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by HH1
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2293144
Between assignments: Chris Best enjoys his reduced and gets some work done.
Chris Best sat on his couch tapping away on his tablet. He was ordering play outfits for his Bell dolls. His lap was exposed and straddling on top of his tip was his newest reduced pet Stacy Bell. She wore just the little pleated skirt of her high school cheer uniform. Her long sculpted legs were straddling his engorged tip as she balanced on her soft little hands. Her shapely hips grind her trim little pussy against his sensitive end making her perky little breasts cutely bounce from her efforts. Her sweet gasps and grunts from her extended exercise was delightful to hear.

It was odd, just over an hour ago he actually felt bad going to her school to collect her. To be the one to tell the seventeen year old she and her family had failed their assessment. Her school, like her family, was flush with money. The few students he saw were all dressed in the latest fashions. He walked up to where the girls were going over their teams routines. They went from curious about why this strange dorky looking man came and called for one of their own too nervous and slightly scared. As soon as he stated he was an Assessor they were reminded of their coming fates. He wondered how many were even being given an assessment. They continued their social activities because it helped them forget their likely fates. But now that fate was asking directly for one of their own.

The tall pretty girl attempted to sound cocky before her fellow cheerleaders. "Mister, My father is handling my family's assessment."

She couldn't hide her worry when Chris told her, "I have completed that assessment. I need to talk to you privately about the results."

"Oh, OK?" She said in a tone that said she was quickly becoming weary.

They round a corner from the other cheer members. Chris didn't know what else to tell her besides stating bluntly, "Your family failed the assessment." And then activate his implant.

She screamed when she realized what was happening. But by that time she was already too small to be heard by anyone besides Chris. The feelings of guilt and pity just disappeared as he reached for the little cheer doll. The Stacy figure felt so good trapped in his fist. He had often fantasized about a toy sized living cheerleader girl. That fantasy was now his if he so chose.

He had the driver take him to the office so he could deposit the Mr. Bell figure before coming home. He was tempted to have a family gathering. Deciding instead to place the Mrs. Bell and young Carrie dolls into the cage his office had insisted he had set up before he exposed himself and sat on the couch. He had honestly figured the Stacy doll would argue when he commanded her to strip off all but her skirt. Seems she understood the new government's broadcasts on reduced's rights and just followed his request.

He was now selecting outfits for his new living doll collection. Costumes for theme play or that just tickled his fancy. Reduced clothes would be easy for him to strip from his living sexual action figures unlike the clothes they were reduced in. His implant logged their sizes as it reduced them, now he just had to select what he was going to want to see them dress as.

His hand reached down and readjusted his new Stacy figure so she now hung along his thick upper shaft. She knew what her owner wanted, pressing her feet into the sides of his shaft while hugging her arms up along his tip. She made sweet gasps as she humped her fit form along his upper end. "Lick." He commanded while not looking away from the array of outfits available. He hummed as he felt that little soft moist tongue begin to taste the curve of his tip. A more whimpering murmur came from his new sex doll that made that even more enjoyable.

What to order he wondered as he looked through the outfits. Some were simple choices, matching cheer uniforms of course. Same with school uniform styled ones, both the ones with the plaid pleated skirt and blazer and the sailor style with the navy pleated skirt. Also a tennis outfit, he liked a tight top and short skirt. Then thinking of their blond hair he selected those German outfits with the flared skirt with suspenders and the cleavage. That way he could be a naughty giant playing with some pretty little German peasants. While he wondered what else to order he bought them each three sets of pajamas with the little shorts and the light hanging sear tank top like shirt in yellow, blue, and pink. Then he realized he could get them the farmer's daughter look of a tied plaid shirt that barely held their breasts and a tight little cut off jeans.

He leaned his head back as he tried to think of other outfits to make them wear for his amusement. His Stacy doll's action features felt good rolling along his hardened cock. His hand reached down and admired the sculpt of her long legs. He delighted at how the flexing of their tone muscles felt as she worked to pleasure him. He snickered as he decided he wanted a retro style silver Sci-fi skirted dress for them to wear. Amusingly they came with little sparking toy laser guns.

