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Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #2227017
Marie Sarin was always pushed aside in the demon world until now.
Dusk till Dawn:


The palace was calm and quiet. As the soft rustle of my dress dragged against the polished stone floors. I didn't see the eyes of the guards as I quietly walked past. Their bronze armor gleaming in the lamplight. I held my head high as I passed the diplomats and the other demons who avoided my eye. The whispering thoughts whizzing in my ears,

"A fine wench only for a man's-"

"She is such a bitch"

"Never gonna marry with that look"

"Wench, only good for a fucking"

Nevertheless I headed to my personal study the room filled with books and papers from kingdoms all around. The navy walled room smelled of peppermint and papers. The soft music echoed from a small glowing orb in the air, piano, "Love's Sorrow."

Despite my status as a general in my sister, Emily's army. I still held my head high as I would as a princess of the kingdom. Very few talked to me about such frivolous princess topics like what dress to wear, which prince I find attractive, or my renunciation of my crown.

Most chose to talk about the affair of the state or my possible suitors, princely and other. Whom I saw no opinion in discussing since no man or woman caught my eye. I just calmly told them what they wished to hear.

I sat in my leather chair behind a onyx stained mahogany desk. The simple desk held the papers that held lives in my hands. I sighed against the leather upholstery. As I tried to think about my next immediate plan to avoid people. My thoughts were quickly broken by a knock at the door. My gaze shifting to the oak doors. Letting a soft sigh escape me I said politely,

"Come in" My sister Catherine entered her mossy eyes bright and cheerful behind her cool disposition. I gave her a smile as I motioned her to sit. Behind her my sister's soon to be husband Blake Heart. Emily's biological brother. Where my father had found Emily and adopted her from the bloodshed of the dragon of water. Catherine and Blake held the other's hand as I sat my eyes gazing at the two. Happily Blake said,

"We wish you could be the maid of honor for the wedding Marie" his eyes and thoughts rang true to word. I smiled nodding,

"Of course, what would I have to do?" I asked. Catherine green eye shining with pride.

"Wear your uniform, walk me down the aisle, hand me away. I would love you to do it instead of him.." she said, our father. His drunken self at the wedding would be a dishonor to her and her marriage. "So is that the only thing Blake?" Looking at her man, his blue eyes glowing in a loving gaze. He combed his black hair back with his fingers. He smiled,

"Keep that annoyance of a sister of yours then we only need to order the dress" Blake said. I grinned, already knowing that the two of them hate each other to the point of no return.

"That will be easy," I hope, "As for the dress. I can make that easy for you Catherine. The traditional white with your type of style," I said smiling as my pen moved on paper designing what my mind had thought for months after meeting the pair.

The water dragon kingdom was more than happy with the alliance. As their missing princess to return with the other Dragon kings were trying to get the new Queen of the Water Dragon Kingdom with lackeys-suitors in no shape to handle Emily's mind and will. I smirked as a second knock at my door. Yuri my stepmother walked in her kind brown eyes and lush brown hair that framed her pale face. Her eyes were staring into my own. I smiled,

"Mother come in, we were just discussing some wedding plans for the lovely couple" I said as Yuri sat on a love couch in my study the leather upholstery a bright maroon against the fair white dress she wore. She gave a kind small smile.

"I'm glad for you Catherine as I am for you Blake, my dear Marie what is it?" She said her soft voice as kind as anyone with a pure heart.

"Mother I am to walk Catherine down the aisle in his place. I am keeping Isabel away from this wedding entirely, I just hope you aren't upset by this" I admitted. She shook her head.

"Why would I be upset" she said getting up and walking to me. She took my hand her ring warm against my cold hands. She smiled as she brushed her free hand against my cheek, "You know that I love your father but we know that would have ended badly. He may not but we all knew that would be bad" she laughed to herself. I smiled.

"You three should be heading off to bed anyways you have a long few days ahead of yourselves so I suggest a long night of sleep" Yuri said pulling me up out of my chair. She smiled as she ushered Catherine, Blake and I out of my study closing the door behind her. We smiled and headed our ways.


My short walk was calming as the guards did their rounds some smiling at me in regard. I smiled as they were quiet about my work. I quietly headed to my room my shock to find the hell hound familiar and the Octopus familiar, Atlas and Taki the two calmly sitting in my room.

