Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2293515-Assessor-Chris-Best-CH-03
by HH1
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2293515
The March Family. Assessor Best goes to the March Family to do their assessment.
Chris sighed as his driver pulled up before another large house. The March family lived within. He wondered if he would only be judging financially prosperous people. He worried for the wife and daughters. They spend much of their free time volunteering for people in need. He hoped their good deeds would cover the less savory things the Mr. March was attached to.

The driver opened the door. He stepped out with his briefcase. The guard nodded to him. He walked up to the door. He didn't even knock, the door opened and a cute young girl looked up at him. She was scared as her voice cracked as she asked, "Are you Assessor Best?"

"I am." He answered.

"Come in." The girl said, stepping back to make space for him to enter. He walked in followed by his security detail. "Daddy is in his office." She said,

"Can you take me to where we are having the assessment?" Chris asked the nervous girl.

"Daddy is in his office with Mr. Columbo. They want to talk to you to clear this up." She says.

"Clear this up? Your family is being assessed miss. I don't know who this Mr. Columbo is. He shouldn't be here. I need to talk to you, your father. Your mother and your sister." Chris clarified.

"Daddy says he wants to talk to you alone first." She nervously said.

"Are your sister and mother home?" Chris asked following the girl.

"We are down in the family room." She answered.

Chris suddenly thought that Mr. Columbo must be Mr. March's lawyer. Likely hoping to talk his client out of this situation. He'll let the man say his peace then carry on with what he came here for. "OK, I'll talk to your father and Mr. Columbo. Then we'll do your family's assessment."

"Daddy is in there." Melissia March advised.

Chris started to reach for the door when one of the androids stopped him. It stepped between him and the door and opened it. Chris could see Mr. March sitting at his desk. Sitting in a high leather chair in the corner was flanked by two very large scary men. "Come in Mr. Best." Mr. March said confidently.

The first of the android security detail went in first and Chris followed. The man behind the desk pointed to a padded wooden chair. Chris saw that there were four more burley men in the corners of this fair sized room. Chris sat flanked by his team. The man in the chair simply told him, "We thank you for coming here today Mr. Best. We are telling you that Mr. March is an upstanding man and your going to pass his assessment right now."

Chris was a bit put off by this, "First, my title is Assessor Best, please address me as such. Second, I'm not sure who you are but you are not part of the March family assessment."

"Oh, I'm Alberto Columbo. Mr. March is my investment broker. I need him to continue with his work. So you're going to go back to your bosses and tell them he passed his assessment. Then tell Mr, Lake that he'll mark me as passed and save him from wasting my time meeting with him. If not we could have an issue between you and your fellow Assessor Mr. Best and my business associates. You don't want an issue with my business associates Mr. Best." The man said confidently.

Chris was scared. He didn't know what they were thinking. Likely they knew the Assessors were human and they were used to intimidating normal people. He was told the security detail were well prepared to keep him safe from a small group. He had never seen them in action and he wasn't in a hurry to have a demonstration while sitting in the middle of the room. But he followed his training, "Mr. Columbo I don't think you understand fully the situation both you and Mr. March are in. You can't threaten your way out of this. We don't represent the police of the past. You don't want to continue on this path."

"Look, you're likely very proud to be judging people. Making real money for the first time in your life now right Mr. Best? Like having power huh Chrisopher. Little man with a big job." Mr. Columbo said almost tauntingly.

Chris was annoyed and worried. He didn't want violence but he was trained he needed to keep his authority. "Mr. Columbo, you are to call me Assessor Best. And as an assessor I am going to tell you to go home and prepare for your assessment. This is not something you can threaten your way out of. You have to be honest and ready to repent for the wrongs of your past."

"Hopefully your replacement is a smarter man. For, as a man of my influence I am going to tell the police that you and your team came in here and we found you attacking Mr. March's wife and daughters. And sadly violence was required to stop you." The man in the chair stated flatly. Then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Chris saw the two men beside that Mr. Columbo reach into their jackets. He was trained for what to do if someone pulled a gun on him. But being trained in a controlled situation is different then when it actually happens. He went with his first instinct and pulled his arms up over his head. All he heard was little tick sounds. A hand touched his shoulder. For the first time he heard emotion from one of the security androids. It spoke with concern, "You are alright Assessor Best. The threat is reduced. SAO 21989 is collecting them now."

