Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2166603-Reverting-to-Old-Habits
by D.Nic
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2166603
What happens when you're too used to your last job? - Write about someone changing jobs

It was easy enough... sitting in the desk. The hard part was staying in it.

They never let Jesse know how hard changing jobs would be. His wife hadn't even acknowledged his last job as an occupation, although she never seemed to mind the money.

When he mentioned a desk job, she was head over heels. Jesse hadn't felt as ecstatic over the change. There were a lot of things that he had had to get used to. The dress code, the teamwork, and worst of all: people.

They were everywhere. They always wanted to talk. And they wanted to talk to him. What had he done before this? What were his hobbies? Did he want to go out for a drink later?

Firstly, why was everyone so goddamn nosy? Second, why were they going out after work to talk more about their personal lives?

Jesse clenched his fists under his desk and stared absentmindedly at the screen. He wasn't so sure that a desk job had been the right change.

Being a PI had always been his dream. Turning into a hitman for hire had just been... an added bonus. His wife hadn't really felt the same. Especially when his 'job' brought a lot more danger than it was worth...

His eyes drifted to the analog clock by his computer. 10:52 am. 5 more hours.

His phone buzzed. He didn't recognize the number but picked it up anyway. Bad habit. "New job."

Out of habit, he responded, "Name?" The voice responded with a strange name. Jesse nodded after the confirmation that the money would be deposited in his bank account. He hung up and placed the phone back on his desk.

Then he realized why the name was so familiar.

His next target... was his boss.

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