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by ippy
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #2273392
Olivia and Emma are the top dogs at work, but when one takes the lead with a sinister plan
[WG, Farting, Slob, FtF]

“Hi, Ema. Congrats on finally reaching 10k followers.” Not even her perfect smile could hide the spite in those words “It took you a while, huh?”

“Thanks, Olivia. I know, but it’s better this way.” The audacity of that bitch. If she thought she would stay there taking her insults she was wrong. “I saw the photos you posted yesterday. They were so cute, but it seemed like you were getting fewer likes and comments than before. Weird isn’t it? Especially considering your follower count.” Replied Emma feigning concern.

It had started again. Whenever those two entered the same room they couldn’t help themselves. Everything was a competition. Clothes, social media, the gym, earnings, work performance; everything that could be measured in any way they would compete to see who was better at it.

“Yeah, but don’t worry I’m not desperate for the approval of some strangers.” A complete and utter lie, but one that Olivia believed herself. “I don’t wanna end up like some of the girls who flaunt their asses for a few likes.” She had seen the photos Emma posted. The only reason she was getting engagement was because of the pics of her squatting showing everyone her asscheeks.

“I see. You moved away from that content, right?” Emma knew immediately she was referring to her. But at least she wasn’t a slut who posted boob pics all day. “I remembered most of your pictures showing off your cleavage.”

If they weren’t so similar maybe they could’ve been friends at some point. Both were gorgeous women that excelled at their respective jobs, both had been queen bees and prom queens at school, and both were so proud and self-centered that not being the center of attention was almost a foreign concept to them. But for these same reasons they were always trying to one-up each other.

Even with all their similarities, their bodies were quite different. Olivia was a tall, top-heavy blond with long legs and a svelte figure, standing at 5’10 and sporting F cup breasts. Emma on the other hand was a 5’5 brunette more on the thicc side, she had a more humble B cup chest but a bigger bubble butt.

After some awkward silence, they decided to drop the issue and continue with their day. Both count their little spat as a win in their respective books.

“Well, I have to go. See you later girlfriend.”

“Same. Hope you have a great day.”

All their days at the company were the same, bickering at each other every opportunity they got. But despite all of their fighting, neither of them could claim to be the top bitch at work. They were trapped always being on equal foot or slightly better or worse. However, all that changed when someone else entered the picture.

John Lewis was the new hire for the accounting department. He was a tall, fit, handsome, and charming man. But more importantly, he was miraculously single, which made him the perfect target for the pair of rivals. If one of them could get her hands on him, that would prove her superiority over the other once and for all. And so the pair of rivals started their newest battle.

Soon, John found himself in between the flirtatious advances of the 2 hottest women in the company. Even if they worked in different departments, Emma in marketing and Olivia in HR, both would make time in their schedule to talk and spend time with him. But no matter how much they tried, they couldn’t get John to date one of them. Or so it seemed.

One evening after work Emma and John caught each other on the elevator while leaving. So Emma tried once again to ask him out. However, instead of him directly but politely rejecting her like always, he looked uncomfortable and stood in silence for a couple of seconds.

“Yeah, sorry. The thing is … I started seeing someone and I already have plans tonight.”

Emma’s face changed from surprise to anger to playing it cool again in a matter of seconds. “Oh ... no worries. If you don’t mind me asking, who’s the lucky girl?” She desperately tried to not sound that interested but in the back of her mind, an annoying face appeared mocking her.

Again he became uncomfortable, trying to come up with the best response. But before he could answer the doors to the elevator opened.

“Well … see you next Monday. Hope you guys have a great time.” In an uncharacteristically moment for her, she said goodbye not wanting to confirm her suspicion.

That night Emma went out to drink her anger away. After looking at Olivia’s photos on social media she saw her having dinner with John. She had lost. How could that have happened? She was way hotter than that bitch Olivia. Not wanting to drown in her self pity she resolved herself, she would have to steal him away from her.

As she left the bar walking down the street her eyes caught a neon sign. It was a crystal ball sign for a fortune teller. Standing there almost in trance she heard a voice coming from inside the establishment calling to her. Scared but curious she entered wanting to find out more.

Next week at work Olivia could hardly contain her happiness. She had gone for John because he was hot and Emma was also interested in him. But she was pleasantly surprised when she found out that John was a genuinely good and interesting guy, and both of them happened to have good chemistry. More importantly, she couldn’t wait to rub her new relationship in front of Emma’s stupid face.

“Hi, Emma!” Speaking of the devil. The bitch was at the cafeteria preparing herself a coffee.

“Oh. Hello Olivia. How are you doing?” Emma didn’t even look at her, it seemed her response was more of a polite greeting than any serious attempt at a conversation.

“I’m good, great in fact. I met this great guy and this weekend we went out on a date.”

