Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2224666-A--Furry-Fiend-to-My-Feathered-Friends
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2224666
I swear this is a true story.
"A Furry Fiend to My Feathered Friends"

This day began with unforgiving dry heat.
The bird bath begged for a refill.
No sooner stepping away with the garden hose,
two cardinals, Mama and Pappa splashed a "thank you".
Receiving their note of appreciation,
I smiled back, "you're welcome".
I whispered an invitation to visit the feeder recently filled.

Satisfied I had provided for my feathered friends,
I retreated inside to my recliner, a cold drink, and a new book.
Chattering birds gathered hungrily at the feeder
on the other side of my closed window.
Another smile decorated my face
as the happy flock snacked heartily.
The wind-chime of small cow bells attached
to the same shepherd's hook as the Bird Cafe,
remained quiet. No wind on this morning of unrelenting heat.

Suddenly, all peace and joy was shattered
when bells clanged loudly, shooing away small winged-diners.
Over my left shoulder, I witnessed in shock and disgust
at the uninvited guest robbing the cafe.
I banged on the window. I shouted angrily, "Go away!
I banged and banged, and shouted again.
Yet the squirrel looked at me as if to say, "Make me."

Consumed with fury at this intrusion,
I grabbed a dish towel and ran outside to chase away
the Dark furry Invader.
I'm certain the neighbors witnessed quite the sight,
as this white-haired old lady ran around the yard
having a hissy fit, screaming and waving a towel in the air
like a flag in a protest of a different kind.

With mission accomplished and birds returned to eat,
I also returned breathlessly to my recliner by the window.
After a sigh of relief, I once again enjoyed the company
and entertainment of happy chirping at the Bird Cafe.

But it was only a few moments later, bell chimes sounding
the alarm. A warning of chaos beginning
with a return of the stubborn intruder.
Same scenario repeated three times.
I felt the eyes of neighbors enjoying the performance
of a lunatic lady reenacting her livid behavior, hollering
and running amok in her yard.
Or perhaps someone's finger was hovering
in those moments over the cell phone's 911 button.
In my head, "The're coming to take me away, haha"!

Nevertheless, I soon tired of this repetitive chase scene.
I simply ran out of steam. Time for a new plan.
I replaced my previous smile with a smirk, as I searched
under the sink cabinet for something. Anything.
Ah ha, a spray bottle of vinegar will do.
Harmless and surely a smelly deterrent. For a squirrel.

I set it on the table by the chair, and opened the window.
It was not long before the scoundrel
climbed up to a surprise; more than he bargained for
when expecting to get only something to eat.
When I heard the noise makers announcing the furry fiend,
I was no longer armed with waving cloth,
nor intentions of returning to the yard. With a quick spray
through the screen, poof. He scurried away
and ran up a large oak tree.

Satisfaction splayed all over my face. A feat accomplished.
I settled back to relax and read.
But. Oh. No! Not discouraged with my first attempt
to dissuade him from food thievery, AGAIN, up the pole.
Again, he was greeted with an angry shout and vinegar spray.

As I sit here now by the window on sentry duty,
I do believe my pappa cardinal friend returned
to help save the day. He lit onto the feeder, looked at me to say,
"I've got this".
I do believe he also enlisted Mr. Blue Jay,
another scrapper, noisy, and feisty feathered friend. Mr. Blue
and Pappa C are here to keep me company and the Bird Cafe
opened only to the kindred kind.

72 line count

(Prompt from WDC: Pick three random items that all have something in common and write a creative piece about that "something".
1. Birdbath
2. Bell wind chime
3. Bird feeder
Something in common: The "care taking" of my feathered friends.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2224666-A--Furry-Fiend-to-My-Feathered-Friends