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by Kit
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2291238
Baby, is going to a new school in the Paldinea region. Will she be able to in her diapers?
Story 1
The journey begins
Pokemon Scarlett
Character info
Name - Bambie
Nickname - Baby, Meow Meow
Age - 15
Height - 4'11"
Gender - demi girl
Pronouns - she / they

Personality - Baby is a pretty childish and curious person, this may be due to the fact that they still wear padding, or because they are the youngest in their family. They are quite easy to scare and quick to tears.

Appearance : Baby has warm porcelain skin, with baby blue hair that's cut short by a straight bob. They have big yellowish green eyes, and a cat smile. They are quite short and most find them quite adorable.

Casual wear : Baby usually wears baggy hoodies, their favorite being an oversized pastel pink hoodie with Kitten ears on the hood. They usually wear a romper or onesie underneath their hoodie and tall socks with cat faces on them. They aren't a big fan of shoes, but will usually wear fluffy boots with any outfit.
Baby woke up with warmth around their crotch, this was the usual since they were incontinent. They rolled out of bed and went to their bathroom in their room, then they locked the door behind them and hopped into their changing table. They unbutton their onesie at the bottom by their crotch and took off their plastic pants and diaper.
Most people would have been embarrassed to have to wear such babish stuff, but they felt cute in their diapers and onesies.
After getting themselves into a new diaper they pulled in another for added padding protection. Today they would be going to a new school, so there won't be much time for a change on the way.
After finishing up with their padding, they button back up their onesie and left the bathroom after washing their hands.
They slid on their Pikachu slippers and headed down stairs where their mother was ready with breakfast.
'Morning Sunshine' their mom signed to them. Having a deaf parent wasn't common among kids. But like their bladder and bowel problem it was the norm.
'Morning Mama' Baby signed back. It was overall a silent breakfast as Baby munched on her food.

A bit later after they got dressed in their new school uniform, and relisted their padding would be slightly visible with the summer uniform shorts. Baby waited for the director to pick them up to go to school.
And after waiting for a bit there was a ring at their door bell. They ran up to get the door, to which the director was waiting on the other side.
"Hi sir!" Baby chirped, to which the older man smiled at the teen's enthusiasm. They let the man in and their mom took over the conversation, and they went upstairs to get their rest of school things, they also made sure to grab their favorite Quagsire plush. They hoped to get the Paldean form soon.

They met their mom and director outside. And as soon as they left their home everything moved really fast. The director gave them a starter Pokemon, and they went with the grass starter; and named them Kawi. They met their neighbor, who was really tall and pretty; their name was Nemona. The two had a battle, with their pokemon, and Baby won. Probably because they used to play with their older brother's Pokemon a lot before he left for college. And after one last talk with their mom, they were on their way to school with Nemona.
As the two walked and talked, Nemona finally sprung a quick question onto them.
"So why do your shorts look puffy in the back?" The taller girl asked.
"Oh, Mama said I was born with some complications, so my body isn't fully developed. I have a thing called in- con- incontempt or something." Baby explained in their childish voice.
"Isn't that where you can't tell when you've used the bathroom, so I'm guessing you're still in diapers then." Nemona branched off.
"Yeah, but I don't mind much, I look cute with them!" She smiled.
"So that's how you got your nickname then." Nemona chuckled, patting Baby's head.
"Uh huh." Baby nodded.
"Well if you ever need help, your new big sis is always here!" Nemona smiled as she scooped Baby onto her back for a piggy back ride. The two talked some more as they walked down the path. After a bit Nemona set Baby down and the two continued on their way. Suddenly a loud cry was heard from below and it startled the two, Baby jumped and then felt a warmth spread in their padding.
"Whoopsie." They mumbled to themselves.
"Aww did you have an accident?" Nemona asked, bending down to meet Baby's eyes. Baby nodded.
"I'm glad I wear extra layers." They blushed, slightly embarrassed they had used their padding in front of their new friend.
"It's ok Baby, we can get you changed soon." Nemona smiled, "for now let's see what made that sound. Be careful around the cliffs, though with your phone you should be fine."
And not five minutes later Baby fell off the cliffs after seeing a large Pokemon being attacked while down. While falling they felt a lump hit the back of their padding. They had another whoopsie. Though like Nemona said, their phone had saved them from the fall. Once on the ground they shooed away the devil dogs they plopped down on the ground to try and help the poor giant, and tried to ignore the mess squishing in their pampers.
"Are you ok?" They asked as they gently pet the lizard. It looked out of energy, maybe they would like the sandwich Mama made. They carefully got the sandwich out of their bag and held it out to the poor lizard.
"My Mama made this, and her food always gives me energy. But you need it more than me!" They smiled at the Pokemon, it ate their sandwich and stood up on its legs and transformed into a second form. It then looked down at the blue haired girl in front of it and picked them up into a baby carry. Baby got a little scared and had another whoopsie in their padding.
The lizard patted their head and began to bounce Baby in its arms. The more they were bounced the more mess squished in their padding. Though they were giggling as the lizard carried them through the cave.
Nemona called out to them from the opening of the cave and Baby got excited and had another Whoopsie without knowing.
They had another run in with Houndowers and their leader Houndoom, but made it out without injury.
Once out the giant pokemon, Baby nicknamed Red, kept bouncing Baby gently in its arms.
"You can put me down now, Red." Baby giggled.
"It probably thinks you're it's baby or something, because you're so cute." Nemona laughed as she was handed Baby from Red. Nemona was about to set Baby back on the ground when Red let out a growl.
"What's wrong Red?" Baby asked, confused.
"It probably thinks you're too young to be unsupervised." Nemona teazed as she patted Baby's padded bottom, mushing the mess around even more. "Oh it seems someone had another whoopsie." Nemona cooed at the shorter teen. "Ohh you are just a widdle Baby." She teased as she patted Baby's padded bottom. Red took this time to shift back into its original form as Nemona carried Baby piggy back style to the lighthouse.
Once there they saw a boy, he spotted the three and ran over and began yelling, Nemona had set down Baby, much to Red's displeasure. However, Baby got scared by the boy's yelling and began to cry, and began to pee pee as she did, causing her to cry more. This got the attention of all three who stopped in their tracks. Red and Nemona were frozen but the boy was quick to action.
"Oh I'm sorry did I spook you little buddy?" He asked as he scooped Baby into his arms and began to gently bounce her in his arms.
Nemona looked in amazement, so this must be where the pokemon learned it from.
"Uh huh" Baby whimpered as they were bounced, with their mess squishing more in their pampers. The boy, who was much bigger than the two girls, continued to bounce Baby in his arms until they calmed down. The blue haired bab was gently set down onto their feet once all whimpers had stopped.
"You ok now Baby?" Nemona asked, bending down to meet their green eyes.
"Oh is that your name? Baby?" The boy asked bending down as well to meet their eyes.
"Uh huh." Baby asked.
"Hey you're the one who made them cry, why are you so interested in them!" Nemona snarked.
"Why are you so protective! I didn't mean to!" The boy snapped back. The two were met with the sounds of growling and whimpers. Red was getting between the two, trying to tell them not to fight in front of Baby.