"SAO 21989?" He asked slowly, looking out from his flimsy arm shields.

"The other security android. I am SAO 87703." The man robot explained.

He never asked their names. Chris actually feels bad. "Sorry, I didn't know your name."

"It was unnecessary." The machine accepts fully.

"What's that popping Sal?" Chris couldn't remember the driver's full number.

"The men still feel their reduced firearms are a threat. They are slowly learning that they are more noisy than danger. As for me being Sal, I accept your personalizing me." The android stated.

Chris hadn't meant to name him, but that would make working with them easier. Make them seem more human. "Thanks for protecting me."

"That is our duty." It went back to that deadpan tone it often used. Adding, "The females of the family are in this building subterrain level. While you collected them we shall confirm no threats to you await outside this dwelling."

Chris sighed. The moment Mr. March's associate attempted to attack him on his behalf that made the entire family fail their assessment. He felt horrible, he would have to reduce them despite their good deeds. "Right, OK." He said, grabbing his briefcase. Then he saw how the other unit was collecting the thugs. It grabbed them and simply shoved them into his mouth. They disappeared inside. Sal went over to the chair and grabbed Mr. Columbo and shoved him into his mouth.

Chris started to leave when Sal advised, "Mr. March is still in his chair. As his assessor you should bring him in."

"Right, thanks Sal." Chris replied. Yeah, Sal worked well. Now he needed to come up with a name for the other.

"Assessor Best, you should feel free to indulge yourself with the females once reduced." Sal advised.

"Yeah, I don't know. According to their file they tried to help people. I don't know if I could, you know, indulge." Chris advised.

"As you say sir." Sal replied. The tone was as flat as most replies. Yet Chris was certain he heard a knowing edge to it.

He grabbed Mr. March from his chair. The reduced man rattled off how Chris wouldn't survive the week. Chris hoped he was wrong. He opened his briefcase and opened up one of the internal cages and slipped the little man thing in. Closing it he looked at the second guard android, "Thanks for protecting me."

"You are welcome, Assessor Best." It said, It almost seemed proud.

"Would it be alright if I called you Carl?" Chris asked, slightly nervous.

The android smiled, which looked natural if you didn't know what they were. In a cheery tone it replied, "I am proud to be known as Carl."

The security team slipped out and quickly went through the house before Chris. They headed towards the outward doors. One going out the back while the other out the front. Chris watched them go, realizing they were checking for possible assailants outside. He easily found the door to the basement. He walked down to find the three ladies nervously sitting cuddled together on the couch watching TV. The wife and mother, Debbie March looked confused, "Are you the Assessor? But Andrew said he would clarify everything?"

"He attempted to have me killed. You failed your assessment." Chris said with his heart in his throat. He felt awful. They looked at each other, likely trying to think what that meant for them.

He focused on Debbie, a beautiful woman in her mid thirties. Her light brown hair was in a flattering short, almost pixie style cut. Her lovely legs poured smoothly out from her light tan skirt and curled under her. Her green shirt was stretched by her huge breasts. They were bigger than the woman's head. Likely paid for by her husband at some point. Yet they didn't seem fully impossible on her frame as she had broad but still womanly shoulders. With a wave of his hand she went from a poor unfortunate woman to an attractive living doll.

The girls screamed as their mother was reduced between them. Chris then focused on the oldest daughter. Her long hair was in a pony tail and the same shade as her mother. She also wore a light brown skirt and her legs showed her active sports activities. Despite his guilt in doing his duty he still noticed that under her light white sleeveless blouse was a fair sized pair of perky breasts. This poor sixteen year old should be worried about future games and dances. With a wave of his hand he takes that all away. His cock actually twitched at the sight of her as a little toy teen.

Lastly was little Melissia March. The young girl has black or very dark brown hair in a style like her mothers. Girlish legs curl out from under her navy blue pleated suspender dress. Her budding newly developed breasts hide under a white and blue striped tank style shirt. He knows he shouldn't but his eyes were drawn to the little blue bow that hangs at the edge of her slight cleavage. With the wave of his hand she was no longer a victim of her fathers bad judgment. No, she was now within the age range allowed for usable reduced.

