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Rated: XGC · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #2192553
Adrienne plans a little surprise for Theo, and receives a delightful punishment.
         "Why am I having such a hard time with this?" Theodora asked her reflection as she looked deeply into her own eyes in the mirror, searching for the answers she so desperately craved. Had she not completely gotten over Christina? She was certain she had, yet here she stood post argument with her tiny shoulder entities, questioning herself yet again. She needed to meditate, she needed to seek peace for herself and stop letting the ghost of Christina haunt her new relationship with Adrienne. She deserved to be happy, and she was, but even more so with Adrienne by her side. She didn't need Adrienne to be happy, she was just a beautiful, pleasant plus. Just as Theodora decided that she was going to meditate on the matter, Adrienne popped her pretty blonde head around the door jamb.
         "Theodora?" Adrienne asked, making her almost jump out of her skin, unaware of her presence. "Sorry," Adrienne apologized sweetly, "Are you okay?"
         "I'm fine, Little One," Theodora said, physically turning Adrienne around and guided her toward the bedroom, "now, get some rest while I work," she smiled as she lifted the blankets for Adrienne to crawl under.
         "Please don't leave me alone," Adrienne begged with big blue puppy eyes, gently clutching Theodora's hand.
         "I'll be just down the hall in the kitchen, on my laptop, editing some photos, pretty girl," Theodora explained.
         "Okay," Adrienne said, her voice absolutely morose as she curled up under the covers and hugged them tightly to her chest.
         "Oh you're such a little brat," Theodora fumed playfully, "I'll bring my work in here, but I'm working at the vanity."
         Adrienne's melancholy lifted instantly and she nodded, "Deal. Will you at least hold me for a bit?"
         "Only if you promise to get some rest."
         "Yes, Mistress. I promise."
         Theodora applied some lotion and patted herself dry with her towel and crawled into bed next to Adrienne, who wasted no time cuddling up to her and laying her blonde head right on Theodora's bare breast. She wrapped her arm under Theodora's bountiful bosom and closed her eyes, relaxing on Theodora's chest. Theodora smiled and rested her cheek atop Adrienne's head as she gently stroked her hair. Before long, Adrienne was asleep, snoring softly on Theodora's chest. Theodora's arm was falling asleep, but she felt like Adrienne was a cat that had chosen her as it's perch. She didn't want to move for fear of breaking the beautiful creature's trust for her never to return. Adrienne wasn't as finicky as a cat, but still Theodora didn't want to move. Adrienne was sleeping so peacefully that Theodora just didn't want to disturb her, but instead, she studied her again.
         How could someone hurt this beautiful angel? She was so delicate. She was so kind. Who would ever want to lay a single violent finger on her gorgeous blonde head? Theodora pulled her little blonde angel closer and held her tight, deciding that she'd edit her photos later and closed her eyes, falling asleep with Adrienne snoring softly in her arms.

         Theodora woke to the mid-afternoon sun filtering through the blinds and into her eyes. She covered her eyes and groaned and realized that something was off. Adrienne wasn't in her arms. She wasn't in the bed, or even the room. She looked over on the nightstand where a piece of paper sat propped against a glass of water that hadn't been there before they'd napped. Theodora reached over to grab the paper and read it. It gave her a simple command: Want to find me? Drink this, then use the restroom. Theodora raised her brow and shrugged, grateful for the water anyway; she always woke up parched. She drank the water, then headed to the restroom.
         Theodora sat down and went to grab toilet paper and saw that her next instruction was written in marker on the cushy paper: Make sure to wash your hands, now. P.S. make sure the water is REALLY hot. Theodora rolled her eyes. She always washed her hands, but she got up and went to the sink looking for a clue but found none. Then she remembered that the note had said the water need to be very hot. She washed her hands then turned the water as hot as it would go, and as if by magic, the next direction was etched in the condensation on the mirror: Snack time. A clementine, perhaps? As much as Theodora loathed stupid little games and being told what to do, this was actually a very creative little idea: a cute little scavenger hunt, leading her to her final prize: Adrienne.
         Theodora walked into the kitchen still nude from their shower from earlier and opened the fridge for a clementine. She found one with Adrienne's beautiful cursive script in black Sharpie all over the peel: Eat me (or don't) and toss on something comfortable (no high heels or pants. Perhaps shorts, if you own a pair) and go to your car. She wondered why Adrienne had put so much emphasis on comfortable, she had comfortable clothes, but heels were something she wore for work and play. She groaned as she searched in her closet for something that wasn't high heeled and bit her lip and remembered Adrienne had some sneakers and sandals in the storage room. Adrienne never said that Theodora had to use her own clothes and shoes. She went to the storage room, turning the light on and rummaged a bit and found a pair of pretty silver sandals and grabbed them going back to her room and slid into a pair of panties and pulled open the dresser drawers that she'd given up for Adrienne to put her clothes in and found a pair of short denim shorts and a tank top, hoping they'd fit. Adrienne was quite a bit shorter than Theodora was, but she remained hopeful as she stepped into the tiny shorts that barely covered the top of her thigh. She bit her lip and tugged the shorts a little lower. The waist wasn't the issue, but the length was a little scanty.
