Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2273413-Little-teacher
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2273413
A teacher shrinks down by one of his students who wants some fun.
Mr. Alex was a single 40 year old highschool history teacher. He was always known as a grumpy man by his students. If you just cought in his class he would flip out. It was ecspecialy one student he didn't like at all. 17 year old Dylan Jacksson, the school's know it all. He would always tell when the teachers was wrong, and that pissed off Mr. Alex.

But that wasn't the only thing he hated about Dylan. The biggest thing was that Dylan was gay. Mr. Alex was very homophobic and treated any homosexuall worse then the others. But he would soon regret it.

It was the end friday and Mr. Alex was walking through the hallway to get to his car. Just then he bumped into Dylan, which made him drop his bag.

"Watch where you're going Jacksson!" Mr. Alex yelled.

"Sorry Mr. Alex. But I was looking for you." Dylan said with a smile. Mr. Alex looked at him mad.

"What do you want?"

"Well. I saw my and others of your students homework. And I saw that you gave me and other homosexualls bad grades. Even if it was well done."

"Listen here. I'm the teacher. I can grade anyway I want. And you faggots are disgusting. Butt fucking eachother. It suppose to be a boy and a girl. Not two boys or two girls."

"Well I see that you haven't gotten to be pleasured." Dylan said with a smirk.

"Ok that's it." Mr. Alex said and grabbed Dylan by the neck chocking him.

"I don't care if I go to jail. I'll be so happy that you're gone." He smiled. But Dylan then took out a syringe with a blue liquide and stabbed Mr. Alex in his arm. He got let go and Mr. Alex started to feel dizzy until he blacked out.

Mr. Alex opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but was stuck. He looked around and saw that he was naked and his arms and legs was held down by ductape, which for some reason looked bigger then it should. Then he noticed that everything was big, and he started to sweat. What happened? Is this a dream? And where was he?

A door then opened up and in walked Dylan, Who now was giant.

"Good you're awake." He said smirking.

"What the fuck did you do to me!?"

"Oh. That serum I gave you shrank you down to 12 inches tall. And why? Because you deserve it your homophobic asshole."

"You can't keep me like this. They'll soon be looking for me." Mr. Alex yelled but Dylan just grinned.

"I don't think so. I deleted the footage on the cameras. And burned your clothes together with some bones. They'll think someone killed you. So I don't need to worry about that." Dylan said and reached his hand towards Mr. Alex. He took off the tape and wrapped his hand around the shrunken teacher who was squirming.

"Let me go your basterd!" Mr. Alex screamed while hitting the hand. Dylan just smiled.

"Now let's have some fun." He said and moved his fingers to Mr. Alex's penis.

"Don't you fucking dare!" He yelled but Dylan didn't listen and started to massage the penis with his fingers. Mr. Alex moaned and tried to ger free. Dylan smiled and felt the little penis getting harder. He then took out his tounge and started to lick the little penis, making Mr. Alex moan more. Then he engolfed the penis in his mouth and sucked it off. The wet tounge made Mr. Alex feel himself getting closer to a climax and tried to stop himself.

But he couldn't and started to cum in the mouth. Dylan licked up the warm semen and swallowed it before taking the flattend penis out of his moth.

"You've been holding in alot. Now it's my turn." Dylan said and pulled down his pants and underwear revealing his six inche long erected penis. Mr. Alex panicked as Dylan grabbed his buttcheeks.

"Are you crazy!? I'm gonna break!" He screamed.

"No you're not." Dylan said and licked his fingers before putting in one by one into Mr. Alex's asshole, making him scream in pain. Then he positioned his penis and put it in. Mr. Alex screamed in pain and the big penis went inside of him. Dylan started to move Mr. Alex back and forth moaning.

He started to move faster and faster. Meanwhile was Mr. Alex having a living hell. Then Dylan filled him up with his warm semen and pulled out the shrunken penis. He then kissed Mr. Alex on his small lips.

"That was wonderfull. You're a great toy." Dylan said smiling.

"Please. Make me normal size again." Mr. Alex said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry toy. I'll take good care of you." Dylan said.

Time went by and people forgot about Mr. Alex. Dylan was happy because now he had an excellent sex toy at home. And he would never let him go. And Mr. Alex? Well he started to regret what he did. But it was to late for him. Now he was stuck as a sextoy forever.

The end.

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