"Boys, don't you know that it is rude to be in a woman's room without their permission and I am quite sure I didn't give you-" I started. Emily's voice rang as soft and sad,

"She's dead, Marie. Lilly... she's-" a soft plinking sound echoed in my room. Closing the door I quickly rushed to her my arms grasping to hold her, the soft sobs escaped her quietly as I held her. I had taught her and I loved Lilly like a mother but I knew secretly that Lilly was the daughter of Emily. Few that did know were in this room, the dragon kingdom or dead. Save for the man that killed Lilly and her father.

Mourn, Negotiate, Upset, Repeat:

The quiet atmosphere left room for millions of thoughts, questions, and yet I knew the only question that actually mattered at the time.

"How?" I asked as quietly as possible. Atlas frowned, grief in his golden eyes as his hand combed through his brown hair and his clothes bloodied as he returned his hand to his coat pocket. His voice filled with sorrow,

"She was killed from her father. Or at least that is our belief" His gold eyes gleamed with rage and sorrow. Asako, the third familiar demon of Emily's, entered my room, his crystal green eyes shining with pure rage.

"You, you let this happen to her!!" He screeched pointing at Emily. I could barely react before Atlas pinned him against the navy wall. His golden eye burning with grief stricken rage.

"She did nothing you imbicle. She didn't know about the hit. All we know is that her father is behind this" Altas snapped. The two snarled at the other while a blank gaze remained on Emily's face.

Her gaze was haunted with longing for her daughter the pain in those blue eyes a sight I had seen once before, after the return of her and Cathrine, I never asked but the sight broke my heart at her sorrow. I held her as I led her to the kitchen to make some food and something to drink. We crossed paths with Isabel. Her icy blue eyes glowing with a twisted amusement. She stood in our path her long black hair shining in the candlelight.

"Well if it isn't my dearest sisters, off to see your paramours?" She purred.

"No we're are heading to find something to calm my nerves" Emily said, "Just let us be and we'll leave you alone for the week" her eyes filled with rage fueled sorrow. Isabel smiled wickedly.

"I might if you let me have a front row seat at the wedding?" She cooed. I laughed,

"Possibly if you are tied and gagged" her eyes glowed in an icy light blue. The temperature dropping quickly. I glared at her until she eventually let us pass. Her mumbling was incoherent but the rage behind it and the annoyance in it made me grin. As we entered the kitchen most of the staff already in their beds and asleep. So of the demons who did wander around acted as per usual when Emily or myself were in the kitchen.

"So green tea and some chocolate chip cookies?" I asked grabbing the cookies.

"Sure.. you do as you do.. Marie.." Emily said softly, her eyes distant, I put the kettle on the stove, grabbing cups and the tea bags.

I delved into her mind seeing her memories, the blood, the bleak happiness in Lilly's mossy green eyes, the man that fled the scene, his grey eyes and wicked grin. Her mouth moving speaking words not ment for me, the light fading from her eyes. The feeling of my soul and Emily's soul crack into fragments as she died in Emily's arms.

The silence broken by her sobs and the whistling kettle. I poured the hot water and steeped the tea. The other demons hugged Emily and said something nice to her, despite the title most of the servants were polite and sweet, to her and I. Most of the men teasing and flirty to her, trying to get a smile. They told stories, jokes, memories rousing that sweet smile that we were coaxing out of her.

The night ending with me dragging my sister to her room and returning to see Atlas and Asako in their desired animal forms, Atlas a large black dog and Asako a large snake with its brown and black marbling on his coils. The calm and quiet sight of the two was touching. But the sleeping young demon male, Taki in the chair closest to my hearth was another story. Sighing I took one of the spare blankets and draped it over the male. I sighed before heading to sleep in my own bed.

The Father:

When the dawn broke and the shuffling of the demons woke me, but barely, but the shutting of the door woke me fully. As I quietly sat up and my room smelt of the coffee that Atlas probably had in my room for breakfast.

I yawned, stepping out of my bed and silently left the room my clothes turning into my own uniform. The gray navy coat comforting. The silent halls sweet as the next shift moved in. I felt the movements of those behind me and chose to ignore them. I didn't realize who was behind me until they spoke,

"Your highness, you are more beautiful than I imagined, forgive me but I am-" one male voice started.