         Theodora held up the tank top she'd found and groaned. Why did Adrienne have to be so small? She really wasn't that small. She was at least five foot seven, but Theodora was five ten, and three inches really made a difference. She lay the shirt down on the bed to put a bra on, then slid into the shirt, looking in the mirror. Most of her midriff was exposed, but she didn't look bad, in fact, she looked pretty good in her own opinion, but she looked at the pretty sandals and decided that a pair of sneakers would probably look a little bit better with the outfit. She went back into the storage room an found a pair of classic black, Chuck Taylor converse and took them back to the room, putting on a pair of socks then the shoes. There was barely any wiggle room, which was why she'd wanted the sandals, but she could be uncomfortable for an hour or two.
         Theodora went to her vanity to apply some makeup, but saw a note laying atop her brushes: Don't even think about it. Theodora groaned. She couldn't wear makeup? Seriously? She looked at her face in the mirror and sighed in defeat. She walked about of the room and grabbed her wallet and keys off the island, making sure she hadn't missed any notes or clues that Adrienne might have left. Theodora wiggled her butt and pulled the tight shorts from between her cheeks as she walked out the door to her car. She got in and on the steering wheel was a sticky note the contained more of Adrienne's elegant script: I'll be waiting for you at the pier.
         Theodora raised a brow. What an elaborate scavenger hunt this had been, but now she was finally getting her prize. She pulled out of her lot and down the main drag toward the pier, excited to see why Adrienne had put her through such an extravagant run-around. She pulled into a spot and fed the meter and saw Adrienne at the entrance of the pier and smiled as she saw the gorgeous blonde in a pair of light pink denim shorts and a fringed crop top and a pair of cute brown Michael Kors sandals that showed off her pretty pink-and-white pedicure. Her blonde hair was pulled into a messy knot atop her head, but she still looked just as beautiful as the day they'd met. Adrienne smiled like a girl who'd just seen her crush notice her for the first time when they passed by her locker, all-teeth smile and flirty giggles. She held open her arms and walked toward Theodora.
         "I love what you picked out to wear," Adrienne whispered against her shoulder as they embraced.
         "Yeah," Theodora said, "They're not mine."
         "Well, whomever they belong to must have excellent taste," she chuckled as she took Theodora's hand and led her away from the pier and onto the beach.
         "What are we doing?" Theodora asked as Adrienne stopped just long enough to remove her sandals not wanting to fling sand on her fellow beach goers as they passed by. Theodora followed suit, then held Adrienne's hand again and they resumed their journey.
         "I have a little surprise for you," Adrienne smiled that schoolgirl smile again, "Come on, it's just a little further."
         The two walked quietly along the beach, enjoying each other and the late afternoon sun. As they walked closer to a lifeguard hut, Theodora notice a pretty blanket, complete with weatherproof pillows, lay across the sand with adorable little tea lights set all around and a simple yet beautiful picnic basket sat on the blanket open on one side to reveal two bottles of red wine, some hard cheese, a cutting board and knife set and some grapes and pears and apples with some light crackers. Adrienne knelt on the blanket and pulled out two wine glasses from the other side of the basket along with a corkscrew handing Theodora a glass as she popped the cork out of one of the bottles. She smiled sweetly as she filled their glasses, pulling Theodora down next to her on the blanket and raised her glass.
         "To our new relationship," Adrienne smiled sweetly, "may it be full of love and laughter, and very short arguments."
         Theodora was too busy still trying to take in the whole scene: the beautiful picnic on the beach in the late afternoon sun with the sound of the waves lapping against the sand and crashing against the rocks. Christina had never done anything like this. She'd planned out everything from start to finish. She'd gotten creative with the process and had executed it beautifully.
         "Y-you did this for me?" Theodora asked in utter disbelief.
         Adrienne set her glass in the sand off the blanket and crawled to across the blanket to Theodora looking up at her as they both sat on their knees, "Yes. I thought you'd like to partake in my favorite pastime with me?"
         "Your favorite pastime is romantic beach picnics?" Theodora asked, confused.
         "No, Silly," Adrienne chuckled, "I love to watch the sun set. I usually sit on that rock over there, but I wanted to share it with you tonight if you'd like?"
         "I'd be honored, Adrienne," Theodora sat down on her bottom finally as Adrienne lay out all the food for them, the picnic basket had come complete with forks, knives, and spoons, and even little salt and pepper shakers as well as plates and cloth napkins. Adrienne lay out the cheese and fruit for Theodora to cut as she opened the crackers and spread them over the plate. "This is the nicest, sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, Adrienne."
         Adrienne cocked her head. "That makes me a bit sad," she said with a soft frown, "this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?"
         "Yes," Theodora sounded small for the very first time since they met, almost ashamed or embarrassed.
