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Rated: E · Poetry · Relationship · #2174838
An inspiration to make a decision

I have a proposition,

That we all go on a mission

That we may be able to give the mention

Of Jesus Christ,

to the lost that all may have everlasting life.

The intention of this proposition

Is that we speak with the endowment of the power of the Holy Ghost,

To send demons back to their designated hellfire.

My propositions is that we be violent in the spirit like David

And cast our enemy down as the mire.

We are way more than conquerors,

So we overcome carnal desire.

We are joint heirs with Jesus,

So we kin to the Messiah

I have another proposition,

That by the time there's the last blood moon,

when Jesus cracks the sky real soon,

let's ensure that we

Have every demon subjected and subdued.

So when we go thru fire trials lets

Keep our armor on so the devil can be consumed.

The premise of this proposition

is to ensure we show the Creator that we appreciate

that great redemption.

Since this is the case

[By the Lord's saving grace]

We can choose to not live by business as usual,

Treating the blood as an everyday convention.

Because now there is an understanding

Of the magnitude of His love

Which was proved when Jesus made His descension

You know for a fact that I have to mention

The fact that He went to the battlegrounds of hell

To take the keys from Satan to please the Father.

Wow-He died for me, and truthfully, if it was me,

I would not bother

But descension is not the ending,

But before the eyes of the disciples came the ascension.

He was accepted into Heaven like a dove.

Let this be an example that we cannot enter into Heaven defiled.

Let this be a lesson that we have to walk with the Lord

For far more than just a mile...

Ask Enoch...

And I am the last person to be knocking anyone's walk,

But I still yet have a proposition for you...

Let's all hail the Lion of Judah

Because it was no other god

That hung on the cross,

It sure was not Buddha

Let's prove with our life that we are all His people

And not give in to every wind of doctrine, being now considered feeble.

Let's pray that He cleanses us from all evil.

That we preach to the lost so we can reach God's people.

But It cannot happen if we

Living two lives-beings deceitful.

The definition of hypocrite is one who wears a mask and performs on stage.

Thinking they're pleasing God, all the while just kindling His rage.

But He is no respecter of persons,

Regardless of age.

Ponder on it, would you respect

A person knowing they'd fight to

Crucify your son and holler

That he needs to go to the


And the only reason that your

Even alive is because of the

Sacrifice that Jesus gave?

He's the only reason that we

Are experiencing God's amazing grace

And yet we fight, we fuss, and have

The nerve to struggle to be saved?

People are dying to get to Christ

And sacrificing their lives

in other countries just to go to service.

Yet we don't even intercede and have

The nerve to plead with Jesus to

Intercede for us to the Father on

Our behalf,

Yet we don't want to do the math

And see that Jesus intercedes

When we plead

And it's just an example

For us to be on our knees

For the nations

But we can't do so because we only battle our own temptations

Contending with our own flesh, just to manage a holy conversation

And my God we refuse to go to any holy convocation,

Understanding that it would mean multiple revocations

Of every sinful anchor

That so easily besets us,

Yet we ask for increased territory

asking the Lord to add acres

But we don't want to do our part,

We can't even water our flowers in our own half a square foot yard

And all we have to do is diligently keep a guard

Of our heart- Not let it harden

Refusing to till our spiritual garden

And when it comes to church or work, we choose work.

We'll insincerely pray, go to work, but yet the word of God is pardoned.

This generation today doesn't even have the heart to be martyred.

But we quote Paul as if we actually follow his words.

Yet we act like him when Paul was Saul and on our own brethren we use the sword

All I am saying is to take this proposition into perspective

We follow parts of the word because God's children tend to be selective

One day we prophecy,

the next day we backslide

like being a Christian is just an elective

We can't find out who God is for ourselves but when it comes to finding out how to get into sin we then Mr. Detective.

Inspector Gadget when the sin is calling,

Then act like were not doing anything and judge the brethren,

When they falling

We try to thrust others into their destiny,

But see,

When it comes to self we

are sincerely stalling

We are quick to talk about the wolves in the camp

But are quiet to talk about the oxen and bulls whom are mauling.

We are quiet about it because it is us

But most of the time we're too prideful to fuss

Because if were transparent

We're afraid that God's people will no longer trust us

So let's commit to a proposition

That we must all live under two conditions:

Fear the Lord and obey His commandments

to remain in the position of submission

So what say you to my humble proposition?

  • Shae Holiday

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