Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2213167-Dragon-Ball-Z-Giantess
by Eagel
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #2213167
You are Gohan and have shrunk to almost an inch tall! What will happen next?
Gohan flew home one day after training with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Just before he reached his mother’s house he felt a tingling sensation and his vision went blank.

He woke up, his head throbbing uncontrollably. He saw massive green blades surrounding him and thought to fly, but he failed. He started to panic, as he could no longer fly. He then looked around him and noticed that the trees around him were hundreds of times larger than the ones he was used to. Had he been transported to a different planet? Ahead of him he saw his house. But this was not right. The door alone stretched for what seemed like hundreds of metres upwards to Gohan. He came to the conclusion he had shrunk and started to panic. What would he do? He couldn’t fly anymore so how would he escape trouble? He then felt a rush of wind stronger than any he had ever felt before.

The door ahead of him had been opened. Before him Gohan saw something that shook him to his core. He saw his mother, tall as a skyscraper, stride out of the door. Her voice boomed:”I heard something out here. What is it?” Gohan stood paralysed in fear as his mother stood before him barefoot towering over him as if he was some sort of bug. He tried to scream at her to notice him but all she did was glance in his direction, barely registering the sound and not noticing her insect-sized child hyperventilating within the grass due to the length of the grass in comparison to Gohan’s tiny body. He heard a massive boom and felt another gale of wind which now knocked Gohan down to the floor. A rancid stench stung in his nostrils. His mother Chichi’s foot had landed barely millimetres from her terrified child’s body. Suddenly, Chichi’s foot began to shift, threatening to crush Gohan beneath it’s sole. As it descended upon him, Gohan held his arms before him in self-defence and miraculously the foot did not crush it’s victim to a pulp. Chichi, noticing this obstruction, looked beneath her foot and noticed Gohan, now sweating from the effort he expended trying to cling on to his life.

Chichi then watched carefully as the ground where her foot was almost upon started moving, with Gohan standing up, his whole body quivering with fear from his near death experience. Gohan then noticed his situation. Chichi was staring at him, transfixed. Her eyes glinted with curiosity as she tried to identify the miniscule object in the grass. She held out her hand and snatched Gohan from between the grass and held him up in front of her face as he screamed in terror and pain. His entire body was at the mercy of her thumb and index finger as she still attempted to identify what the creature in front of her was. She then moved it closer to her eye and noticed it was a human. Not just any human, but her son, Gohan! As she noticed this a smile crept on her face and her grip relaxed as to cause less pain on her son. “How did you get so small sweetie?” She asked in an unprecedented happy tone. Gohan still quivered, his mother’s booming voice like thunder in his ears. “I don’t know mum,” Gohan replied, trying his best to ignore his mother’s smirk. “Well then, let me take you inside, so you feel more comfortable,” Chichi stated.

Gohan was placed upon the table in the kitchen as his mother propped her mountainous face closer to her son, so she could hear him properly. Gohan felt the table vibrate as his mother asked:”You want anything to eat, Gohan?”
“Ok, I do feel kinda hungry,” he replied, still worried about his mother’s nonchalant smile. She turned around and started to prepare something, giving time for Gohan to process his surroundings. He knew he was in his house, and this was his mother, but how did he shrink? How would he get back to normal size? All these questions whizzed through the round boy’s head until he heard Chichi’s booming footsteps as she walked towards the table, bringing Gohan some breadcrumbs from her sandwich for his meal. The breadcrumbs were still huge in comparison to Gohan’s current stature, but being half saiyan, he could still eat the meal with no problems. Gohan inhaled his meal as his mum watched, still eating her meal. As his mother finished eating, Gohan asked his mother how he could get bigger. Her only reply was “I’m not sure son, we’ll ask Bulma to help you,” Gohan still had not adapted to his current size, so the size of simple household objects still amazed him.

Chichi then picked Gohan up and held him up to her face as she took colossal steps to her bedroom. Gohan was put unto the bed as Chichi knelt down as to stay level with her tiny son. Chichi then brought her lips to Gohan and kissed him. “I’m glad you’re safe, but it’s time to study. Gohan protested as he was as small as an ant and therefore couldn’t study but his mother reassured him that he still could, even at his current size. “How mum? How can I still study at this size?” Gohan asked, getting quite irritated with his gigantic mother.
“I’ll show you sweetie,” Chichi said while simultaneously taking off her clothes. “Mum what are you doing?” Gohan said in a panic as his skyscraper-like mother stood stark naked in front of him. “Gohan I’m going to teach you about the female body, in detail,” she added. Gohan was still scared of his exposed mother standing in front of him, and due to this agreed to study with her. Gohan felt his whole world shake as his mother climbed onto the bed with her son. Her mountain-sized breasts were colossal to any normal sized person, but to Gohan they were like whole houses. Gohan felt an erection in his underwear, but chose to ignore it. His mother then attempted to undress Gohan, which indicated to Gohan that this was going to include a whole lot more that studying.

