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by Ray
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #2286447
This is something that I had written a decade ago.
Dawn of a New Era
Balance is a constant necessity in the universe.
Balance dictates that there is an opposite for every power in the universe. For every good, there is evil. Every being has a great rival, or enemy, that forces them to be better, to push them to their utmost limits and beyond. Balance decrees that everything must be kept in... well, in harmony.
But sometimes, balance does not dictate what a being's equal is. It does not even dictate what a being will become.
On a world unknown to all, a world with beauty unparalleled in the universe, two kingdoms rose to prominence. One was, quite literally, of the light. The other is consumed by darkness.
The Kingdom of Light was an enlightened place, their ideas unique to the rest of the world. Due to those ideas and the sophistication of their culture and military structure, they had become one of the most dominant kingdoms on that continent and was the example that most followed. It was considered the epitome of balance.
The Kingdom of Darkness followed a more medieval path in its development. Their king, an immortal of incredible power and cruelty, ruled with absolute terror, leading his forces in a series of conquests. He made his kingdom the largest in the land, conquering nearly one-half of the continent within a hundred cycles.
On the day these two kingdoms collided in a battle that had the potential to destroy them both, their rulers decided that they would have no further dealings with each other. An unofficial truce began, with neither kingdom forming any sort of diplomatic relations with the other. It was a policy that both ruling families followed faithfully for over five hundred cycles.
But nothing lasts forever. Especially with two kingdoms that are as different as night and day.
It is in this world and time that this story will take place, during a time where change is coming, peace will be shattered, and the fate of many will depend on the courage of a few… or one.
One kingdom’s name was Geonosis.
The other’s name was Darconia.
This is how it all began.
"Under the laws of the great kingdom of Geonosis, I bestow unto you, Prince Leo, the title and all of the privileges to it of King." The priest, bearing the trappings of the Holy Order of Lisica, smiled down at the man kneeling before him. "May the Gods bless you with wisdom as you rule as your forefathers have before you, with honor, compassion, and integrity. Now rise, King Leo the Second!"
Taking a deep breath to calm his shaking nerves, Leo of Zaro, and the new King of Geonosis, rose to a standing position and turned, surveying the cheering crowd before him. "And here we go," he muttered, steeling himself.
Leo fit the role of a king perfectly in every physical sense. A tall, powerfully built man, hardened from years of physical labor, there was also a nobility to him that he had been born with. His jaw was strong, his hair well groomed, and his face clean-shaven.
Only in his eyes could you see the nervousness brewing through him. To go from being a simple farmer to becoming the most powerful man in his kingdom was something that, even after five cycles of preparation, he was not entirely ready for. And he had left his wife and newborn son back in the village, rarely getting the chance to see them. The life of a monarch was fraught with peril.
But, as his father had told him on one of his many visits to Zaro, there were always possibilities. As King, he could bring them to the city, or visit them in his old home. Leo opted for the latter. His wife was a farmer, and would have never been comfortable in the city, knowing that she would be able to lose Dynas in a crowd. And he didn't want his son to become spoiled and rotten. His father's approach, one the King's of Old used for tyca-cycles, had proven as effective as it had in the past.
Furthermore, he had been given a choice; to carry on the family tradition and take his rightful place as King of Geonosis, or live out his life in Zaro, surrounded by friends and family. “No one in the Kingdom will think any less of you, my son,” his father had said. The Prime Minister's would simply rule until a member of the Royal family claimed the throne.
He had chosen to accept his place in the family line and, with the full support of his home village, he had gone to the First City.
And now he was on the throne of one of the two most powerful kingdoms on the Aron continent. He had the power to change anything he wanted, to do anything he wanted.
He didn’t feel like he deserved that type of power... which was probably why he had it. And the pants he wore itched like crazy.
Ignoring his physical discomfort and making sure his emotional turbulence didn't translate to his body, Leo raised his hands. The noise and accolades immediately diminished as the people stared up at him, waiting. "People of Geonosis!" he proclaimed, his voice carrying in the silence, filled with a confidence that he simply did not feel. "For my entire life, I have lived among you, like my forefathers before me. I was one of you! I stand before you now not just as your ruler, but also as your servant. For the people cannot serve their king if the king is not willing to serve his people." He smiled. "Like my father before me, I will never forget the experiences that have shaped me, nor the place from which I came. I may be your ruler, but I am also your friend and representative. May the Gods bless us all, and let us celebrate the continued prosperity of our great nation!" Brief, but potent. He had never been good with long speeches. He got it from his father.