         "I'm very glad and honored to be the first to make you feel special, then," Adrienne said, trying to lighten the mood again. "Would you like me to feed you some fruit and cheese Mistress?"
         "I would very much enjoy that, Kitten," Theodora said, regaining her authoritative air about her.
         Adrienne cut a slice of Manchego and placed it on a cracker with a piece of the apple that Theodora had sliced for her and fed it to her happily, kissing her after she finished the bite.
         "What's the cheese with the dark purple-y rind?" Theodora asked around another bite that she'd fixed for herself.
         "It's Merlot BellaVitano. It's a got the richness and creaminess of a young cheddar, but it's got a crystalline crunch like an aged Parmesan."
         "That sounds great," Theodora said with a smile, "Do they call it Merlot for the color?"
         "Not at all," Adrienne chuckled, "You'll love the fact that it's called Merlot because it's soaked in wine."
         "Then I know I already love it."
         Adrienne smiled and cut Theodora a piece and held it to her lips, watching her beautiful hazel eyes roll back at the flavor. Theodora smiled as she opened her eyes to meet Adrienne's, who was awaiting a vocal response.
         "That's amazing," Theodora said with gusto, "one of the best things I've put in my mouth in a long time." She eyed Adrienne up and down almost predatory. "Well, besides you."
         Adrienne blushed and crawled between Theodora's legs as she leaned against the pile of pillows Adrienne had made on the blanket. Theodora smiled and wrapped her arms around Adrienne from behind. Just then the beach grew quiet as the final rays of the sun began to disappear. Adrienne thought back to the last time she'd watched the sunset on her favorite rock. She'd still been with Jaxon. She'd still been being abused and knocked around by a man who claimed he loved her. Then, the sunset on her rock had been an escape for her. Now, she was enjoying it with a woman that she liked very much. It wasn't quite love just yet, but she had a feeling that she could definitely learn to love Theodora in little to no time at all.

         The tiny tealights were the only source of light among the sands after the sun had fallen behind the horizon. The surfers and beach goers had left when the last of the sun's light had faded into light-polluted darkness that was the California sky but Adrienne had fallen asleep on Theodora's chest where she drooled slightly as she slept. Theodora smiled, but didn't have the heart to wake her, so she settled back into the pillow pile and held Adrienne as she slept, scrolling through her Instagram.
         Theodora liked a few photos from a couple of her favorite rope 'grammers: seattleshibari, twistedmonk, shibaricouple to name a few. She loved studying the varying knot styles of different rope artists, either to just appreciate its beauty or to learn something new and incorporate it into her own skills. She felt Adrienne stir a bit, then settled back onto Theodora's chest and snored softly as the sound of the waves played a constantly lullaby for her.
         Theodora slid her phone back into her pocket and simply held Adrienne, stroking her long, blonde locks as she snoozed, curling it around her fingers like gold spun into silk. Adrienne sighed happily on her chest and snuggled closer, wrapping her arms around Theodora tightly before she lifted her head up to look Theodora in her eyes. She smiled and stretched her pretty curvy body out against Theodora's gorgeous goddess figure.
         "Good morning," Adrienne smiled softly as she pushed up on Theodora and kissed lips softly.
         Theodora looked up into the darkness and raised a brow but smiled. "Good evening, Little One."
         Adrienne giggled and rolled off of Theodora and onto her back on the blanket and looked up into the starless sky and smiled. "Thank you," she reached over and held Theodora's hand and squeezed gently.
         "For what?" Theodora asked as she propped herself up on her elbow as she rolled onto her side.
         "For joining me for the picnic," Adrienne smiled and drew tiny patterns on Theodora's exposed midriff with her fingertips.
         "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, Adrienne," Theodora smiled softly and pulled the girl close to her kissing her passionately. "I loved the creativity behind it all. Like I said, it was the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me."
         "I'm glad you enjoyed it," Adrienne smiled as she pushed up onto her knees and began to clean up the plates, glasses, wine and food. "Would you like to go have a real meal? My treat?"
         "I want you to myself," Theodora groaned, almost whining like a child.
         "I don't mind cooking," Adrienne shrugged. "Why don't we go to the grocery store and grab some stuff?"
         Theodora nodded in agreement as she helped Adrienne wrap up the pillows in the blanket and tossed it over her shoulder like a knapsack. Adrienne grabbed the picnic basket and their shoes and followed Theodora to their cars. Adrienne set the picnic basket in her car as Theodora tossed the pillows in hers and folded the blanket, organizing the pillows on top of it in the back seat.
         "Want to just meet me at Ralph's to grab a few things?" Adrienne asked
         "I really don't want you out of my sight," Theodora said, pulling Adrienne against her, "but yes, that's fine by me. I'll meet you there."
         Adrienne kissed Theodora, taking her face in her hands, holding it still as she put passion into the kiss, then pushed away, but not far before Theodora recaptured her and held her close and whispered against her ear.
