Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2290049-World-salad-schizo-brain
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2290049
World salad
Hello there,

It's nice to meet facade you wear my fellow brains. That being said most of you fellow brains need to be removed from existence or stripped of your ability to spew your thoughts into existence. Yes, I often think this way even about my own thoughts.

However, I never thought about being cruel for the sake of cruelty or and other reason. What other might call my cruelty I will justify to my creator. With one exception.

At the the time I was working at a movie theater. Me being a schizophrenic I have issues with keeping track of time. I lost track of time due to stress of certain activities of others working ticket sales. Said person felt the need that cruelty was the best recourse to my inability. Inturn this cruel upset me.

So, I took a smoke break. I am not going to promote smoking, but if given the choice I would sell my body's soul for a cig. Anyway, the smoke break I was on got interrupted by a girl name Laura Evilsizer, yes that was her name.

In hide sight my over reaction to her interruption of one of my true loves. I can not find it in me to justify the way I reacted. However, I tell you this. Laura I swear to God told me about a month before this event about a dream she had about me sitting on a brick wall yelling profanity at her.

It the stuff of screenwriter write in scrips, movie and plays.

I remember her telling about this dream about a month after this event when I fell flat on my face unconscious in projection booth due to heat exhaustion.

I did later apologize to her. But I believe she never really forgave me for the way I acted towards her that day. Even now I believe she has every right to spite on my grave if that's what she so wishes.

Evilsizer was the type of person that the world sorely doesn't have enough of and I spoke to her like trash. She was kind hearted, well spoken and above all else deserved my respect.
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