Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2296855-Old-And-New
Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #2296855
Her kindness reaped unexpected results.
Martha had become a late riser in her old age. She stood at the kitchen window drinking in the warmth of the morning sun. She decided sitting on the front porch would be a perfect place to do her embroidery. She grabbed her bag with her embroidery needle and headed out the front door.

Finding the front door hard to open she pushed hard, and even with poor eyesight she could see the box that had been blocking her way. She heard a loud cry come from the box and said, well who left you here?

Martha slid the box closer to her rocking chair, and immediately called the sheriff.

Hello Sheriff Brown? That’s right, someone has left a baby on my doorstep. Yes of course I’ll watch him until you get here, but hurry, I have a hard enough time taking care of myself these days let alone a baby.

The baby continued crying.

Martha said, well how about a song to quiet you down. I know, “Brahms Lullaby” would be perfect, and in a cracked, strained voice Martha began singing. Struggling to remember the words, but managing somehow.

The baby quieted down.

Martha reached down to reassure him with her touch, and felt a tingling sensation run up her arm, and through her body. Soon after that she noticed the improved pitch of her voice as she continued to sing.

Martha heard the Sheriff pull up. He gently picked up the baby, and took him and left quickly. No surprise to Martha, because they had never gotten along.

Martha’s life changed dramatically after that day. She regained her eyesight, hearing, and vigor for life. She even started playing tennis again. Now she smiled everyday and couldn't wait to get up every morning.

Sometime later she found out that the baby was the first reported mutant discovered in her county, but to Martha he was a godsend. She knew better than to blab to everyone about her improved health. Best to keep that to herself. Maybe someday she would get to thank him.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2296855-Old-And-New