Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2187360-Christmas-Present
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #2187360
Abby's missing her old pooch this Christmas, but is in for a big surprise!

Abby solemnly looked at the picture she held in her hands, teardrops rolling off the glass and onto the lip of the frame and collecting in a tiny pool. Memories of last Christmas flashed in her mind making her close her eyes and take a shaky breath.

She opened her eyes and whispered, "I miss you so much, Snowball." Kissing the glass, she placed the photo back on her dresser and walked over to her bed. Turning off the light, she laid down, the glow of the moon shining through her window illuminating the image of her two-year-old self hugging a huge white Samoyed dog.

"It's a static electricity ball! Yes! Thank you!" Jason began tearing the box open that contained his Christmas present, a big smile upon his sweet little five-year-old face. Being the oldest, Abby had to wait for her present as a family tradition. But so far, she hadn't opened any presents. She didn't want and hadn't asked for anything this Christmas. She was content on what she had. Even though there was one thing...

"Sissy!" Jason exclaimed, looking at where Abby sat on her favorite chair. "Look at what I got! I got the static ball, a lava lamp, that cool hoodie I had my eyes on all year! And socks, but they're dinosaur and I kinda grew out of that, but that's ok! Oh, and..." Abby laughed to herself as he continued, enjoying every second of it.

Her mom and dad were sitting on the couch in front of the Christmas tree, which was lit up brightly with reds, greens, and blues, and they each had a cup of something hot in their hands. Her mom liked tea; but her dad liked coffee, so she guessed that was what they drinking.

Her brother was another story. He was picky. Their mom once said, "Jason, don't be so picky. It's not a good habit."

"Abby," her father said, breaking into her thoughts.

She looked over at him and replied, "Yeah?"

Looking at her mom he told her, "Before we clean all this up, we have something for you." Butterflies began fluttering in her stomach.

What could it be? she thought. She looked over at her brother. Her dad stood up Jason and her mom following. Standing, Abby walked after her family who headed into the dining room. When they got there, her father walked out and went outside. It was silent for a few seconds, but her mom broke it, eventually.

"Abby," she said, her tone serious. "Your father and I have been thinking about this for a while now. And you now being seventeen..." she paused as her dad walked back in the house. She then continued as he came into the dining room, setting a big box down on the table, "We think that it's time." Abby's dad backed away from the box, smiling at her as he walked back to where her mom and younger brother stood.

Her heart thumped in her chest as she slowly approached the box, beating harder with every step she took. As she reached up to undo the folded flaps of the box, she pulled back in surprise as she heard a snuffling sound inside the box.

No, she thought. It can't be... She, once again, reached up to open the box and, sliding the flaps apart, her hands flew to her mouth. A big, white, and extremely fluffy Samoyed puppy reared up and put its paws on the edge of the box, looking straight into Abby's eyes. The dog's blue eyes reflected her own: pure joy. As she picked the puppy up, she broke out in a sob, hugging the dog to her chest.

The only words she could choke out was, "My little Snowball."

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