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Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #2279553
Rats had Enough for Writers Cramp

Rats had enough

The rats had had enough
Of humanity’s war
Against them,

They called for a meeting
Of the pests

The rats chaired the meeting,

Ants, bats, birds, bears, bacteria, bugs
bees, cockroaches, feral cats, feral dogs
hornets, lions, Mice, mosquitos, rats
Snakes, tigers, wasps, yellow jackets
And viruses of all sorts.

All showed up
For the summit of the pests.

The pests vowed
To fight back
To kill humanity
Once and for all
It was a war
That the humans
Had started.

The rats announced
Their manifesto

Saying enough
No more
All humans must die.

The pests screamed
Attacking humans
All over the world.

The end of the world
With the revolt
Of the pests.

Our home is infested by the neighbor's rats, hornet nests, and termite pests. What happens next? Something worse, I bet. With the fickle hand of fate would give it a rest.

Write a story or poem about Pests.
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