Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2291030-Baby-Sitter
by Kit
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2291030
You just finished Highschool and need a few quick jobs in between now and an apartment.
         It had been a couple of weeks since your graduation, and you were taking on some odd jobs now and again to save up for an apartment.
Your parents were happy that they you would be home for a while before leaving. And it was nice they hadn't kicked you out into the real world as soon as school ended.

         And luckily your Mom had found you another quick job to make you some money. There was a new family that had moved in a couple months ago and your Mom had become fast friends with the wife. Something about going to the same yoga class.
         And from what you had seen she was a really nice lady, although she was really really tall. You were pretty sure she could be the next Wonder Woman. That and you were pretty short for someone your age, standing at roughly 5'0".
         Your Mom's new friend and her wife were going on a trip to another state for a job fair for the next few weeks and needed some to watch their two kids.
         You had also met her kids, and while mischievous sometimes, they seemed like good kids. One was about 12 and the other 4. The twelve year old was a couple inches taller than you. And from what you could gather was from the Mom's previous marriage. The four year old was also pretty tall for her age, and had a bit of a bed wetting problem. Not that you minded, she wasn't embarrassed about having to wear night time diapers, and happily showed them off to you during one of the times you had been over. They were cute as far as diapers went, with little animals and flowers on them.
         And so you accepted the job, happy to help your Mom and her friend.

         Later that week you packed up a week's worth of clothing, overnight things, toiletries, and a few means of entertainment; such as your switch, computer, a few movies, video games, and one of your stuffed animals just in case. And then that afternoon you headed over to their place.

         A few knocks on their door was all it took for the 12 year old, Casey, to answer. She smiled at you and took your bag from your hands, much to your protest.
         "Really I can take it, you're our guest!" She smiled down at you, she took a lot from her mother's genes.
         "Where are your parents?" You asked curiously, as one of her mom's usually answered the door.
         "Oh they left about an hour ago." Casey explained.
         "Ah. I see, I wanted to thank them for the job opportunity. Now I feel like a bad sitter." You nervously laughed.
         "it's quite alright. They left a note for you in the guest room, I'll take you and your stuff there." Casey laughed at your nervousness.

         Casey led your up stairs to the second floor and into the guest bedroom. It was a simple little room with a big queen sized bed, soft beige wall paper, ceiling light fixtures, a TV, and a rocking chair. There was a half bath, and wooden dresser on the far right wall, hard wood floors, and a cozy baby blue rug laying on the floor. A small wrapped box sat on the bed with a card and note on top.
         "They left you a gift for your graduation since they couldn't make it to your graduation party last Sunday." Casey spoke, "I'll be in my room, call me if you need me!" And with that you were left to your own devices to unpack and get get cozy in your room.
         But first, you wanted to unwrap your gift.
You opened the card first, wich was a usual "yay you graduated" card, and then began to carefully peel away at the decorative wrapping paper.
         Under the wrapping, was a leather message bag. It was big enough to fit your computer, and had other pockets in it big enough to store lots of things for your on the go trips and such.
         And so, you were just left to read the note.
         'Thank you for watching our kids,
We'll be back in about a month, and will call if any changes are made to our trip plans. Please enjoy your time at our home, and hope you enjoyed your present.
Our daughter will be home at roughly 4:25 from daycare, and may need help getting into his good night diapers. And Casey will help you with him if necessary.
Please contact us if anything goes wrong!'

         Well that seems simple enough. Your job was mostly hose sitting, and taking care of their daughter, Quin.

         A bit later you heard the bus stop outside and soon the front door open. You put down your phone on the changing stand and headed down stairs.
         "Are we going to do the thing tonight?" You could hear Quin say excitedly.
         "Yeah, but we don't want to let them know just yet." Casey's voice then responded.
         "Are you guys keeping secrets?" You laughed as you walked into the living room where Quin Was taking off her rain shoes and coat.
         "Well I guess the secret is out. Quin wanted to play house with you, during your visit." Casey smiled.
         "Yeah! I wanna be the Mom, and Casey can be the big sister, and you can be the baby!" Quin cheered.
         " Oh, it's been a while since I've played house." You smiled at the 4 year old's enthusiasm.
         "Well then let's play! I'll go get my toys from my room!" Quin chirped before running up to her room.
         "She seems excited." You chuckled as Quin sat with you on the plush couch waiting for Quin to return."
         "Yeah, she's been waiting all week to play. Also she may go over board with the props, just try to humor her." Casey said. You weren't really sure what to take away from that statement, as it felt a bit odd but you shrugged it off.

