Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2189906-UIAIA
by kirky
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Action/Adventure · #2189906
Undercover story


“What's your name son?” “Jack, Jack Frigg” I say still trembling from shock “Ok jack, I have terrible news, I am sorry to say that despite our best efforts to save them, your parents have died”. I felt like a bomb had gone off and ripped my heart to a thousand tiny pieces.
That was how my parents died, in a car crash and that was the day that my life changed.

“Wakey, wakey, its seven thirty time to get up” Earl yells, every school morning, every week. Today was the twenty sixth day at Timothy's home for children. A ghastly place if you ask me. My roommate Anderson starts to creep out of bed. “Gosh I'm tired” he says yawning. As I go to start getting ready for school, Helen (one of the many supervisors and my favorite) walked in and says “Jack please make you bed as it is a mess and then go and see the counselor” “ok Helen” I say happily.
“Come in, come in” says Eliot, I walk in and sit on the green comfy couch with huge red pillows. “How are you Jack” she asked. “All right but I just can’t get what happened out of my head and why it just has to happen” “ I know you are sad but you need to think about the good times, not the bad and” “SHUT UP!!! You don’t get it nobody but the people that are unlucky as I am, understand what is happening” I burst into tears “Why, why, why does this have to happen to me, I hate my life”. I lash out at the couch sending it like a bullet blasted from a gun towards the wall. Then I turn and started throwing punches at the wall like a wrecking ball making hole after hole. Once sees that I am just hurting and making myself worse, she rushes up, and grabs me I try to get out of the hold, but she is a lot stronger than I thought and had a very firm grip. She drags me over to the table and lifts me up as though I am weighed nothing and bends me over the table and then pulls my pants down exposing my bum and injects a needle in it. In 30 seconds, I was breathing calmly and within sixty I had fell into a deep sleep.

I wake up yawning and groggy “wh, where am I “I say dreamily to myself. I look on the floor and I spot a kit as green as lush grass on the floor with U.I.A.I.A embedded on it. I start to climb out of bed. Once I am out, I get this cold sensation around my privates and as I look down with a horrible sensation, I realize that I am naked. My cheeks go as red as a baboon's arse, I feel as embarrassed as someone that has pissed themselves in class. I hurriedly put the green kit on. I then walk out the white door into the big blue walled corridor. As I am walking down the corridor a girl in her mid-teen's brushes past me and I say, “excuse me, where am I and is there somewhere that I need to be” and all that she said was “can’t talk to green”. I say to myself in my head, what is this place? Have I been abducted? I walk up to the clear glass elevator I walk in and look at all the buttons I could press. I press the one that says reception because I felt as if that was where I needed to go. As the doors slide shut, I notice the letters U.I.A.I.A. again and think that it must stand for something. “DING” the doors of the elevator slide open and I walk out “Are you Jack Frigg” the receptionist asks “yes, yes I am” “sit down over there on the seats and the director will see you soon” “ok” and go and sit down on the deep blue chairs.

Five minutes had passed until a lady with a belly and round as a beachball that’s ¾ blown up wobbles out of a blood red door with a sign embedded into it spelling director. “Jack Frigg, could you please follow me”, I oblige and follow her into the room that was decorated with light blue walls that had picture of a little kid in a blue and green striped kit they looked like they had just had a great game and was as muddy as a pig that just had a mud bath ( I guess it was her boy). “sit down, sit down please” “ok” and I sit down on an, what looked like the most comfiest blue chair in the world with a light green pillow (it looked like some people would love to get told off just to sit in it). “Welcome to U.I.A.I.A which stands for if don’t know which of course you don’t as it is top secret, it stands for Undercover International Agent In Action” “ooh cool so that’s what it means”.

“So, a little bit about myself. My name is Nicole Wilcots, director of the U.I.A.I.A. I have been married to Paul Wilcots for ten years, I have two children, but one is unborn and the other one is seven as you can see in the photo. Right let's look at you”. She opens a draw and pulls out a clipboard with about seven pages on it. “Name: Jack Alexander Frigg. Height: one-point five meters and you have an IQ of one hundred and fifty, Mum and Dad died in a car crash, date of birth: the twentieth of December two thousand and five, you are ten years old, went to Wyndale school for 9 years, then after your parents died, you went to Gism school while you were at living at Timothy's home for children. In your blood you have Maori, Scottish, English and French”. “Wow that’s very cool that you know that much about me, but kind of creepy as well” “U.I.A.I.A campus is top secret and you will have to change your name, but you can keep you first name if you want to.” “I’ll think about it” I say pondering the thought of a new name “so will I go on missions?” “it is a possibility, but you will have to go through a tough training course for one hundred and fifty days that challenges you physically and mentally, once you have done that, mind you though it might take a few times, you could go on missions all over the world. When you are not on missions you are on campus studying hard for six hours, five days a week and if you do not behave then you will be severely punished.” this sounded as if my life will have a fun time in it after all. “when do I start?”

I am lying in bed thinking I awe of what has happened today and I am amazed that my life that was in the dumps has took a turn for the best and now I have an opportunity to start are new life with a lot of new openings am I have decided that I am going to take it and give it my best and try as hard as I can, to take as far as I can.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP is the first thing i here as i wake up. I look at the clock that reads: 7:00. I pull my fully refreshed body out of bed and have a warm shower that i found to my delight nice pressure instead of one that has no pressure at all and is warm, not cold.
I then put on my green U.I.A.I.A kit and go down the elevator to the dining room to have breakfast.

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