         "I liked what you did, Little One," Theodora's breath was warm and sweet against Adrienne's neck, "That doesn't mean you're not in a whole bunch of trouble for leaving me worried at home."
         Adrienne shivered against Theodora with pleasure and anticipation, but Theodora let her go and got into her car and revved the engine, rolling the window down.
         "Hurry up and get in the car," Theodora said, "I'm not leaving until you're safe in the car."
         Adrienne grinned and strutted toward the car and slid in slowly, winking over at Theodora as she closed her door and revved her own engine and sped off toward Ralph's.
         Adrienne's phone rang over the bluetooth and she saw that it was Theodora calling and hit the accept button on her steering wheel.
         "Yes, Mistress?" Adrienne chuckled.
         "Change of plans," Theodora said sternly. "Grab some steaks for dinner, green beans for the side with some potatoes for baking."
         "What about dessert?"
         "Oh, that would be you, Baby Girl," she heard Theodora's wicked grin through the speakers. "Don't you worry about dessert, Sweetheart. I'm way ahead of you."
         Adrienne blushed as the line went dead and she stepped harder on the gas to get to Ralph's and then home as fast as she could. She was in and out of Ralph's with 2 Filet Mignon, fresh green beans, and two potatoes in less than ten minutes. She sped back home and pulled quickly into the spot almost forgetting her keys in the ignition. She grabbed her keys and the bags and ran to the door which was already unlocked. She pushed it open and saw that there were candles lit all around the apartment and she smiled. It was absolutely beautiful, but there was no sign of her beautiful dinner date anywhere.
         "Theodora?" Adrienne called as she unloaded the bag from Ralph's. She suddenly felt a presence behind her, but there was a hand over her mouth before she was able to turn to see what it was. She tried to see the hand over her mouth to try to figure out to whom it might belong, but it was encased in beautifully tooled black leather. Adrienne screamed into the hand and began to panic, clawing at the fingers, trying to desperately peel them away. Whoever it was wrapped a long, strong arm around her flailing arms to still them and she squirmed, whimpering in their arms.
         "You might want to just cooperate," a sultry, predatory voice sounded against her left ear, "you're already in enough trouble as it is."
         Adrienne relaxed, she knew the voice. Theodora was executing some sort of scenario here, but she was still a bit shaken as Theodora forced her to bend over the island and pulled her shorts down, running her leather-clad fingers down her thighs and over her calves, tapping them for her to step out of the shorts. She smiled at the pretty black lace panties that had been hiding underneath and rubbed Adrienne through them from behind. Adrienne practically melted as Theodora grabbed a bar that appeared to have restraints on either end. She knelt down and attached one of the restraints to one ankle, then pushed her legs apart to shackle the other one. Adrienne attempted to close her legs, but the bar didn't allow her to. Theodora chuckled as she stood to full height, now in a beautiful ornate crimson corset and a leather pencil skirt and deadly stiletto heels.
         "Good luck trying to close your pretty legs," Theodora smiled slapping her ass with a gloved hand, eliciting a moan from Adrienne.
         "Seriously?" Adrienne groaned playfully as though she were irritated, "I thought I was making us dinner. You're really going to punish me now?"
         "Oh," Theodora chuckled and removed one of her gloves and replaced it with another leather one, but this one looked like it had tiny pins all along the undersides of the fingers. "Did this cut into a plan you had?" Theodora asked, playing coy. "Let me tell you something, Little One," she said sternly as she gripped Adrienne's ass with the dangerous glove, making her wince, but bite her lip, "we're on my time. I'll do anything I wish to you, whenever I damn well please. Got that?" she reiterated with a squeeze of the sharp-fingered glove.
         "Y-yes Mistress," Adrienne said, trying to keep the arousal from her voice and failing, as Theodora released Adrienne's plump little cheek, but smacked it with the other hand, making her gasp.
         "Good." Theodora came around the island and smashed one of the smaller dildos she had onto the countertop by it's suction cup right in front of her face, the thick squatty cock bouncing when she let go. Adrienne looked up at her wondering why she'd chosen to put it there. Theodora grabbed a handful of Adrienne's long blonde locks and pushed the dildo right to where her mouth would've been and gave a single, firm instruction: "Open your pretty, little mouth."
         Adrienne regarded the cock with minute contempt for a second, but did as she was told. Theodora then slowly lowered Adrienne's head down, her mouth around the cock, her eyes pointed up at Theodora.
         "Now," Theodora began as she got eye level with Adrienne, "you may slobber and drool all over that faux cock, but if it leaves your mouth for ANY reason, there will be punishment. Understood?"
         Adrienne nodded, receiving a light slap of approval across her cheek from Theodora as she grabbed a few black scarves off the end of the island and gently wrapped one over Adrienne's eyes, blinding her. She then instructed Adrienne to place her hands behind her back and used one of the beautiful black scarves to bind them and let them rest at the small of her back. Theodora walked around Adrienne, examining her work. She smiled as she noticed the drool beginning to run down the cock, making Adrienne look like a little whore.
