Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2292740-The-Cat-and-the-Lady
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2292740
A young girl and her brother save a black cat one rainy evening, it saved them.
One rain day, a young girl was walking out of a store of her neighborhood, she was an average young 19 year old living in a lodge. She walked along the quiet cold sidewalk thinking about how warm she would be inside her house with her young 13 year old brother sitting by the fireplace, when she nearly stepped over a black cat, when she looked down to get a look at the cat, it was weak and very skinny like it hadn't eaten in days, its fur was falling out and its eyes were losing their brightness. 'Oh poor thing' she thought 'If I don't do something, you'll perish out here' so without another thought, she scooped him up in her arms and walked inside her house. Her brother was waiting by the fireplace when he heard the door open and saw his sister walk in. And quickly embraced her "Hi sis!" he said with a cheerful voice. The girl put down her groceries and embraced him as well. The cat walked toward the two and stroked the brother leg with its head. The boy pet its head playfully " Oh yeah i forgot," She said "We have a new cat." The cat look up, and as if it saw something, hissed at one of the corners. "Hey what's wrong?" asked the young boy "They might just be scared of the new surroundings, it will take awhile to get used to our house." But that not what happened. Two days later, as it started warming up. Just as the young girl woke up the day, she found the cat, up on top of her shelf hissing scared-like, with tail and hair standing up. "Hey what's wrong?" she asked it. It didn't answer, it just stared and hissed. "Here let me just help-" she stopped, when she saw the cat's face, it was covered in scratches, but how? "He must hurt himself while climbing up here." she said to herself. After breakfast, she went to clean up the dishes, but found one of them smashed on the floor. The cat was walking around it, hissing. "It must have dropped by accident." She thought and picked up the pieces. This went on for three weeks, the cat would do something strange but the girl wouldn't see it as creepy. Then one night, while she slept, a crash was heard. She woke up and ran to her brother's room, to find him asleep peacefully, and only woken up by her opening the door. Then she ran downstairs to find the cat, only to see a lady, with long black hair standing in front of the fireplace. The only thing was that this lady, wasn't normal, when she turned around, her face was covered in blood, hair stained as well. She was wearing a long black dress, one that reached the ground and dragged behind her. And she was smiling a very wide smile, one that looked like her mouth was ripped. "Hello.." she whispered creepily, "Come here, dear children" she said, walking-no floating toward them. They backed away from the strange lady, the cat, however did not; it stayed put. "Come here," she said again, more strained this time. They kept back away, not wanting to move a foot closer to her. Then she shrieked and lunged at them, sharp teeth and saliva pouring from her mouth. The girl and her brother screamed at the site. The cat jumped at the lady, hissing and scratching at her. The lady screamed as the cat leaped on her face, and gave the two enough time to scamper up the stairs and into her room where they hid behind the bed and wait for the fight to stop. The Meowing and the screeching went on and on, and after what seemed like an hour, it ceased. The girl looked at her brother and they both decided to check. Cautiously, they peaked out and climbed down the stairs, they found they cat sitting on the floor but the lady was nowhere to be seen. All they saw was a bloody puddle and hair. But they didn't want to know what happened, all they cared for was that they were alive and that the cat had saved them.
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