"Oh you hush, you're already in trouble, since you left the lab." The boy grumbled at Red.
"You know this Pokemon?" Nemona asked.
"Yeah, my … he belongs to my mom." The boy answered.
"Oh, you're the professor's kid, Arven, right." Nemona responded.
"Unfortunately, can we talk over there for a minute." Arven asked, the tall brunet, as the two looked over to Baby who was playing with Red's feathers.
"Definitely." Nemona answered.
The two taller teens made their way over to the door to the lab and talked about Baby for a bit before returning.
"Baby, Arven would like to say something to you." Nemona spoke up, getting the younger teens attention.
"Okie!" She chirped.
"I'm sorry I scared you with my yelling, but I was wondering if I could be your friend now." Arven asked.
"Yay! More friends, you wanna be my big sibling like Nemona?" Baby cheered as she hugged onto Arven's middle, barely reaching half of him. Something sparkled in the taller teens eyes and he smiled warmly.
"Absolutely little buddy, I'm your big brother now!"
"Yay another one to the family, now let's get to school so we can get that diaper of yours changed." Nemona smiled.
"Oh, we can do that here at the lab, my old room should have a changing table." Arven spoke up.
"Well that's great, isn't it Baby?" Nemona smiled as she grabbed Baby's hand. The three teens went inside with Red filling behind.

Arven's old room, a rather large nursery that was decorated with Pokemon on the walls as bigger than Baby imagined it was.
"Can you guys get out, I can take care of my own diaper now." Baby said, expecting the two to wait for her outside the room.
"No it's ok, I used to work in a daycare, and as your big brother I'll help you." Arven smiled as he took off his bag. "Okay now let's get those pants off" Nemona and Red looked around the room as Arven unzipped Baby's pants and then picked her up to be put on the changing table.
"My diapers are in my bag." Baby said.
"Why, there are some here," Nemona said, holding up a pack of baby diapers with Pokemon on them.
"I don't think those will fit." Baby said.
"You're pretty small so I'm sure they will." Arven smiled as he lifted up Baby's shirt a bit so he could untape her diapers better.
The first diaper had leaked into the second one and it was ready to over flow as well.
"Aww you're poor widdle diaper almost leaked, we'll just have to put on more this time so you can make it to school." Nemona giggled as she tickled Baby's tummy.
Arven began to clean up Baby's mess and took the first diaper Nemona handed him after he heavily powdered Baby's princess area.
"What do you know, they fit perfectly." Arven chuckled as he continued to put more layers on.

After a couple of minutes Baby was set back on the ground to get their shorts on, with the diaper bulge even more visible.
"Aww you look positively adorable." Nemona smiled as she squished Baby's cheeks.
"How about you guys head off to school, I'll finish tidying up here. And why don't you take Koraidon's PokeBall with you Baby, I don't think he wants to leave you." Arven smiled as he helped Baby place their hat on their head.
"Ohh your hat looks like a baby bonnet!" Nemona gushed. Baby blushed at her friend's comment, and then she felt a warmth spread in her padding.
"Uh oh, I had a whoopsie again." Baby sheepishly giggled. Leaving the two taller teens to gush at their cuteness.
"It's ok Baby, let it all out." Arven spoke as he pushed gently on their stomach, resulting in a mess to spread in their pampers. The two older teens melted at the blush that spread on Baby's face as they looked surprised.
"Whoopsie." They mumbled again. Nemona picked them in a baby carry and patted their padding with Red in its ball.
"We'll get you changed in your dorm." Nemona smiled.
The two teens then set off for school and had a nice conversation while Baby was leveling up her Pokemon on the way.
Once at the gate to the city they had another battle, which Baby won again.

