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Rated: E · Essay · Health · #2298021
The truth of the feeling Euphoria.
The feeling of euphoria in your body when you find something that finally makes you feel something more. This feeling is common in a lot of situations. Drug addicts ,Alcohol addicts ,people with eating disorders etc.

We all have that one thing that activates this feeling. This feeling could be good or bad but the addicts of this feeling wouldnt mind if it were either .We all have things we would destroy ourselves for, some chase the feeling of euphoria in hopes to be consumed by it like a seed gets covered with soil to grow. We find comfort in it like being hugged with clouds. But once its over its like falling from above the clouds in a instance. Like even the clouds gave up on you. It ends up destroying us this feeling that should mean joy and happiness turns into something ugly and at the end of the day it shows its true colors , something that should have been beautiful actually being covered in lies ,destruction ,sorrow and lose.

It doesn’t matter if it’s the feeling you get when you hit pills you know you shouldn’t and forgetting everything around or when you drink all the liquor you own. The feeling of not eating for days and feeling so light it feels like your floating ,all these are addictions chasing one feeling ,euphoria. It numbs all other feeling you have and is the reason why most people chase it like their lives depend on it. Its because it does depend on it , they depend on it because without it what’s left, a sack of bones mourning their incapability of being in control of their own body and mind?

Yes or the sudden whisper of a thought telling you ,you are weak for not being more then a dumb feeling you are chasing.

Euphoria can be a shape shifter displaying it’s audience a feeling meant for happiness ,joy and feeling like you are on top of the world ,when in reality it’s only a feeling that drives you to destroy the prettiest parts of yourself until nothing is left of your poor withered body.

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