         "Would you like a pillow for your breasts?" Theodora asked sincerely, "I know it's a hard surface and lying on it like that for a long time will cause pain."
         Adrienne nodded, bobbing her head on the rubber dick, making Theodora grin from ear to ear. She thought Adrienne looked so sexy as she bobbed her pretty blonde head on it. She went to the couch and grabbed one of the pillows from it for Adrienne. She came back, pulled the suction cup of the dildo from the countertop, making Adrienne gag a bit as it pushed further into her mouth.
         "Remember what I said, Little One," Theodora warned, "don't let that cock out of your mouth or you'll be in bigger trouble than you already are."
         Adrienne groaned as Theodora wrapped her arm across Adrienne's chest and pulled her upright so she could lay the pillow down for her.
         "Lie down," Theodora commanded, short and stern.
         Adrienne did as she was told and Theodora adjusted the pillow to provide Adrienne with the most comfort. "How is that, Little One?"
          Adrienne nodded as she tried to reattach the suction cup to the counter so it would be still and her jaw wouldn't hurt so badly. Theodora reattached it for her, giving the back of Adrienne's head a tiny push, making her gag a little. Theodora smiled and grabbed one of the candles that had been burning whilst she'd bound and blinded Adrienne, stuffed her mouth and forcibly spread her legs.
         "Do you know why I absolutely love sensory play, Adrienne?" Theodora said as she circled Adrienne like a predator with it's prey, her heels loud on the hardwood floors as she moved, letting her location be known. She ran her finger through the flickering flame of the candle and stopped right behind Adrienne, smiling wickedly at her unsuspecting victim's back as she moved her blonde hair over one tan, slender shoulder. "It's because you feel everything so much more intensely if the only sense you have left is touch," Theodora purred as she slowly spilled the hot wax from the top of Adrienne's back in a serpentine line down her spine to stop just before the crevice of her plump little ass.
         Adrienne had let out a hot little moan the entirety of the wax's journey down her back. Theodora took much delight in the sounds that she elicited from Adrienne as the wax pooled in the hollows and spilled slowly over the curves of her back, making her look like a victim of a brutal stabbing, the blood frozen in time as the wax firmed and cooled in clumped red rivulets. She loved the patterns the wax had formed on Adrienne's pretty bronzed skin, removing her gloves to run her fingertip over the dried wax, admiring the shade of it and deciding she wanted more color on her pretty little canvas. She walked back and returned the used candle to the shelf, and grabbed another one. This time the candle was green. She moved quietly this time, not letting Adrienne know her next move or how soon it would happen. Even in the sharpest of her stilettos on even the hardest of surfaces, she could move with the grace and silence of a cat, striking her prey unawares. Theodora was behind Adrienne again, and this time, instead of a line, she spilled small drops along the crimson curves from the first candle. The small drops elicited tiny slurps, which Theodora could assume were hisses, from Adrienne's salivating lips around the blue chubby cock. Theodora stepped back for a moment to analyze her work.
         "You're becoming my own little masterpiece, Ms. Thorne," Theodora informed her around an evil grin as she grabbed one black candle and one light pink candle. Adrienne pushed onto her tiptoes, trying to take some of the weight off of her hips that were digging into the counter. This pushed Adrienne's ass up in such a way that made Theodora salivate herself. She had had something else in mind for the black and pink candles, but now she just wanted to see the two contrasting colors spilled over the zaftig cheeks of the blonde's ass.
         "You stay just like that, Kitten," Theodora instructed as Adrienne went to drop back onto her heels again, "keep that pretty little ass in the air for me just like that. Theodora set the candles down and grabbed a sharp knife from the block and approached her small, blonde victim, dragging the back of the blade down her side and used it to slice Adrienne's panties off. "I'll buy you new ones." Theodora watched as the pretty black fabric fell, almost in slow motion to the floor, resting over the bar between Adrienne's toned, tan legs.
         Theodora took up the candles again and held the black one over one of Adrienne's juicy little cheeks and spilled it in a horizontal line just above her ass so that the wax would run down over the curve of it. She was watchful of the wax near the crevice of Adrienne's bottom. She didn't want hot wax dripping between her cheeks. She caught a dripping black rivulet with her nail that threatened to do just that, bringing it to a halt. She splashed the black again across each cheek, letting it run down her thighs. Adrienne groaning deliciously at the pain she felt, her saliva bubbling against her pretty pink lips. Theodora waited for the inky wax to settle and firm before splashing the pink across it, making it look like tiny, waxy galaxies littering a sky that didn't belong to L.A. She looked thoughtfully at her work, then grabbed a lavender colored candle to mix in with the pink and dipped her finger in a white one to flick across the pitch-colored wax, to create a starry effect.
