Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2266955-Unnamed-story-PREVIEW
by Dylan
Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Drama · #2266955
A new story I have been working on. No title or description at the moment.

There was a knock upon the door, this was a special day for the Johnson family. Helen excitedly proceeded over to the door and opened it. "Hey Allison, it's nice to see you again," Helen smiled as she reached her hand out. Allison, the social worker smiled back and shook hands with her. "So, where is Dylan? We've been so excited to having him," Helen spoke.

Dylan came around the corner with his headphones on with loud music blasting from them. Allison grabbed the headphones off his head and put them in his hands. Dylan took a deep breath and produced a half-assed smile. He knew this would end up with him back in the stupid care home.

As Allison went to the car to get Dylan's other bags. Helen showed Dylan in. He put his hood up and put his hands in his pockets, as he stared at the floor. Emily, Dylan's new adoptive disinter came down the stairs and saw Dylan looking around with his eyes. "Hi. Are you ok? It's ok to be nervous. Your new room is ready." Emily softly spoke to Dylan.

Allison and Helen walked in with Dylan's bags, he snatched the bag Allison was holding. "What have you got in there? It's a bit heavy for clothes," Allison questioned. Dylan looked at Allison with a blank stare and walked up the stairs to find his room.

Once Dylan found his room he shut the door and placed his bag on the bed. He unzipped the black duffel bag and looked inside. Dylan pulled out the handle of his machete that he bought from someone online. He smiled as he pushed his hand over the blade, he put the machete back in the bag and looked at the rest of his stash of illegal stuff and smiled.

As he stared at the contents of his bag there was a knock at his door, Dylan quickly zipped the bag up and shoved it under the bed. Allison walked in and put his other bag down on the floor, "so, what do you think? Do you like it here?" She quizzed. Dylan shrugged, "it's only going to end up like the rest. No point in getting too comfortable here," he said in a deep tone as he sat on his bed, "I won't bother unpacking, I'm sure it won't last long." He added. Allison sat down beside him, "I don't think Helen will give up that easily and Emily seems nice. You should be positive about this one, I think it's going to be the one this time."

Dylan stared at the floor and shrugged. Allison walked out of the room and shut the door. "I'm sure he'll settle in soon. He's been pulled from pillar to post for years," Allison spoke. "Why has none of Dylan's placements worked?" Helen quizzed. Allison handed over a copy of Dylan's file which felt as heavy as a concrete slab.

Helen shockingly placed the file down on the table, "if you have any issues or questions, here's my card with my email and number. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me." Allison smiled as she passed Helen a card and left.

Helen opened the file and found the page she was looking for. She stared at the words that were written.

"Dylan is a violent and angry young man."

"Dylan beat up his foster brothers and threw a chair at a window and shattered the glass."

"Dylan threatened to kill our whole family. He is a very disturbed child."

Helen was shocked, Dylan didn't seem violent. She knew him as quiet and sweet. She closed the folder as Dylan walked into the living room and looked around. "Hi Dylan, do you want to watch TV? Or we could do something you like to do?" Helen asked. Dylan looked at her and put his headphones on and sat on the couch. Helen smiled and thought nothing of it. She took the file to her office with Emily following close behind.

"Why doesn't he talk? He's weird, you're a counsellor, can't you counsel him?" Emily groaned. "You know it doesn't work like that. He's just anxious. It's a whole new home to him. He just needs time." Helen responded as she placed the file in her filing cabinet that locked. Emily left as she rolled her eyes.

Dylan scrolled through his phone as Emily sat next to him and stared. Dylan tried to ignore her, but as she continued to stare, the more annoying it got. "What do you want?" Dylan sighed. "There's no need to be rude. I just want to get to know you," Emily smiled. "Plus, you're my new brother, after all. So we might as well be nice to each other." She added.

Dylan looked at her with a blank stare, "I doubt I'll be around that long." Dylan sighed. Emily shrugged and turned on the TV, Dylan skulked to his room. He shut the door behind him and looked around his room.

The bare walls reminded him of his room at his real parents house where he wasn't allowed to put anything up. He brushed his hand along the grey painted walls as he remembered his parents and siblings shouting and fighting.

He went over to the window ledge and stared out of it. He couldn't believe he was at another new home and wondered how long this was going to last. Dylan never stayed long enough in a family to settle down. He was always angry, he couldn't trust anyone. Another new home, another new school and new bullies to make his life hell.

As Dylan was in this train of thoughts, Emily barged into the room. He quickly turned around and stared at her, he sighed as he saw the big smile on her face once again. "What do you want now?" He asked. In his head, he wanted to scream at her and tell her to leave, but thought he'd try getting along with this family for once.

"Mum wanted to know what you'd like from the takeaway? She doesn't know what you like." Emily questioned. Dylan looked confused, "well, what sort of takeaway is she getting?" Dylan replied "I think it's more like burgers and that." Emily spoke. "I'll just have some chips, I'm not really that hungry." Dylan responded. Emily nodded and left, "HE SAID HE'LL HAVE CHIPS!" She screamed down the hall, as Dylan covered his ears.

Half an hour later the takeaway arrived, Helen passed Dylan the carton of chips and a can of cola. He smiled at her "Thanks" Dylan uttered as he sat on the sofa next to Emily. Dylan ate his chips while staring at the TV which was showing the soaps.

Once he was finished he sat quietly and sipped on his drink. He took out his phone and scrolled through it. Emily looked over at Dylan's phone, "what site is that?" Emily wondered. Dylan locked his phone, "Nothing, just a forum I'm a member of." He explained. Helen glanced over at Dylan concernedly.

© Copyright 2022 Dylan (wrecktangle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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