"I'm going to get you a tera orb real quick so explore the city for a bit, just remember to call me if you get lost, ok baby!" Nemona chirped before setting up.
Baby wandered around and found a phone case store and got one to match their starter before heading off the many stairs to school. They had made a few whoopsies as they walked but were relatively clean.
They stopped on top of one of the many stairs when they heard yelling. They looked to see two academy students harassing a girl with an Eevee backpack. Baby felt more whoopsies in their padding but they wanted to help.
"H-Hey l-leave dem awone!" Baby stuttered over their words as they got in front of the person.
"Buzz off kid we're trying to requite this guy!" One of the taller teens snapped. Tears welled up in Baby's eyes as the two teens yelled at them. And then an idea struck them.
"Battle me!" They suddenly yelled, not knowing where their confidence came from.
"Huh?" The two questioned.
"If … if I win … you… you leave them alone…" Baby exclaimed.
"Alright then! You're on pipsqueak!" The two yelled back, scaring poor Baby even more.
Though at the end of the battle Baby came out victorious and the two teens yelled in anger.
"What is going on here?" A voice soon spoke up. The two teens froze, and Baby and the Eevee person looked to see Nemona coming down the stairs toward them. She had a scary look in her eyes that showed anyone that she was mad. "Who dares mess with my Baby sibling!" She snapped. The two grunts went pale and Baby ran to meet Nemona at the bottom of the stairs.
"Nemona! Nemona! I beat them in a fight! I won!" Baby chirped. Nemona's demeanor instantly changed and she cupped Baby's face in her hands and smiled brightly.
"You did? Good job Baby!" Nemona validated the shorter and younger teen. "Now what the heck were you battling these punks?!" Nemona cried checking Baby for injuries.
"Because they were harassing that pretty person over there." Baby bluntly stated.
"Ohhhh I see, how about you two head on up the stairs to school and then I'll show you to your dorm room." Nemona smiled.
"Okie." And with that the two blue haired teens headed up the stairs. Luckily not seeing Nemona crack her knuckles as she was getting ready to give these two the pokemon battle of a lifetime.
"Thanks for helping me out back there, I'm Penny." The pretty teen spoke up, they had short blue and red dyed hair in a neat pixie cut with glasses, and comfy clothes.
"It's no problem, I don't like bullies, so I try to step in whenever I see some." Baby smiled, "My name is Bambi, but you can call me Baby if you want."
"That's a cute name" Penny shyly smiled back as she fixed her glasses.
"Your name is pretty too, I've never met anyone named Penny." Baby chirped. The two parted ways at the school door, with Penny going in to go to the library, and Baby waiting outside on a bench for Nemona.
They were playing on their new phone when the familiar sound of footsteps drew near. Baby looked up to see Nemona coming towards her with a present box in hand.
"Who's the gift for?" Baby asked, as Nemona took her hand.
"It's for you, you can open it in your dorm room." Nemona responded as she led her shorter friend to the dorm buildings.