"Not really worth my love, affection, or my time. Oh so sorry, but I have things to do, a dress to fit for my dear sister's wedding, and I don't have the time for you-" I said turning to look at the two. I smirked, one the half brother of Emily and some fire dragon lackey.

The brother, with his turquoise eyes glowing with lust, I chose to not currently take note of anything but the eyes of the other one. Crimson with a center of violet in the center. A smile on his face. "Two boys. So you can go and find Isabel the Jezebel and maybe you two can keep up with her, maybe"

I laughed and walked away. Enjoying the round of curses and shouts as well as a few bursts of power I smirked beneath the soldier's stone face. As I entered the war room did I feel the air become still and tense. The soldiers standing to attention and saluting. I just nodded.

"General" the soldiers said.

"Daughter, I assume your here to get me another drink then to go back to your sister" the man with fiery blue eyes said. His platinum hair long and pinned up in a coil. My eyes glowed in the light my face darkened by the ever growing sense of a argument that was soon to start. My rage spiked and as quickly as I could, I reigned it in.

"No father, I'm here to work and handle my army in my grieving sister's place" I replied cooly.

A dark and familiar chuckle echoed from behind a leather chair, as it turned did Isabel's husband Luca faced me, his blue eyes as cold and heartless as the woman he married. The silent words that echoed from his chuckle. His hands were quite fidgety as he gave my father a smile. I didn't want to partake in this charade anymore than need be.

"Oh do tell us why is her majesty grief stricken that she'd in a woman to take care of her army?" Luca asked.

"You forget your place Luca" I said venom in my throat. Father glared at me,

"No you forget yours daughter" Father growled, his eyes as cold as the ice my sister controls.

"Father, Luca has no knowledge of the armys of the world that have been attacking his own kingdom and yours. My Queen sent me to handle things for the time being, I'm caught up with what she wanted me to do and I am quite capable of handling things" I said sliding into a chair. My father's eyes ablaze with drunken rage. "And furthermore his highness has no need to be in this discussion since his kingdom is under my Queen's control" I said glancing at the pompous fool that my father had allowed to sit in the chair of powerful kings and generals.

"That is far enough out of you woman!" Luca sneered. "Begone with you. I have control of my own kingdom". His eyes ablaze with rage, his body giving of a blue glow. I gave him a cool glance.

"Then tell me why does my Queen claim your kingdom's army to be moved to areas currently overrun with bandits and crooks, and to have, how did she put it? Ah yes, 'taken the lead on what others cannot?" I cooed. Father stood and walked over to me slapping me once, raising his hand to strike me again my hand stopping him mid swing,

"Daughter you overstep" he warned. I glare at him,

"Only in your eyes my drunken father, as for this meeting I present a token of peace for his highness and her 'majesty" I said sweetly. Turning to Luca I smiled wickedly, "You abdicate power and rescind it to my Queen and she will take over paying you to keep you both in the lap of luxury that is your only choice." Luca turned red at my words, the temperature in the room spiked.

"And if he refuses?" Father asked.

"He will not earn a dime. Nothing for my dear 'sister' or you my dear brother" I chimed. A door opened and Atlas stood his eyes glowing, he stood strong as I got up and I said softly, "We are just giving the choice for you, be happy and wealthy or be poor and miserable you only have to chose. And fighting will do you no good since we control your army and your governors all agree with us, so choose you have till summer ends, brother, father" I said closing the door behind me.

"How was it?" Atlas queried. The flares of red and blue fire from beneath the door a welcome answer.

"Better than expected Atlas, only one strike didn't break skin. And we have the wedding date kept to ourselves yes?" I replied. A curt nod.

I grinned as we walked through the castle, the halls filled with portraits of my ancestors and their families. The burned tapestries we passed were the highlight of my day. The burned faces and scenery the most irresistibly different in comparison to the bleak and bland portions of art scattered on the walls. The guards nodded as I passed their work endless as ever with the wedding approaching sooner by the day. My sister to my soon to be brother, a dragon general. His mind once twisted by spells that haunted him, now a man to be married any day. I smiled to myself before,

"General," I turned to see a man dressed in formal modest but almost, kingly attire. "I'm sorry I never realized women, were generals in the Demon Kingdoms. I thought they were wives or a succubus" a man said. I looked at him, dark purple eyes paired with a nice scar running from his cheekbone to his throat, a couple of women who trailed behind him laughing behind their fans. I smiled,

"Very few women have the ability and the power to reach my rank. Most men usually give up when they try to reach for the position" I said my smile as viscous as a knife to a man's throat. Atlas grinned at the man stumbling to find words. As we stood there did a young boy run up to us. A runner.

