I must do something, say something. “Get ready the time is near”.
Mat hears his own voice stronger than before echo through the corridor. He slides down to the floor, his hands holding onto the bitingly cold steel of the cell bars. Propping his head against his arm he feels his strength ebbing again.

- I listen intently waiting for a sign.. anything to prove the things that I was hearing wasn't all in my head, a sad thought passed over me that maybe this was a mistake .. maybe I was wrong and I only heard what I needed too, and that my mind and just conformed the sad ramblings of a crazy person into the voices of the people I'd killed.. i can still hear the screaming as I was covered in Crimson .. it played back in my head like a movie so clear its like I was there all over again.. The Death eaters where hunting down all Mud bloods and Blood traitors alike, it was my first time going out, ';- i smile at the warm feeling that rushes over me';- but that feeling was gone almost as quickly as it came. about half way through a very bloody and brutal battle I was watching as they killed off the last few left.. and all of the sudden behind me I hear a rustle in the bushes , I turn around to see something running. I knew it was probably one of the mud bloods that had gotten away so I chased after it , we ran into a clearing when I lost sight of the person.. I carefully started searching around when a few other death eaters showed up.. ''hey what happened?? fight too bloody for you'? they taunted laughing, with a rustle from the bushes I shushed them and walked forward carefully wand drawn.. the air hot and thick.. I get to the bushes, using my wand to obliterate them, there sat a little kid.. crying holding a doll I step back shocked.. this couldn't have been the one I was chasing.. no.. beside me i hear the two others call out ''HEY LOOK a little blood traitor .. aww are you lost.? they said in a very taunting tone i stepped forward to stop them before I could I hear AVADA KEDAVARA !! i snap out of the memory feeling tears run down my face.. wiping them away i repeat
Get ready the time is near.. looking out the window at the rising moon.

Matt was huddled in a tight ball, leaning against the bars of his cell. “Pathetic. And to think he was considered such a dangerous individual”. The mocking tones could not be clearer as the Auror spoke, her clear voice projecting everywhere. “Careful there Becks. He may seem crazy, but this one is different.” said Luka. ”Eh? How so?” asked Becky. Her tone made it obvious the question was rhetorical. “Looks like a harmless, worthless piece of dung to me.” Becky added. “Look, I’ll prove it to you” Becky said as she pulled back her foot. The dragon skin boot glimmered in the moonlight as she lurched her foot forward in ‘n vicious kick. There was a soft thudding sound as the steel tip of her boot connected with Matt’s back. “See, nothing, no sound. He is harmless. What’s he in for anyway?” Becky questioned her partner. “No, idea” Luka replied. “Let’s get out of here, our inspection is complete and I don’t think I can stand being around these foul Dementors any longer.” Luka almost begged. “Fine but one last one for the road” Becky said and kicked Matt four more times. Each time connecting with a different part of his body and each kick harder than the last. “Freak!” Becky exclaimed and turned away, Luka following behind.
Matt was startled from his catatonic state when the first kick found its mark. He was so surprised he did not even consider crying out in pain. Pain there it was. It started up from his back where the boot had connected but quickly spread to the surrounding areas. Goodness it hurt. But wait, he could register the pain. This was different. It was like the pain was acting like a deterrent to the unpleasant thoughts and feelings that he was reliving in his mind. He even followed the last bit of the conversation between the two Aurors. The woman’s voice, something about it seemed familiar, but what? He was not caught of guard when the rest of the kicks came, but he welcomed them. Each one waking him up more, no sound escaped him as he lay there huddled but finally with a clear mind.
The memories started flooding back then. The unknown, raspy voice saying: “You must choose a memory. It should be powerful but there must be no happiness nor any sadness in it. Not many of these exist but find one. Your sanity depends on it. This will give you clarity when you need it most. ””If this fails, your last ally is pain. Pain will give you some control over your emotional state but be warned. The effect is only temporary.” Already he felt the clarity he gained from the pain starting to subside and he struggled to keep hold of his memory. What was it again? Mat thought hard. Oh yes. He remembered the first time he was jealous and how that jealousy invoked in him a great need for revenge. These two emotions helped him to steady himself further. That voice, the female! I remember her. Slowly Matt sat upright and he heard the dry scrape of something stiff moving over the dust covered floor.
A note, but how? Mat picked it up staring at the sentence written on it. Third cell on the left down the corridor. While Matt was staring the words changed. Keep this with you always. Then the note went blank.
The memories continued racing back. As he sat there next to the corridor mat spoke and for the first time in a year his voice was strong and did not waver. He did not shout for it was not necessary. Somehow he knew the person he wanted to speak to was listening.

“I am ready…”

(to be continued..)

© Copyright 2017 maddie (maddiegirl234 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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