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Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #2294963
Short Story collection for Adults. Escape for a short break.
Ten Minute Day Dreams.

“The Thank You.”

Snuggled on a sofa bed, television on but quiet in the background, the weight of your arm across my shoulders feels comforting and safe. As my head rests against your shoulder I can feel your steady breath and the occasional shift of your body when I move to get more comfortable. A sharp intake, surprise or nerves?

You claim you need to thank me for my earlier intervention but I have no ear to hear of this. I was simply helping someone who needed it. Yet even as I say so my fingertips are tracing the neckline of your shirt. Your skin is warm but turns to goosebumps at my touch. I can feel your slight shudder.

Your suggestion I cease is ignored since you are afflicting similar reactions to the back of my neck and shoulders where your arm is still draped. Instead, you take my hand that is now drifting around your neck, you turn it palm up and you gently kiss my wrist. My hand gently presses against your face as you do. Your face is cool to the touch.

Almost breathlessly you ask for permission to kiss me. I look up to meet your gaze and inform you that you just did. A pale, blush lights up your cheeks. You continue to hold my gaze as you lower your face to mine and gently kiss my lips. Fireworks are going off in my mind!

I reciprocate in kind and you deepen the kiss. A hand cradles my face as the arm still around my shoulders holds me closer to you. I feel every breath, I can feel your body shudder as your skin erupts warmth as my fingers brush over bare skin. I reach for you to steady myself and my fingers become entwined in your hair, the strands catching and falling from my grasp.

The kiss leaves my lips and follows my jaw until it finds my ear. I feel you nuzzle my ear. Your lips are moving but I can’t make out the words. Hot breath makes me shiver. I ask you to repeat it, instead your mouth moves to my neck and any other words are choked by my gasp. Such boldness after such a tentative request for permission.

You slow to stop as you pull away, meeting my gaze again before gently, ever so gently laying a kiss a my forehead. Almost chastely. When you look to me again it is through the dark eyelashes of downcast eyes.
Is that shame or regret at your actions that I see in you?
A whispered sentence escapes those soft lips, “I’ve overstepped. Forgive me?”
Those same lips that not sixty seconds ago were stirring feelings in me that I had not felt for some time. It almost hurt to feel them again.

You look to me once more, a slight glint in your eye and speak. Your lips slightly quiver, your voice soft but strong. As you speak your fingers tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, “Never mind.”
I must have looked confused. You broke into a gentle smile as you continued to speak, “I’m about to overstep again.”

“Afternoon Retreat.”

After having it suggested that I take some time to myself, I agree. Time to relax, let go and just be me. I head home and grab a couple of relaxing essentials. Headed to a nearby hotel, I am met with a welcomed sight. Emptiness and quiet – save for the one behind the door.
‘Come in. Take a shower. As long as you like. Wash the stress away.’
Liking the sound of that I head in. Alone with nothing but hot, steamy running water and the scent of peach and orange of my soap, I let the mind numbing sound of rain take it all away. Relaxing in the quiet.

With the mirror fogged and my hands suitably wrinkled I decide it’s time to get out. The door opens and a baritone asks,
‘Are you decent?’
‘Decent enough.’
I hear from behind me, the figure approach and stop within inches of my back.
‘How do you feel now? Thought I should check on you.’
‘I feel great for now. Running hot water really does wonders for you.’
The figure breathes deep, ‘You smell incredible! What is it?’
‘Peaches and orange blossom. You said to grab a few creature comforts. This soap happens to be my favourite.’
While his head is bowed, I feel the heat of the closeness, I hear the soft intake of air as the fragrance is sampled again.
A whisper, ‘On the back of your naked neck, it’s soon to become one of my favourite scents.’
A low moan can be heard but I’ve no idea which one of us it came from.
‘So tell me, what defines decency when you have clearly just emerged from the shower and obviously haven’t quite dried your hair? I am not sure a simple bathrobe will fulfil the requirements.’
‘What makes you think that’s all I’m wearing?’
There’s that sound. More like a groan, animal and intense.

Fingertips gently trace up my thigh, survey my hip only to find it bare. Those same fingertips keep tracing up stumbling over soft material. Tracing the outline they discover the barely there panties and gently tug at the waist.
Leaving my hips, the hand finds the small of my back and lightly glides up my spine stopping briefly at my shoulder blades.
‘No bra, but you put on these, a poor excuse for panties.’
‘The bra is uncomfortable.’
‘Why the panties?’
‘I’m sure you’ll work that out soon enough.’
I had to put the panties on, even if for a moment because I realise, that even though I had towel dried with these amazingly soft, fluffy towels, a noticeable and telling part of me was not dry. The panties were staving that for now. Staving it from pooling prematurely. All the thoughts in the shower left me extremely turned on, thank goodness I did put them on. Him coming in afterwards to check on me could have been disastrous.

Just the voice heats me through and I can feel my hips vibrate. I’m almost powerless to stop it. I was asked how long it had been, I still can’t honestly remember. Could a good and thorough roll in the sheets help my stress levels? He seemed to think so. Shit!

I’m handed a hair drier for my hair saying it will be uncomfortable to sleep with wet hair. As I turn it on and start the process of drying, he moves to the shower side of the bathroom. Disrobing as he walks, leaving his shirt till last. He steps under and turns on the water. It isn’t all that’s turned on. The throbbing I feel at my hips is powerful. It’s something that’s been a long time coming.

