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Rated: 18+ · Sample · Dark · #2194840
An idea into an anxiety attack.
She felt trapped inside of the walls that constantly surrounded her. The feeling of being watched was overwhelming. She held her head in her hands. Darkness was growing nearer. She stood and began to pace, trying to escape her own mind. The nightmare.. she was reliving it. Something was taking over, but she wouldn't stop fighting. "Why is this happening to me?" she screamed, hoping to receive an answer. She ran from room to room, door to door, desperately trying to pry them open. Locked. She fell to her knees. The pressure was growing. She cried, begging for the pain to end. When it seemed all hope was lost, the last door swung open. She stood, trembling. Before her was a hallway which seemed to extend for miles. A light glistened at the end. "Maybe I can escape!" She began to run as quickly as she could toward the light. She ran for what seemed like forever. The voices whispered to her from behind. Nervously, she glanced back. He was there. Frightened, she kept running. The pain she felt was unlike any other. Fighting and fighting, she kept going. Darkness was beginning to surround her. She slowed, stamina low. Breathing was too hard. She fell to her knees once more, gripping her head tightly in her hands. "Please make it stop!" she cried out as she closed her eyes. She knew she needed to keep running, but she couldn't overcome the pain. She tried to stand. She located something sturdy enough to help her get up. She stood, weak at the knees. While trying to pull her hand back, she froze. What she was holding onto, was now holding onto her. She looked up. The shadow loomed over her, no chance of him letting go. She then realized, there was no escape.

It was over.
© Copyright 2019 Rosemary Lee (magicalmuggle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2194840-Trapped