Now what should I order next? Chris wondered. He looked over at the cage. Mother doll comforting youngest daughter doll. Amusing he thought, as just hours ago when they still countered as humans that woman plaything was willing to allow him to ravage that youthful toy. Now that he owned them both for just that purpose she worried about how the curvy pretty thing felt. Foolish. Though he liked seeing them curled about each other in their shapely nakedness.

His hand goes from admiring his cheerleader toy's legs and wraps her whole body. Slowly and happily he strokes her teen form along his erect cock. Her being a attractive cheerleader is an extra arousal. Chris finds himself thinking back to her teammates. Many attractive shapely girls. All looked to be from richer families. Most of those families likely have been scheduled for reduction during the coming purge. He wondered how many applied for re-assessment? How many would he be assigned to test? How many might fail and join his Stacy doll?

He stopped his stroking so the fit tall blond sexual action figure could grab to his engorged cock. She was quickly back to rolling her mostly naked figure along his upper end. Whimpering with each long lap of her tongue against his comparably massive tip.

Unsure of what costumes to buy he switched to a fun list. Packs of outfits made of cheap materials. Packs of ten sets of doll clothes designed to be torn from small squirming figures. City pack for each for skirted business suits, jeans and tank tops, and other combinations a giant would find while ravaging a city of tiny beauties. Fantasy villagers for the scantily clad warriors to cleavage displaying milk maid clothes. Classic heroines, sure as blonds they didn't quite look the part for Wonder Woman but it sure would be fun binding one of them in that lasso of truth and tearing that red and blue form fitting outfit from their curves. Each multipack would help him determine more permanent costumes for his playthings in the future.

Chris sighed, it was getting late. He had to go into the office in the morning to write his report on the Bell's failed assessment. He would bring the three into sweet Eden Grundy for her to work her new skills. He'd likely get his next assignment. He hoped the next family was better suited for the coming new world than the Bells. As fun as it would be to add to his collection, he rather files successful assessments. It shows there was hope for even the formerly most selfish.

He placed the tablet down and grabbed his Stacy doll again. Chris grunts happily as he drags that toy teen along his stiffened length. She in turn gives him a whimpered grunt of her own. He's using her entire body to generate his pleasure. She might be reduced but her legs are still long enough to wrap along his thickened girth. Her minimized breasts are not as plump as her mother's or even her little sisters but their perkiness does feel good along his manly length.

Aroused for a while by that tiny beauty Chris finds his climax a welcome occurrence. Loosely wrapped to his tip so he could enjoy watching his freshly released cum spraying his cheer doll all over her pretty face. Spattering all over those pleasure generating perky pair. This would be her life now. Like her sister and mother before her. Used to cause him pleasure. He finishes and his semen target begins its pitiful sobbing.

He places it in his cage. The assembly is attached to his sink to give access to water for the living dolls so she can clean herself of his sexual leavings. He leaves the Bell action figures to find their way around their new home. To assign themselves their new beds. He freshens himself and goes to his bed himself.

Morning comes and Chris walks out of his room. The Bell dolls cower as he gets ready for his day. He didn't adjust his alarm so he didn't have any extra time to indulge in long play with any of them. So he just grabs the momma Bell doll and wraps his cock in those shapely curves. Legs wrapped tight around his shaft while her big tits got pressed tight under his weight. He likes the expressions from the Bell daughters as they watch helplessly as he vigorously body strokes their very attractive mother. Those curves will work well for quick satisfaction sessions. Since they're right there anyway he simply pokes his tip in and unloads all over the two blond teens. "Wash up quickly." He commands. "I need to take you in for proper tinkering."

"What does that mean?" Stacy doll manages to ask from under her semen coating.

He gives her a hint, "Lets just say you'll never have to shave those legs again after today."

Once Chris was ready he collected the three naked blond dolls and placed them into a cage in his briefcase. His ride was waiting for him. The automated protectors nodded to him as he entered. "Office please." He requested. He didn't have to be polite, they really didn't have feelings to hurt. It just felt right to do so.

"Certainly." The driver noted with no emotion and they were off.

They pull up in front of the Assessor offices. The driver advises coldly, "We will await your summon."