Hair dry enough, I move to leave, risking a glance at his wet, steamy figure as I go. He smiles, I think I got busted.

Back in the main room, I look for a drink, my mouth has suddenly dried up. Finding the fridge I find some water and am part way through when he emerges. He’s wearing a towel. As he approaches to relieve me of my water. I’m hit with a fragrance that is heady, masculine and intoxicating. Holy hell I’m in trouble.
‘Decency huh?’
‘What? You can’t see the naughty bits.’
‘Actually, I can.’
And to prove it my hand strokes the inseam of his leg.
‘That’s cheeky!’
I rise to find us staring at each other. Not sure what move to make next or who should make it. He reaches slowly, tracing the hairline framing my face. Coming to rest as a cradle for my neck. Looking at me with intensity in his eyes he states that I should be made aware that as of now he wants nothing more than the privilege of making love to me.
And at our climax he’d do it all over again. Hearing it in his baritone made me believe him. Even more so, I wanted him to.

Gentle pressure from his hand on the back of neck guided me towards him as he bowed his head. This time to kiss me. It was soft, inviting and sweet. As I leaned into him, the kiss became deeper, stronger and something stirred.
He pulled back slightly, gazing at me, his eyes questioning me whether to continue or not. I stepped in and pulled him near, my lips and tongue saying what words could not. This made him happy. As did when I caressed his neck with my kiss.
The stirring. Impatience. It struck me. I didn’t just want him to make love to me, I wanted him to mean it. A frenzied hellfire that only ends in exhaustion and a mass of tangled limbs. I wanted him to love me hard. Would he?

I keep his gaze as I take his hand in mine and lead him toward the nearby couch. Settling him onto the soft cushions I take advantage of his distraction and sit upon him, legs astride and continue to lay kisses upon his neck and shoulders. As I move from one side to the other he continued to hold me close. I could feel his steady breathing against my chest. Each kiss caused his skin to inflame and his musky scent grow stronger. The closer I drew to his throat, the better he smelled and the more I smiled. He chuckled.
‘Why are you smiling? I haven’t done anything yet.’
‘Oh but you have.’
Shuffling to reposition myself I heard a quick breath. Pressing down as I sat upon I felt the reason. It seems that the towel has slipped. Ignoring this I bent to kiss him again.

Arms wrapped about his neck, we hold the embrace for what feels like an eternity. He breaks the kiss first but not for long. Moving lower he kisses the side of my neck, my throat and my shoulders. The robe slips slightly.
Marveling at the sight of cleavage he reaches forward, gently caresses the mound and disappears under the robe and holds the breast while his thumb brushes over the nipple before looking back to my face.
Sitting me higher his kiss again follows down my throat to my exposed breast. He kisses every inch of it before sucking the nipple into his mouth. I gasp as he does. Taking this as a good sign, his hand begins to massage the other before he switches.

A cool breeze behind me is the first clue I have that my robe has fallen to my waist. My back explodes in goosebumps but my arms are trapped still in the sleeves. He seems to like this idea. Too bad, I shake my arms loose and raise his head again to mine.

That’s not all that rises. A look of surprise crosses his face, my earlier comment now makes sense to him.
“Given the situation and your condition, is it still worth having these on?”
He asks while plucking at the waist band of my utterly useless panties.
“What condition might that be?” I ask, feigning all the naivete I could muster.
“Like you just stepped out of the shower but forgot to remove your panties before getting in.”
The blunt analogy turned me on more. I stood , pulling him up with me. As he stood the towel was left behind.
What a sight!
Dark-hooded eyes gazing at me. A strong, muscular arm reaching around to untie the robe I was barely wearing. As it fell to the ground he let out an appreciative sigh. He smiled, I smiled back. It was genuine. I hadn’t felt appreciated in a while and it felt good.
So too, it seems, did the bed. As he was admiring the figure before him he had lead me to the edge of the bed and sat me down.
“Get in and lie down.”
I got in but remained sitting. I turned to face him as he got in next to me. Sitting beside me, he reached for me again and brought my face to his to be kissed.
“Won’t you lie down and relax?” he whispered.
As he continues to kiss me he takes in my breasts and my stomach with the same enthusiasm as before. His hands traverse my thighs and hips. I get no chance to return his attentions. He doesn’t let me.
He settles his gaze upon mine again. A serious expression in his eyes.
“Do you remember what I said before?”
I just gaze at him. Finding my voice again, I answer, “The part about making love to until I am eternally satiated?”
A deep voice answers, “Yes, that part.”
I nodded.
It was all I could manage.

Yielding to his lead felt like a weight was lifted. I felt myself relax a little more as another responsibility fell to someone else. My head nestled into the pillow and warmth enveloped me as he settled in behind me, taking me into his warm embrace. Kissing the back of my neck, breathing in the scent of peach, orange blossom and me.

“Our Last Night.”

“Take a minute to put your stuff away and take off your shoes. Then come meet me in my room.”
He leaves, taking the gift with him. He said it will look good on his bedside table. As requested, I head to his room, barefoot. The door is ajar but I knock anyway.
Drifts out from behind it. I enter and close the door as he indicated. Looking towards the centre I see him standing near the end of the bed. Still wearing the clothes he had on for dinner. His hair was pulled back but his shoes had been removed.

Holding out his hand he steps forward to meet me and guide me back to him. I hear music. Taking my hand he pulls me close and we gently move together as the music fills the silence. Brushing my hair back from my face he leans in to kiss me. As he does my arms circle his shoulders and hold him tight. The kiss lasted a lifetime but not nearly long enough.

