Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2189576-when-moments-turn-into-memories
Rated: E · Article · Other · #2189576
it doesn't take much time for a moment to turn into a memory,does it?
how beautiful it is when life goes on as you always wanted it to,right? but isn't it crazy how a single night turns your life completely. you wake up one day and boom the time,the moments that you wanted to capture forever are gone in a blink of an eye. we always think that we are having fun but who knows we are creating memories which have immense power of bringing tears in our eyes everytime we think about them.one day we played with our friends for the last time and we didn't even realize that because let's be honest we never thought or i better say we never wanted it to end. but it did. you can be at a place or with a person and you want to stop time,you don't want it gone but the sad reality is nothing remains constant.but the best part is we can always capture some of the most beautiful memories in our heart. FRIENDS the most important part of our life. but doesn't it break your heart into millions of pieces which sadly you could never mend when they leave? when something or someone breaks your heart its almost like feeling physical pain. but the most fascinating part about life is all the unexpected things that happen with us. how many of you have a best friend whom you hated when you first met but now he or she is one of the most important part of your lives. how many of you are dating a girl or a guy you never even thought you would talk to. i truly believe that all the unexpected things that happen with us makes our life worth living. i mean what's the point of living a life you know everything about? it's quite intriguing when it comes to discovering life and the experiences that are yet to happen. life is complicated someimes,isn't it? but what's exactly the point of living if everything is easy i wonder. i mean struggle is what makes the end result much more meaningful. it's all about how badly you want something and when you finally get it,that feeling can never compare to just receiving it when asked for. you might hate a person sometimes but you would always cherish the memories that you two created. that's the beauty of memories they bring smile with tears,and whenever you experience something like this it simply means you are LIVING life. whatever that's meant to happen,happens! so, cherish every moment before it becomes a memory!
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