"Thank, see you then." Chris said then slipped out. As soon as he closes the door they drive off. He looks at the building. A short, almost squat building. Unimpressive really for all the duties that are carried out within. He noticed no one walked in front of the building despite its placement along a busy street full of businesses and restaurants. It was like people outside the agency thought they could be reduced by simply walking before the tinted windows.

He entered and the security desk attendant greeted him, "Morning." A touch of humanity surrounded by protecting androids. The man at the desk wore a uniform but it would be one of the men shaped robots that stood by every door or elevator that would actually protect the building from the suspected coming attacks.

"Morning." Chris replied. Flashing his badge. One of the units by the elevators hit the button for him as he did so.

He got into the moving box and hit the button for his floor. He stepped out and his department's receptionist smiled, "Morning Assessor Best. How are you today?"

"Fine Betty. You?" He asked as he headed for the secured door. Betty was like the building short and squat. Her very dark brown hair was tinted here and there with bright silver strands. She was as sweet as the baked goods she often brought to share with the staff here. He was glad she was flanked by security androids as he doubt she would have the nerve to actually reduce someone.

"I'm having a spectacular day. Oh, here, I have you next three assignment." She offered out the front window despite the rules.

"Betty, I'll come in first." Chris reminded her.

"Oh bah, I know who all our Assessors are here. You're safe to give your files to. Hey, how did your first assignment go?" She asked cheerfully.

He told her flatly, "They failed, I'm sad to say."

"Ahh, that's too bad." She gives a pouty face. Then she shyly inquires, "Was there a silver lining at least?"

"Yeah." Chris said with a shrug. He had to put his next assignments in his case anyway so he popped open his briefcase and placed it so Betty could see his new dolls.

"Oh, they're lovely. You're not going to be a big meanie and leave them naked are you?" She asked all amusingly pouty.

"No, I ordered some clothes for them last night. I just bought them to be tinkered." He informs her.

"Oh, good excuse to say hello to Miss Eden Grundy I see." Betty teases with a wink.

Chris chuckles as he closes his case. Confessing, "Yeah. I better do that."

As he starts back to the elevator Betty advises, "You better ask her out for coffee before one of the other guys builds up their courage first."

He hits the button and the door closes. He pulls out one of the files. This afternoon's assignment. The March family, father and husband Andrew, age fifty one. He was a financial advisor. His second wife Debbie age thirty six. What was with these rich guys having a second wife. Oldest daughter Amy was sixteen while the younger daughter, Melissia, was fourteen. He rolled his eyes back in his head and sighed loudly. Mr. March was a financial advisor for a crime family. He was a money launderer. Worse, according to his file he had his own first wife murdered though the old police forces couldn't prove it. Why was he even allowed re-assessment? Oh, because his wife and daughters were practically saints. Volunteers for fundraisers and lower income areas. He wished he didn't have to assess the entire family together.

He stepped out. Trevor Bettino was at the desk talking to Eden Grundy. Chris had no worry of Trevor asking Eden out before him as the short flamboyant man was very openly gay. As sweet as Betty and just as friendly. Chris decided to not interrupt as Trevor explained how he wanted his reduced trimmed by the Tinker department.

He looks at tomorrow's assignment hoping for a more hopeful listing among that family. Pollard family. Michael, age forty, father and husband, ran an investment firm. Wife Helen was thirty seven and owned a low income day care. Twin daughters, Jennifer and Penny age fifteen. Oh the girls taught kids to swim at the local pool. "Oh for fuck sakes." Chris growled. Michael and Helen worked together running a child porn and prostitution ring.

"You alright Chrisy?" Trevor asked with concern.

Normally Chris would have hated being called Chrisy. But Trevor was so nice and kind it was almost expected from him. "Just looking over my next assignments. These people are awful."

"Were." Trevor corrected. "Remember we are here to see if they can be better and are willing to make up for their past actions." He reminded Chris.

"Yeah, it's just." Chris began.

"Oh sweetie I know. Mr. Ogden here just couldn't and according to his assessment wouldn't stop touching his students. Well, I'll make sure the only student he touches now is me, a student of life." Trevor optimistically noted.