"King Rao, Princ- General Sarin, General Moonstone" the runner said stuttering on my title panting slightly, whilst gazing upon the three of us, his thin gait and short stature made his bright hazel eyes pitying. "Her majesty Queen Emilia is looking for you and requests an audience with you three" he said. I smiled and patted the boy on the back his hazel eyes full of fear and tiredness.

"We shall see her then. My Queen is not as patient when she sends poor runners like you out my boy, go and find whomever else needs to be summoned" Atlas ordered his voice as booming as his orders on the battlefield. The boy rushed to find whomever Emily wished to discuss with. The boy a blur as King Rao and myself headed toward my sister's chambers. Atlas trailed behind me the women following Rao gave a smile before heading in the opposite direction. As we walked I took the details of Rao. His black hair that was short in the back and gave a wavy appearance in the front. His purple eyes were more navy than violet than my own as his mind thought plans for those women. I tried to make sense of his attire the maroon cloak shrouding the onyx suit that was accompanied by the charcoal trousers and black polished boots. His kingly appearance was lacking but in a pleasant way that was welcoming,

"I do apologize about before" he started I held up my hand.

"Your Majesty, if I wished for an apology from anyone it be the man I am forced to call my brother" I said. He smiled kindly, "Besides you and I are forced to be polite in front of so many, beautiful men and women, as is my friend Atlas. We have our masks Majesty" He laughed patting Atlas on the back,

"Well then call me Rao. It is good to meet a woman with the balls to speak her mind now and then" he said a man's grin on his face.

Foolish, it was foolish to associate with him, this fool for a king but he was nice, with no tricks from him mentally, no blocks or insults. As we reached her chamber the poor runner boy and Asako stood at the door, Asako glared at me and Atlas for a moment then looked away. I nodded to the boy handing to golden coins. The boy grinned rushing off.

"You still pissy?" Atlas asked his gold eyes glowing in amusement.

"You want to get your ass kicked now or later?" Asako chimed. I groaned in annoyance.

"Boys, do relax for a second please." I hissed. They quieted but the suspense was real in our minds. I knocked on the door a soft "come in" echoed in the hall.

"Emily, are you-" I started seeing her brushing her hair in a calm manner. The raven haired man sitting across from her a friend to her and me. I rushed over hugging him kindly. "Hasul you bastard, you said you only can come-" I chirped.

"I can come and go as I please my dear. You know me never a dull moment and never a dull day" he purred his emerald eyes shining sweetly as his kissed my forehead.

"The God of death" I said as Hasul bowed, his eyes focused on the men over my sister. I shrugged at the shocked expression from Rao.

"Rao, Atlas, Askao, Marie, you and Hasul are all aware of Lilly's, unfortunate and tragic murder. So I will be quick about this" Emily said softly her eyes gazed at us. "I plan to bring her back. I know its dumb and immature of me to do it so soon but having you all know make me feel better" she smiled sadly. I hugged her as Rao came over and said,

"Well, my dear you saved my life and multiple years of scrutiny from your demonic siblings so I will follow you into a battle of politics any day" he smiled. Emily kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Rao that means a lot" she said softly. "Despite our differences you helped me and Catherine when Blake was crazy, and when I was spelled by Akai" I smiled and kissed her temple, the memory of the dead priest who possessed her, tortured her.

"Only for you, my queen" he said kneeling before her and me, "You are ment to rule the water demon and dragon kingdoms, and I'll follow you my dear till the end" he vowed, smirking like a fool. I tried to hid my own smile and the soft blush that formed on my face. Rao and Atlas talked with Asako as I quietly asked Emily,

"So how are you going to deal with father and Isabel" she whispered back,

"I don't know, Isabel controls him with booze and Yuri has no control of him anymore since they now sleep in different rooms". My eyes darting to the door as a knock reverberated throughout the room. As the door opened without permission, we all tried to contain our rage as Isabel and Father entered the runner bowing deep and leaving quickly. The two reeking of booze but Isabel seemed sober.

