Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2259717-The-day-of-surprise
by Pupon
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #2259717
In this world women have the power to shrink only men and do whatever they want.
This is the story of Peter who has lived with his girlfriend Noelia for more than a month, and although he trusts her that he will not shrink him and then eat him or crush him, he always has the doubt that at some point he would do it because men are very undervalued in this world where women have the power to shrink men whenever they want. Since he was born he has seen how men have been part of some food, squashed in the street, carried as pets or as simple ornaments on the body of a woman, and like his father he has been lucky to find a good woman. to take care of it and not be a simple toy, that is why she loves Noelia so much for not eating it, even if she could.
One day like any other, Noelia returns home from work tired and sits exhausted in an armchair they have in the living room and calls Peter with a shout to come, he is always there because he is a householder, Peter arrives where this Noelia and asks:
—What do you need my love, can I help you with something?
—I need a glass of fresh water please and I want you to be in the glass.
Peter was speechless and motionless at that request and after a few seconds of silence Noelia burst out laughing.
—My love, it's a joke how I'm going to want to see you in a glass of water, I love you and I would never hurt you, please bring me a glass of water.
Peter made a small smile of relief and went to the kitchen to get the glass of water for his girlfriend, and on the way he thought for a moment that today his girlfriend was going to swallow him alive in a glass of water and although it was just a joke he felt it very real. Back in the living room, Peter gives Noelia the glass of water and asks her again:
—Do you need anything else?
—Not for now, but later when I am more rested we are going to go to a special place, I have a surprise for you.
—But today is not my birthday.
—I know my love, but today is a special day for you, you'll see.
After that Noelia closed her eyes and began to doze and Peter stared at her and thinking what a surprise it would give him, he had no idea that it could be just hoping that it is not the surprise that some women give, those where men become in food.
Noelia woke up, stretched, and saw that Peter was still there.
—My love, you were all the time that I was resting, waiting here. Noelia said.
—Of course I am, I was very anxious for the surprise.
—Well my love, it's time to surprise you.
Noelia got up from the chair and raised a hand pointing to Peter, to which he began to feel dizzy and very sleepy until he couldn't take it anymore and fainted seeing Noelia with her outstretched hand pointed at him.
Peter woke up very confused, he saw that he was naked and on a cold white surface, it was not long before he looked up and saw a giant woman, he could not believe it was his girlfriend Noelia, compared to her he was about ten inches tall and she thought finally the mountain that she is going to eat me has arrived and now I'm at the counter of a food store. Without wasting time he started to run, but a giant hand caught him, it was Noelia's hand, it took him to the front of her face and said:
—You finally woke up my love, today is the day that you are going to be an ornament for me, you are my boyfriend and I want you to always be with me that is my surprise for you, do you like it?
—Noelia I don't like this surprise I want to go back to my normal size.
—I can't do that my love and you'll know, now I'm going to choose what thing you're going to be that adorns my body.
—Please Noelia I thought you loved me.
—That's why I do it my love, and now don't complain anymore that there is no going back with this.
At that moment Peter was terrified by what her girlfriend had told him and he had no escape so he accepted her destiny to be an adornment of hers, he sat with his head lowered waiting for her destiny. Love, do not feel bad or sad about this, you are going to see that it will be something beautiful for you, said Noelia as she called the venerator of the place.
—Hello ma'am, what do you need," said the saleswoman.
—Hi, here I brought my reduced boyfriend and I would like him to be an ornament for me, what do you recommend?
—Well, I'm going to tell three that are the most requested by clients and they are: The necklace, which consists of a pendant in the shape you want with the reduced inside covered in epoxy resin. The second is a bit similar to the first, except that the reduced man is put on a ring also covered in epoxy resin. The third is the sexiest of all, it consists of transforming your reduced into a thong.
How is that said Noelia — The third I want to know how a man can be a thong.
—It's easy, lady, you take the reduced man, you tie his feet and outstretched hands as if he were on a cross, then you go to the dressing room, you try it on to see if it looks good and it is at that moment that we inject the reduced man with a liquid that it stiffens the body to have the shape of the owner's body.
—And that liquid kills him.
—If exactly, madam, then you give it to us so that we can inject a kind of wax that does not allow the reduced one to decompose.
—How cute, I want that my love, I want you to be my thong.
To which Peter replied:
—I have no other option to be your thong, just as I thought you would eat me one day, but the truth is that I will be your thong forever.
—It's good that you see it like that, love, you're going to be my most beautiful thong and I'm going to show you to all my friends and I'm going to wear you when I go to the beach.
Well madam I see that she chose the thong, good choice said the saleswoman, now I will proceed to prepare the thong man for you. The saleswoman took Peter and tied him up as she had already mentioned before, what followed was for Noelia to try Peter to see if she fits him as a thong. The saleswoman handed Noelia the male thong that is now Peter, and went to a dressing room, where she went in and hung Peter on a coat rack then took off her pants and panties leaving half of her body naked, and thus without saying a word. He took Peter's word and put it on as if it were a thong, Peter at that moment could see how his body was getting closer and closer to his girlfriend's vagina until it was well adjusted with his torso covering her vagina then at that moment Noelia spoke.
—My love you look beautiful like my thong, I like you very much like that and also in this position I can caress your head, I really like that — well, I'm going to call the saleswoman.
Noelia called the saleswoman and she came, showed her her boyfriend like a thong and it fit him perfectly so she proceeded to apply the injection that paralyzed Peter and killed him instantly, then she told him to change and give him the man thong to put the wax on. The saleswoman left and Noelia took Peter out, she was a little funny to see him with the shape of her body made into a thong, she got dressed, left the dressing room and handed the thong to the saleswoman.
—Your thong will be ready in half an hour, said the saleswoman.
—Thanks. I'll wait sitting here.
Half an hour passed and Peter was already ready as a thong, the saleswoman gave it to him in a bag and Noelia paid him for the service and she walked towards her house very happy to now have a thong boyfriend.
It was seven in the morning the next day and Noelia was not alone in the double bed, but someone was also accompanying her, that was her real surprise.

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