Holding me in his arms we continue to sway, his gaze never leaving my face. He looks happy. I know I am. I want him. Can I behave?

Keeping his gaze on me my hands slide off his shoulders and across his chest to the row of buttons on the shirt front. Fingers free the top one. His eyes widen slightly. Next one is freed. The hot, musky scent of him wafts towards me. I look up and kiss him deeply, unfastening the remaining buttons as I do. While I have him distracted I also unfasten the button on his jeans, tightening at each touch.

Hands on his waist I start to circle him. Letting my fingertips glide across his skin as I move round. Once at his back my hands gently find the collar at his throat and slowly pull back his shirt. He allows the material to slide from his arms as I pull it from him. Still at his back I take my time to touch and taste every bit of him, taking note of how his body reacts.

Reaching up I take hold of the rope of hair splayed across his shoulder and release the band holding it together and let it cascade down his back. A raven coloured waterfall. Peeking round the front of him I see the zip to his pants is down yet the pants remain on. This will not do. Carefully, I slide them down his muscular legs. Once on the floor he casually kicks them aside. I circle back to the front to see him naked and proud standing before me. I take a second to admire the sight.

Tanned, muscular, a mane of hair giving him a wild look. A soft growth of hair across his chest, tapering off as it reaches his stomach. Looking a
little lower I note a clean and free phallus trembling slightly in the low light. I smile as I watch its dance as a breeze cuts through the room.

Electricity prickles through me as I watch I feel the hair on the nape of my neck stand up and a shiver washes over me. He looks down at himself but doesn’t seem surprised. When he looks up again I see an intense yet cheeky expression light up his face. His one sided grin spells trouble and I’m in it.

He closes the distance between us, his hair falling wherever it wishes.
“You have me at a disadvantage.” He murmured.
“How so?” I ask, ever so sweetly.
“You have taken my clothes.”
I look down again, kissing his chest I reply, “So it appears.”
I kiss his throat and then his cheek.
“I’d like to even the situation.”
He holds my head in his hands and kisses me again. His tongue teasing and tasting every inch of my mouth. Stopping a moment his now raspy voice stumbles,
“Tell me how this dress comes off.”
While you continue to taste every inch of my neck I answer,
“Undo the tie and the button. It’s a wrap around dress.”

Two pulls of the ties and they are hanging loose from the dress. Finding the button he easily frees it with one hand. Now the material is draped over my shoulders. As he separates the cloth he inhales sharply and his eyes explode in surprise. It wasn’t the case before but in this moment the only thing under that dress was my waiting and impatient body. I had left the the underwear in my room before going into his. And the look now on his face tells me my decision was the right one.

His fingertips graze my neck along my collarbone and gently they fall to my breasts. He holds one while his other hand takes a firm hold of my waist and pulls me against him. I feel the full length of his muscular form against my own. I feel him quivering again.

Kissing me deeply he pushes the material from my shoulders and my dress falls to the floor in a soft heap. Turning him slightly I manage to get him close to the bed’s edge so I could sit him down. He sat but immediately pulled me onto his lap. Legs straddled him so I could face him and continue to kiss him. His member rising with every breath. As for me, his roaming hands with their playful pinches and soft caress were making my pelvis throb and at the core of my sex I could feel tingles of ecstasy building.
Breaking the kiss for a moment my head falls to the side as I look at him happily. Keeping both eyes fixed on mine, he gently lifted one breast to his lips and kissed the hardening bud before gently sucking it and moving to the other breast. My breath catches as a moan escapes me. His grip tightens, his kiss becomes harder. My body heats up, I feel slightly dizzy.

Picking us both up, he turns and lies me gently onto the bed before lowering himself beside me. I roll towards him but he eases me back, saying he likes this view better as he continues to kiss me. His hand wandering all over my body trying to find the parts of me that cause my whole being to shudder. The mane of hair blocks most of the light but his smile lights up his face as my breathing becomes quicker.

“Taking Control”

Just about to open my car door when he stopped directly behind me and placed an arm either side, boxing me in. The heat from his presence consumes me. In a low baritone I hear,
“You’ve been wanting to catch up with me. Please turn around.”
Turning, I come face to face with a view I’ve not seen for a while. His expression was passive but his eyes were ablaze.
I stammered, “I have. Is this your acceptance to my invite?”
“Hmmmm. Meet me at this address in about an hour.”
He hands me a piece of paper.
“See you in about an hour but you will have to let me move.”
“For now.” His voice was low, almost a growl.

I went home. I needed to clean up a little. My mind had fallen into a tailspin. A hot shower and clean hair made me feel a bit more stable. I dressed and headed out. I pulled up at the address he had given me, it was a hotel. What was the room number? Before I began to compose a message, my phone pinged.
- Room 10 -
Finding the room I knock. He opens the door to a darkened room and instructs me to enter.
The air conditioner is down low. The room is quite cool. Cool and dark. Should I be concerned? Seems I am not. I walk in and stop in the middle of the room.
“Please kick off your shoes.”
After I kick them off he collects them, takes my bag and puts them near a coffee table. He comes back to me and stands behind me.
“Why am I not angry at you?”
“Should you be?” I ask.
“I thought you may have taken a hint.”
“Since I haven’t?”
“I’m shocked and somewhat glad.”
“Then why won’t you smile? Why are you speaking to me so sternly?”
“Testing to see if you can do as requested.”
“For the most part, I can.”
“But you didn’t.” As he comes round to face me.
“I’ve missed you.”
“There was a reason I did what I did.”
“What reason is that?”
“I want you.”
“You backed off.”
“I didn’t want to take advantage of you. You seemed fragile still.”
“You weren’t taking advantage. I was where I wanted to be.”
“I misread the situation?”
“So what now?”
“You’re here because you want to be?”
“Yes. Otherwise I would have said no.”
“I still want you.”
“What about the complications?”
“I’m not seeing any here.”
“So I’d like to take what I want. And since you aren’t running or protesting, I think you want it too.”
I say nothing, I just watch him.
“But, I need for you to accept what I offer. I need you to say yes.”
“You want my consent?”
“If I give it, will I have any say on what happens next?”
“Very little.”