“Really? Well, I hope things work out for you two.” Disinterested Emma answered while finishing making her coffee and picking up a donut.

Was she actually gonna act like she wasn’t interested in John? Who was she trying to fool?

“Thanks. Maybe you know him? He works in accounting, his name is John.” Olivia wasn't going to let her go so easily. She wanted to see her face when the guy Emma tried to seduce chose her instead.

“Oh yeah. I’ve talked with him a couple times. Seems like a great guy.”

What was with her today? If she felt anything she didn’t show it. Even after finally defeating her she was refusing her well-deserved victory. It was not fair.

“Well, if you excuse me. I need to get going. See you later Olivia.” Emma excused herself and left taking a bite at her donut.

It didn’t end there. Despite the multiple provocations and taunts, Olivia threw at Emma, she wouldn’t respond like she used to. She would change the subject or nod in agreement. Not only that, she had stopped posting to her account.

It was like Emma had lost her thunder. In winning their most recent fight Olivia had lost her rival. If she wanted to be all Debbie Downer fine by Olivia, she would continue proving who was the best at work. Despite that even if she would never admit it, a part of her was sad that her spats ended there.

And just like that, a new status quo was formed at the company. Everything continued as always for Olive, but Emma was less energetic and focused. But the most important change was in her eating. Some people even thought she was depressed and searching for comfort in food.

They were those who thought that it was only momentary, Olivia included. That Emma would one day regain her confidence back and everything would go back to normal. But as time went on Emma proved them wrong, cementing the idea that the new Emma was here to stay.

Soon there were not only changes in her attitude but in her body as well. It looked like all that extra eating had caught up with her. Her already big bubble butt had expanded making her skirts and pants incredibly thigh, and the appearance of a muffin top and potbelly could be seen thru her blouses.

And as weeks turned into months those changes only increased. Emma had transformed from the poster girl in the marketing department to a chubby unmotivated employee. Soon her weight started to complicate things for her at work. Chairs became uncomfortable and restrictive, her hips knocked over things, and ordinary activities like climbing stairs started to feel more and more difficult.

Then as her weight crept from chubby to undeniable fat the nastier changes began. Emma had always kept a rigorous grooming routine to keep her image, but as she gained weight she became looser with personal hygiene. She started to shower and brush her teeth less often. She would start going to work wearing the same clothes multiple days. And she would let out burps and farts without a care in the world.

With her habits worsening as the years went by, things started to look grim for Emma. Her increasing weight and bad hygiene meant her health took a nosedive. At work, she was doing so poorly that she was demoted and became an antisocial recluse, not that anyone cared to be around her anymore. She only lived to get to her next meal.

On the contrary, Olivia’s life had improved for the better. She had been promoted to a manager position and her relationship with John was great as ever. Everything was going her way. And all came to a close when John proposed to her. She was ecstatic. She had obtained the impossible, a perfect life. Although deep down she felt bad that to achieve it she had ruined Emma’s.

As she walked down the halls of the marketing department Olivia was beginning to question herself. What was she doing? Why was she searching for her? She wasn’t her friend so, why did she care? Did she only want to taunt her one last time?

As she found herself deep in thought Olivia was brought back to reality by the sounds of eating and laborious breaths and the unmistakable foulness of body odor. Reaching the corner of the cubicle farm she found her old rival.

God she really let herself go. In place of the thicc and fiery girl she knew, there was a disgusting and grotesque parody of her. She was sitting in an extra-wide armrest less office chair and even then her hips and ass ooze to the sides of it. She couldn’t believe that a human could get so fat, but here was Emma to show her it was possible. Her clothes looked painted to her and were covered in sweat, food, and grease stains. Her hair was a greasy mess and her face looked sick.

“H-hey there Emma.” For a moment Olivia faltered. She felt a mix of emotions but especially anger. Emma had been the closest to having a second one of hers in the company, and she had let a failed love bring her so low.

“Hello *Munch* Olivia.” Emma stopped eating her family-size bag of chips, cleaned her hands on her blouse, and greeted Olivia. “*Buuuuuuuurp* Ahh, what brings you here?”

“Nothing much … I wanted to see how you’ve been doing.” Hiding her anger was getting harder. How much of a pig had Emma turned into.

“Aww, thanks. Things aren't so great but I manage.”

“Right, I remembered when you used to have your own office.” Old habits die hard, and Olivia couldn’t help herself to throw a jab at Emma.

“Hahaha, right. But that was long ago. What about you? How have things been for you?”

“Great. Everything has been so perfect these days. I’m an HR manager now. And also ...” Olivia held her left hand right in front of Emma’s face with a huge grin plastered on her face.

“Wow.” Emma was captivated by the beautiful diamond ring.

“Yeah, John proposed to me last week.”