The crowd renewed their cheering as music began playing in the square. The sounds of celebration soon spread throughout the city. By next week, Leo knew, the entire continent would know that there was a new king on the throne, and emissaries from the Allied Kingdoms would arrive later to greet him, offer him gifts, and get a feel of his policies.
And yet, despite everything he knew he should be feeling, the only thing he could think about was his infant son, and wondering what his choice would be when the day came.
A strong hand clapped onto his shoulder affectionately, so familiar to him, that he didn’t even need to turn around to see who it was. “I didn’t think you would show, Father,” he said as he turned around, the smile still on his face.
Andrew of Zaro, the former king of Geonosis, laughed heartily. "Me, miss the most important of my son's life? Never!" The two men engulfed each other in a bear hug, pounding each other on the back. "I am glad and relieved that you decided to take the throne! It will allow me to explore the world like I always wanted to!"
Though he had been on the throne for twenty-five cycles, he had borne it remarkably well, though he had begun to bald prematurely a few cycles ago. All in all, he could have remained king for many cycles to come, but like his father, he abdicated before becoming unflexible. That was another strength of their family; knowing when to step down.
Leo nodded, his pride shining through. "I am glad that you had a hand in raising me." He turned, thumping the High Priest on the shoulder. "And I thank you for helping me find my way spiritually, Lord Trayer."
Trayer, a Priest of the Holy Order of Lisica, returned the smile. He was an average-sized man of medium build, with blue-gray eyes that could peer into a man's soul. "I am the one who is glad, your Excellency," he replied. "You have proven an excellent student, as your father, I am told. I look forward to giving my report to the High Priest upon returning to the Temple."
Grinning, the King, Priest, and former King made their way inside, discussing tomorrow's events. The Village and city leaders would meet so that the King could learn their names and prepare for the emissaries of the various kingdoms on their side of the mountain range. Both were purely social events, but essential, nonetheless. A King needed to know who the regional heads were to rule more effectively.
There were also the equally important matters of the deployment of troops along the borders, which was always tricky, no matter the situation.
And of their defense strategies against Darconia, should they break the truce.
"Do you think that Darcon will break the truce?" Leo asked as they walked the halls. "It seems almost impossible. The peace between the two kingdoms has held for over five hundred cycles."
“Yes, it does seem that way, but I can assure you, it will happen.” Andrew turned his attention to the walls they walked, where various paintings of their ancestors hung. Simple but empowering. “Maybe not in our lifetimes, but it will happen. Which is why we must always keep the border facing Darconia heavily fortified.”
“… What if we were to build a wall that could act as another line of defense? It is not a perfect solution, but it could delay their armies significantly.”
Andrew nodded. "I had made a similar proposal to our chief builders about ten cycles ago. At the time, they said that it was impossible. But they had recently discovered several innovative ways to get building supplies where they need them and the finding of stronger lifting spells."
"Then perhaps it is time to make that proposal to them again. And we need to do it as quickly as possible."
Trayer turned to observe Leo for a moment. "You truly believe they will not attack us as we construct this wall?" he asked. "That gap in the mountains is their only way into Geonosis. They will do everything they can to stop the workers from finishing it."
The answer to that question would have been straightforward and final. And it would never see the light of day.
As they turned the corner, a messenger suddenly ran up to them, breathing hard. From the look of him, he had been running throughout the night, not even stopping to rest. “My… my lord!” he gasped out, falling to one knee. “I… I have urgent news… from the border!”
Leo helped the man to his feet, wondering what that small knot in his stomach meant. "What is it?" he asked, already sounding like a king. He suspected that he would not like the answer.
“… The town of Serennio was attacked by Darconian soldiers almost two days ago. The soldiers stationed there fought back valiantly, but…”
"They were outnumbered and taken by surprise," Andrew finished sadly and also surprised. Serennio was deep within their territory. "What about the town itself?"
The messenger looked up. "It… it is gone, Your Majesty. There are survivors, but they were on the town's outer borders and thus could escape without being seen. We do not know how many managed to escape."
For a moment, silence reigned supreme. The sounds of the celebration did not penetrate the small cocoon of shock and grief that enveloped the three great men. It was a stark reminder that a glorious day could go downhill.
The message also clinched it. Leo turned to his father. “It would seem that the truce has ended, as you have predicted. Could you summon the generals before you leave? We will need to discuss our options.”
Andrew nodded, patting his son on the shoulder. “They shall meet in the war room in thirty minutes. And if you want, I can stay and help…”
“You have done your duty, Father. Now it is my turn.”Leo turned to Trayer. “Eminence…”
“I shall send healers to help the survivors,” Trayer replied immediately. “Of this, I promise you.”
