Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2182714-A-Lesson-in-Love
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2182714
If you don't know, you better ask.
A Lesson in Love

Bill lifts his phone from the table and calls a friend. "Hello, Jim?"


"Hey, buddy, I need help--bad."

"What's happening, Bill?"

"It's Valentine's Day, and I forgot."

"So, what's new? Let me guess. You haven't gotten Emily a gift, right?"

"You know me too well. What does she like?"

"Man, she's your girlfriend, and you don't know what she likes? I guess that tells you what you can get her."

"What? How does that tell me what to get? I can't get her candy because she is borderline diabetic. I can't get her flowers; she has allergies. I get her a card every year. You know, the kind shaped like a heart, with some mushy crap inside. She usually lays them on the counter in the kitchen of my apartment and never takes them home with her. What kind of pet does she like? I'll get her a pet this year."

"She likes rabbits, but not the white ones they sell at the feed store. She likes the Sussex rabbits, you know, the kind with the floppy ears. You know, I shouldn't have to tell you this stuff. What has she told you that she likes?"

"I don't know? We don't talk about that stuff."

"Well, what do the two of you talk about?"

"I don't know. I'm usually watching the game when Emily wants to talk, and you know how that is. Just tell me what to get her."

"Bill, I don't know. Let me ask her about that. Hey, Emily, what should Bill get you for Valentine's Day?"

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