While taking her hand out Olivia saw something she hadn’t seen in years, something she had come to miss. Emma was smiling. Just like in the old days of their rivalry there was a certain spark in her eyes. It made her feel sad in a way, it was too late now. She was of course happy to have beaten Emma in every possible way, well maybe she could use this renewed spirit to lose some weight.

“That reminds me. I never congratulated you.” Emma rummaged through her desk drawer encumbered by the amount of fat on her belly and arms. “Here. I’ve always wanted to give you this, but never had the chance to.” Pulling up a silver necklace with an encrusted emerald, she offered it to Olivia.

“I-I don’t know what to say, Emma.” She had expected different things from Emma when she told her about her engagement; but being gifted something, especially this beautiful and expensive looking necklace, had never crossed her mind. She always thought of Emma as a sore loser. However, with this gift she had started to change her mind.

“No worries. It’s my pleasure.” Emma answered with a sinister smile. If Olivia hadn’t been so fixated on the necklace she would have noticed Emma was planning something.

Checking out the necklace Olivia’s eyes focused on the emerald. There was something so captivating about it that it almost felt unnatural. Inside the stone she found a couple of mysterious lights dancing. They swirled around increasing in speed, soon their movements were the only thing on Olivia’s mind, and then everything went dark.

As her senses started to come back, Olivia felt wrong. Things were different. Soon those sensations started to intensify and left her more confused and panicked. Her heart was racing like she had finished running a marathon and she could feel her body covered in sweat. Her whole body was hot and felt extremely lethargic. As her mind started making sense of things and her eyes refocused she was scared by the sight in front of her.

“Easy there, tubby. We don’t want you to have a heart attack.” With a mocking tone, a perfect copy of herself stood there looking down on her.

”Wha- what? What’s going on?” Wait. That wasn’t her voice. But she recognized who it belonged to, it was Emma’s.

Trying to look at herself she found the task more difficult than expected. While looking down she felt the resistance of a second chin, and then a couple of enormous sagging breasts and a huge boulder of a belly blocked the rest of her from view.

“C’mon, don’t look so surprised. Did you really think I wouldn’t do anything when you started dating John?” Her doppleganger said. No that wasn’t right, if she sounded and looked like that, then the person in front of her must be Emma.

“B-but how?” It was like a nightmare. It should have been impossible but it felt so real.

“The night you went out for the first time I came across a fortune teller. She told me that no matter how hard I tried I wouldn’t be able to get John. Apparently, you have destined to be together or something.” Emma reminisced with contempt about that fateful night. “So she offered me the best next thing. A way to exchange lives.” She then started smiling as she dangled the silver ring in front of Olivia’s face.

“The necklace.” Olivia tried to snatch the necklace from Emma but the added weight of her new arms proved to be too much of a hindrance and Emma swiftly pocketed it.

“That’s right. It cost me a fortune, but it worked as promised, wouldn't you say?” Olivia had flashed that shit-eating grin multiple times at others, but now that she was at a loss on what to do or say.

“But then what about you being depressed?”

“Oh, that?” Emma looked bored as she explained herself. “I wasn’t depressed, but I had to find a way to get back at you. If we only exchanged lives then you would still have had a pretty good time being me. So first I decided to ruin mine before the change.”

“You’re crazy! What if you couldn’t change then you would have ruined your life for nothing.”

“I had confirmed the magic of the necklace, and I know you, Olivia. I know you wouldn’t waste a chance to brag when John proposed to you. Or should I say ‘proposed to me’?” Emma looked at her new left hand. It felt so right to be the one with the ring.

“You can’t do this. You won’t get away with it.” Olivia felt like she was going crazy. She was so powerless. With her new body even standing up was proving to be a monumental challenge.

“Oh, but I already did ‘Emma’. I have become Olivia. The hottest woman at the company, the HR manager, and future wife of John Lewis.”

“No no no. This isn’t real. This isn’t happening.” Tears began to run down her chubby cheeks as the inevitability of her new life began to set in.

“Don’t worry, I'll take care of your body, it is certainly interesting being this tall and top-heavy.” Emma looked like a kid with a new toy as she inspected her new body and copped a feel of her breasts. “I missed being thin, you’ll soon find out that being your size makes even the most mundane things complicated.”

She then put her hand in the immense expanse of her old body’s belly and shook it playfully. This only agitated Olivia’s bowels and she let out a long and repugnant fart. She was left speechless at her inability to hold it in and how good it felt to release it.

“Eww.” Emma covered her nose with one hand and fanned the air with the other. “They really are nasty. It must be true that you grow accustomed to your own odor. Good thing I don’t have to worry about them anymore. Well, if you excuse me. I have more important things to do. See you later ‘Emma’.” And with that, she waved her hand and started walking away with a smile happily humming a song.

Olivia was left there in her new cubicle crying about her lost life. She then saw the bag of chips halfway finished, took it, and started eating them.
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