“Thank you.”
As the Priest moved to a fresh runner, giving him his instructions, Leo turned his attention back to the messenger. “Make sure he is treated well,” he ordered two of his servants. “Bring him food and fresh garments to wear. Do make sure he gets some sleep, as well. He will need his strength later.” With those orders, he turned to make for the war room, a room that was only used during times of crisis.
Leo had the sad suspicion that they would use it many times in the future.


Maggie stretched her back, rubbing those pesky muscles for a moment in irritation. It was becoming harder and harder for her to do her chores, though she managed to persevere somehow. ‘Sometimes, it just does not pay to grow older,’ she thought, placing the last of the potatoes into her basket. ‘But once again, I did it, without any help.’ At sixty cycles, she didn’t have to do these types of chores by herself. The others would have gladly helped her.
But this was her own little way of letting everyone know that she could still contribute, that she wasn’t useless. As she had no children, and her husband had died in a raid twenty cycles back, she needed that sense of purpose. After all, she was alone in this world.
That would change within the next few minutes. And the remainder of her life would change forever because of it.
As Maggie started her slow walk back to her hut, a distant shouting caught her attention. Confused, she stopped, turning around in a circle, trying to pinpoint which direction it was coming from. ‘It sounds like it’s coming from the south,’ she thought, setting her basket down. ‘But there is nothing that way, except…the road to Serennio.’
That thought was enough to get the old woman running, an unexplainable dread starting to form in her stomach. She didn't know what she would find, only that she knew it wouldn't be good.
Upon reaching her destination, she discovered that the others shared her dread in the village of Zaro. All of them were staring at the same thing.
Walking along the beaten path, staggering, was a woman. And although she was still a reasonable distance away, it was evident to them all that she was hurt.
And hurt badly.
Maggie turned her head. “Allister!” she barked. “That woman needs help!”
Allister, the village leader, whose massive strength and authority were matched only by his compassion, nodded. "Jerrod, Bastion, come with me!" He turned his attention to Maggie. "Your hut is closest."
"I will have a broth ready by the time you get there," Maggie promised before heading for her home.
Mere moments later, a small pot was over the fire, bubbling merrily as Maggie added herbs to it. She had just filled a cup with the liquid when the door was forced open, allowing Bastion and Allister to enter, the woman in Bastion's arms. Without saying a word, he gently deposited her onto the bed. Jerrod entered a few moments later, gently cradling a bundle in his arms.
Maggie placed the back of her hand on the patient's head, checking her temperature. She quickly felt for a pulse. "She is burning up with fever, and her pulse is weak. Get me some cold water and a cloth, Allister."
Allister nodded, taking a basin with him.
Maggie turned to Jerrod. “I need your help removing her clothes. I need to see what kind of damage was inflicted on her, and these fingers are not as steady as they used to be.”
"Of course," Jerrod replied, helping Maggie strip their guest, then examine her. It became clear that she had not been attacked with a weapon, but something ailed her. "Now what?"
"We hope she gets better." Maggie drew the sheet up, covering the woman. "In the meantime, we need more people on the lookout. I just hope I am being paranoid."
Bastion quickly left, being replaced just as quickly by Allister, carrying a basin of cold water. Maggie promptly grabbed a clean rag, soaking it. "Wipe her face, neck, and shoulders until she regains consciousness." She quickly moved out of the way so the village head could tend to her, before turning back to Jerrod. "What is in her bag?"
"Actually, it is not a bag. It is a… baby." Jerrod was amazed, which was rare for him. "A baby girl."
“A baby?” Maggie looked at him in surprise, then at the bundle again. A moment passed as she stared at the baby.
She looked normal enough, the elderly woman discovered. There were no abnormalities, no birthmarks to speak of. In fact, with the exception of her hair, which was a surprisingly bright white color, there was nothing out of the ordinary. She was sleeping, content in her own little world.
And yet, when Maggie stared at her, she became convinced that there was something special about her. Something was simmering below the surface of this child. She just didn’t know what.
A slight moan brought her back to reality, and she turned to the bed. “She has regained consciousness.” She picked up the cup, heading for the bed. “Here, drink this,” she whispered, holding the cup to the woman’s lips. “It should ease your throat.”
The woman raised her head, supported by Allister’s hand, coughing violently as a trickle of the liquid went down her throat. “Where?” she croaked after a moment, coughing slightly.
Allister placed her head back on the bed, frowning at the rasp in her breath. "You are in Zaro," he replied. "You are safe."