Strangely Trevor's cheerfulness lifted Chris spirits, "Thanks Trevor. I needed that."

"Well, you're welcome." Trevor accepted. "I'm done here if you want to bring up your reduced for tinkering." He turned to Eden, "We'll chat later."

Eden's sweet voice replied, "Coffee is on you this time."

"Yes, yes. Gladly girlfriend." Trevor said as he walked to the elevators.

Chris walked up to the raised counter. Eden Grundy was a touch young for him but Chris couldn't ignore her alluring beauty. Her hair was a reddish brown tangle of curls that she always wore up to keep those uncontrolled loops from fluttering in her face. Attractively built but it was how easy she was to chat with that drew Chris to her more. Seemingly bright she seem to have a scattershot of interests. "Hello Assessor Best, did you have reduced to be tinkered?" She asked cheerfully. He had to wonder if his nervous embarrassment was showing on his cheeks.

"Yes." He manages to say. He opened his briefcase. He found a plastic holding container placed beside his case by a smiling Eden. "I was wondering if you could, well, could you." Chris started and couldn't quite collect his thoughts.

"You want the follicles on their legs and pits destroyed." Eden offers.

Grateful Chris confirms, "Yes please."

"Do you want between treated as well?" Eden asks.

"Between?" He wasn't sure what she meant.

Eden reached in and patted a shocked scared Mrs. Bell doll between her thighs. "Some like a smooth slit." She advises.

Chris was nervous. Does he really want to tell this woman he wants his living dolls to have smooth pussies? He did now that she brought it up. But to actually say so to her, that office cutie. If he didn't he would have to bring his Bell dolls back in. "Yes please."

"Did you want them branded? I don't see any but would you like any tattoos removed?" She asked.

"No brand, yes remove tattoos." He confirmed.

"That's how I would want my reduced to be as well. Well, mine would be men, well males. Just smooth like bodybuilders. Not that I have a thing for body builders. I like skinny guys too if their nice. Not that buffer guys can't be nice. Just, I know more nice guys that are slim like you. You as you are a nice guy." He liked that Eden was chatty today.

"Yeah, I prefer my reduced unmarked." Chris agreed.

"Yeah." Eden said.

Chris didn't have anything else to say about his reduced but didn't want to stop talking to the curly haired younger woman. "So, has there been a lot of reduced brought in?"

"No, well some. More now that there are more assessments happening. These from your first one?" Eden replied.

Chris shrugged and sighed, "Sadly. They just were not willing to face up to their past actions."

"Shame." Eden noted attaching a print out to the container holding the Bell dolls. "Well now they'll be put to good uses." She added as she snapped a perforated lid to hold them in.

"Do you have any? Reduced I mean." He asked.

"Not yet. But I heard once we get to a certain total they'll let us office drones to start buying them up. I notice a few attractive ones I have my eyes on." She said with an appealing naughty smile.

"If you tell me what you like I could give you one of mine. You know, if I happen to get one you like." Chris offered.

"I wouldn't want you to get in trouble." She worried.

"I wouldn't. I can give them even though the full purge hasn't happened yet." He reassured her.

"OK, we could maybe have coffee later and go over your next cases?" She suggested.

"I have an assignment this afternoon, maybe tonight?" Chris hoped.

"Sure." Eden says and Chris' heart pounds with excitement. "Dinner at Galbraith's maybe?"

"It's a date." Chris cheered. "You know, an agreed meeting."

"Yes, an agreed meeting." Eden says. She looks past him, "I need to get back to work."

Chris looked behind him. Gloria stood there smiling with amusement waiting to bring a reduced woman to get tinkered. A broad shouldered tall woman with quite short red hair. Despite her harsh looking rugged exterior she was a very kind lady. "Sorry." He told the woman Assessor.

"Me too. I was building up my courage to ask for that date myself." Gloria noted. Likely mostly to tease but possibly with a touch of honesty.

"Talk to you later." He told Eden.

"See you at Galbraith's." Eden told him.

He stepped into the elevator to see Eden waving cutely at him. Gloria hid an amused smile. He sighed, he had a date with Eden. How did he manage that? The elevator opened and Betty asked, "How did it go?"

"What?" He asked, heading to the secure door.