He returns to standing behind me. He’s so close, I feel his chest rise against my back with every breath. One arm circles my waist, the other wraps my shoulders, pinning my arms. He tilts my head to one side. His breath, hot against my neck. His lips brush against me from hairline to shoulder. I shudder at his touch.
“I need your answer. I need you to say – yes, you want me too.”
He’s stopped at the spot where my neck and shoulder collide and he kisses me hard. His lips and his tongue batter the soft skin underneath. Goosebumps flare, my body is set alight, my knees become weak as the moan of satisfaction escapes my lips.

His arms tighten to prevent me falling.
“Say it!”
His whisper is hoarse as his upper hand presses hard against my breast, squeezing firmly.
“I want you.”
The words come out as a gasp as I breathe in sharply when he took hold of my breast. With my admission his mouth traverses the back of my neck to batter the other side and his hand moves to other breast. The hand about my waist begins rubbing against my thighs and the back side of my jeans.

My jeans, somehow begin to fall with his attentiveness to me. He didn’t seem to care. He simply asked that I kick them aside. I did as asked. He stops. My back becomes cold. He has moved away. I hear rustling noises behind me. I try to look around. He asks that I keep my eyes to the front.

He returns to my back and the heat, the heat is intense. As I rest my head back against his shoulder, all I feel is skin. He has removed his clothes. Reaching up the back of my shirt while still keeping our bodies pressed together he removes the bra that blocks his path. Tossing it aside both hands are now free to touch and massage my now exposed and hardening breasts.

He lavishes my neck and tastes the heat that rises from my throat. All the while pressing us harder and harder closer. His body at my back feels like it’s become part of mine as he has pressed us so tightly together. As one hand holds my breast, gently stroking the budding nipple, his other ventures down. He caresses my stomach, my thighs. He turns me slightly and smooths his hand firmly across my rear then pulls me tightly against his again as his hand shifts aside the panties covering my core, which until now, for him, was forbidden.

His hand slides down to the peak of my mound and stops. Gently stroking the peak, one finger boldly travels down amongst hardening flesh and arousal. The valley is dripping and ready for more. The finger glides down one side and up the other taking in all of places as my moaning becomes louder. He circles my entrance and teases the pearled gatekeeper. All the while keeping my hands bound at my sides. He stops. Removes my shirt and panties again tossing them to one side. He rounds me again and is now staring at me, eye to eye.
“Very good.” He purrs. “Seems like you can do as asked.”
I move to speak and he raises his hand to silence me.
“No, no. You still don’t get to speak yet. Moaning, heavy breathing, whimpering, crying out in ecstasy and perhaps some begging are all you are allowed for now. Will you agree? Yes or no? You may answer.”

He closes the remaining space between us, raises my face to his and kisses me fiercely. His lips are demanding and his penetrating tongue wants to take full control. I simply let him. All I feel is bliss and my head is swimming while my body feels like it’s floating. I reach to pull him closer and hold him tight.
“Don’t think you’ll be doing that for long.”
I smile and continue to enjoy his kiss.

We begin to move slowly. He is guiding me toward the bed’s edge. He sits me down. As I sink I attempt to kiss his neck or his chest but he moves them from my reach. He places my arms again at my sides and I watch as he lowers himself to his knees before me.

He resumes his kiss as his hands trace my shoulders down my spine, around my hips and follow my thighs to my knees. He places both hands between my knees and gently pushes outward. Separating my legs and exposing my vibrating sex. My legs now resting at the bed’s edge I feel myself fall back slightly. I move my arms to steady myself, he gently nibbles the inside of my thigh to chastise me.

Crouched before me I can feel him as he moves from one side, across my pearl, to the other. Stroking me lightly with his fingertips though avoiding the centre. His next pass is slower and is a series of kissing, licking and tasting. This time he gets oh so close, but stops right on the edge.

Cool air blows over me. The chill causes my pearl to tingle, I must be under the fan. Two opposite sensations playing with me at once, I’m not sure I’m up for this. But I’m not given time to think either. A lone finger traces the outside folds of my now swollen sex. He finds my pearl and plucks at it as if he was playing a guitar. Sliding into the heart’s entrance a second finger joins in. Both sliding easily through the slick folds my sex offers him.

My breathing has quickened slightly but impatiently. I want his fingers inside me and more. As though he read my mind his fingers sit right on the edge and press against it. This is torturous but I’m enjoying it way too much. His head moves in and blocks my view. All I see now is his almost black hair. What I wouldn’t give to run my fingers through it while he continues to play. I decide to keep my arms still.