His guilt was gone once he reduced the women. Their good deeds were for not now. No, they were his to enjoy now. He placed his briefcase on the coffee table before the reduced dolls. Opening it he gleefully pulled out a trophy of his first assessment, a golden letter opener. He was about to close it when he saw the foolish reduced that plotted to have him intimidated or killed. Chris snickered, let that idiot thing watch him play with his new toys.

He scooped up all three pretty living dolls up into one hand. He sat where the mother once was human. He placed the three in his lap. They all gasp in fear as he begins undoing his belt.

"Don't you dare touch my family." The little voice comes from his briefcase.

"Shut up little man. I own them now. Their very lives are mine." He tells the trapped little mouthy thing.

He pulls his enlarged cock from his pants. Making the three pretty dolls actually scream fearfully. Chris expects them to beg or threaten. Something to ward off what was coming for them. But they don't. As if to explain why the repeating message of what it will mean to become a reduced plays on their gigantic television. They are fully aware they are but living playthings now.

He grabs the Debbie doll first. He wants to feel those big pillowy tits along his thick shaft. He positioned her arms back forcing his new toy's big breasts out before her. He slowly worked the blade of his new tool down between that cleavage. The sharpened edge out away from her smooth skin. He gleefully laughs as he sawed that blade against her bra strap. The whole time this womanly action figure whimpered but said no words. What could it say, it was told once reduced she would be someone's to play with. The little Debbie treat gasped loudly as that slightly sharp edge cut through that straining strap that held across her chest. Eagerly he then tore that golden knife through her green shirt and she called out in pain.

That lovely woman toy started sobbing. He ignores that and rubs those exposed plump breasts. Firmer than breasts this size should be. Like Mrs. Bell's the night before. Rich man and this enhanced second wife. He slipped that yellow blade down the back of her shirt. "Err Arg!" She yelped as he opened up the back harshly. The green remains and the white shards fell down her arms.

Eagerly he hooked the tip under the waistband at the back and shredded that with a flick of his wrist. Oh he likes how reduced pretties yelp as their clothes are sliced off them. She shuttering, to small and weak to stop his enjoyment. Just her little cotton panties left. He gently caught the undergarment with the tip. He likes how she cringes in preparation of his harsh destruction of them. So he doesn't, no carefully he used the letter opener to slip those panties off her fine round ass and down her well formed legs.

Now that the first of his new toys was naked he wrapped its limbs around his shaft. Slowly he slid that busty body up and down his enhanced mass. Savoring his Debbie doll's smooth silky skin. Loving the helpless oh sound it makes while slowly stroked. He stopped with her at the base of his shaft and ordered, "Stroke your tits against my cock."

His eyes actually rolled back in sexual delight as the former rich woman whimpered, "Yes Assessor Best." Then began using her body to make him happy.

He grabbed Amy next. "No please, no don't." She begged him. She stiffens as he slowly and carefully slide his golden tool down between her perky cleavage. Not just under her shirt, now he was eager for his own pleasure so he includes the band of her own skirt. "ARRRHHH!" she bellows as he tears her clothes open. He flips her onto her stomach. He grabbed the shirt and pulled her shirt and bra off, she even pulled her arms back to ease their removal. He hooked his fingers at the top of her little skirt and pulls it down her sport trained legs. He laughed as her little pink panties fluttered out of them. Looks like he had caught them in his cutting action.

"Oh." He sighed as that teen toy was wrapped to his shaft. Slowly he taught her what her fit body would now be used for. Held at the tip he curled his finger behind her head and made that pretty doll nuzzle his tip. "Hold on." He told his Amy plaything. She clung wonderfully tight. His cock twitched in its delight, making that teen toy yip fearfully. Wonderfully that sudden phallic jump also startled his Debbie doll to gasp.

He was now snickering as he focused on his youngest teen toy. She just shook her cute little head as he scooped her off his lap. She eyed the golden knife-like thing in his hand. He wants to slice her clothes off too, but he also wants a little amusement. He lets his newest toy decide. He pointed the tip at her and asked, "Would you rather strip or have your clothes cut off you?"

The girl reached for the clip of one of her suspenders as she whimpered, "I'll strip. Please don't hurt me."

"Oh I'm going to enjoy you." was clearly not what she wanted to hear.