"Daughter, I see you and your, servants are fraternizing with his Majesty, King Rao, I assume you and my daughters are enjoying yourselves" his blue eyes icy and dark. His voice low and slurred. I tried to act civilized for him when he was like this.

"Father, Isabel, what brings you here on such a fine day in Hell?" Emily asked.

The room temperature spiked and dropped. The glaring from both sides including Rao, and the two of Emily's familiars.

With the doors closing behind them and the silent but tense atmosphere that was broken when Father opened his mouth,

"You sent your sister to do a man's job, a kings job-" he started. Rao and the familiars leaving the room. I sat in the chair. My eyes trained to Isabel, reading her,

"Quit reading my mind Marie" Isabel snarled.

I grinned smugly.

"Why, so I don't make father hear your plans to get him drunk so you can rule with him on the sidelines? Father you can see her mind through my own. Just look" I said, my eyes bored into his pleading for some sign.

He sighed his voice tired as Emily removed the alcohol from his blood. His eyes brighter. His hands shaking as his looked at me and Emily then at Isabel the fury in his eyes. Then growled sealing marks on her.

"You, ungrateful welp. You use me. For your own gain, taking my wife away" Father hissed. The sealing spell silencing Isabel but keeping her still and able to hear. "You chose this greed and lust. You and your whoring husband are banished your title and lands to go to your sister, Marie. I give you her lands, money, and her title" I nodded despite the rage flickering in Isabel's eyes. He released her and she nearly roared her annoyance. Holding her down with water tendrils.

"You, bitch. You absolute bitch, that is my kingdom. My, kingdom" Isabel snarled. I tried to hold my rage while holding her down. The memories flooding back.

I went to my room the night young as my sister Catherine turned twenty, the loud party booming and despite the quiet halls echoed and the guards were very scattered about. So I was unnerved until I reached my room.

"Well, well, well," Isabel purred her hands sprawled on my desk, and her body leaned against my desk. I tried to say something but a man grabbed me from behind, a cloth to my mouth as I held my breath but the man held me tightly letting my breath escape.

"I think you will be fine as long as you go to sleep, sister dear. I gu-" Isabel said her voice fading.

Darkness and laughter.

All I hear is a man's laughter then, light. Soft dim light hitting me. I opened my eyes a man stood in front of me. His green eyes were handsome and frightening. His olive skin and his combed back platinum hair was a handsome but rather interesting combination. His voice gravely as he purred,

"You are a beautiful woman, a shame that you are now my, pet" his eyes glowing with a twisted promise. His hands wer rough and warm as he groped my body my hands bound to the wall. I tried not to say anything, he kept me bound as he dragged me to a table.

"You are not going to enjoy this, but I am" he said amusement in his voice.

Lying me on the cold stone table blades. Of metal and otherwise. The man smiled as he tied me down to the table. My face motionless and cold. As he slowly took some of the tools examining them with care and caution.

The sharp agonizing pain surged through my back, arms, chest, stomach, his rabid laughter and glowing eyes that searing his name into my mind, and soul heart.

I hissed, cursed, snarled, with every wound he put on me. His eyes were glowing in the amusement from my pain. He eventually took his torture to a new level. His stood over me, his voice and eyes lust filled,

"I've played with you for a bit, now the teasing is very good, but not as much as this set will be" he ripped away my lower clothes his eyes glazed with a lusty poison. I snarled out writhing as he, inserted, himself in me. My screams and echoing cries went heard as a door opened, he didn't pull out. His body joined with my own. My eyes wide as he and I stared at Isabel her ice blue eyes glowing in amusement as she slowly went down the steps to the table.

"Here I thought you'd be broken by now. I guess you are stronger than I thought" she cooed her, voice talons on my skin. She stood over me her face cold and harsh. The dim light showing the demon that was my sister. "Jake," she said looking at me. Jake grunted as he pushed deeper. I cried in reaction. The loathing burning my soul with his name, his cock. The marking on my body nothing to the internal rage and power that I dived into when. He pushed on. Every night, day. Hour upon hour he 'played'. His voice a grating noise that allowed me to rest from my descent into my power. For a moment. When he finished my wounds healed slowly. He took my eye out once, the black and purple hues of socket were painful to take at first but easier as the time went on.