Fingers still on the edge, I feel his lips near my pearl. They blow hot air over me, I feel a shiver. His lips part and take in my pearl. His tongue laps rhythmically at it while his lips hold him in place. Moans of pleasure escape my lips and a slight whimper as I bite my lip by accident. He didn’t worry why. He heard the whimper and smiled and as he continued giving my pearl its pleasure the fingers waiting at my entrance were thrust in. Long and hard. I could feel them at the entrance, I could feel them touch every part inside, all the way to the heart. His thrusts began to match the rhythm he set on my pearl.

My sex continued to swell and was becoming slicker than I thought possible. I never bit my lip again but the whimper came back. My moans became deeper, more hoarse and were barely under my control. When my sex reached a point where I couldn’t completely feel his fingers inside me, he stopped. His tongue slowed down to a stop as well.

Disbelief and a audible complaint followed. Shushing me he stood and stepped back. Taking my hands he pulls me up and lowers me to my knees. I look up before me and take in the sight of his proud and very erect phallus standing before me. I gingerly raise my hand in question.
“A question? You’re learning. What is your question?”
“May I use my hands in order to give you maximum pleasure?”
I let my ‘r’ slightly roll giving my question a definite purring sound.
“You may. But not too much. I am curious to know if those lips and that tongue of yours can be just as useful elsewhere.”
I looked him in the eye, “That was my plan.”
With a glancing grin I focused my sights on him before he could chastise me for speaking out of turn.

I start at his inseam, licking and tasting him as I move towards his glory. I skip that and go down the inseam of the other leg. Gently separating his legs a little as I go. My finger gently traces the length of his shaft from tip to base. His base is smooth and the smell of musky pleasure is potent. Tracing the shaft from base to tip with the tip of tongue. I catch his eye with mine as I slowly taste the underside of his shaft. At the tip I lick across the tip and around the head. Gently sucking the head now I amuse myself alternating between gentle suction and gentle nibbling. He groans. Low and animal. He twitches. Pausing briefly I then kiss the tip. I allow the pressure from it to part my lips as I take in his entire length. One hand now rests on his hip to hold me steady, while the other firmly holds his phallus at its base to keep it from moving wildly. Varying speeds and intensity drive him to the brink and back several times. I find what feels like a natural pause. My hands release him and my tongue does one more pass, paying special attention to the tip of the head as I finish.

I wait on my knees in front of him while his body settles back down. With his breathing now steady he holds a hand to me and I take it. He lifts me up and takes me into a fierce embrace followed by a barrage of passionate kisses.

My balance faltered again, but his strong arms were there to steady me. Breathless as he nuzzled into my throat I tried to make a request. He heard my whisper and stopped to look at me.
“Another question. Are you alright? Your balance is a little off.”
“Would you object if we were to continue on the the bed for example? My balance really feels off and my head is spinning anyway.”
“That idea is acceptable. I can’t have you falling over while I ravage every part of you.”
The devilish look in his eye when he spoke the word ‘ravage’ sent a shiver down my spine and my hunger for what was next grew.

“Dinner & Dessert.”

“Join me for dinner tomorrow night.”
He asked as I opened my door. I turned back to him,
“I’d enjoy that. Is there a dress code I need to meet?”
“Casual, comfortable. That will do.”
“Sounds good.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up here at six tomorrow night.”
“I’ll see you then.”

He gave me a warm smile as he lifted my hand and gentle brushed my hand with his lips. I melted,
I made it inside, closed the door and leaned against it for a moment to steady myself and wait for my head to stop spinning.

The next evening about a quarter to six, I’m sitting on a chair inside my room ready and waiting. I hadn’t been sitting long when there was a knock at my door. I check the peep hole and see him standing outside. He looks a little nervous. As I open the door, I slowly raise my head to meet his gaze. My attention is awarded with a warm smile that even has his eyes sparkling.

“Wow! You look beautiful. I feel under dressed.”
Maybe. In my mind you look pretty damn good in jeans. Still smiling, I step out and close the door. I turn back to him he offers me his elbow. What a gentleman. I happily accept it and we walk to his waiting car.

He settles me into the passenger seat and then takes the driver’s side. After we’d been driving a few minutes I asked him where were we going for dinner.
“I’m taking you to my place. I’m going to cook.”
“Sounds great.”

We arrive and he opens my door and assists me out. Once inside he leads me through to the lounge room. Music already fills the room and it is lit only by lamps. The effect was a relaxing one. He gestured for me to sit on the couch and then he disappeared to another room. I put my bag near the coffee table and kicked my shoes off next to it.

He returned, barefoot, with two glasses containing fruit flavoured mineral water. Just what I needed, though he still looked a little nervous. He finished about half his glass, stood and returned to the kitchen to start cooking.

I wandered in after him. I didn’t feel like sitting alone. I pulled myself up onto a bench near him as he began to cook.
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can help with?”
I ask noticing his empty glass.
“Not a thing. I am enjoying the company.”
“Will you pass over your glass please?”
He hands it to me.
“It’s empty. I can get you a refill.”

I hop down from my perch and head to the fridge. There was a bench next to it where I set the glasses. I found the drink, closed the door and noticed the photos. Kids playing on a beach. They look like they were having a fantastic time. Still looking over the photos I put the drink near the glasses.
“Some of these kids look like you.”
I turn to see if my statement is correct, only to see he is no longer at the stove. I have turned to stand face to face with his chest.

I look to his face and he confirms that they are of him, at least some are.
“Shouldn’t you be watching the stove?”
“It just needs to simmer for a bit, should be done in a little while.”
“Guess I’ll grab the drink and we can sit in the lounge room til then.”