He grabbed her big sister and slowly indulged as he used her fit body as he watched Melissa doll strip. She unhooked one clip, then reached over and popped the other clip open. The little dress skirt flopped onto his palm exposing her cute little pink panties with their smiling little cartoon kitten. She trembles adorably as she grabbed the helm of her shirt and pulled it off her torso. Lovely perky tits jiggle nicely in their pink girly bra as she shutters under his watchful eyes. She slowly reached back and unclipped her bra, she slipped the straps off her shoulders. He hums happily as he watches those fresh breasts come into view. She drops that support item. Then with a sexy roll of her slight hips she rolled her playful panties off her little round bottom.

He used the hand that was stroking her sister to hold his giant cock still, pinning the older toy teen tight where his stroking stopped. He loved that his Debbie doll whined as he lowered Melissia over his tip. He sighed as he rolled his youngest teen toy flat over the top of his manhood. Her budding womanly figure felt good spread eagle over his tip. Even better when he rolled his hand. "Hmm." he purred as that action figure plaything circled under his giant hand.

He looked over at his briefcase. He openly laughed at the sight of that foolish man toy. He sobbed as he watched his wife and daughters being used as Chris sexual playthings. Now he was likely wishing he just endured the assessment. Though from the file Chris doubted the outcome would have been different.

Back to his groin. He slowly worked his Amy doll along his shaft. Below where he was stroking his teen toy was her own mother. Debbie doll rolled her massive tits tightly against his towering dick. Sexually gasping from her actions to satisfy a giant. At the top of his cock was Melissia March. The rolling of her budding curves around the dome of his tip was drawing his cum higher and higher. Soon he would erupt all over the last March girl to be reduced.

Chris leaned his head back. What a glorious feeling having his cock just draped in pretty reduced dolls. He felt like a giant. Powerful and dominating. A sensation he wasn't used to. Actual little living action figure sized beauties were his to play with. Dolls of his pleasure. And best of all he could keep them all. Add them with his Bell dolls from the night before. Then he could mix and match. Blond and brunette pairings. Busty mother dolls sandwiching his shaft. Or fit sport and cheer bodies straddling his giant cock and grinding themselves at his command. Oh sweet little girly faces pressed close, leaning on his pointed tip while licking and sucking for his amusement.

"OHHH!" He growled as his peak was reached. He pointed his cock straight from his body. The hand holding his Melissia doll lifted slightly and he gasped "Ah!" as he watched each blast of his cum flood all over that whimpering helpless toy teen. She, like her mother and sister, was his to spray with sperm any time he wanted. And he knew he would want to over and over again.

Finished he added Amy March with her cum soaked sister. He liked the eww sound she made when his hand pressed them to his dripping tip. His hand now free he grabbed his Debbie doll so she wouldn't fall to the floor when he stood. He quickly found a bathroom and placed his March dolls into the sink. Gifting his plaything with warm water he commanded, "Rinse off." And like the obedient reduced pets they should be, they obeyed.

He cleaned himself up with the help of a found face cloth. Then he pulled his new dolls out of the sink and patted them dry. He walked over to his briefcase and opened the cage beside that fool Mr. March. He slips the women folk in so all they can do is reach for but not truly touch their father or husband. Then he slipped that golden letter opener back in its little pocket and closed the case.

He walks upstairs and takes a soda from the fridge. He was about to step outside when he wondered if it was safe. He dialed Sal. "Yes Assessor Best?" The robot man answered.

"Is it safe?" Chris simply asked.

"All threats have been handled." Sal answered with his cold tone.

"OK, I'm coming out." Chris walked out the door and right into the waiting car. "Office please Sal." He notes as he closes his door.

"Yes Assessor Best." The android said. Chris was certain he noticed a slight smile on his protector's face.

He plans his report. Claim the March women, deposit Mr. March. Head home and order them some clothes to match them with the Bell dolls. Oh he'd need to get the Bells from the Tinker department. Wait he should get the March dolls tinkered to.

Wait, he thought. I have a date with Eden tonight. "Sal, I have a date with Tinker Grundy. Will that be safe for us?"

"Carl and I will make sure of it, Assessor Best." The driver said with a clear self assured tone.

Chris snickered. He wondered if that was part of their programming. Once named they would form a personality? That didn't matter. No, he would figure that out later. Right now he had to figure out what he would do on this talk date with the gorgeous curly haired Eden Grundy.
© Copyright 2023 HH1 (hentaihunter1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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