The night felt like day, the screaming of my suppressed magic howling in wait. Jake's hopeful twisted smile gave me a small fragment at what a man he would be in the army. The words that escape lips from his methods. I would compliment his methods on the occasion smiling in blood loss. He kept his knives sharp and flawless. He only brought out the more rudimentary weapons when he was upset. That night he was raving. Mumbling curses. I smiled softly my magic giving curses in my mind. He grabbed it, a shocker. A probe that gave a hundred watts of electricity on contact. I tried to diffuse the situation with a smile and a complimen. He quickly stabbed me with the prod. The current fast and furious jolting my neurons. Frying my brain for a moment. He pulled away as quickly as he attacked. I smiled,

"So you feeling better, Jake?" I coughed. He struck again blood coughing out of me. I laughed as he kept stabbing me. The electric rush funny and painful all at once.

Again I woke in blackness, soreness over numbness. I heard a soft laugh, a lick of red flame glowed showing blue eyes. I laughed in spite. And with a small glowing flame floating calmly. I took in my brother in law's face. His tan skin was smirking. I glared at him his blue eyes glowing against his flame.

"So you came to gloat, Luca? Or are you here to get a piece of me too?" I asked my voice so tired and strained. Luca shook his head in a almost remorseful way.

"Gloat no, take you away from here, possibly if you take my offer" he said coyly. I smiled coldly.

"What do you want brother?" I asked. He smiled,

"You." He purred. I scoffed the bonds holding as I tried to turn my head away.

"You want my money and title. My sister isn't in your bed and hasn't been since your wedding night" I said. He glowered, but held firm.

"Marie be reasonable, be my queen. The fire demons are lost without a queen. You can leave with me and we can end my wife's reign, just let me have you instead" he offered. I nodded my smile truthful.

"Alright just get these off" I said.

"As you wish my love" Luca purred untying my bounds. Once the final one was undone. I smiled at Luca as he headed to the door.

"I think you and I will rule very well my-" He said just as I knocked him out. Holding the wooden leg of the tabel in hand I smiled,

"Sorry I'll never love you, brother but, your appearance is very helpful Luca" I said my voice turning into his. My hands looked like Lucas, the transformation a small amount of magic necessary to fool Isabel and Jake. I turned Luca into me clothes and all. Tied him to the table not the wall. I smirked kissing him on the nose.

"You are my brother but only by marriage and my hate for you" I said softly. I opened the door my own, lighting hitting me. The room dark and dank, a bar, succubi were on the chairs and tables. The demons were unconscious thankfully. I walked past them all heading to the door. I eventually opened the door, my mind clear in the time that I was held captive.

The silence I felt against the roaring magic within me. I sighed as the magic surged through me. The disguise fading as the torn and tattered clothes did. I walked to my old friend Raiko's home, the run down building comforting as I knocked on the emerald door. A man appeared black hair all on end and fluffy as ever, his eye a dark red as he looked me over his scared on as bad as my own.

"You look terrible, 10 months and now you appear, where have you-" Raiko started. I walked in limping slightly,

"Hush Raiko, I need a bath and something strong..." I groaned as the pain got worse in my right leg. The wounds from a few nights before opening, I limped towards the stairwell. My vision blurring as Raiko caught me.

"Your not doing well are you Marie...?" He asked. His voice drowned out by my magic screaming out for release. Then as Raiko led me up the stairs did my eyesight blur, then darkness.

When I finally woke up Raiko left me in his bed dressed in a suit of his. The soft snoring from my left gave me the welcome sight of Raiko asleep in his chair was almost peaceful. The memories flooding though me like a river. I softly felt the tears on my own face rolling down the sides of my face, Raiko stirred by my sobs. I didn't feel his hands stroking my hair, my back until his red eye stared directly into mine.

"Marie, look at me. That is the past. Now lie back and rest, my dear rest" Raiko kissed my forehead, lying me back. He tried to leave but I grabbed his sleeve,

"Rai, stay please. Or take me with you for a meal..." I begged. He smiled softly, gently. Pulling me up and walking me to the door then down the stairs. Some maids were about. Other servants wandered about. I just kept my hands to myself as he led me down the steps.

