Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2199833-monkey-in-the-legend
by NG
Rated: E · Article · Cultural · #2199833
monkey in the legend

500 hundred years ago. There was a big stone on the top of the mountain. After rain and sunshine with time accumulated, it becomes a monkey. He absorbed the elites of the universe and looks like human being. He led a very happy life in the cave with other monkeys. One day he was upset because he feels the limit of life will finally come. So he decided to leave the paradise life in the mountain and started to visit all over the world to see the great master of the universe and learn the way to live forever.

As time goes by,he found this master and learned the great skills on the earth.No one can defeat him hereafter. His marvelous ability shocked the gods upside the heaven. There were scared and nervous if this creature would bring the people some damages. So they give the monkey one opportunity to be a officer in the heaven loyal palace. Everything seems great.

The monkey is the elites of all the spirits absorbed downside and upside, so it is indeed arrogant and ignorant of everything. The days in the royal palace was not peaceful.He made it all in mess and bothered other gods, brought conflicts everywhere. Left away to the downside normal life after damage the orders in the heaven.

This leads to a big disaster of the gods and goddess. And they raised the war to him. The monkey fought with the gods and goddess many days and nights.Displayed a horrible capability in fighting. Finally Rulai god defeated him by giant magic arts. The monkey was forced to berried alively under the mountain.Rulai said to him, there will be a monk from the east to the west coming passing through this mountain. He will be your master and as he revealed this seal on the top of the mountain. You will be saved and free again.

The monkey waited until that day arrives and protected this monk without any magic power to the west to get true knowledge to purdue the human being. During the journey, there are also 2 other monks who has the same kind of experience as the monkey accompany the main monk .One is a pig and one is a monster.They met 81 kinds of disasters but kept dignity and existence and finally arrived the goal and see Rulai god again.

In our experience. We usually have 2 of us. One is the legend feature which is almighty. Another is the ordinary character which is normal and full of challenges. You can win a person but you can never defeat any of them. The being has its reasons of his existence. The monkey at the end was called the the gods from the heaven as "fighting king". His life is a legend about an outside fighting of a genius to an inside self cultivation of a real god.

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