Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2195679-The-Nature-of-Consciousness
Rated: E · Prose · Philosophy · #2195679
An amateur philosophical tract.
We are all one consciousness disguised as many. Reality can only be truly known to exist in the present moment. The infinite self is present within each and every one of us. The finite nature of experience is a direct illusion based on ill-perceived notion of dual consciousness. This is the fundamental teachings of all the world philosophies and religions: we are all made of the same substance therefore we should all treat each other as equals. It is a simple notion but one in which the majority of the world’s inhabitants seem to be unaware of. Selfishness and egoism predominate in the worlds of repetitive cyclical experience and oneness remains hidden and illusory. The search for God is in reality the search for the zeitgeist of the age. The disappearing and reappearing of substance and non-substance are in truth a natural state of the infinite collective. When all opposites are dissolved within self and all contradictions collapse one sees that all is within all and all is without all. There are many names for this state of consciousness but none of them give justice to the thing of which can only be described as Non-dual. Beyond form and formless it is neither this nor that. It is ineffable and illusory bringing with it neither peace nor anxiety but rather a sense of truth and knowledge. If all things become one the finite nature of the system will again become unstable and impure. Henceforth this thing will redivide itself into many things and reintegration will in given time reoccur. This unique state of being can only be experienced after a long period of trial and error. Once purity has been distilled it will disintegrate before one’s eyes revealing the fundamental nihilism present within all living beings. Dehumanization is in reality a product of the foolish attachment to duality and separateness. Ideals of goodness and morality are inherently relative to each individual and their place within time-space. In this state of non-dual consciousness academic jargon can only be seen to be as foolish ramblings of madmen. In this state one will see that indeed no choice matters and language is merely the exchange of useless information in repetitive cycles. Nothing is real and so is everything. This makes sense only to a blessed few among the accursed many but those few who do find themselves within all things become truly free from the limits of determinism. This may sound like madness to you and if it does then find solace in agnosticism. It is better to not know than to know.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2195679-The-Nature-of-Consciousness