Gohan couldn’t run, but he still had his super strength and durability, which would mean that this would not be fatal, but Gohan panicked nonetheless. Chichi managed to undress Gohan and saw his erect genitalia, which made her giggle. “Mommy made you excited didn’t she?” Chichi teased, poking her child with a finger bigger than himself. Gohan’s mother then picked him up and pushed him deep within her cleavage and tasked her son to get his head above her boobs to the point that it could be seen. Gohan struggled with this task as the boobs were caked in sweat, making him slip every time he made progress. When Gohan has almost reached his goal, Chichi’s massive breasts parted slightly, making him fall and return to where he started. Her boobs reeked of sweat, and the smell was all he knew for the minutes he was between his mother’s breasts. At some points her cleavage would compress, slightly crushing Gohan. At some point after Gohan had struggled to no avail within Chichi’s boobs, her massive fingers descended and grabbed Gohan, pulling him up to her face. She had a stern look in her eyes, as if she was disappointed and angry at the same time. She said:”This is not a game! I am trying to teach you! And you aren’t even trying to complete my tasks!” Chichi was shouting now,”That’s it! You are going to be punished until I feel you are ready to go on. I hope you regret not listening to me!” She then placed Gohan in front of where her feet were, which stood like buildings compared to Chichi’s shrunken son Gohan.

“ Now then, worship my feet.” Chichi demanded, wriggling her toes, which individually was bigger than Gohan himself. The feet of the giantess still smelled horrible, but simultaneously smelled beautiful to Gohan. Gohan got down on his knees and licked his mother’s heel, which was the point where Gohan realised his mother’s feet were literally drenched in sweat. He kept licking and heard his mother breathing heavily, which confused Gohan. Chichi’s foot then violently slammed into Gohan’s body, knocking him down. Chichi’s foot then came down on him but instead of it hurting, it felt soft and soothing to the child. He licked the titanic feet which filled his vision once again and Chichi said “Keep doing that and I will let you stop,” so Gohan kept licking his mum’s heel until he felt her whole foot rub against him, turning him on. He then lay beneath her sole and the sweat poured onto the poor child’s body as he had to drink his mother’ foot sweat to appease her. He kissed, licked and rubbed her feet and still she would not let him stop. The smell still continued to assault Gohan’s nose but he had grown accustomed to it over the hours, actually starting to enjoy it. After what seemed like eons, Chichi lifted her foot.

“Good job my little boy,” said Chichi,”I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.” Chichi then placed Gohan closer to her and lay down, exposing her vagina to her son. “Don’t worry, Gohan, I’m not going to put you in there. This is a vagina. Every woman has one and it helps them reproduce.” Chichi finished. She sat back up and looked down at her son, who stood at his mother’s thigh’s, still scared of what his mother would force him to do next. But the tension was interrupted with Chichi saying “ I’m going to call Bulma now, she might be able to fix your size.” This made Gohan ecstatic as he dreaded having to stay at this size forever and shivered at the things his mother would force him to do at his size if she was willing to force her own son to worship her feet and trap him between her breasts.

Chichi got up to call Bulma and told Gohan to go to sleep as she did so. Chichi then left the room and Gohan curled up on the pillow to rest. Hours later, in the middle of the night, he felt a heavy object warp the world around him as his mother lay down next to him, tucking him into the blanket.

The next day, Gohan woke up later than his mother as his mother was fully ready by the time her son had woken up. He yawned and Chichi told him to go and get ready for Bulma’s arrival. Gohan put on his clothes and walked to his mother, whose attention he couldn’t get due to him now being at her feet. He climbed up her feet up to her shoulder until she noticed him and placed him on a table near the front door as the doorbell rang. Bulma had arrived. Chichi and Bulma greeted each other, but Bulma was not dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a swimsuit of sorts, which was would have been too revealing for Gohan just a few days ago, but after seeing a naked giant last night his mind was corrupted. Chichi then lead Bulma to the table and both giant women sat down. Bulma saw Gohan and squealed in excitement and exclaimed “He’s so cute!” while gently rubbing his head with her finger. Gohan blushed and greeted her. He then asked her if she could fix his size, but she replied “Why would we want that, you’re so cute at this size!” with which his mother smiled and nodded in agreement. Gohan was terrified. Would he be stuck like this forever?

“No, please help me Bulma, I’m scared and I need your help to grow back!” Gohan had got into his knees to beg Bulma to help him. Instead of heeding his wish, Bulma then just laughed and patted him on the head again. He was petrified. Was she out of her mind? Why was she not helping her? He broke down, tears flowing freely down his cheeks, feeling hopeless. He couldn’t fight or talk his way out of this. He was too weak and too helpless. His mother and her guest noticed this and attempted to comfort him by assuring him he would be grown back to his regular size soon, Bulma just had to build the machine to do so.

© Copyright 2020 Eagel (eagell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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