Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2160893-heart-and-soul-a-poem-by-alexis
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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2160893
Cupid and Psyche have a conversation.
heart and soul

how much do you love me?
love's voice grazed over
the ears of soul and a
laugh escaped her lips
as she turned her head
to gaze up at him.

i love you more than your
heart loves the souls
of all your pasts.
voice of soul breathed
in a soft manner, and it
was love who laughed
at her this time.

you are so sure i have
a heart, my dear, what
if you are wrong?
questioned, and one of
his arms came around her
to tug her closer. her eyes
sparkled before she spoke
to him once more.

i know you have a heart,
my love, because otherwise,
would i truly be standing
here if you did not?
her final
question made him pause
- it was a short pause, but
a pause it was, nonetheless -
and when he finally replied
it was with a small and
shaky and nervous laugh.

no, my darling, i suppose
you wouldn't. mother wouldn't
have let you, i think.

cupid reached out and grabbed
psyche by the hand, making her
laugh as he started to spin her
around and around and around.

how much do you love me, cupid?
psyche asked, resting her hands
against his chest and looking up
at him with curious eyes and
curious lips.

i love you, psyche, with all my
they had started to
sway, back and forth, back
and forth, and he spun her
again. and i love you, psyche,
with every ounce of my soul.

for forever? she asked him,
voice soft.

another laugh escaped the
lips of love. for as long as
you want me.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2160893-heart-and-soul-a-poem-by-alexis