         "Let me tell you," Theodora chuckled softly as she added a few final touches, "your ass is out of this world." She chuckled at her own pun as she set the white candle back where she'd gotten it and ran a nail over a clean patch of Adrienne's skin and watched the drooling blonde shiver as she walked to the bedroom to her chest of torture implements and grabbed a Wartenburg pinwheel, thinking of what else she could use on her pretty victim. She ran her fingertips over her tools of her trade and picked a beautiful, hand-tooled leather crop and some weighted clamps along with a tiny bullet vibrator. She went back to the kitchen where Adrienne had dropped her heels while Theodora had been gone and forgotten to get back onto her toes. Theodora used the crop to smack Adrienne's toned little ass in passing.
         "Didn't I tell you to keep that pretty little ass up?" Theodora asked as she pulled that long blond hair after setting down her toys. The cock popped free of Adrienne's pink, plump, saliva-coated lips and she let out a long moan and worked her jaw a bit as a long string of saliva clung to the dick from her lip. "I also told you not to let that cock out of your mouth too, didn't I?"
         "Yes Mistress," Adrienne groaned as Theodora held her hair captive between her strong fingers, then forced Adrienne's head down, making the cock almost hit the back of her throat. Her fingers and abdominal muscles clenched as she tried desperately not to choke.
         "Keep it in your fucking mouth, then."
         Adrienne's retort or compliance was garbled by the dildo between her lips, but Theodora ignored it as she ran her hand over the girl's wax-coated skin. She pulled her hand back and smacked Adrienne's ass hard enough to knock some of the dried wax to the floor. A pained moaned barely escaped around Adrienne's phallic gag as Theodora brought her hand down again, dislodging a bit more wax on to the floor.
         "Now," Theodora said, emphasizing her command with another wax-shattering smack to Adrienne's ass, "put your ass back the way I told you."
         Adrienne groaned, but pushed back up onto her toes and ached her back. Theodora nodded in approval and grabbed the pinwheel off of the island and ran it along the skin that wasn't encased in wax and watched the goosebumps rise in its wake. Theodora knelt behind her, running the small spiked wheel along her exposed labia as gently as possible, making Adrienne squirm deliciously. She grabbed one of the weights and placed the pinwheel on Adrienne's ass as she slid her fingers between Adrienne's desire-laden nether lips and found her swollen bud, grabbing it between her fingers, holding it captive to attach the weighted clamp. A loud guttural moan came from atop the island and Adrienne's knees buckled as the clamp pinched her sensitive clit, holding it captive in it's strong grip. Theodora smiled and pushed the weight gently to swing between Adrienne's legs, making Adrienne toss her pretty blonde head back, but not enough to dislodge the dildo from her lips.
         "I bet you wish you could close your legs, don't you?" Theodora grinned as she grabbed a few more of the clamps and swung them on their chains, "Wish you could at least control when you orgasm, right? I am you Mistress. I will decide if and when you come. I will push you to your limits and I will either deny you or grant you that right. And maybe, just maybe, if you ask me very nicely, I might just be merciful and grant it to you. You're pretty anyway, but God when you beg, you're almost absolutely undeniable. Almost."
         Adrienne grunted her response with her mouth full as Theodora opened a clamp as she knelt behind Adrienne again and attached it to her swollen labia. Adrienne whimpered at the pain and squirmed as if she were trying to get away, sending soft shards of wax to the floor as they cracked and disconnected from her smooth tanned skin. Theodora attached another one to her other lip and received the same reaction. She smiled at her work, but decided she wanted one more clamp on each lip. She attached two more clamps making Adrienne buck until she adjusted to the pinch of the clamps. Then Theodora used a rubber band to hold all the weights together, creating a loose little cradle with the chains in which she nested the activated vibrator, causing the strong vibrations to travel up the chains to the clamps throughout Adrienne's clit and labia. Theodora knew it was futile for Adrienne to resist succumbing to her orgasm, but knew she would try or at least beg to.
         Adrienne's squirming was a full on dance of torture and a hint of surrender. She danced foot to foot. She drooled more on the cock as she tried to fight off her climax, but eventually she pulled her fair head back and screamed.
         "Theodora, please," Adrienne begged desperately.
         "What is it, Little One?" Theodora played coy.
         "Please, I need--," Adrienne paused, letting out a long feral shriek as her legs began to tremble violently.
         "Oh," Theodora bit her lip as she pulled Adrienne's blindfold off to look into those steely-blue eyes, "did you just come without my permission?"
         "N-no," Adrienne shook her head and worked her jaw as saliva dribbled down her chin still.
         "You'll be in even more trouble for lying to me, Kitten," Theodora said, gently jabbing a nail under Adrienne's chin, "I've been in this exact situation and it's very hard to control your orgasm, especially someone who's probably never had one that wasn't self-inflicted."
         Adrienne blushed and hung her head. "Yes, Mistress," she admitted shamefully, "I came. I'm sorry for taking my mouth off the dildo, too." Adrienne took the gag back between her lips defeatedly, instantly salivating on it.
