Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2284000-Excerpt-From-future-story
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Dark · #2284000
I am introducing you to one of my characters from a story Florence
Florence Blume was locked up, for good reason.
He was a level 9 threat with 10
being the highest threat possible, he was not someone to underestimate. But Jericho forgot this, well he didn’t forget. He just didn’t think about it.
Florence wasn’t who everyone else thought he was.
He may have come from a long line of vicious ghouls but he was scared. Jericho wasn’t sure of what but this prisoner was terrified. And he couldn’t help himself, he was worried about Florence. He told himself he was worried the way any good guard would be, but good guards didn’t smile when their prisoners said thank you. Or blush when they looked their way.
Jericho didn’t know what to do he hadn’t fallen for anyone ever, he had understandably believed that he wouldn’t and he had been fine with that. But then he met Florence. Jericho was a human and falling for a ghoul was a bad idea like the worst idea. Humans and ghouls were the least compatible species, at least that’s what he had been told. With the most recent ghoul attacks that idea only seemed to prove itself. But here he was sitting in front of Florence’s cell.

“Jericho, has my brother said anything about the letter I sent him?”

“ No unfortunately, he doesn’t want anything to do with you. Those were his exact words. He did take the letter though.”

“Hopefully he reads it, thank you Jericho.”

“You’re welcome.” Jericho tried to keep the flutter in his heart even as he said it.

Jericho had been a prison guard for a long time. But he had only recently moved to (the city) and so he had only worked at Florence’s prison for a few months. He didn’t know much about Florence, he only recently learned that he was algernons brother. Apparently he had been sending him letters ever since he had been locked up, and each one was declined. Jericho found it sad but couldn’t judge Alger on, after all he didn’t know what Florence had done. But it had to have been something terrible. No matter how he felt no one ended up in a maximum security prison for nothing especially not someone from as wealthy and influential a family as Florence.
Guards were given inmate files several months after being hired this was to ensure that people weren’t simply taking the job to have access to the information.
Jericho finally was able to read Florence’s files.

Florence was a member of the Blume family. A notorious family of ghouls Florence’s brother was a head of the night police, and his sister’s whereabouts were unknown. This background information was included due to the family’s noteriety .
Florence was accused and convicted of several counts of Wrongful deaths, homicides, and conspiracy to consume. But Jericho still couldn’t shake his feelings, that was until he read the last account from his brother.

My brother and I had befriended a young boy, a human child. Now to be clear all humans who lived on our territory were considered livestock or free game so I suppose that was my brother’s rationale behind what he did. But I will never see him the same.
Jericho kept reading.

My brother took me down to this young boys house and we played with him for a few minutes he was taunting me, or possibly giving me time to stop him idk. But then he suddenly snapped this boy’s neck and ripped his throat out. And he looked at me and said remember they’re not your friends. And then he simply went home. I couldn’t eat after that.

Jericho felt sick, no wonder why Algernon wanted nothing to do with his brother.
Jericho tried to keep a calm façade the next time he saw Florence but he failed.

“You finally read my file didn’t you?”Florence sounded like he understood.

Jericho could only manage a nod.

“I knew it, no one looks me in the eye after reading it. I can’t blame you. I’m locked up here for good reason. He chuckled dryly and painfully.”

Jericho felt his heart twist with the feelings he still had. He couldn’t justify them to himself any longer.

“Jericho…” Florence hesitated, and took a deep breath failing to say whatever had been on his mind.

“Is there anything else, Mr. Blume?” Jericho said distancing himself from Florence, he had been using his first name.

No, Jericho that’s it… have a good evening.”

Florence knew that Jericho would immediately distance himself when he read his file, but he hadn’t thought it would hurt so much. Only a few guards actually addressed him as Florence. He hated being called Mr. Blume it reminded him of his father.

If justice had really been done that day he and his mother would be locked up right next to him. His mother had put him up to it after all. Not that he hadn’t done it. But he didn’t want to kill that boy. His mother had been threatening him after Algernon failed to kill Janos, Zelmina had been disappointed in her sons failure to become vicious like she was. So she allowed them some freedom freedom to make friends. And once they had made a human friend, she immediately told Florence her plans. Florence wished that he hadn’t been so afraid of her. But he was, he knew that she would kill her own child without Batting her eyes, so her threat landed heavy on him that day.

“Get him to consume human flesh and kill that boy or I will find some other use for that head of yours.”

Zelmina wasn’t the motherly type, she used her oldest son to ensure her younger children were kept in line.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2284000-Excerpt-From-future-story