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Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2287178
An abandoned spaceship is found floating in space on a routine Space Patrol.
"Ranger Sx to base."

"Go ahead Ranger Six. Have you anything to report?"

"Nothing to report so far. It has been pretty quiet. I am about to start my turn toward Saturn. Will report back later. Ranger Six out." Dak Storm Turned the joystick to bank his Star Rover to the left. He could have sped up, but why end the flight too soon? He would then have to deal with a certain somebody back at the Base he had been avoiding.

Several sectors pass by without any incidents, just empty space. Then a warning light starts blinking like no tomorrow on the instrument panel. Rarely does that go off unless there is Danger nearby and if the danger had been imminent a loud annoying buzzer would accompany the blinking light.

Flipping on the targeting screen, Dak tried to find out what had caused the warning light to go off. At first, he did not see anything and he is thankful for that, as there had been rumors of Pirates operating in this section of the Solar System. He had yet to come upon any on any of his patrols, but there is always a first time.

"Ranger Six to Base. I am in Sector five of Saturn. A warning light of danger went off on my instrument panel. I am checking it out. Will let you know the results of my investigation. Ranger Six out."

"Be careful Ranger Six. Base out."

Dak's heart raced a little. He knew that sultry voice well. He and Ariyan had been dating for a few months now. It is her Brother Nate that is the problem Dak has been avoiding.

As he avoided the beginning of Saturn's Rings, something flashed in the distance and he slowed down. The Sun's rays had hit a metallic object, otherwise, he would never have known with his naked eye. The sector slowly slid by and the object grew in size that Dak knew it dwarfed his ship many times over. Stopping half a sector away, he looked the ship over. It seemed to be dead in space. Sensors showed no power coming from her engines and no life forms on board either.

Where did you come from? Dak wondered. How long have you been drifting around space? He moved forward going around the ship trying to find a name somewhere on her hull. The ship has five huge engines in its butt. It took him many minutes to cover the small part he had so far. Near the nose cone of the ship, Dak finally found the name of the ship. Icarus.

The name is foreign to him. He could not recall ever hearing the name mentioned before at the academy. His ship's computer could give him no information on t either. Maybe some back at the Base would know something? If not, then The Inner Planetary Association might have a clue.

"Ranger Six to Base."

"Go ahead Ranger Six."

"I found out what had sent the warning light haywire. A huge ship floating dead in space. Sensors show no power on board or any known type of lifeforms alive. This thing is larger than one of our Battle Cruisers. I do not see any damage to the hull at all."

"Did you find the name of her? Ranger Six."

"It is The Icarus. She is of an unknown class. Beautiful in her own way. I can not see any weapon ports on her, but I imagine she must have some form of defense. Do you want me to leave her or stay on station until a ship can arrive to tow her back to Base?"

"Ranger Six. Sit tight and I will get back to you as soon as I know anything. Do Not! I repeat. Do Not try to board her! Base out."

What to do while he waited, wondered Dak. After staring at his onboard computer terminal for a few moments, he started typing for a minute, then hit enter. Putting the ship in motion, Dak drove slowly all around the circumference of the Icarus mapping and measuring its entire surface.

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