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Feminism Theory

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Pride and prejudice (feminism theory)


Feminism refers to a collection of ideologies, and movements that share common goals and objectives to establish, define and achieve equal economic, political, social and cultural rights for women. Feminism seeks to establish opportunities to women equally in employments as well as education with the aim of empowering them (berg, and Nina, 300). Through feminism activities, women rights have been looked into and opportunities provided to them. This makes feminism to be in a form of social theory because it is included in the political, social and economic context (Grunig, et al, 50). Its major aim is to fight for the rights as well as their roles in society. This essay will analyze the feminism theory providing its benefits in the society and the way it comes about.

Development and growth of cultural and social structure in the society have played a very significant role in distinguishing the feasibility of men and women in society. This is due to the fact that traditionally women have been discriminated and their roles in the society were not recognized (Suaidi, 85). This discrimination triggered harassment among the women but feminism came to generalize women. With the help of the theory, women rights have since been obtained and their roles have been well defined. There have been various social criticism made by women in society (85). This makes them feel that their social status can be replaced through physical movements and with the help of ideologies. This has been the major source of feminism in society.

One of the major ways of women to fight for their rights with the help of feminism is expressing themselves with the help of literary work. Literature helps them to express themselves in the world of beauty and truth (Suaidi, 86). Through literature, feminists have been able to outwardly and inwardly support the overall idea of equal opportunities and rights for women as they are for their men counterparts. Literary works have therefore become a reflection of people's lives in society. This makes it possible for women to air grievances and fight for their rights with the help of language (86). It plays a very significant role in modelling reality. It becomes a clear description of reality.

According to berg (302), feminist theory in sociology plays a vital role in shifting its analytic lens, assumptions as well as topical focus from the viewpoint of the male. Experiences are therefore shifted towards the lives of women and girls in general. This is done by bringing light on social trends, problems as well as the issues that affect women. This is because of the overlooking and misidentifying women roles in the society which have previously been a male-dominated one. Feminism as a theory, focus on a number of issues that help in making sure that women have been recognized. However, it is good to understand that feminists do not exclusively focus on women and girls and promote their superiority over their men counterparts. On the other hand, it focuses on formulating favourable gender roles as well as stereotypes. It also focuses on economic and structural changes that will provide a better environment for women rights and opportunities (Suaidi, 86). Through feminism, oppression and power have been dealt with them and this makes the role of women in the society to be outlined as having the same abilities and capabilities like their men counterparts. Exclusion and discrimination that comes on gender and sex basis will be reduced significantly through feminist activities.

Basically, feminism has been split between theory and activism (Khanna, 208). Feminisms usually struggle with inadequacies that have been perceived as universalism feminists (208). Through theory, the social world has been viewed in such a way that it will illuminate those forces that support and create oppression, inequality as well as injustice. While doing this, the pursuit of justice and equality is promoted where all individuals in society will enjoy their rights and opportunities without discrimination. This is due to the fact that the perspectives and experiences of girls and women were traditionally excluded from social science as well as social theory. With the help of feminist theory, experiences and interactions in the society will be focused on well and changes will be effected in the people will understand and see their relations, social forces as well as the problems affecting them (Khanna, 209). In today's world, feminists' theorists include men and women who believe that equal rights and opportunities are important in society.

Some feminist theories have provided a framework that is analytical in understanding women and their location, social situations as well as experience which is different from men's. There are some values that are associated with femininity and womanhood (Grunig, 52). This may be used to explain the reason behind the differences in how men and women view the social world. Others will say that there are different roles that society has assigned to men and women. This may be the major cause of differences between the two genders and the reason behind discrimination against women and girls. However, feminists have played a very significant role in making sure that these beliefs are done away with to recognize the women roles as important in society.

Through feminist theories, gender inequality has been focused on. This is through recognition of women experience and location in their social situations which have been different as well as unequal from those of men (Grunig, 52). This has been a major cause of feminists to try and fight for the roles as well as the rights of women. Liberal feminists, on the other hand, have been at the forefront in making people understand that men and women have the same capacity in their reasoning. However, some men deny their female counterparts an opportunity for reasoning as well as assuming some roles they believe that they are supposed to be for men (Khanna, 210). These thoughts have been the basis for dynamics that are meant to shove women and girls in the private sphere of staying at home, therefore, excluding them in participating in public life. It, therefore, becomes necessary for women and some men to fight for the women rights and showing that they have the same abilities and capabilities as their men counterparts.

Gender oppression has been one of the characteristics of inequality where men and women are considered. Gender oppression means that women are different from men and they are not supposed to assume roles that have been perceived as meant for the male. This has made the psychoanalytic feminists explain relations of power between men and women. Radical feminists have also been at the forefront of looking at women as being able to assume men roles. This is against the patriarchal societies who oppress their women.


In conclusion, feminist theory seeks to reduce women gender inequality where women are viewed as inferior especially in patriarchal societies. This made these theorists try and fight for the rights of women and girls with the provision of equal opportunities in public life. Development and growth of cultural and social structure in society have played a very significant role in distinguishing the feasibility of men and women in society. Feminist theory in sociology plays a vital role in shifting its analytic lens, assumptions as well as topical focus from the viewpoint of the male. Experiences are therefore shifted towards the lives of women and girls in general. This means that feminism is a split between theory and activism.

Work cited

berg, Cecilia, and Nina Lykke. "Feminist Technoscience Studies." European Journal of

Womens Studies, vol. 17, no. 4, 2010, pp. 299-305., doi:10.1177/1350506810377692.

Grunig, Larissa A., et al. "Feminist Values in Public Relations." Journal of Public Relations

Research, vol. 12, no. 1, 2010, pp. 49-68., doi:10.1207/s1532754xjprr1201_4.

Khanna, Ranjana. Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism. Duke Univ. Press, 2004.

Suaidi, Suaidi. "Feminism Reflected In Pride And Prejudice Novel By Jane Austen

1813." Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa Dan Sastra, vol. 3, no. 1, 2016, p. 85., doi:10.21067/jibs.v3i1.1157.

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