         Theodora stepped behind Adrienne and gently gripped her hair, pulling up into a standing position, but leaned her back against her chest and held her, rocking her back and forth. "There's absolutely no shame in climaxing Adrienne," Theodora whispered gently against her ear, "none whatsoever. You just need to ask a bit further in advance. Even the strongest willed woman would have easily been brought to orgasm right there. Like I said, I've been in that exact situation and believe me, I came unrelentingly. I was in trouble for not asking permission, but I had no regrets."
         "Y-you've been dominated before?" Adrienne asked, genuinely confused. She just couldn't envision the mighty Theodora at someone else's mercy, ever.
         "Of course," Theodora chuckled softly as she removed the spreader bar and began to untie her wrists as she spoke, "you think I just came into this lifestyle being the amazing, well-seasoned domme you see before you today? I personally think the best way to become the best you can be is to walk on both sides of the fence. The woman who dommed me taught me things through the domination of others and thought dominating me. She showed me what certain things felt like so I knew what to look for when someone was reaching their limit so I didn't push them too far, or how to inflict pleasure or pain with the same maneuver. For instance, anal can be very pleasurable if your sub is relaxed and lubed up properly, but if they're even the slightest bit uncomfortable, it can be a very painful experience. Personal experience and trial and error of the things I learned though those experiences has always been my best teacher."
         Adrienne nodded and leaned her head back to kiss Theodora's cheek, making the woman smile but snap out of her educational domme persona.
         "Don't think I'm even close to being done with you, Little Bird," Theodora said as she turned Adrienne around and lifted her up onto the island and removed the clamps, letting the vibrator fall into her hand, where she kept it active then nestled it between Adrienne's labia to lay against her clit, attaching one of the weighted clamps to each nipple, making her wince. Adrienne rested her heels against the island, closing her legs causing the vibrator to slide between her lips and onto the floor, clattering loudly against the hardwood as it continued to jiggle along the boards. Theodora bent over and picked up the dripping vibrator up off the floor and turned it off, then grabbed the crop and pushed it between Adrienne's thighs, slapping them apart and smacked her tight little pussy with it, making the fair-haired woman arch her back and squirm on the island.
         "Keep your legs spread," Theodora instructed, "if you close them you will receive three hard crop slaps to your sex. Understood?"
         Adrienne nodded and spread her legs wide. Theodora smiled and ran her finger along Adrienne's soaked slit and watched her shiver and her legs twitched as she went to close them but kept them spread. She then grabbed the saliva-coated dildo and teased Adrienne's entrance with it, sliding it up and down her slit, pushing the tip hard against her fat little clit. Adrienne pulled her knees to her chest, but kept her mons accessible, so Theodora didn't spank her dripping sex. She rubbed the underside of the rubber shaft against Adrienne's slit and made her squirm and beg.
         "Please, Mistress," she begged as she tangled her own fingers in her hair, "please fuck me."
         "I just can't seem to resist you when you beg," Theodora pouted playfully, but was actually a bit ashamed that she really couldn't deny Adrienne when she begged, or at all, it seemed. She slid the tip down between Adrienne's plump, lust-laden lips and pushed into her sopping hole. Adrienne almost ripped out some of her hair when Theodora finally pushed inside her as she gripped the counter and tossed her head back as Theodora pushed in and out of her slowly. She then had an idea that would save her arm from tiring too quickly, and quite a bit of any physical involvement. She pulled the dildo from Adrienne's clenching little cave and stuck it by the suction cup to the middle of the island.
         "Slide your little pussy down on it and ride it," Theodora instructed as Adrienne stared at wiggling cock in the middle of the island. Adrienne turned onto her tummy, almost laying on one of the weights that hung from her breasts, and got on her knees, sliding on them until she was over the dildo and slowly lowered herself onto the faux cock before pulling her legs out from under her to balance on her toes. She began to slowly bounce on the cock, rolling her eyes back as she rode slow and steady at first, but gradually picked up speed.
         "Milk your clit," Theodora commanded, "but don't you dare cum until I grant you permission to do so."
         Adrienne bit her lip but slid her pretty, manicured fingers between her legs and did exactly as she'd been told, but in doing so she'd stopped riding the shaft.
         "I didn't say stop riding, did I?" Theodora asked with a gentle smack of the crop on her ass, making her yelp and start bouncing again. She milked her clit, but slowed her pace as her breath began to grow heavy and Theodora knew she was about to cum. Theodora smiled at the weights that swung from Adrienne's perky little breasts, and with each swing they tugged her sensitive nipples, just bringing her that much closer to climax. She was ready to burst and Theodora knew it and bent the girl over a bit, but not enough to bring her off the cock.
         "Keep riding," Theodora said and began to paddle Adrienne's ass with crop as she ground her hips down onto the cock.
         "Fuck, Theodora," Adrienne screamed as she tossed her head back, her breasts bouncing making the weights do the same, "I'm going to cum."
         Theodora ended the spank with a very hard smack to Adrienne's ass that was sure to leave a welt, "Who? And are you telling me what you're going to do? If so, you really haven't learned anything, have you?" Theodora tapped the crop against the palm of her hand, then crossed her arms and walked around the island.