After a short walk and elevator ride Baby took her first steps into her new dorm. It was pretty big all things considered, with a bathroom, small kitchen, desk, and bed.
Baby set her book bag on the kitchen counter and took off her shoes and hat as she looked around the room.
"You can open your present now Baby." Nemona smiled as she handed the small present box to the younger teen. Baby opened the lid to see a black orb with a shiny crystal inside.
"That's a tera orb, you can now terastilise your pokemon. You can recharge them at Pokemon centers while you heal up your pokemon." Nemona smiled. "Now it's pretty late, so let's get you changed and then get some dinner in your widdle tummy."
"Okie oneesan! Lemme get the stuff out of my bag." Baby smiled and grabbed a changing mat, baby powder, diapers, and other changing things.
Nemona laid the changing mat on the kitchen counter and began to take off Baby's pants. Baby then watched as Nemona set all the supplies out on the counter so she could grab them as she worked. The taller brunette then picked up Baby and gently set her on the soft changing mat. Baby laid down and Nemona began to untape the many diapers Baby had on.
"Oh wait I forgot! I got you another gift." Nemona smiled, Baby sat up and looked confused. Nemona then pulled out a plastic thing out of her pocket. Baby had no idea what it was.
"What is that Nemona?" She asked, she felt like she should know, but she couldn't place it.
"Oh you really don't know?" Nemona asked, confused, but looked a little relieved for some reason.
"No, but if you got it for me, it must be great." Baby smiled. The plastic thing was green, with a small little handle around the center of it, it had their nickname Baby on it in beads. There were two 'wings' on either side of the circular center, and then a clear gummy side on the opposite end.
"It's called a pacifier, it's used to calm people down so they relax." I noticed you got really spooked a lot today so I got you it." Nemona smiled. "Here open your mouth, I'll pop it in for you." Baby opened her mouth and Nemona gently slid the pack in. Baby held the gummy part of the paci in her mouth and didn't feel any different. "You suck on it baby girl." Nemona smiled as she pushed Baby back in her back so she could continue with Baby's diaper change.
Baby began to suck on the Paci and did feel more relaxed sucking on it. She soon fell asleep still sucking on the Paci.
When she awoke she was wearing her Pikachu pajama onesie and tucked in her new bed. Their diaper was very messy and she still had her Paci in her mouth. The smell of food was prevalent in their room; they looked up and yawned, causing the Paci to fall out of their mouth. Though it didn't hit the bed or ground, instead Baby found it attached to a string and clip that was latched on to their onesie.
"Morning little buddy, or should I say afternoon. You were pretty sleepy weren't you Baby?" A familiar voice spoke up, Baby looked up to see Arven and Nemona. Arven was in the kitchen area working on food, and Nemona was setting chairs up around the kitchen counter for them all to sit around and eat. One chair was plastic and was a little taller than the rest, but it was pretty and pink. There was a new rug on their floor by their bed and a changing station by the wall between their bed and desk. There were a few more decorations around the room but Baby was mainly focused on food.
Baby got out of bed and sleepily made their way over to the kitchen area of their dorm.
"Dinner is almost ready, let's get you seated ok?" Arven smiled as he picked the blue haired teen up baby style. Nemona opened the front of the chair and Arven set Baby onto the pink plush seat. They then were buckled in and the front table part of the char was clicked back on.
"I'm so high up!" Baby giggled.
"Yes you are baby girl, you're in the special chair for awesome Pokemon trainers." Nemona smiled as she squished Baby's cheeks. A pretty Pikachu cup was set in front of Baby on her chair's tray. It was semi transparent, with a lid with a gummy on top of it, and a graphic of Pikachu playing on the cup part.
"Here's some milk for you, this should tie you over until dinner is ready." Arven smiled as he patted Baby's head.
"Thank you Oniisan!" Baby chirped as they began to suck on the gummy part of the bottle. Their milk was rich and creamy, though it had a taste that most milk they'd had before didn't. Though they were too focused on the milk to notice Nemona and Arven melting with love for their new baby sibling.

As they continued to suck on the bottle they made a few messy whoopsies in their padding hut were too busy to notice, though Arven and Nemona could notice by the little squish that their diapers made when they moved around in their seat.
When dinner was ready Baby was excited to see that there were nuggets. Though there was also a blue cup with a cute spoon full with a green mushy substance.
"Arven? Whas dis?" Baby asked the long haired teen who was serving Nemona and himself their food.
"Oh it's a special blend of fruits and veggies, I made for you, it should help you grow big and strong." He smiled as he picked up the cup and took a spoonful of it. "Now open up, because there's an airplane of food coming for you, with a destination of your tummy." Baby giggled at Arven and opened their mouth for their food. As Baby ate the blend they made a few more whoopsies but they went unnoticed as they were too busy being fed by Arven.
Once all their food was finished Arven took them out of their seat with a towel on his shoulder and held them with their head just over their shoulder with the towel.
"Now let's get all that food digested." He said as he patted Baby's bottom and their back. There were a few soft hiccups and a little squishy from their diaper but all was good. When they were set down on the changing table they noticed Nemona was gone and they began to tear up.
"Where's Oneesan?" They whimpered, Arven smiled and put their paci in.
"They'll be back, they just left to get you a few more presents from their room." Arven answered as he unbuttoned their onesie and un bucked their plastic pants. "You made quite the mess little buddy, but it's ok Oniisan is here to help you." As Baby continued to suck on their paci they could feel their tummy rumbling a bit. But they grew sleepy once more.

When they woke the second time they saw small bars on either side of their bed. They had had these back home, Mama put them on so they would fall out of bed. They felt their plushie that they had brought from home in their hands, and a mess in their pampers. Their paci was safely in their mouth and Red was sleeping on their rug with Kawi sleeping in a little cat bed. There was a small white box on the opposite wall's corner. And a bottle of water was on a night stand beside their bed. They took the bottle and began to suck on the gummy tip of it before drifting back to sleep a while later.

They were woken by strong arms lifting them out of their bed and bouncing them gently in their arms, they stretched their arms and yawned leaving their paci to dangle on its clip.
"Morning little buddy, are you ready for your first official day of class?" Arven's voice met their ears, as they were sat down on his lap at a new rocking chair in their room. Another bottle was brought to their lips, this with warm milk, and they began to suck eagerly as they wet their padding even more. "Nemona had to head to an early student council meeting, so it's just me and you until class starts." Once they were finished with their bottle they were patted on the back again, this time with a few small burps along with the small cute hiccups. Arven set them down on to the changing table and like yesterday pushed on their tummy a little to get everything out before their morning diaper change.
Three diaper layers, and a pull up for extra measure, later Arven was fixing Baby some actual food for breakfast and they were brushing their teeth and brushing their hair. They were still in just their onesie but they did feel like getting into their uniform until after breakfast.
Once seated in their chair Arven placed a bib around their neck so they wouldn't dirty their pajamas as they ate their breakfast.
After Breakfast Arven helped them get their uniform on and helped with shoes. They then got their backpack ready and Arven convinced them to leave their paci and plushie in their room so they would get stolen. Once the two were ready to leave, Arven took Baby's hand and led her off to their homeroom before heading off on his own.

