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Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2229953
SCREAMS!!! Entry 8/20/20
SCREAMS!!! Entry 8/20/20
Prompt: Sleeptalking
1,356 words

“You spoke in your sleep again last night,” said Roy, laying on his side, stubbled masculine jaw resting on his open palm.

Jen turned to face him, shimmering ebony hair fanning in a dark cascade over her pillow. She gazed at Roy, his powerfully muscled torso bare to the crumpled covers that had slid halfway down his cobbled abs.

“What did I say?” Jen asked hesitantly.

“You told me how much you enjoyed last night.” Roy’s eyes were completely sincere.

“I did?”

“Well, that’s how I interpreted the whimpers and moans…”

“You!” Jen sat up, pulled the pillow from behind her, and swung it at him. It struck his sinewed arm with a soft *thwap*.

The pillow fell away to reveal Roy’s grinning face.

“I’m serious,” he laughed. “You really were whimpering and moaning last night. It was cute.”

A bloom of crimson appeared on Jen’s cheeks, spreading quickly outward.

“You’re always telling me how you have prophetic dreams. Think this is one of them?” Roy asked, his cobalt eyes twinkling with amusement.

Jen’s blush deepened, and she turned away.

“Oh, come on, Jen. I’m just poking a little fun,” Roy’s brows rose apologetically, his fingers reaching out to rest lightly on her bare arm.

“You’re always making fun of my dreams. But I swear, they come true sometimes,” Jen replied, her voice quiet and shaking slightly.

“Well, I’d love to make this one come true.” He leaned in, pressing his chest to her back, and began kissing her neck lightly.

Jen pulled away, her slender body twisting and slipping out from under the sheets. She marched rapidly to the closet and slipped on her favorite worn terry cloth robe. Tying closed the sash with a sharp jerk, she then crossed her arms and rubbed the outsides of her shoulders in a warming motion. As she walked back to the edge of the bed, she noticed that Roy looked slightly hurt.

“Jen?” he intoned quietly. The simple use of her name somehow conveying a more nuanced question than a full sentence could have.

“Not this morning. I have to go to work,” she said, lips pressed into a thin line as she finished.

Roy’s brows furrowed, and he glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. “We have plenty of time. And it’s not like we don’t do this all the time before work…” He pulled back the sheets invitingly, gazing at her with hopeful eyes.

“I just have a lot to do today,” replied Jen, her tone evidencing a finality that indicated she was finished with the conversation.

Roy rolled onto his back, letting out a long breath. “Geez, Jen. You’re so sensitive sometimes.”

Jen pursed her lips into a slight frown, then walked into the bathroom to shower and get ready for her day.


“Morning, Megan,” said Jen before taking a sip of her coffee and sitting down at her workstation.

Her friend twisted around to face Jen, then arched an eyebrow. “You’re here early. And that can only mean one thing. Trouble with hubby?” Megan looked eager. She always did when asking Jen about her marriage.

Jen set down her coffee mug and turned to Megan as her computer booted. “How is it that you always know what’s going on in my love life?”

Megan smiled and shrugged. “Good guesser, I suppose…”

“Well, you’re right on the mark this time.”

“Okay, spill. How’d he screw up this time?” Megan slid an arm along the top of her chair, resting her chin on it. Her dark eyes blazed with intense curiosity.

“It’s not so much that he did anything in particular. It’s just how he acts sometimes, you know?” Jen cocked her head, eyes rolling upward as she searched for the right words. “I just get the feeling he doesn’t always respect me. Sometimes it feels like I’m just around for his amusement or something.”

Megan shifted slightly. “Why do you say that?”

“Well, like this morning. I guess I had a dream last night. And I’m always telling Roy that my dreams mean something. That they’re a sign of things to come. But he doesn’t believe me. He doesn’t ever take it seriously. It’s just a big joke to him.”

“Well, sometimes guys are just like that. They don’t always know enough to trust a woman’s intuition. Roy’s a great catch, but I’ve always told you that there are a few things about him that aren’t a perfect match for you.”

“I know; I know. I guess I can’t expect him to act exactly how I want him to all the time, can I?” Jen smiled wryly. “But it’d be nice…”

“Well, at least you have someone that was willing to marry you. Some of us aren’t so lucky,” replied Megan, her face darkening.

“I thought you were dating a guy you were all excited about?”

“I am. But he’s seeing somebody else too. I thought he was going to dump her to be with me exclusively, but he doesn’t seem to be willing to. It’s so frustrating,” Megan said, her knuckles going white as she gripped the chair. “Sometimes I feel like I should just wipe the slate clean and start over.”

“Well, you’re gorgeous, Megan. And smart. And successful. You’re a hell of a catch. Maybe you should just get rid of this guy. I mean, he’s got another woman on the side. Who does that? Time to move on.”

Megan seemed to consider, then, her voice holding new resolve, replied. “You know, you’re right. I deserve better. It’s time I took matters into my own hands and just cut him off. He can spend the rest of his short, miserable life with her.”

“That’s the spirit!” said Jen with a smile.


“I’m sorry about this morning,” said Roy as soon as Jen walked through the front door. “It’s not that I don’t take your dreams seriously. I was just trying to be funny.”

“Thanks, Roy. That means a lot,” Jen said, walking up to him and embracing him warmly. “I love you, you know, and I just want you to love all of me. Even my dreams.”

“I do. Love all of you. You know I do, right?” he said, pulling back from the hug to look into her affectionate eyes.

Jen nodded, all traces of hardness in her expression melting away.

Roy leaned in and kissed her. His lips enveloped hers gently at first, before becoming more passionate. As their kisses became increasingly urgent, he reached under her, his strong arms lifting her with ease. He walked her to their bedroom, then set her gently atop the mattress, lips never leaving hers.

Finally breaking the kiss, he rose above her, pulling off his shirt. Eyes still closed, Jen’s long fingers roamed up his carved midsection, feeling every hard, defined swell.

A splash of something warm and sticky spattered her face. She licked her lips, swirling the metallic tang of blood on her tongue.

Her eyes shot open.

The point of a knife emerged from Roy’s stomach, blood squirting all over Jen with every heartbeat. As he fell to the side, a black-gloved hand clamped down over her mouth, just as it began to open in horror. Jen began to struggle, and screamed for her attacker to stop, but the words, muffled by the glove, simply came out as moans.

“Thanks for the talk this morning. It really cleared things up for me. Made me see what I needed to do. To cut Roy out of my life and let him and his nagging little wife live out the rest of their short, miserable lives.”

The voice belonged to Megan, colder and harder than she’d ever heard it before.

Jen shivered in terror, raising her hands above her in absolute fear, a whimper emerging from under her friend’s hand as her body bucked and squirmed. Megan raised the knife high, then brought it down sharply.

Pain exploded in Jen’s chest, then her eyes fluttered closed. Her final breath carried a long moan, followed by one final whimper.
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