Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2240020-Pain-and-Struggles
Rated: E · Essay · Emotional · #2240020
Positivity around everyones pain and struggles.
Pain. Pain is something we all feel and experience in so many different ways. However the common denominator is that we all know what pain is. We all know the toll it takes on a person; slowly chipping away at them. Breaking them down to nothing. Kicking them to curb and keeping them their; making it near impossible to get back up.

The beauty within pain, is that people come together to fight that pain. Whether it is the pain of an individual or a group of people; people come together to fight the pain. Bring others up and help them with their struggles. This allows us to be strong--strong together.

Through pain many people build bonds and friendships. Common pain allows for people to have empathy for each other. They then can subsequently work together to fight the pain that both of them experience. This kind of bond is near inseparable. It truly puts the bond through the test of time. If it lasts and only gets stronger with struggle it becomes more and more inseparable.

These are the kinds of friends people need. The ones that have been through thick and thin together. The shared memories they hold and how it has only made them stronger together. It becomes an anchor for each person. Somewhere safe they can go to be understood and helped. One of the worst feelings is being alone, especially when you are struggling and in pain. When you are alone with no one there to support you, it hurts and hurts more. It makes you feel weak and helpless. This is why having bonds like this are extremely important. That person makes sure you are not alone and not helpless. They are there to help you, make sure you are not alone. Even if they cannot help to the fullest, they nonetheless are there for you. The sense of having someone there can be very comforting and help the person feel more at ease; just to know that someone is there for them.

We all need someone. We need someone to be there for us in times of need and we need to be there for others. Coming together to fight pain and struggles is so very important in life. We all face different struggles and pain throughout our lives and you cannot do it alone. Being a “lone wolf” does not help you. There is nothing wrong with needing help or needing someone. This is normal. We all need that in life. Success and happiness does not come from yourself alone. You need others. You need help and support. There is no shame in that-remember that.
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