After school was over Nemona carried a very sleepy Baby off to their dorm for a diaper change and a nap.
They were woken up a bit later by Arven who lifted them out of their bed and out of their school uniform.
"What are we doing, Oniisan?" Baby asked before they were laid down to be untapped.
"We're going out for a bit, there is a store around here that we wanna take you too." Arven smiled as he powdered Baby's princess area, before layering four diapers onto her.
"Are we going out for a long time?" Baby asked. As a pull up was slid on them as well.
"Uh huh, we're going to get dinner while we're out." He answered, "and your Oneesan will meet up at our first stop."
"Okie!" Baby smiled as she sat up.
"Ready to get dressed?" Arven asked as he tickled their tummy, which caused a warmth to spread in their diapers.
"Yes Oniisan!" Baby cheered. Arven grabbed a solid colored pink onesie with long sleeves. When it was button on their bottom, and jeans shorts were then slid on to their waist, and then a graphic t of a Quagsire rolling in mud. Arven let them get their pink socks on, and they were almost ready to roll out.
"Ok reading to go Oniisan!" Baby smiled.
"You forgot to get your shoes on." Arven said as he grabbed the fuzzy brown boots Baby liked to wear.
"I don't wanna wear shoes though." Baby
"Why not?" Arven asked as he set the boots down.
"Because I don't like shoes." Baby answered plopping down on their rug, causing the mess in their pampers to mush and squish
"Ok, I understand, but you could step on something and hurt your feet. And then you would have to go the the hospital, and Nemona and I would be really sad." Arven spoke, taking a seat on the ground and bringing Baby into his lap.
"Okie, I'm only wearing them so you and Oneesan won't be sad." Baby huffed.
"Thank you little buddy, now get on your boots while I get your diaper bag, and then we can head out." Arven said as he souped the little blue haired teen into his arms in a baby carry.
After leaving the dorms Baby held on tight to Arven's hand and waddled beside him due to the many diapers spreading their legs apart. After a bit of walking the two met up with Nemona in front of a brightly colored store. The three walked into the shop with Baby riding piggyback on Nemona.
The shop was relatively empty with just a few people. And a person working the register. There were plushies lining the walls, a few racks of onesies, shelves with diaper packs, and other accessories and items. Baby was set back down on their feet and left to look at everything while by their friends' sides.
An employee came up to the three, they were pretty shorter than Nemona, but taller than Baby. They wore a blue and white striped long sleeved shirt, a black skirt with a thick diaper poking out the bottom, and thigh high socks with pink ribbons around the top. They wore black Mary Jane shoes, and a teddy bear name tag on their shirt. They had long fluffy hair that covered their eyes, but they wore a friendly smile.
"Hello! Welcome to Little You, my name is Rex. What are your pronouns, and how can I help you today?" They asked.
"Hi, my name is Bambi, and I use she/they pronouns. I love your socks!" Baby smiled.
"Aww thank you, I love your shirt!" Rex smiled.
"Thank you, my Oniisan picked it out." Baby giggled.
"We're looking for diapers, could you help us out with that?" Arven asked.
"Of course, what exactly will your little one be doing in these?" Rex asked.
"Well we go to the Academy here in the city, and in a couple of months we have the treasure hunt coming up. And Baby will be out for a while in Paldean, they may be alone and away from a Pokemon center so they may not be able to change their padding." Nemona answered.
"Ah I see, lil ol Bambi here is a Pokemon trainer." Rex smiled, patting Baby's head, "in that case I would recommend a thicker diaper, and plastic pants just in case."
"Thank you so much." Arven smiled, "this one is incontempt so they don't exactly know when they go."
"Oh! I have it as well, a car crash a couple years ago." Rex sadly smiled.
"Woah, that's hardcore!" Baby gasped.
"Huh never thought of it like that." Rex giggled as they led the trio over to the diaper section. They scanned the shelves until their eyes landed on a large purple pack. They grabbed it off the middle shelf and checked the label on it. "Super absorbent, ultra thick, yeah this should work for you." Rex spoke as Arven took the pack from the shorter person.
"Thank you so much, we'll browse a bit before checking out." Nemona spoke as she took Baby's hand.
"Oneesan can we look at onesies?" Baby asked.
"Of course sugar." Nemona chuckled. The three left to the racks and scanned the many options.
"This one has a built- in paci." Arven commented.
"Yeah but this one has fluff for colder temperatures." Nemona responded, "That one has booties and mittens."
"Yeah but the material isn't that great." Arven added
"True." The brunet sighed. Baby looked at the many options but found it hard to decide. Then they found it the perfect one.
"Dis one!" Baby gasped, grabbing it off the rack gently. It was a Dragonite themed onesie, with small wings and tail that acted as cushion and pillow to lay on and cuddle with. It had long sleeves that included the hands into mittens and a hood with a Dragonite's face on it. It came with long fuzzy socks and snaps on the crotch.
"Huh, it kinda is." Arven smiled, patting Baby's head, "good job little buddy." After a bit more looking, the group paid for their items and left with a bag.
The next stop was 'Build a Poké' where Baby picked out a Clodsire plushie, Nemona and Arven recorded messages on a heart to put in the plush; and soon Mud the Clodsire was born.
The last stop was a take out restaurant, the two girls left Arven to order while they headed back home to put everything away.
Back in Baby's dorm Nemona changed their messy diaper and put on a new one and changed Baby into their Pikachu onesie. Nemona left to do laundry and Baby was alone in their room watching vidoes on their phone while they waited in their bed with their two sire plushies.
What felt like forever later Arven got back with food and began setting the 'table' for dinner.
After a bit Baby was placed in their seat and given a bottle of milk and happily sucked on the gummy nib drinking happily.
As Nemona returned with Baby's clean laundry Arven was placing everyone's food at their places and he was about to give Baby her food when whimpers into sobs met the two older teen's ears instead. The two rushed to their baby siblings' side.
"What's wrong baby girl?" Nemona asked as she tried to place their paci in their mouth to calm them down, but it fell out of their mouth.
"Do you not like the food?" Arven asked as he started to get them out of their high chair. Though once he removed their tray he could see the problem. "Nemona, you only put on one diaper." Arven sighed.
"Whoopsie." She nervously laughed.
"It's ok little buddy, you're Oniisan got you." Arven tried to calm Baby down. He made his way over to the changing table and took off their Pikachu onesie, and changed the very messy and leaking diaper, and replaced it with two diapers and a pull up. Plastic pants were slid on next and a paci was placed in their mouth. Nemona came over with a replacement onesie, a solid baby blue onesie with a large baby pink bow on the back. After the change and the high chair cleaned dinner was resumed, followed by burping, bounces on Arven's knee, and a bedtime story from Nemona.