"You are quite beautiful as ever, even when your scarred and hurt" he said softly as we made our way down to the kitchen, his eye gleaming with promise. I smiled,

"You tease, Rai" I joked. His own twisted smirk that gave me a happy smile. I haven't smiled like this for a long time.

"The day gets better when you and I can eat and enjoy a drink Marie and talk about where you've been" Raiko said. We sat at the dining room some plates set for us. I sat wincing at the soreness raging in me.

"So tell me. What have you been doing my dear?" Raiko asked I looked at him, I shook my head as he sighed.

"You will know soon since my sister will be a liar for my father's show. Raiko, whatever you hear of me later on, I'm telling you now. It is not what happened" I said softly. My eyes full of guilt and sorrow.

"What did you do then, or should I say what did you go through?" He asked, as his servants brought in some hearty soup and a loaves of bread. We ate happily but in silence.

Once we finished the first course. We enjoyed a small piece of cake, chocolate. My favorite. With soft velvety buttercream. With ripe strawberries and cream. He was finished before me. I just enjoyed my meal, the flavors denied to me by my captors, the hope of flavors that made me feel better.

"So tell me what happened. And don't make excuses Marie. I chose to let you stay, I chose to help you heal. Don't pretend Marie that this didn't happen, it makes it worse" Raiko said. I smiled as the servants cleared our plates. Leaving some drinks for us.

"Ok, alright Raiko. So for the past months I've been held captive by my own sister and her male torturer. I will only admit that they have used me wrongly. Hurt me. Rai, they hurt me in way and.." I started to sob, "Rai... I didn't break... I... they didn't take my mind.. just my body..." my sobs break through my own word eventually my magic charged out the soft orbs of water, floating black sparks of electricity racing across my body. The tight reign on my magic holding but with a bit of leakage of my own magic.

"You ok, Marie..?" Raiko asked. "Hey, hey don't cry. Look.." he came over sitting beside me. His hand on mine. "Marie, you are my closest friend and you and I know what I've done" he started, holding my hand fiercely.

"We, we both know what we did Raiko. I just don't want to be taken back there.." I said softly. My hate and pain burning my insides.

"Yeah, come on my dear, you and I will go together. Maybe pretend we were together for the past months. You can make it look like we are ending an affair" he joked.

"Ending what we have Raiko is just as painful" I said sweetly, leaning to kiss his temple.

"I know but we can pretend like we were parting as close friends. Maybe, become more later?" He asked. I smiled as he kissed my nose.

"Maybe my dear" I teased. I tried to stand on my own and will the success of standing came the problem of walking. Raiko gave me his hand a offer, for us. But for help that was friendly and intimate.

Taking it, he led me to his library. The soft leather chairs and the polished tables accompanied by the smell of paper and ink. Made my heart swell in the company of old friends. There before me stood a man and a woman. The man blonde with a wavy and handsome hairstyle held a smile as he looked at me. The woman flushed face beneath her onyx and chocolate hair. The faint smile for the man quickly replaced by a smirk.

The two held their games on mmye for a second before the woman, made her way to me. Veronica gave me a soft look before embracing me. I held my tears as best as I could to no avail. She held me as I cried in her arms. The other man gave a smile to me, Richard. My two friends of the underworld with the most class.

Richard Carbin, a serial killer, with a kill count of 15, killed himself, and began ruling a portion of the criminal underworld.

Veronica Atone, a mafia queen in Italy posing for her ailing husband as a mobster, killing as many people that dare to stand in her way. Taken out by her brother and making her way to destroying all social norms in the underworld, and her enemies.

I finally let go of Veronica and went to hug Richard. His smile as genuine as the day we met. He held me for a minute or so, Raiko's glare I could feel aimed at Richard. He kissed my forehead. A smug grin that told all.

"Thank you for coming" I said, my tears slipping only to be wiped away. "So sit, I guess telling you three will help me for-" a soft shut of a door and light footsteps echoing from the hall. I then saw Emily, my older sister, her familiars Atlas and Asako. They didn't wear their formal attire but casual wear with dark coats and their dark clothes were slightly wet. I tried to remain composed as the three removed their coats. They gave very soft looks at me and my friends. Raiko nearly lunged as Asako smirked as he looked at me. I knew better but I didn't gave a damn.