But as I move to turn his hand finds my waist and stops me. As I glance back to him, the hand on my waist is gently pulling me towards him. Once I am mere inches from him, he simply states that he is a little nervous. I rest my hand on the arm that holds my side and ask him why?

“I can’t seem to stop thinking about you.”
“When did you start?”
“About the time we first met.”
“I see. But why does that make you nervous now?”
“It doesn’t.”
“Then what does?”

Without a word he closed the remaining space between us, my hand was suddenly holding his shoulder and my breath caught as he fitted his lips to mine. His other hand caught up my hair and clutched it at the base of my neck.

His kiss was gentle but firm. I smiled and he became a little bolder. I felt myself lean into him, both arms around his neck, his kiss became stronger. A dormant passion erupted in us, our hearts a wild mess of noise. His tongue joined his kiss, sweetly taking command and by the time he gently released us, I was completely out of breath but grateful to be in his arms so I didn’t fall.

My eyes cleared to see his watching me as I caught my breath. He tucked a wayward strand of hair behind my ear as he searched my reaction. I couldn’t help but smile. He smiled back, a slight flush across his cheeks.

Reaching behind me he collects the drink and glasses and places them on the table. He quickly checks on dinner and decides it’s ready. Pulling back a chair he invites me to sit then busies himself with serving. Food and cutlery is set before me and his waiting chair, he then refills our glasses before taking his own seat.

Dinner is nice. Conversation focuses on events of the day. Easy going, it felt like an evening for two people who had been doing this for years. Plates long empty and drink almost gone, it feels like hours have gone by.

A break in the conversation, I make my decision.
“Since you cooked, the least I can do is clear the dishes.”
I stacked the plates and cutlery in one hand, grabbed the glasses in the other and took them across the room to place in the sink. The window above the sink shows me a darkened sky, heavily dotted with stars. Twinkling over us, I stop to take in the sight. It’s comforting.

While stargazing he approaches and wraps me up in his arms. I pull them closer in front me as he asks me,
“What are you looking at?”
Hot breath on my ear from his question, my head resting against his arm around me.
“The stars.”
From next to my ear he looks out the window.
“Beautiful aren’t they?” I ask.
“They are. But not exactly what I want to look at.”
He gently kisses my neck.
I chuckle and sigh as I relax more in his embrace.

“This feels good, it’s as though having you in arms is where you belong. How do you feel?”
“My mind is still spinning. I keep replaying you kissing me. Star gazing is calming.”
"Come with me.”
Letting me go he takes my hand. We head up a flight of stairs to a door that opens onto a small balcony. Once outside I look up to see an explosion of stars from one side of night to the other.
Stepping closer he gathers me to him and just holds me close. My arm winds around his neck as I snuggle into his chest. I shiver.
“Are you cold? You’re shivering.”
“No, I’m not cold.”
He kisses the top of my head and laughs softly.
“Perhaps we are both a little nervous.”
“Since nerves only become an issue when kissing is concerned, logic would suggest we stop.”
He stood me up straight keeping us close and while resting my face in his palm. His eyes those darkened pools looked through me as he spoke.

“Logic has no say. I never want to stop kissing you.”
And to prove it he did. Underneath the heavens as its thousands of eyes bear witness, he kissed with a passion I’d not known and with a possessiveness of one who’d been starved. My world began to spin again as he ensured that all those stars knew he would not stop. And I never wanted him to.

His kiss reached depths in me that I had long forgotten. My body ablaze, the heat surged through me and surrounded me, it was a whirlwind. A burning tornado who just realised she is with the one meant for her and she wants more.

"Claimed By Starlight."

Entering your room I remove my robe and hang it loosely from the bedpost. I turn so you can see how the silky nightgown clings to and falls over my curves. A soft yet slightly stiffer bodice hugs my breasts.

Your eyes drift from the curl of my hair to the hem hanging at mid thigh and up again. I smile as I turn towards windowed doors so I can view the stars. Lights go out around me and the room is lit dimly with a low lamp, the night sky in on full display. I listen as you move about behind me, pulling back bed sheets and fussing with pillows.

Shortly you are standing behind me. Your arms wrap around my shoulders, folding across my chest. I feel the entire length of you pressing against my back as my head rests on your shoulder. I feel my whole body relax as it melts against yours. Your warm breath tickling against my ear. A shiver rushes along the back the back of my neck making me giggle.

“What’s funny?” you ask me.
“Your breathing is tickling my ear.”
“You are not moving away. Does that mean you enjoy it?”
“I am so far.”
I hear you chuckle.

Your arm moves to tuck my hair back behind my ear and returns as your lips make their way to my ear. You kiss the lobe and then move to behind my ear. Between your lips and your well trimmed beard brushing my skin, the goosebumps erupt everywhere.

Kisses trail down my neck until you reach my shoulder and then you head back. Upon your return to my neck your kisses become longer and harder. My head completely falls aside, allowing you access to the entirety of my neck and throat. The moan escaping me is beyond my control. The heat emanating from behind intensifies. A pleasant and warm feeling. You stop and shift to my other shoulder to begin on the other side.

Again as you reach my neck just above my shoulder, my head falls away and my body shudders under your kiss.

My arms twist and stiffen under yours as you hold me tight. It’s good I’m leaning on you, otherwise I may fall down. My head spins as your kiss around my neck somehow deepens.