Chapter 2

The first semester came and went and after a small break in between the second arrived. This ment the treasure was soon to start.

Like usual, Baby was woken up by Arven who gave them their morning milk and breakfast, followed by a morning diaper change.
"Since it's the day before the treasure hunt Nemona and I figured it would be good to test out you travel materials so we can know what to expect from them." Arven explained as he opened the pack of ultra thick travel diapers. The bulking piece of padding was taped on and plastic pants were added on top. As Baby was sat up they could barely put their legs together, Arven buttoned the crotch of their pajama onesie and set them down on the grown. To which they fell directly on their bottom with a small 'oof' as their onesie buttons snapped open and a squish was heard from their bottom. They looked up at Arven who was trying his best not to cry at their unintentional cuteness. They shrugged and began to crawl to their toys and play with them.
Baby turned around with their paci in their mouth to see Arven snapping pictures of them with his phone. They waved at the camera as they unknowingly made a few more messes and whoopsies in their pampers. The color of the plain white diaper darkened and expanded a little more which pushed them up a tad.
And once they got bored with their toys they crawled back over to their big brother and were picked up.
"You need something little buddy?" The ash brunette asked as he bounced Baby gently in his hold.
"Can you read to me?" They asked, though what Arven heard was "can wou wead wo me big bwower?" Yeah just a little different.
"Oh course little buddy, your big brother would love to;" Arven smiled, as he grabbed the book he took from the lab and took a seat on the rocking chair. He gently placed Baby on his knee and bounced them as he read the legends and stories in the book.

A little later in the day Nemona arrived looking a little tired. Apparently the student council had a lot of responsibilities with setting up the treasure hunt. But she was excited to see her baby girl.
When she arrived at Baby's dorm she happily unlocked the door and entered, shutting and locking the door behind her.
She was met with the sight of Baby playing with a Clodsire, cute, but what alarmed her was the state of her diaper. Arven and herself had discussed testing out the new diapers for travel, but she never knew how thick and absorbent they really were.
Baby's diaper was actively spreading apart the teen's legs, and was a slightly yellowish color. Yet there were no leaks and nothing smelled, however their onesies couldn't be snapped closed with how thick it was.
When Baby looked up from her new Pokemon she saw Nemona at the door looking pretty tired. She smiled happily with her Paci in her mouth and crawled over to her Oneesan.
"Oneesan! Oneesan! Wook wat my nwew pokwewon!" Baby chirped, with her Paci messing up some of her words. Nemona bent down to the ground to better talk with Baby but smiled, squishing the younger's cheeks.
"It's so cute Baby. Now where is Arven? Did he leave you all by yourself?" Nemona asked as she picked up Baby and brought her to the changing station. There was a lot of mess but soon it was all gone and Baby was back in three layers of her normal diapers and with her onesie snaps closed as well.
"He got a call from his mom and had to go somewhere, but he said he would be back soon." Baby explained, "I'm okay though, he wanted to bring me with him but I wanted to spend time with my new Pokemon."
"Ok I guess, did you name your new friend at least?" Nemona asked as she set Baby back on her feet.
"Yeah his name is Plushie! I love them very much." Baby smiled as they hugged their new friend.

A while later Arven returned with a bag of new clothes and plastic pants for Baby. Dinner was made and baby sat in their high chair once again as the three ate.
Afterwards there was one last diaper change into one of the new diapers; and baby was dressed in their Dragonite onesie, where luckily the snaps were able to shut over the bulky padding. Arven read them a bedtime story as they sucked on a bottle of warm milk and soon they were fast asleep. Clodsire and Kawi slept with Baby up close, and Red slept on the carpet like usual.

