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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #2157151
A KI:U character finds a remote with the power to swap bodies.

A KI:U character finds a remote with the power to swap bodies.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
A Kid Icarus Uprising character will come across a remote. This remote comes with a set of instructions and gives them the ability to perform seven functions:

Aware Swap: The user selects two targets, at which point their bodies will be swapped. This is the traditional Freaky Friday-style body swap, in which both parties are aware of what happened.

Unaware Swap: The user selects two targets, at which point their bodies will be swapped. Everyone but the user of the remote will believe that the targets have always had the bodies they swapped into.

Possession: Turns the user into a ghost-like entity. When the user flies into another person, the user possesses their body until they use the remote to leave. The user leaves a copy of their consciousness into their original body who acts as if nothing happened, and the remote follows the user.

Shapeshift: A first target is selected, and the target's body (and clothes) are saved into the remote's memory. When a second target is selected, the second target's body morphs into that of the first target. The first target is unaffected. Multiple people's bodies can be saved and switched between on the remote, and there is also an "undo button" for this function specifically that restores a target's original body.

Personality Swap: Self-explanatory. The user selects to targets, at which point their personalities will be swapped. Likes, dislikes, mannerisms, thought processes, behaviors, etc., are all switched. The targets may or may not notice that their personality has changed.

Clone: Like possession, but the copy of the user possesses the target's body - not the user themself. The copy is just as aware of the circumstances as the original. Up to 10 targets can be possessed by clones, and any targets possessed after the tenth will release the earliest target from possession.

Command: Found in a hidden compartment on the remote and not mentioned in the instructions. The target's mind will go completely empty until the user gives them a command, at which point they will carry the command out. They will be aware that they were performing the action against their will, but will not know why they are doing so. They will not know anything happened if the command is a mental change, however (i.e. "forget about that argument", or "you now like pizza").

There is also a reset button in the same hidden compartment as the above. This resets all swaps, shapeshifts, or commands, returning everything affected to the state it was in before the remote was first used. (This does not rewind time. Everything that happens before the reset takes place still happened.)


Don't do anything that wouldn't be allowed under KI:U's age guidelines. That means no sex, drugs, graphic violence, etc.

No endings. Even if a plotline is resolved, the path should be allowed to continue.

No character death.

Power shouldn't corrupt. If someone's going to use the remote in a world-domination scheme, it should be someone who would have wanted to take over the world beforehand in the first place.

Ships are okay, but there must be an option to avoid it. Try not to force any plotline if it can be helped.

No excessive use of OC's. OC's, if any, should only exist to further the plot of other characters.

Anything that breaks these rules may be deleted and replaced without warning.

Message the story owner if anything is unclear.
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2157151-Kid-Icarus-Uprising-Body-Swap