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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2195834
Shinsey returns after betrayal
Blood dripped from his sword as Shinsey knocked down another door that bared his way. One by one the guards behind the door fell to his blade. Sword clashed against sword, sword clashed against armor, it mattered not, flesh and bone were both strewn on the ground in his wake. An eerie silence followed him.
He continued to press on toward the inner chamber. More guards came, and more guards fell. Shinsey found Jofmer hiding in his quarters, fear shone in his eyes and filled his soul when he saw Shinsey enter.
Jofmer scrambled back up against the stone wall, words tumbled from his lips as Shinsey ran his sword through his gut.
“How can you be here?” Jofmer gasped, blood trickling out of his mouth. “You were supposed to be dead”
Shinsey said nothing as he pulled his sword out and wiped it on Jofmer’s shirt before leaving the room, moving once more toward the innermost chamber. Coughing, Jofmer whispered ‘I am sorry Angelica.’ A tear rolled down his cheek. ‘I am so sorry.’ The light faded from his eyes and he breathed his last, his hand clutching the amulet that Angelica had given him when they were still children.
Shinsey continued his path of death until he reached the inner chamber door. He broke the lock with his sword and stepped in. Eight guards stood with weapons drawn, their eyes showing the same fear as Jofmer’s had as they looked at this man; the same man that had been hailed as a hero by the very people that now stood in his way. His once shining armor was now covered with gashes and holes, the elegance had been cover up with dirt and blood. All eight attacked him, and all eight fell.
Shinsey stood in the midst of the bodies as he looked the room over until he saw it, the still body laying near the foot of the lord-throne. He slowly walked up to the body, clearly seeing the knife handle protruding from it. Lord Desenor cowered behind his throne as Shinsey approached.
Shinsey knelt by Angelica’s side, and rolled her so he could see her face as he reached to pull out the dagger. Desenor attempted to flee out the door but was stopped by Shinsey’s sword, as it was flung across the room before burying itself blade first into the wall in front of Desenor. Shinsey approached Desenor with the dagger he had pulled from Angelica’s corpse.
Shinsey spoke for the first time since the attack in the mountain’s the day before.
“After everything, after all the people I saved, all the monsters I killed, all the homes I helped rebuild, even after I rebuilt your kingdom, you still turned on me and used me!” Shinsey shouted. Desenor was shaking so hard he couldn’t stand, he was on the ground attempting to crawl away.
“I never asked to be a part of your world! But Angelica wanted me to become the hero, she wanted me to save all of you! She believe I was somebody more, and so I became your people’s hero. I pledged myself to you, and yet, was it enough?! Was it! “Shinsey now stood over the weeping Desenor, dagger raised. “I gave you everything, and yet you still sought to take everything for yourself.”
Shinsey plunger the dagger into Desenor’s chest, aiming for a lung.
“So I shall take everything of yours, just as you took everything of mine”
Desenor howled in pain. “Please” he sputtered. “Spare me, have mercy!”
Shinsey grabbed him by the throat and raised him up level with his face. “Mercy? A hero gives mercy, but i am no longer your hero”
Shinsey flung Desenor toward the door. Desenor, struggling to raise and coughing blood into the floor, pleaded with him. “Please, at least spare my son!”
“You ask me to spare your child yet you just killed mine!” Shinsey roared at him, tearing his sword out of the wall, causing the stone and mortar to crumble.
Denesor cried for mercy, yet his cry fell on deaf ears as Shinsey cut off his head. Thus Shinsey, the Hero of Silverwall, The Legion Slayer, and the Destroyer of the Monster Lord, killed Denesor, Lord of Silverwall.

Shinsey knelt once again by Angelica’s side, tears beginning to fall freely. He picked up her body, and cradled her in his arms. Memories of their journeys together flashed through his mind, from the day she summoned him from his world by accident to the day they decided they were in love. He placed his hand on her belly, remembering the heartbeat of his unborn child.
“I’m sorry,” he cried. “I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have left you by yourself. I should have stayed by your side, I should have seen the trap!”
He caressed her cheek, his hand covered in the blood of her countrymen. ‘How did it come to this?’ He thought to himself. ‘How did it go so wrong? It has to be a dream. It’s a nightmare right? I’ll wake up here in a moment and find her next to me in bed.’
“Right Angelica?” He asked out loud.
“You can’t leave me alone, you said our journey through life would be together, I can’t go on without you.”

Darkness fell as night came. The mountain fortress was quiet for the first time in an age. The flags flew in the night breeze, standing alone atop of the wall, their guards would never return to their post. The dead littered the halls, blood filled the drains. Scouts from the city fled back with the news that some new demon had taken the fortress, and panic rose.
Several days later an army arrived and searched the fortress, searching for the creatures that had done this, yet they found nothing. To this day the mountain fortress is deserted and the local’s claim it is haunted.
No one was ever sure what happened to the hero of Silverwall. Some claim that he was killed by the mysterious attackers, while other believe he pursued them after the attack, and will return one day when the land is in need of him. No one ever knew the truth.
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