Upon the next morning Baby was woken up by Nemona who was babbling about the treasure hunt, while Arven prepared breakfast for the three as well as a lunch.
Baby was changed into their new travel diapers and plastic pants, and then dressed in their summer uniform. The plastic pants helped tone down the puff of the diapers but they were clearly there if you looked hard enough. Baby was able to waddle around their room, and they enjoyed their morning milk in their high chair. A few accidents in their padding, the three were ready to begin their adventures.
Nemona gave them the locations of all the gyms, and Arven gave them the locations of the Titans from his book. However unbeknownst to their friends they had a third mission they were going on during the treasure hunt. Raiding the team star bases. During the last semester their phone was hacked and they were asked to help take down the leaders of team star. Baby planned on telling their friends, but maybe after the raids were done.

And soon they were off on their journey, and while making their way to the first tiatain they found a few more pokemon along the way to add to their team. And soon they had four Pokemon by their side, Kawi who had evolved into his second form Floragato, Plushie the Clodsire, Buppy the Growlithe, and Cutie who had evolved into a Tinkatuff.

Chapter 3
It had been about a week since the treasure hunt had started, and Baby was having lots of fun traveling across Paldea.
They had beaten the Bug type gym, the giant Klawf, and the Grass type gym. Their next job to do was check out the flying titan spotted around the Aerial fields. They were going to their first raid, and it was close by so why not tackle this first.
After changing their diaper at the poke center they hopped on Red and were on their way up the mountain.
Arven had warned them that there were falling boulders, so they were making sure to be as careful as possible.
Baby looked up at the mountain and was about to climb it when a boulder came straight for them, they tumbled backwards, landing on their now very messy diaper and began to sob until they were hoisted up by the back of their diaper. A soft and cold surface was on their back and the flap of wings sounded behind them as they were lifted off into the air. Looking down at the ground that was getting further and further away by the minute Baby began to mess their pampers more and cry harder and harder.
However soon they were placed on a soft cushion. And began to stop crying as hard. They looked up to be met with a very large Bombird. This must have been the titans they were after.
The bird was rooting around in Baby's bag till they grabbed their pacifier and gently pushed it into Baby's mouth with their beak. Baby looked around the giant bird nest that they had been placed in. It was filled with most items that they had at 'Baby You' the store Oni chan would bring them to so that they could get more diapers and onesies.
Baby looked down to see that they had been placed on a changing mattress, and a soft one at that.
The Bombird, who Baby now called Big mama based on how baby obsessed it was, was continuing to drop boulders from the mountain as Baby watched from the large bird nest. They were happily playing with a bunch of building blocks when they heard a phone camera flash, and looked over to see Arven taking their picture as he climbed into the large bird nest.
"Oni San!" Baby beamed as they got up from their play area and began to run up to their surrogate big brother.
That was until they were scooped up into the carry flap of Big Mama. Baby looked over at Arven as they tried to get out. But Big Mama wasn't having it, and screeched, before flying off with Baby.
Unfortunately Big Mama carried them off without their bag, meaning they didn't have their Pokemon, or their diapers. And then you need a change soon after all the surprise whoopies.
A while later Baby woke up, but this time Big Mama wasn't anywhere nearby. Instead Baby was in a crib, and was only in their top, socks, and very full diaper.
The crib was bigger than the usual ones that they had seen, with plushies and blankets surrounding them. A playmat type of material covered the ground under the crib and fabric walls led them to believe that they were in a tent of some kind. There was an official play pen type area in one of the corners, a changing table with plenty of diapers in one of the open storage compartments, and a small closet type dresser.
Baby began to feel overwhelmed as they tried to get out of the crib, yet they were too small to get over the side.
Sobbs began to leave them once more as they balled up in one of the crib corners with one of the teddiursa plushies. They wanted their clodsire to hug for comfort but this would have to do.
After a bit the flap to the tent opened and in walked one of the team star bosses, the fighting type leader, Eri.
She was a tall and muscular powerhouse. Though she didn't have the usual face paint.
Baby began to cry more as they tried to back further and further into the crib.
"Aw, you don't have to be scared of me lil friend. I promise I'm not as scary as I look." Eri smiled as she came over to the crib.
Baby's cries softened and they began to suck on their thumb in place of their paci that was back in their bag. "Hold on to their sweetness, I have something better for you than your finger." Eri spoke as she pulled a pink pack out of the pocket of her scort. Baby made a small grabby hand as they wordlessly pleaded for the comfort item. Eri bent down into the crib and placed the paci in Baby's mouth and scooped the small teen into their big strong arms.
Baby began to suckle on the paci and blushed at the overt display of care and affection.
"Oh I'm sorry honey pie, I have several members in my crew that wear diapers too, I'm used to taking care of them. Speaking of which, do you mind if I take care of your diaper? I believe we have the same brand as that." Eri explained as she set Baby, and their full diaper onto the changing table.
Baby nodded and began to lie down.
As Eri changed their diaper she explained how the padded teen got here.
Big Mama had a nest by one of the posts of Eri's base, and one of their members spotted them in the nest and brought them back to home base.
Since Baby had their phone in their pants the star crew was able to get a hold of Arven and Namona so that they could come get their little sibling.
It was going to take the two teens a bit to get to the star base, since it was in an odd area but Baby was too tuckered out to make the trip to their older sister and brother, especially since they didn't have access to Red.
Soon Baby was in a clean diaper, and Eri was now starting to put them in a onesie. It was a Skitty themed onesie with a Skitty face on the hood and a tail that doubled as a child leash.
Eri placed Baby on her hip and left the tent and into the outside base. Several of the members stopped to talk to Eri or coo at Baby. And their diapers and belly were patted several times.
They were being tickled by one of their members and they accidentally pushed too hard on their tummy, which was preceded by a soft 'squish' landing in their diaper.
Baby blushed and hid their face away in Eri's shoulder as they blushed red. Almost everyone around them gushed at their unintentionally cute babyish manner.
Eri had taken them back to her personal tent and was placed on a small playmat with several toys. Eri had released a Lucario of her's to help watch over Baby as the star boss left to go get something.
Baby was content with sucking on their new paci and looking around. And began to wander a bit though the place. Baby was admiring Eri's starmobile while Lucario held onto their child's leash. While they were exploring the tent Lucario watched as Baby's diaper expanded more and more in the back.
As they were looking at Eri's bage collection they felt a small force on the back of their onsei and looked to see Lucario padding their behind, as soft 'squishes' were heard. Baby giggled at Lucario's antics causing more 'squishes' and 'squelches' to be heard.

