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Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #2284880
november 10th, 2022
Okay, disregard everything I said yesterday about "the Lord looking out for me". Things just keep becoming more and more difficult. Why is it, the world has come to a point where you can't even trust job interviews? Why do so many people feel the need to scam people for their bank accounts, Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts, etc.? Just the other day I had this "mom" message me on Instagram about wanting a sugar babe, and how she would gladly help me with my financial struggles. Two days pass and she somehow managed to steal my Facebook account, and my backup Instagram account! What do you gain from that? What do you gain from hacking my profile besides getting to use my pictures for your next scam. Its so upsetting what this world has come to, especially with the amount of things you can access just through the Internet alone...

Anyhow, today I have to start sleep training my son to sleep in his crib at night... Meh, not so excited about that. Just means some more sleepless nights for me. He use to sleep GREAT in his bassinet, unfortunately he outgrew it and now he hates the amount of space he has in his crib. He has lasted about an hour or so in his crib, then will wake up screaming bloody murder until I put him in my bed... Don't shame me, I would rather help my son then let him suffer; as I'm sure most moms would. I'm trying to get him use to a doc-a-tot, so that when he's okay sleeping there I can just put the doc-a-tot in his crib and go from there. Last night was a success with the doc-a-tot, I guess we'll see how tonight goes. My bestfriend also said he could be upset with the height of his crib bed, since its lower to the ground than his bassinet was... Maybe I'll try to raise the mattress in his crib and see how he sleeps then.

No one ever said how stressful it would be being a mom. Trying your best to make the house not just a house, but a home for everyone. It's exhausting... Until next time...

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