         Moments later Quin returned down stairs with a large box dragging behind her.
         "Oh wow, do you need any help with that Quin?" You asked.
         "No, stay there Baby, Mommy will take care of you!" She smiled. Quin must really take this game seriously. Quin opened the box and pulled out an adult sized dress. Though it looked exactly like something a toddler would wear.
         The dress was pink, with puffy sleeves, and a ruffly skirt that was puffed out by a built in petty coat.
         "Here put this on baby!" Quin exciting chirped. You blushed bright red at the notion.
         "Oh I don't think I'll-" you started.
         "Pretty please! With a cherry on top!" Quin begged, her puppy dog eyes were too wholesome and adorable to say no to. You let out a sigh and hesitantly took the dress, before leaving for the downstairs bathroom to change in.
         In the bathroom you pulled off you top and jacket, and then your gym shorts. And then unzipped the back and stepped into the dress. And to your surprise it fit perfectly. Now in just your socks and dress you left the bathroom and return to see Casey's hair in messy pig tails, and Quinn in a long skirt and button up shirt, with fake glasses on.
Though the most shocking thing was a diaper and changing mat laid down on the carpeted floor.
         "All right now Baby lay down so Mommy can get your diaper on!" Quin smiled.
         "I'm sorry Quin but I don't feel comfortable wearing a diaper right now." You spoke, your face burning red.
         "Fine, Baby can keep wearing big girl panties, but when they have a whoopsie, Mommy or big sis gets to diaper you." Quin scolded. You laughed, at her statement, and found it adorable how she really acted like a mom.

         For the next few hours you played house with Quin And Casey. Quin checked if you had 'made a whoopsie' every so often, but was wrong everytime. Casey also seemed to be enjoying herself playing along with Quin's antics. And soon it rolled around to dinner time. Quin had Casey make Mac and cheese for dinner while she and you played with dolls. And a bit later it was done. Quin had you sit in one her old booster seats at the table and drink from a baby bottle, which you found quite comical.
         You guys were having a lovey conversation when your stomach began to turn, and the urge to use the bathroom grew very present.
         You quickly got up to use the bathroom and were almost out of the kitchen when you lost control of your bowls and mush exited your behind. You froze as your panties filled up with smelly mush, while Quin gasped.
         "BABY MADE A WHOOPSIE!" She cheered, "Casey! Go get a diaper for Baby!" As she grabbed your hand and guide you blue screening body to the living room where the changing mat was.
         And by the time Casey was back with a diaper the first of your tears began to fall from your face. Tears of embarrassment, and shame. You hadn't had an accident since you were 5!
         "Aww, it's ok Baby, we all have whoopsies every now and then, Mommy will take care of you." Quin smiled as she cleaned up your mess and slid the diaper under your bottom. You were too embarrassed to even say anything. What if they told their moms, or what if they told your parents!
         "Your not going to tell my parents are you?" You spoke softly as Quin led you back to your seat at the table.
         "No, but you're definitely wearing a diaper for the rest of the night. Just in case. I really don't want to clean up your bed sheets." Casey laughed, causing you to blush even more.

         As the night ticked onward you didn't have any other accidents, much to Quin's dismay. And after Quin got changed into her diaper and left off it bed, you changed into your pajamas as well and went to hit the hay after all of the wildness of the day had caught up to you.


