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Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #2280304
the Final Ground Hog Day for Writer's Cramp

36 lines

The last ground day
February 2, 2025
Started as most such days did,
In the U.S. people flocking
To see whether the groundhog
Would see his shadow or not.

The mystery remains
Why this event
Had so captured
The imagination of the world?

By the end of the day
The ground hog’s prognosis
Of six weeks more winter
Seemed ironical.

As that was the year
Without summer
And the first year
Of the new ice age.

By the end of the day
There were massive volcanic eruptions
Triggered by the Yellowstone volcano.
Setting off other volcanos -
All told over 25 volcanos blew up.

Followed by massive earthquakes
Including the “Big One” in California
The massive explosions led to a year
Without summer

A true civilization-ending event,
Ground Hog Day soon faded away.
Into collective amnesia.

No one had time anymore
To deal with such a mundane
Old fashion mystery.

As they were dealing with
The end-of-the-world.


Write a story or poem about a Groundhog Day (2/2) gone wrong.

Choose Mystery as one of your genres.

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