After a bit longer exploring the tent and playing with Lucario one of the Star members called for Lucario and Baby to meet Eri at the food tent. Lucario grabbed Baby's Skitty leach and guided the teenage baby over to the designated tent. There Eri met the two and swiftly picked up Baby and placed them in a high chair, and gently facined a bib on the blue haired teen.

Lucario handed Baby a bottle with milk in it and they began to happily suck on the nib as warm milk slipped down their throat.
Once they were done with their bottle Eri began to spoon feed them baby food and then gave them a few nuggets to eat.
They heard several phones taking pictures of them during their meal but didn't really mind it. Their older brother and Oni
Onee San usually took pictures of them. Their older brother made a whole scrap book for them before he left for an adventure in Alola.

After another diaper change and an hour later they were picked up by Eri chan.
"You older siblings finally arrived. Let's get you ready to go!" Eri smiled before helping Baby into a matching skirt to go with their Skitty onesie and get on their boots. Their school clothes that had been washed were in a satchel along with a few other things from the members of the Star base and Eri.
"I'm sorry to see you leave so soon, but I'll see you again when you and your buddies come to fight us." Eri chuckled.
"Oh yeah, please don't mention that to my Oni and Onee San. They don't really know about all that, and I don't want to make them worry." Baby asked sheepishly.
"Alright their slugger, and I'll spread the word to the other groups not to go so rough on you, wouldn't want you to leak through your diapers during your little raids.
But if you ever need a quick change and you're not by a poke senter, just come to the nearest star base, one of our members will take care of you." Eri explained.
"Okay Mama!" Baby smiled, not realizing that they had just referred to the older teen as a maternal figure. Almost everyone around them sure noticed though, and we're dying of a cuteness overload. Eri was just smiling as bright as ever and patted Baby's diaper gently as they carried the teenage baby to their older siblings.
Namona was arguing with Arven by the entry gates.
Eri let Baby down a few feet away from their siblings but held onto their Skitty leash. Baby quickly ran over to their senpais smiling and peeing their diaper as they ran over.
Namona quickly picked the small teen up and rubbed the younger's back as Eri and Arven talked.
"Any time you guys need someone to watch this little stinker, we're open to sit for you. Everyone here loved having this lil munchkin around.
And please make sure to keep an eye on them when you're going after titan pokemon. Their diapers could barely keep up with how much stress their body was producing." Eri spoke.
Some of the other tar members came over with Lucario and began to say their goodbye to Baby. Lucario squished the back of their diaper causing them to make other whoopies in their padding with a soft plop.
"Are you sure they have to go?"
"What if they need another change?"
"Do they have their paci?"
"Eri can we keep them?"

"Sorry guys, we've gotten quite attached in the short while." Eri apologized on behalf of her crew.
"It's fine, we're going to the next town over to stop in a hotel for the night so all of us can recuperate after a stressful day." Namona explained as Arven called a flying taxi.
"Lucario wishes to escort Baby, just to ensure nothing bad happens on the way there. Would that be alright with you both?" Eri asked the two.
"Yeah, we don't mind, there should be enough room. Plus Arven and I need to look for a few things in town so it would be a big help for Lucario to help watch Baby." Arven answered after he got off the phone.

A few minutes later the taxi arrived and Lucario and Baby said their goodbyes before entering the taxi. Baby was buckled into a child carrier and Lucario was seated right beside them.
For the rest of the day Lucario followed Baby closely. Whether it was putting stuff away in the hotel room or pushing Baby around in a teen sized stroller while Arven and Namona shopped for their little sibling.

That night Lucario changed Baby into their new bulky night time diapers and dressed them into a new wailmer onesie before he took a flying taxi back out to the team star base.
Baby watched from her crib in the hotel room, as their legs refused to get close due to how thick and heavy duty the dialer was.
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