         However unbeknownst to you Casey snuck into your room late that night. She carefully placed headphones onto your ears, and hooked them up to her phone.
         "This better work" she muttered to herself as she let the video play on her phone.
         After a bit the video had finished and you were still sound asleep unaware what was happening.
         Casey pulled back the covers of your bed, and soon slipped off the pants you were sleeping in.
         "Ok, let's test this out." Casey muttered to herself before getting close to your ear and whispering, "Sun" and just as she said that a slight hissing sound was heard, and the diaper you were wearing grew a yellowish tint. Casey smiled to herself, before whispering the next word, "Potato", and after a few seconds a pungent smell came from your diaper. Casey almost giggled at her work, your bowls and bladder were under her complete mercy. And then a sly and curious smile came to her face. There were several other trigger words she could use.
         "Potty" Casey then whispered, and a small toot came from your behind along with a lot more hissing. A complete double kill. And with every word you would lose more and more power over your potty training until you were released from the trigger words, which wouldn't be for a couple more weeks.

         The next morning you were greeted by a soft rub on your shoulders, your sleepily opened your eyes to see Quin.
         "Morning Baby!" She smiled.
         "I thought we were done playing last night?" You groggily spoke running your eyes before you began to stretch.
         "Well we were, until Casey and I saw the state of your diaper this morning." Quin giggled.
         "What do you mean?" You asked confused.
         "Well look at how much you went last night." Quin spoke as she patted your very full yellowish diaper. And then you blue screened again. How was it possible for you to make such a mess in your sleep.
         "You went potty a lot last night!" Quin said, and with that a toot came from your behind as you made another mess and splash in your very dirty padding. As soon as you went you began to cry again embarrassed that your potty training had begun to fail you, though your sobs weren't for long as Quin shoved a pink paci in your mouth. The gummy tasted a bit funny but you began to suck on it without realizing it. Casey came in soon after and scooped you off your bed into a baby carry.
         "You made quite the mess in that widdle diaper, so we're going to keep you in them until our parents get back, and then mabey you'll be able to control that little body of yours." Casey baby talked you as she carrie you up to the third floor and to a room you hadn't seen before.
         "Wer ah we gowing?" You asked, your words jumbled by the pacifier's gummy.
         "To our other guest room!" Casey smiled as she opened the door to reveal a nursery. The floor was completely carpeted, the walls covered in a pink and white wallpaper that gave off a 'dollhouse' vibe. There was a large crib, rocking chair, and changing table. With some toys in a corner of the room in a play pen, and a open sliding closet that revealed many packages of diapers with vering sizes.
         Casey laid you down on the changing table and untaped the night time diaper to reveal the smelly concoction of messes your body had unleashed. You cried and blushed more as Casey simply smiled and cleaned you up.
         She was extra gentle while cleaning your "princess area" as she called it and heavy on the baby powder as she sprinkled it on your crotch and new diaper. She then had Quin go to the closet to retrieve something, as she took off your night top. You tried getting up but we're pushed back down before several more diapers were placed onto your bottom.
         "Wouldn't want you to leak through, you little stinker!" Casey giggled as she bopped you Paci. You were soon sat up, with the diapers pushing your legs apart, and a baby pink onesie was pulled down over your head. The snaps closed on the bottom and you looked down to see a graphic of a baby bunny wearing a diaper and holding a bottle. And before you knew it a matching set of baby blue mittens and booties were out on you as well.
         "There, and now your our widdle Baby, ready to see the Sun and play around." Quin cheered, as your body ket lose a stream into your padding.
         "Thank goodness we changed your diaper before you went potty!" Casey said, causing you to go 1 and 2 into your diaper. "Let's go get you some breakfast baby."
         Downstairs you saw a large highchair waiting by the table and felt a pit in your stomach grow. You were sat into the seat and strapped in before a large bottle was given to you and your Paci taken away.
         "We'er going to roll you out to the living room so you can watch some cartoons while we get breakfast ready." Casey said, "That bottle better be finished by the time food is ready, or your diaper isn't getting changed until lunch." And with that Quin turned on a children's cartoon for you to watch and you began to chug the bottle. It was maybe half a gallon of milk or baby formula and you didn't know how long it would take them to finish cooking.
And after about five minutes of sucking at the bottle nib you were full of the milk and had made several squishy messes in your padding.
         Feeling pooped from the drink you began watching the boring children's show, not like you had anything better to do.
         "let's see how potato's are made" the tv spoke, causing your bum to squish out a mess in your diaper. And as you continued to watch the show about potato's more and more messies made their way into your diaper. Not that you even noticed with how you were just mindless watching.
         About fifteen minutes later you were wheeled back into the kitchen, diaper full of Squishies, and being fed some green mushy by Quin.
         "This will help you get big and strong baby, and make even mushier messies in your little body." Quin smiled as she patted the front of your onesie.

