Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2227989-Frankenpizza
Rated: E · Article · Comedy · #2227989
When ordering pizza turns scary...
My son Billy pulled a 12 hour shift, came home famished and decided he couldn't wait 30 minutes
for Chili Grilled Shrimp with stir-fried cabbage and cheese noodles on the side. So, he orders pizza...Three of them.
My husband went to pick the order up , and he came home with four boxes, not the ordered three. It get's weirder...

The order was supposed to be 1 white pizza with chopped broccoli and 2 other pies. Instead , he got a regular pie with red sauce and big broccoli chunks on it, and a white pizza with nothing on it. at least they got the other two pies right. But the red-sauced pie looked like a mistake, I love pizza, but I would not eat that pie. It looked so unappetizing.

My son calls the pizzeria and they say they will not charge him for the Frankenpizza, and will make him his white pie with chopped broccoli. My husband goes back to pick up the pie. I said to my son his dad was going on a RICOTTAssance mission, making my sons both crack up. . Meanwhile, my son gets a text from the bank stating his transaction was declined. He finds out the pizza place charged him twice. He calls the pizza place back, tells them they charged him twice, they said they are refunding all his money, and to enjoy his free pizzas. My husband gets back with the correct white pizza with broccoli.

My son gets a text from the bank, the charges for the pizza were reversed.My son said,"And that is how you get 5 pizzas for free people! Well, 4, 'coz we ain't eating the Frankenpizza."His brother says ,"Free pizza! Wow! this calls for a celebration! Who feels like ordering pizza?", and let's out a big "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"
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