Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2238907-Freya
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #2238907
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Chapter Two

Two halves made whole in a sea of fire

Nothing happened after we first got to school. The first half of the day was a completely normal first day. Seniors trickled in during second period, teachers dragged their feet and made easy to complete review assignments, people argued in the hall, people made out in the hall. The whole thing was enough to keep me rolling my eyes until fifth period. I was hiding out in the library, my classes were done for the day and I truly had nothing better to do with my time other than going home. I secretly enjoyed reading so the library was a logical home away from home for me. I got to preview the new reads and kick out anyone who so much as looked at me the wrong way while trying to get away with something by being out of class. I guess before I took it over the library used to be the number one in school lovers lane. Not anymore. I like to read in peace, and I hate being disturbed by sex noises. Especially when I was still a fucked forsaken virgin. I haven’t even had a real first kiss yet. I know... call me lame and shuttered. But I digress. Today’s first duty rotation in the library was anything but normal. It started off much the same as I’d gotten used to, but then he walked in and it all changed. At first I didn't even know he was there,I was so engrossed in the book I was reading. I probably should have paid more attention though. Afterall, I’m supposed to be able to read and watch the door. I swear he snuck up on me like a freaking ninja! I was so into my book actually, that when I hear him say “Hey, can you help me out?” I seriously jump out of my skin. Well, not quite literally, but you know what I mean. Then like an idiot I just stare at him for a full minute. In reality I’m trying to slow my heart rate a bit and process the smooth velvet of his voice. Or at least that’s what I was doing until I made eye contact. Talk about amazing! Those eyes of his are like the clearest ocean. They immediately captivate me and I feel an instant rush of attraction for this random guy I have never seen before. Finally realizing that I am starting to look psycho I manage to make words come out of my mouth, the problem with that is: I sound pissed off. “Well maybe if you told me exactly what it was you needed help with I might be able to answer that question.” Internal cringe right there. In my defense though, he shouldn’t be smirking like he either knows something I don’t, or that he is used to women falling all over him. It is truly irritating.
“Well I was hoping to see what you had in as far as Norse mythology goes, and since you’re behind the desk I figured it was you I needed to ask. I’m new here, name’s Light by the way.”
“Uh, Norse mythology? Like Odin and flying ladies and all that?”
“Yeah like Odin and the flying ladies.” He sniggered at me. He actually thought it was ok to snigger. Who the hell does that?!
“Dude. Way to be an ass to the only person here to help you. Sorry, uh Lightbulb. The library just closed for cleaning and book organizing. You’ll have to come back another day.” I looked him straight in the face as I said it. Purposely saying someone’s name wrong is childish but the kid irritated me. The jolt of sexual interest still tingling through my body just makes it that much more annoying. As do the random thoughts floating through my mind. Like, I wonder how soft those lips are when they aren’t smirking at me like a total asshole. Along with similar such sentiments. Get a damn grip girl! I silently cursed myself, wondering if I ought to smack myself or him, or just run away altogether. Maybe you should run away with him. The thought takes over my mind momentarily. I must have gone hazy faced because the next thing I know Light is snapping his fingers in front of my face.
“Earth to Freya!” He’s sing-songing in my face.
“Didn’t I just kick you out? What are you still doing here? Wait hold up a sec, I do not recall telling you my name. What. The. Hell??”
“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t having a seizure or anything. You went a bit space cadet there for a few.” He holds his hands in the air placatingly. “As far as your name, it’s really Freya? I was totally fucking with you. Freya is a Norse goddess, so I was trying to make a play on our convo.” His eyebrow quirks up like he doesn’t quite believe that Freya is really my name.
“Well sorry to disappoint, but my mom always thought it was pretty. Although I never did ask her where she got it from…” I trail off thinking for a sec, “Wait, why am I still talking to you..OUT!”
“Alright, alright I’m going. But I do hope that we can pick this up another day.” He grins and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. In return I simply roll my eyes and point at the door. I don’t really have to clean and organize books, but I just could not be around him right now. The initial arousal never completely faded and I was worried I might do something stupid like really hit him, or make out with him. While both ideas had merit, they weren’t exactly safe options to explore right now. Almost of their own will my eyes followed him out the door, darting lower to check out his ass. He might have acted like a straight up douche, but that boys’ ass was fine! Sighing to myself I slowly sink back into my chair at the desk. What was with all of that? I have never been so attracted to someone before. If I didn’t have as much control over myself as I do, I just might have been tempted to sweep him into the closet and jump him. I could totally get lost in those eyes, and I want to know if his hair is as nice to touch as it looks. I just want to run my fingers through it! Ugh, what is wrong with me today? Maybe I should just fake sick and ask to go home for now, I think the library can deal without me for the rest of the day.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Brown? I’m feeling a little off today, do you mind if I go home early?”
“Of course dear. Are you sure you’re alright to go? Do you need me to call someone to come and get you?”
“I’ll be ok Mrs. Brown. I think I just need to get home and lie down. I’ll check in with you when I get to school tomorrow, that way you won’t have to wait until I come in for tomorrows’ shift.”
“That sounds like a nice plan dear. Please be careful on your way home.”
“Absolutely! Thanks so much Mrs. Brown.”
“Any time dear, any time.”
I grabbed the few things I had with me and I made my way home. Sure, Cattie drives most of the time, but my house is really not that far. Twenty minutes later, I walk through the back door and collapse at the kitchen table. I suddenly feel like I have no control over my body. I try to fight and keep my eyes open, what’s going on!? I was fine a few minutes ago, and now my body just wants to pass out. Sluggishly I try to shake myself back awake, but in the end it proves to be futile.
In my minds’ eye I find myself in the middle of a battle! The body I’m inhabiting glances down and I catch sight of what looks like white wolf fur and home made leather with wide and thick stitching. Then my eyes swing back forward and my arm comes down and I find myself focusing down the shaft of an arrow. What the hell? Am I dreaming about an archaic war? What on earth is going on? And if this is my dream, why doesn’t this body match mine? The boobs are bigger than I’ve got!! More confused as ever and without apparent use of the body I was watching the battle from, I tried to relax and just pay attention to what was going on around me. I was starting to get a little dizzy from the quick moves from turning in circles to aim, so instead I tried to focus on what I was hearing instead. Suddenly I could hear soft footfalls behind me/her! Turn! I think, Turn around, quick! Yet for some reason, I can’t. She can’t hear me screaming here in her head. What kind of a dream is this, that I’m aware but am unable to affect anything that is happening? Just as I finish that thought my/her body feels a sharp piercing pain where our heart should be. Oh no...That did not just happen! We look down and see a sword running through our chest. Fuck! That hurts worse than anything I’ve ever felt before. The blood that’s pouring from the wound froths down like a crimson waterfall. I don’t see how we can survive this. Any normal person would be killed. Just as I finish that thought our eyesight starts to dim at the edges. We look back up at the battle, our eyes searching...searching. We find him, across the battlefield there is a man. Tall, muscular, roguishly handsome for an older guy with eyes such a piercing blue that I can see them from clear across the battlefield. My heart squeezed in my chest, the realization that this is her lover coming just as darkness makes its final descent; we sink into oblivion.
© Copyright 2020 Mae Conrad (chimiomi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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