         After you had been forced to eat three container of baby food you were being released from your highchair prison.
         "Can you change me please?" You asked to the two younger girls. You were seated on the bum by Casey who sat you down on her knee as she sat in front of the living room tv.
         "Say it right, baby, big kids don't go to the potty in their diapers" Casey said, unknowingly making your body relieve itself more into your already messy diaper.
         "Please-" you started.
         "Not big kid talk." Quin restated Casey's words.
         "Peas change my daipy?" You asked blushing a deep crimson.
         "That's better you little stinker, but after you finish your show." Casey smiled, turning you around on her lap and onto her knee.
         As you watched, Casey began to bounce you on her knee, causing the mess to spread around your bottom and cake itself together.

          After the show sang a long song about the sun, which during you couldn't seem to stop going pee pee, the show was over; and you were finally let out of your very dirty diaper. Only to be put into another one.

         You had come to accept this would be going on for the majority of your stay at this point.


         Several hours later you were sitting by the corner of a big play pin starring off into space while your body pushed out your breakfast.
         "Maybe we should go outside to the park, they seem so bored." Quin spook aloud as she had just finished up coloring a page in a princess book. Your ears and face burned with embarrassment at the though of people seeing you like this.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea, baby could use some Sunshine." Casey agreed, causing you to urinate in your very messy pampers once again.

         And before you really knew what was happening, your dirty diapers had been cleaned, plastic pants had been placed on your rear as well, and a fluffy baby dress had been placed over your head.
         The two siblings had placed you in a large purple stroller against your will, and a baby bonnet and pack had been put on you as well.
         To your surprise no one seemed to recognize you, not even when you had noticed a few people from your graduating class in town. Mother's and other women cooed over your adorable attire and the girls gave some bs reason as to why you were in diapers. Something about looking over their stunted cousin.
         You had felt extremely embarrassed when one younger child had pushed on your stomach and your diaper began to fill up, causing everyone around you to gush at your unintentional cuteness.
         The park was no better as Casey put you on a pink bunny leash backpack and practically dragged you all over the park.
         She sat you on a baby swing and your the mess in your padding made an odd squishing sound. Several other little girls took turns pushing you on the swing and unknowing casued you to mess your padding quite frequently.
         Quinn even let one little girl help change your almost leaking diaper. While another helped Casey put together your bottle. What you didn't notice was the large dose of dissolvable laxatives that were put into the milk formula. Causing you to practically obliterated your diapers with diarrhea while you were strapped into a bouncy baby ride.
         Luckily though that was the point where the girls changed you once again, and decided that was the point where you needed to go home.
         However the girls had other ideas than going straight home. They headed over to a different house instead. Casey stayed with you on the sidewalk trying to get your attention with a baby rattle while Quinn knocked on the door. A girl opened the door and your stomach sank into your diaper with a loud splat sound.
         Mary Ann opened the door, the cutest girl in your graduating year. She was tall and plump, with double d breasts, a pudgy stomach, squish thunder thighs and adorable hip dips. Her face was round, with squishy cheeks and bright smile seemingly plastered on her face. She had always been so sweet and welcoming to everyone who entered the halls at school, she was the head of the weigh lifting club, and a star student in almost all the arts. You knew she worked part time at the towns gym as a staff member, and ran a babysitting crew. She adored children and wanted to be a mom one day.
You couldn't really hear what Quin and Mary Ann were talking about, but you could see Quinn gesturing twords you, and Mary Ann looking excited.

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