With a rasp in your words, “I really want to see what’s underneath this nightgown.”
“How badly?” I ask.
“Really badly.” as you begin to turn me around.

Facing you I rest my hands upon your chest. I find myself stroking the muscle lines and following the shadows dancing across your stomach. I lay several kisses upon your chest, your hand reaches for my face and directs it to meet yours. You kiss me deeply, my knees falter. But I am leaning on you and you keep me standing.

From down the hall I hear the strains of music but I’m distracted as your kiss slows. You explore, leaving no part of my mouth behind. My lips tremble as you leave them, if only for a second to catch your breath. The warm taste of you is addictive.

I breathe slowly to steady my quivering knees, the smell of you is warm and spicy. The scent gets stronger as I lean against shoulder and you sway me to the background music. Taking care not to let the space between us not get too wide. Sighing, I sway with you, enjoying the heated spice wafting from your throat and chest.

I feel a stirring in the pit of my stomach, the butterflies are swarming as though something is chasing them.

Breaking my thoughts you murmur but I have to get you to repeat it.
“How do you have such a hold over me?”
“I couldn’t say. Yet I can’t seem to pull away from you either. And more so, I don’t want to.”
You pull back just enough so you can see my face.
“How do you mean?”
“I feel happy in our own world wrapped in your arms. I’d very much like to stay here.”
“I am happy to hear you say that.”
“Is that good?”
“It is. For I don’t ever want to let you go.”
“I truly hope you mean that.”
“With everything that I am.”


“We need to talk.”
He grabbed a picnic blanket and ushered me towards the door.
“Now! I’ve been trying for years only to be met with silence. Why now?”
“It’s clearly overdue.”
Once near the back fence, he spread the blanket out and we both sat. He proceeded to tell me the details of the horrible events that had lead to his current situation of being back with his parents. It truly was horrible. I couldn’t believe how he had been treated by someone who was suppose to love him.

“I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to you.”
“Thank you. I’m here so I can regroup and work out what to do next.”
“Sounds like the place for commiserating is here.”
“So why are you here?”
“Organising a funeral.”
“Well, helping to organise. Mother-in-law has taken over. Not sure I can blame her. She’s lost her youngest, my husband…….” I lose my thought.
“Your husband died?!”
“A couple of weeks ago now.”
“Shit! I’m so sorry. You must be devastated.”
“Haven’t had time for that. Been running on anger, adrenaline and caffeine.”
“Not a good combination.”
“It really isn’t.”

Without warning he pulled me into his arms and just held me tight. After a few moments I sniffled as I tried to stifle my tears. He broke the embrace and searched my face.
“You look exhausted. How have you been sleeping?”
“Do you have anything else to do today?”
“Picking up family at train station around 7:30.”
“Right come with me.”
He helped me up, folded the blanket, took my hand and lead me back inside. He stopped inside a bedroom, released my hand and left. When he returned, my bag replaced the blanket, his other hand held a very large T-shirt.

Looking around I realised I recognised the room. Memories started flooding my mind. He handed me the shirt and as I accepted it I looked at him confused.
“It’s to sleep in. You can get a couple of hours in. It will just be me here for now.”
Sitting on the bed’s edge I kicked off my shoes. From my bag, I grabbed my phone and changed a few settings, then grabbed a comb for my hair. My back was facing him but he didn’t turn around or leave the room. He stood, watching over me. I took off my shirt and bra and pulled on the shirt he had given me. It smelled so strongly of him. More memories. Standing again I pulled the shirt down to its full length, it almost reached my knees. Undoing my jeans, I let them fall to my feet and kick them off
to join the pile of my clothes.
Once properly dressed for sleep he pulled back the bed sheets, fluffed up the pillows and gestured for me to get in. I did and was surprised when he tucked me in. He even kissed my forehead and bid me a restful sleep.

He turned back to face me.
“Would you stay here with me? Just til I fall asleep. Please?”
Slightly smiling he returned to the bed and lay down on top of the blankets facing me. Brushing aside the hair falling across my face he quietly spoke,
“Ok, just until you’re asleep.”
I closed my eyes and sooner than I thought I began to drift. The last thing I remember is taking his hand to hold tight as I felt myself fall.

Rousing myself awake to the gentle pressing on my shoulder, my eyes open to see his face gazing down on me. A mug of hot tea in his hands. He sets the mug on the bedside table as I sit up. Sitting on the bed he asks me how I’m feeling after what appeared to be a sound nap. I took a sip of tea and told him I felt alright. Feeling a little better rested.

“Could you pass my bag over? I need to check the times for my pick up.”
He hands me my bag and I find out that my pick up time is the same but thanks to mix-up, the location has changed. I send a reply letting them know this isn’t a problem. It also means I can leave a little later.
“Everything ok?”
“Everything is fine.”
“So I said before that we needed to talk.”
“You did.”
“But before I start on that subject, there is something else I need to say.”
“Ok. I’m listening.”
“I need to apologise. Keely, sweety,”
My old nickname.
“I am so very sorry for what I did. Turning my back on you and cutting you from my life, was a horribly bad decision. Please forgive me for this.”

“So does this mean I get my friend back? My close, valued friend that I have missed terribly all this time?”
“You’d still have me as a friend?”
He seemed surprised.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I was just hoping for you to accept my apology. I wasn’t expecting anything more.”
“But I am. Is my friend ready to come back?”
“If you’ll have him?”
“In any way I can. Welcome back dear friend.”