"Asking out Eden?" Betty pried.

He could feel his cheeks blushing so he could only confess, "We are going to dinner tonight."

Excitedly Betty cooed, "Ohhh."

He walked inside the door into the area of desks. Each one was assigned to an Assessor. Each region would have an office like this. Like a police office scene from an old movie. Desks facing another assessor's desk in pairs. A series of twelve desks for twenty four Assessors in total and still the families and individuals to be assessed was staggering. The outer offices held their four supervisors. Individuals from the new ruling order.

Chris sat and Steve Lake, his friend at the opposite desk, looked at him. "How did your first assignment go?" The broad shouldered man asked. On his desk he was fidgeting with a reduced woman. A fair looking redhead. She was clearly not comfortable with her new status as she whimpered and struggled as Steve's thick fingers fumble her about in her Little Miss Muffet costume.

"They failed." Chris sighed, taking his seat. He took a mental note to take a look through the fairy tail costumes once he got home tonight.

"No good reduced?" Steve asked toying with his wiggling pet.

Chris opened the Bell file and showed the family photo to his desk neighbor. "I kept the wife and daughters."

"Oh, she looks like a nice reduced. Aren't the girls a touch young?" Steve questioned.

Chris felt a touch uncomfortable. Then he felt a touch creepy noting, "Reduced of fourteen or older are allowed as pets."

"True, and they will likely age up into lookers like the mother. Good call." Steve says.

"I take it your assignments didn't go well?" Chris noted looking at the hand tumbling the whimpering redhead doll.

"Actually, my first passed. Second, didn't. But her daughter looked more like Gloria's speed than mine." Steve advised.

Chris knew what Steve was getting at by that statement. "Hopefully your next failure will be a better reduced stock."

"My next two cases are homosexual pairings." Steve grumbled.

"Are you sure you didn't get Trevor's cases by mistake?" Chris teased. Making Steve laugh.

"Maybe be. Maybe be." He notes. Adding, "Guess I should get my report done."

Chris starts up his computer saying, "Yeah, I hope I can write a positive one soon."

"More of those the better." Steve agreed.

Soon Chris is typing. Reports were the easy part of an assignment. It was mostly filling in drop down lists and checking digital boxes. Even the registration of which of the reduced he was keeping was simply checking the box beside the displayed picture. Such a simple procedure to mark the end of an entire family. Now they were reduced as will many future families once the world wide reduction purge happens.

That chore done Chris looked at the third file. It will be the day after tomorrow in the early evening. Three more families to be judged in as many days. Rodriguez family. Manuel, age forty five runs a construction company. His wife Stella, age forty, was a homemaker. Daughter Sofia, age sixteen is active with school activities. They seem like a fine family, then Chris saw the issue. "Oh my goodness."

"What?" Steve asked.

"All three of my coming cases, one or both parents are just awful people." He grumbled.

"You know, we are supposed to say were." Steve reminded him.

"Yeah, hopefully." Chris sighed.

"If you think there's a mistake by the system, maybe you should take them to your supervisor." Steve suggested.

Chris looked at his supervisor's door. He called himself Andrew Solomon. He was one of them. One of the ones determined to make the Earth a peaceful nice clean place to live. Chris had to remind himself that part of their plan was shrinking a vast majority of humans and allowing the remaining humans to own them. Giving the selected free range with their new living dolls. Mr. Solomon was rather nice in training. Insisting that he be called Drew. It just seemed wrong knowing the power he could call to bear. Chris didn't want to bother the being yet he had to question his next assignments. "Yeah, wish me luck."

"With what?" Steve asked. He was clearly more comfortable with their new leaders then Chris was.

"I'm just still not comfortable with them yet." Chris noted.

Chris walked over. Knocking on the door. "Yeah, come on in!" Said the being inside.

Chris took a deep breath and entered. There stood the being called Andrew Solomon. Human shaped but not human. No, the large mouth and up mounted eyes told he was vastly different. It smiled its broad mouth and greeted Chris, "Hey Chris, what can I do you for?"

