Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2265374-A-town-discovers-no-daylight
Rated: E · Fiction · Dark · #2265374
from prompt of the day
This is just from prompt of the day but it is a thought provoking statement. Imagine waking up looking outside only to see darkness. Looking at your clock and seeing it is indeed morning. What would you do if after 10am it is still pitch black and the sun is not making any effort to shine. By 12noon you come to the conclusion what they have been saying on the NEWS is true indeed, "Your TOWN can no longer have daylight" What a discovery, waking up thinking the sun will show up, only to find out no. Can you imagine the panic, the horror, the fear and thoughts going through peoples minds. This would a time all the neighbours come together to find out what is happening. You might even knock on your neighbours door just to confirm that they are also in darkness and it is not just happening to you. If a town meeting is called, I can 100% say everyone will be attending, why you ask, because we want to get to the bottom of this. Where has our daylight gone, and for how long? Believe you me the chairman will have to have answers because the crowed is ready to riot. I pray that this is just a story and will never come to be, because that will be a dark day day indeed.
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