Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2291435-Criminal-Poems
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Crime/Gangster · #2291435
Disturbing poems written in the mind of a serial killer fascinated by blood and death.
The air runs cold and dark
Carrying with it, a heavy scent
The blood runth still and black
Across the ground it flowth
Into my hands it runth cold
Freezing my own along it's path
My heart grievth not
For as I am the one with the blade
I watch as it flows
It's fresh scent suffocating
The air within reach no longer clean
My clothes are stained
My hands bear are they no more
Just as a river can turn to ice
Must blood flow upon me
For I bear no more clothes
Ripped by the blade within my hand
I slide the red water along
Covering my bear body in red
For I am in love
I have yet again tasted death
And this time,
My lust has grown deep
I must drink again
Returning to thy water fall
Once again writing in red
But this time,
I will not goeth home empty
I shall goeth with thy cup of red words

-Jacklyn Jones

Let the water fall
And blood take it's place
Rushing and gushing
Streaming and colorful
My thirst is rising
My hunger exceeding
I can find there
Where the water falls
Feed me there
Quench my thirst
Let my throat be no longer dry
But cleansed in red
Let my hands be no longer bear
But covered in red
For the body lay still
The grass maketh not a sound
My mouth twists a grin
I have tasted death
And I liked it.

-Jacklyn Jones

The bodies are like paper
Each piece clean and fresh
I use my pens as weapons,
my pens at the surface
I lay them out
With awe and care
Yet you collect them
Capture my hard work
Stealing my art
The red ink is on my hands
The words are on my tongue
You take my work,
I must make anew
The ink must show,
I will write a new page,
A book shall prevail
The words, sticking in R E D

-Jacklyn Jones

I hunt
You hunt
We are not very different
We are not very alike
I don’t hunt the smallest
You only hunt for me
I chase them, Lustfully driven
You chase me, determined and smart
You say I am a coward
Yet, If I were coward how would I know
How could I hunt
How could I know I be not as they say
How could I know I'm not mad
How can I hunt and stay the hunted
Not slayn or tortured
But free and lively
So we continue our game
Our little game of tag
Until one is caught
May I hunt for them
As you hunt for me

- Jacklyn Jones

I am stained with blood
Stained with hatred and madness
I failed, lost my sight
The path twists and turns
No one can undo the already done
No one can change the unexcused
I have no excuses
I have no hope
Release me of my burdens
Can no man do
Cleanse me
Only man can wish of
For you cannot clean, those unclean

-Jacklyn Jones
© Copyright 2023 Jacklyn Jones (jacklynj1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2291435-Criminal-Poems