He gave me a small, fleeting hug before becoming serious again.
“There’s still something I need to discuss with you.”
“You sound so serious.”
“The topic is.”
“Ok. The floor is yours.”

“It’s you.”
“You are the reason I turned you away and cut you off. You stir these feelings in me that are, larger than life and a little scary. I wasn’t sure how to approach them. And it felt like I was taking advantage of an unfortunate situation at the time, so it seemed best to distance myself.”
While he was paused I needed to speak.
“James, you certainly were not taking advantage of anything. I was exactly where I wanted to be and with the person I wanted at that time. You did nothing wrong.”
“I misread the situation?”
“You did. And I did a lousy job of trying to make sense of it.”
“It was a bit of a crazy time.”
“True. Though it seems our ability to talk to each other disappeared right when we needed to talk.”

“Well that settles the misunderstanding part. Now for the more concerning part.”
“The larger than life feelings that I feel whenever you are concerned. I never could stop thinking about you. Every time I did I was consumed, I couldn’t think straight. No-one has ever, ever had such an effect on me. But even with all the chaotic feelings I am relaxed, happy. I feel at home.
I really wish I had the nerve to tell you all those years ago instead of hiding in another relationship and driving you away.”
“I wish you had too. That would have been good to know. For the record,
I never stopped thinking about you either. You hold a special place in my heart that brings a smile to my face that no-one understands. And I have always liked that feeling.”
“Does that mean you had or still have any of those feelings for me? Feelings that reach beyond friendship?
“The timing of this conversation is very unfortunate.”
“Shit! You’re absolutely right. It is a little ghoulish.”
“Damn the timing. You never, ever leave my thoughts. You are permanently branded onto every inch of me.”
“You loved another.”
“So did you. We have the capacity to love more than one person in our lifetime. In fact, we can love multiple person’s in one way or another.”
“Could you love me?”

“I did. You meant the world to me. That’s why you cutting me out hurt so much.”
He looked shocked and a little angry. But then he smiled.
“This is really not the time for this conversation. I’ve just gotten divorced. Even more recently you’ve become a widow and you haven’t even buried your husband yet. We really shouldn’t be having this discussion at this time.”
“This is the time we have though. Don’t waste it just because the situation is a really screwed up one.”
“Very well. I want to do what I should have done then.”
He took my hands into his and looked directly into my eyes. After taking a deep breath, he spoke.
“Keely, the way I feel when I’m with you is impossible to describe but one I wouldn’t turn down for all the world. I want you in my life. However that turns out to be. But…….
I need to know if there is more to us than friendship. Friendship is good, I’m not saying otherwise. What I feel is more, it’s deeper than that. I need to know where it goes. I need for us to find out.”

Now I’m the one who’s shocked. Such a declaration! I take a few deep breaths before I answer him.
“You’re right. We probably do need to see where this leads. We need to admit that there is more here than we thought and we need to find out what it is. Those chaotic feelings are impossible but lessen now I am near you. Why do I feel I am saying this badly and making no sense?”
“I don’t know. Made sense to me. Obviously though, the timing of all this is very bad. We will need to put this whole thing on hold for now.”
“But keep talking right?”
“Oh absolutely. Just hold off on talk concerning the possible furthering of the relationship. By the way, that oversized shirt on you is incredibly sexy.”
“That’s not fair!”
He grinned but became serious again.
“So we have a plan?”
“Seems we do.”
But I really just wanted to pull him close and kiss him. Kiss him deeply while my fingers run through his hair and his body fits neatly into mine. Having to fight to this feeling was proving to be unbearable. Does this make me a horrible person? I feel that I should be feeling guilty or something negative. Truthfully I do not. And that worries me a little. I just want him to hold me. I want to feel his arms around me. I just want him. Damn I’ve missed him.

He stood while I was lost in my thoughts.
“You should probably get dressed. You still have a job to do tonight.”
Turning he headed for the bedroom door. I quickly left the bed and reached his hand as his other hand reached the door. Stopping he turned to face me.

Standing there in an oversized shirt, barefoot and with bed hair, holding his hand I guided him back to me. When he was right in front of me, my grip on his hand changed. My fingers entwined with his and his grip became stronger.
I looked up to meet his gaze. It was soft, intrigued. Eyes roamed my face to try and decipher what I called him back for.
“Is everything ok?”
“Not really, no.”
“I know this has been a highly unusual day, turn of events or however you’d like to word it. But it appears very clear that something is there. There is something between us. It has probably been there a long time and we really need to acknowledge it and find out what it means.”
“I may know a short cut.”
“How on Earth could you short cut this?”

I released his hand and took hold of his shoulder. My other hand wove its way through his hair, just near his ear and I pressed my lips to his, silencing the end of his last word.
Each time he tried to speak, I simply kissed him. Each kiss was more adventurous. Each press of my lips to his invited him further into what my kiss and embrace offered.
He soon responded by pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. His hands, strong and firm, pressed against my back. He kneaded my hips and provided a cushion when he backed me up against the wall.

Attraction’s fury erupted by robbing us of our ability to function. The kiss ended with both of us struggling to catch our breath. Though still held me tight in his arms, he relaxed slightly to give me room to breathe. Once I could speak again, I looked at him,
“What does that tell you?”
“That we may both be in big trouble.”
I kissed him again, this time gently.
“Trouble it is then.”

Again your lips claim mine, our hearts thump in time and your body signs itself to me.

© Copyright 2023 Kat_Renbay (kat_renbay at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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