Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2225412-Memorial-Day
Rated: E · Poetry · History · #2225412
About Memorial's day and what it's all about
Memorial Day is about more than a burger and some fries about more than a day off I can tell you no lies
Memorial Day should not be a disguised only as a day for me and you to eat Memorial Day is really quite special it's about those that fought and died for our country you see so we could enjoy certain freedom's
Memorial Day is about freedom not really being free someone paid for our freedom's with their lives
Memorial Day is about freedom for all the black, the white, the lame and all the rest if we can't see that then that's truly a shame
Memorial Day it's ok to go on your picnic but remember those that gave their lives so that you could freely picnic remember those of color that fought so bravely for our country even though during that time many still couldn't, didn't recognize their right to be free, to be equal
Memorial Day y'all recognize your freedom isn't free it cost plenty for many and eat your burger fine but remember those that died so you can wine and dine without too much distress.
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