Chris looked at Mr. Solomon in his light blue pin striped suit. It complimented his light yellow tan shaded skin actually fairly well. With their broad webbed feet they didn't wear shoes but they did slip a shoe-like covering over their feet. He held a putter and several golf balls litter the fair side of his office. A solo cup sat standing in the middle of the white balls. "What are you doing?" Chris wondered.

"Putting, I think it's called. I saw it in one of those televised shows you humans made. I thought it was a standard thing human office managers did." Mr. Solomon said cheerfully.

"Some do. Are you planning on taking up golf?" Chris asked.

"I don't know." he replied. Holding his phone to his mouth he said, "Dictate note: Look up what the activity of golf is like." It was so strange how these beings knew everyone's darkest secrets yet simple things like sports were confusing to them.

"You don't reset your cup after you get one in?" Chris was just confused by his boss' understanding of his own activity.

"Am I to flick the ball in? Is that why the blade is shaped like that?" Mr. Solomon asked lifting the putter to look at the business end.

"No, when you putt like that you're trying to roll the ball into the mouth of the cup." Chris explained.

"Oh, I was trying to knock it over. That makes more sense." The toad man noted. "Thanks Chris."

"Your welcome Mr. Solomon." Chris replied.

"Dude, we're a friendly office. I am a nice boss, open door, friendly ear. Please call me Drew." The amphibian-like creature requested.

"Right sorry. Still getting used to it." Chris apologized.

Drew sighed. "Yes we conquered your planet." The air quote fingers didn't really fit since that actually did conquer the planet. Not that there was much of a fight. They had reduced all the world's nuclear weapons before the world governments even knew they were in orbit. After that there wasn't much even the most advanced armies could do. When one of their ships could reduce a flight of jets and collect them like butterflies what else could be done but surrender. They were at least nice enough to un-reduce the captured soldiers so they could be scanned and judged like everyone else. Drew as he wanted to be called continued, "But we're not mean like the aliens in those action movies. I put on my pants on one leg at a time like you do."

With nothing left to do but what he came in for he asked, "Sure. Well Drew, I was looking over my coming assignments. I can't understand how they were selected for assessment. A murder, a couple of child molesters, and a kidnapper."

Drew lifted his webbed hand, "Let me stop you there. Are the entire family part of those horrible activities?"

"Well, no." Chris answered.

"And you're certain the ones that had done these things are not sorry they did and willing to pay back as part of the remaining population." Drew asked with a knowing smile.

"Well, no, but." Chris started.

"Chris, Chris. I know. Trust me. My people were like that once too. Until our Great Refocus, we were greedy and cruel to each other. But after our Great Refocus we bloomed to a great civilization. And we are going to help you humans get there as well. The first step is learning that many are able to correct themselves and submit in reparations." Drew explained.

"But you told us about ninety percent of our cases will fail assessment." Chris noted.

"Yes. But as enlightened beings you and I have to at least give them that chance. Because when you do get a passing family or even just a person you'll feel so much joy." Drew noted.

"Shouldn't we assess people individually then?" Chris wondered.

Drew shrugged, "If we could muster the resources I would say yes. But if we did that then you would have to be at assignment seven days a week every hour of the day. This planet can't handle all the humans on it. Sadly that means a wide net when reducing the cruel surplus. Take heart, as a nice person you'll be part of this planet's coming new age."

"And your people are alright with us keeping many of the not nice people as pets for us to do with as we want?" Came rambling out of Chris.

"All peoples have urges. The reduced population will give you all a more acceptable outlet for those urges." Drew explained.

"OK. Thank Drew." Chris had to accept that. It made sense. He only had his reduced for less then a day and certain intrusive thoughts hadn't come to his mind today.

"You're welcome." Drew said smiling. "Anything else I can help you to understand?"

"Not currently." Chris advised.

"Cool, door's always open. Please just pop in. We could just chat. Your televised shows fascinate me." He requested.

"I'll think about it." Chris agreed.

"Keen." Drew said, holding his thumbs up.

Chris went back to his desk. He grabbed his assignment file for today and looked through the questions. He hoped the good deeds of the ladies in the March family would be the focus. It wasn't but maybe Mr. March was repentant like Drew suggested. Chris noted he would have to look up what Drew meant by his people's Great Refocus.
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