         "I meant Mistress, I'm sorry," Adrienne apologized vehemently, "I'm just so close I feel like my head might explode. Please, may I cum Mistress."
         "That was a bit better," Theodora said with a smile, her arms still crossed. "Cum for me, Kitten."
         Adrienne rode harder and faster, her pretty, little ass slapping against the countertop as she squeezed and tugged her fattened little bud, screaming as she came hard on the cock suctioned to the counter. Her legs gave out and she fell onto the cock, screaming a bit louder as it rammed her cervix, making her bottom out. Adrienne slowly fell onto her back on the counter, spent, and the faux cock slide from her dripping cunt onto the granite surface, sticky with Adrienne's fresh juices.
         "You did very well, Little One, " Theodora smiled and stroked her hair. "I'm very pleased."
         Adrienne simply nodded as she lay on the island, trying to catch her breath. Theodora smiled knowingly and made Adrienne a glass of iced water and helped her sit up to drink it. Adrienne took a few large gulps then rested her head against Theodora's chest and cried.
         "Are you alright Adrienne?" Theodora asked, her tone concerned, but she was pretty sure she knew why Adrienne was crying.
         "Y-yes, Mistress," she replied between sobs, "I've just never cum that hard before and it felt so good and--" she began to sob harder and Theodora held her head gently against her chest.
         "Shh," Theodora shushed her and smoothed her hair down her back, "It's okay to use my name now, and I understand completely. Just try to remember the breathing techniques I taught you and try to calm down." She gently stroked Adrienne's back in lazy circles as the girl took deep breaths and long exhales. So enough, Adrienne was calm in her arms, her sobs and wails slowly dying in her throat as she lay against Theodora's chest.
         "Good girl," Theodora said as she pulled Adrienne off of the island and onto her feet. "Now, go shower up and I'll make us some dinner."
         "But I said I would make dinner," Adrienne retorted with a soft yawn.
         "Are you disobeying me, Kitten?" Theodora raised a brow as she looked down at the shorter woman in her arms.
         "N-no, I just said I'd make you a real meal after our picnic."
         "And I told you to go get in the shower and I will make dinner. Is that clear, Ms. Thorne?"
         "Y-yes Mistress," Adrienne rubbed her neck, but headed toward the bathroom to clean herself up.

         Theodora turned on the oven while she stabbed the potatoes with a fork to vent them and smeared the skins with a light coating of olive oil followed by a sprinkle of salt and pepper and tossed them in the oven to bake. She grabbed some butter, a garlic bulb and a couple sprigs of thyme. She chopped the garlic finely and tossed it in a pan to sautee with the green beans. She proceeded to grab a cast iron skillet and placed it on the stove to preheat while she rinsed the steaks and dried them with a paper towel. She seasoned them with salt, pepper and garlic powder so she could get a nice sear on them, then she put a tablespoon or two of oil in the pan then lay the steaks in, hearing a beautiful sizzle as the meat hit the metal. Shes tossed the thyme in with a knob of butter to baste the steak with and smiled at the beautiful aroma filling the kitchen. She hadn't been able to really cook for anyone in so long and was happy that she could for Adrienne and she acted like it was the greatest thing to ever cross her lips.
         She let the steaks cook for just a bit longer then tossed the cast iron with the steaks into the oven for the last few minutes to cook with the potatoes and wipe down the island from their previous adventure and set it with forks and knives, a wine glass for herself and a glass of ice for Adrienne for her water. Having lived with Adrienne for a few weeks now, she knew that she needed an entire carafe of water for her per setting. She filled a beautiful carafe that she'd bought from Starbucks with ice and filtered water and set a bottle of wine on the table for herself. She smiled as she lit a few candles, thinking about nothing but her little blonde angel and how she couldn't wait for her to gush over dinner like she did with every meal Theodora made. She smiled even more at the thought that it was so easy to please Adrienne that she really didn't even need to try. A good meal and cuddles and the woman was practically putty in her hands. Just as Theodora finished setting the table, her should angel popped in.
         "Hey, Theo," she smiled as she perched on Theodora's shoulder, "how are things with Adrienne?"
         "She's great," Theodora replied almost aloud as she went to grab the steak and potatoes out of the oven to let the steaks rest on the cutting board before plating them. "I was just thinking about how any little act of kindness I perform for her she's so grateful like she's never been treated like even the lowest human before."
         "Well, she has been badly abused in every sense of the word," the angel reminded Theodora softly. "It doesn't take much to take someone who's been so down most of their young adult life and make their day a little brighter with those small acts of kindness. That's the difference between Adrienne and Christina. Christina was a spoiled little brat, in a material sense and from an emotional aspect with you and she used you and abused you for everything you had. This one appreciates even the smallest actions that you go out of your way to perform. Not sure if you can tell but even after you fuck her, when you take of her, she is oh-so grateful for your tender, loving aftercare."
© Copyright 2019 Veronika Baron (kelsprincess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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