The woman seemed to relax, as if a great weight had been lifted from her. "Thank the Gods… my daughter is safe now." She finally opened her eyes open at long last, taking in her surroundings. "Had to… had to run…"
Maggie leaned forward. “Madam, what happened?”
The woman coughed. “I… was helping a neighbor put up decorations… when we first heard the screaming…” she stopped. “They were troops… from Darconia.”
Next to Maggie, Allister tensed slightly as those words were spoken. He turned to her, the question in her eyes. She nodded, cursing her intuition.
“They were… they were looking for something… and when they could not find it… they… they…” she broke off when she started coughing again.
“Save your strength,” Maggie said, holding the cup to her lips again. “You need to rest.”
“It… it will not matter…” the woman took another sip. “I… I was hit from behind by an attack spell as I fled… Serennio with my child… my friends…”
Everyone present cursed softly, knowing what that meant. An attack spell that was cast could only be countered by a member of the Order, and only within the first two days, if it wasn’t immediately fatal.
It was a three-day journey from Serennio to Zaro.
The woman’s hand reached out feebly, grasping Maggie’s with desperate strength. “I… I will soon die… and no one else in… my family survived the attack.” Her breath became more labored as she said this. “Please… please look after my daughter…” she whispered something, a word so softly that Allister and Jerrod couldn’t hear it.
Maggie, who was closer, and whose hearing was still sharp despite her age, caught the word, and smiled. “Do not worry, young one. We will take good care of her. I give you my word.”
The woman smiled, her eyes closing. Soon, her breathing slowed… until it stopped altogether.
Maggie slowly put the young woman's hand next to her body and pulled the sheet over her. In several moments, she would have Allister put a burial detail together and all rites performed for her.
But now, they held a moment of silence for her and the town that perished,
And what the future would bring.
Maggie finally turned to Allister. “Could you get a burial detail assembled?” she asked hoarsely.
Allister nodded, looking at what had once been a vibrant, beautiful woman. “You should stay at a friend’s house for a while. We are going to have to burn the bed to prevent infection.”
“I know. Barret has an extra bed, so I will go stay there.” The elderly woman’s gaze hardened. “What I want to know is… what were those Darconian monsters looking for?”
Jerrod shrugged. "Whatever it was, they were willing to break a five-tyco-cycle treaty, penetrate the heart of our territory, and destroy a growing economic center, just to find it." He looked at the little girl in his arms. "What do we do with her?" he asked. "The baby, I mean?"
Maggie observed the baby for a moment. "I shall adopt her. I have always wanted a child of my own and have been rather lonely as of late."
"But… should we not take her to the order? That way, she will be protected by the Gods' disciples."
“Something tells me that she will be better protected here, the world unaware of her existence. Besides, I promised her mother that I would take care of her. And I never break a promise.”
Jerrod finally smiled, understanding. “Well, what are we going to call her?”
And Maggie, who knew, in her heart, that she had made the right decision, took the child into her arms and said the child's name for the first time. The name that her mother had whispered to her. A name that would be, in the future, known to all.
“Her name… is Alania.”
Lisica Order Priest Journal Entry four hundred thirty-six
With a heavy heart, I write this entry, as what I, and the High Priest's before me, have feared would happen, finally occurred.
On the day of King Leo’s inauguration, the steady peace between Darconia and Geonosis came to a sudden, violent end. On this day, the forces of Darconia attacked the town of Serennio, leaving nothing but ashes and corpses. A look in the memory spheres revealed that they took a child with them, in adherence with their king’s command.
The Healers I had sent there returned to deliver their report, dismayed by the devastation they had seen. It was a level that had never been seen before by anyone.
I had hoped that another glimpse into the memory spheres would give me insight into what Leo would do. All hope for a peaceful solution has been wasted. Not that I am surprised. Even as I place these words down, he is accelerating plans to construct the Great Wall. While he refuses to seek retaliation against those who have raped our land, he will also not let our land be attacked again in this manner. It is a testament to our king's resolve that he will stick by this decision. He will defend his kingdom, but he will not wage war against a foe that has been preparing for such a confrontation.
I wonder if that is the right choice, as he does.
And yet… I feel that something else has happened. A prophecy not yet revealed to me has begun its march. One that will dictate not just the fate of the kingdom, or even the continent, but far much more.
For now, I shall watch, and wait for future events to run their course. It is, in all reality, all I can do.
I just hope that it happens soon.

~Trayer of Gasmult, Keeper of the Holy Texts
Order of Lisica
The Age of Balance 1045
© Copyright 2022 Ray (eros123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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