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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2290906
Stranger danger
Darcy followed the customer outside, she’d requested to have a quick smoke as she mulled over buying a new dining room set. Mike tried his best to climb up a little from between Darcy’s breasts to get a little sunlight, managing to get his head and shoulders free. It was warm outside and he felt sweat start to bead up between Darcy’s cleavage.

“It is a really nice set,” the older woman said, sliding a cigarette between her lips. As she lit it, and Darcy was explaining some of the features of the dining set, the older woman - Mike had overheard her name was Betty Jean, which seemed fitting - caught a glimpse of Mike.

“Honey, you’ve got something on your chest,” Betty Jean said, and Darcy quickly used her finger to shove Mike deep between her cleavage before mimicking tossing something to the ground.

Mike slid quickly between the breasts, lubricated by sweat, and somehow slid under Darcy’s bra strap. He tumbled across her belly and fell out of her shirt, and plummeted to the ground, bouncing off of her shoe and onto the warm asphalt of the parking lot. He was surprised he wasn’t hurt in the fall, something he figured he could credit to his tiny size. He looked up to see Darcy walking back into the store.

“Uh oh,” he gulped.

As he watched the door close behind Darcy, a shadow loomed over him. He turned to see Betty Jean reaching out for him. He thought about running, but instead decided to remain completely still in hopes she’d think he was a toy or trinket of some sort. She pinched him between her thumb and forefinger and lifted him up to her face, studying him through her oversized glasses. A small stream of smoke rose up from the cigarette, which dangled from her lips, and across her face.

“Well just what are you?” She asked.

Mike remained completely still as she moved him around in her fingers.

“I’ve never seen a miniature with such detail,” she said taking a drag off of her cigarette. Smoke poured out of her mouth and covered Mike, making him cough.

“Did… did you just cough,” Betty Jean asked, astonished at what she believed she’d heard.

“Yes… yes I did,” Mike said, now afraid of his current predicament.

“Why, you’re a tiny man,” Betty Jean exclaimed. “How’d you get so small?”

“It’s a long story,” Mike replied. “Please give me back to Darcy.”

Betty Jean took another drag off of her cigarette and blew smoke on Mike again, and chuckled as he coughed. She flipped the cigarette butt into the parking lot and made her way into the store.

“I’ll take the dining set,” she said to Darcy.

“Oh excellent!” Darcy exclaimed. “Sorry I rushed back in, I’ve misplaced something.”

“Relax honey, I found him.” Betty Jean said, extending her arm towards Darcy and dropping Mike into her palm. “I won’t say a word, we all have secrets. And if I told anyone they wouldn’t believe me anyway,” she laughed.

Darcy slowly shoved Mike back between her soft breasts.

“Will that be pick up or delivery?”
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2290906-The-Gift-pt-5