"Sister, you seem to be late" I tried to keep my normal airs. Until she rushed over to hold me her tearsturning into steam against my small flames. I hugged her back crying softly. Atlas and Asako stood next to Raiko. A small nod of confirmation for what was to happen.

Raiko swung at Asako. Atlas laughing a free sound, almost completely filled with joy.

"Ok, you two. Kill each other later" Atlas said pulling Askao up. I smiled at Raiko. He shrugged as I quietly pulled away from Emily.

"Sit. Please, if I'm gonna tell you where I've been you should all be sitting down for it" I said. Veronica choosing to sit in Richard's lap. Raiko stood next to me. A pillar of support.

I let them relax for a second. They choosing chairs, leaning on the bookshelves, or the wall.

"So Marie where have you been?" Veronica asked. I looked at her silvery green eyes. Then Richard's golden orbs. Then Atlas, Asako, and finally Marie.

"For the past months I was being held hostage by Isabel and a man named Jake. They tortured me. Hurt me, electrocuted me, at one point they torture turned into rape, sexual assault and a spectacle for clients of either Jake or Ice," I said. Isabel or as we called her Ice wasn't popular as most of those in this room were aware of the numerous affairs and lives ruined by her. "She watched during the rapes. They took my eye.. and Luca, Luca offered to free me," I said.

"In exchange?" Atlas said. I looked at Raiko then then others.

"In exchange I was to be his next wife. Ruling the Fire demons as their queen. I accepted to betray him once I was free of my bounds, I put on a glamor of Luca to escape and came here" I said. Raiko explained that I was here a week unconscious and the guards that patrolled the place. The men that weren't working for Raiko were looking for me. I smiled when he told me about the several that were killed on the opposite side of the town. Throwing my oppressors off.

"I'm not surprised by Isabel but still. Hasul and Kina" Emily swore. I leaned back my magic screaming at me, coursing through me.
Burning, cooling, electricity, fire, water, ice coursing, hurting my mind, and soul. I looked at Raiko. His smile was kind as he excused us. He led me up into his room. He kissed my forehead, before heading to the door. I grabbed his sleeve.

"Please.. Rai, stay.. please.." I begged. He smiled embracing me. Then he shrugged,

"And if I do?" He said. A teasing gleam in his eye.

"I'll say it... Rai, just don't leave me..." I pleaded. He gave me a purely male smile. His eyes gleaming with a loving gaze.

"Say it then Marie" he purred, his hand brushing my cheek.
I flushed as I quietly kissed him. My lips brushing his.

"I love you. I thought of you every minute I was down there" I said softly. He hummed softly as he gave me a teasing grin.

"I thought you said, love was meaningless the last time we were like this?" He purred. I stood there absolutely silent. My heart pounding against my chest.

"If you don't want me. It's ok, you can lea-" my words hushed by his mouth. The roughness of us becoming softer as he held me close.

"If, I wanted to leave you alone. I'd be a fool to do so" he growled softly. I felt giddy, Raiko's eye glowing with a longing, a sweet genuine longing. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"W-well at least we got our answers then" I said. He smiled, his lips ghosting against my own. He gave a growl, his, I haven't been called that before. Had he and I been like this during the war. We would only be lustful beasts in the night. Now I would openly, wholeheartedly except him, this, us.

"Marie, together, please my love" he said his hand one my scared eye. Neither of us had opened our eyes. My eye stayed closed the whole time I have been here.

"Together then," I whispered. "Together my love" I brushed his scar with my fingers, softly. He and I opened our eyes. His black surrounding the sky blue iris. He stared at mine,

"Beautiful" he gasped. I smiled blushing,

"I should say the same thing" He chuckled leading me to bed. We didn't speak for a long time.

I awoke to find him holding me close. His arm wrapped around me tightly I kissed his cheek. Purring like a cat against his throat. He groaned as he rubbed against my spine.
"Morning.." he said groggily.

"Morning, Rai" I said. He pulled me closer. Our eyes lined up.

"You, were amazing" he purred. Kissing my nose.

"Same could be said about you, Rai" I cooed kissing him softly on the lips. He held me by my hips as he kissed me back.

"Hmm, you are gonna have to get out of here soon" I purred. He pulled me closer his eye beaming with a challenge.

"Later" he growled pulling me back. He and I laughed as time passed by.
© Copyright 2020 Vox Kina (marie121104 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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