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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2299522
The story of a flea-sized girl who lives in her sister's belly button.
Cathy felt suspended in time, the endless darkness inside Natalie’s belly button like a void of nothingness. The air was so still that even the slightest sound reverberated through her body like an earthquake. She had no idea how long she had been there, each passing second feeling like an eternity. The incessant rumble of her elder sister's stomach was a sound she had grown to accept as part of her daily life, but the emergence of her voice caused an entirely new set of sensations to course through her. The groans were now replaced with a stream of words that pierced through her like lightning, jolting her each time they left her sister's lips. Natalie's sweet voice had been replaced by a deep, thunderous rumble. It vibrated through her body like an earthquake, every syllable penetrating and shaking the air around her with its malicious force. Her joyous laughter was a thunderous rumble that reverberated through Cathy’s fragile world, shaking the ground beneath her feet and shattering it to pieces. The sheer force of her laughter seemed to overwhelm everything in its path, leaving Cathy feeling powerless and insignificant. The 15-year-old felt like a grain of sand next to her goddess sister. But every so often, she managed to make an impact--a ripple in the fabric of time that was felt by the other despite her minuscule size.

Natalie cursed and frantically dug her finger into her abdomen, digging like a miner in search of gold. With ruthless determination, Natalie's index finger burrowed into the divot to find the source of the itch that had been tormenting her for days. She scraped until finally, she found sweet relief. Trembling with fear, Cathy carefully crept to her hideaway in the bulge of her sister's belly button, desperately searching for the huge flake of dead skin that would provide her cover. With a deep breath, she edged forward and yanked it free, snatching her tiny refuge from the looming terror she was sure would come.

Natalie squirmed with unease as she felt something foreign crawling through her innermost being. Like a filthy parasite, an insect had made a home of her neglected core and now moved freely beneath her skin. She imagined its wriggling legs caressing her insides, she shuddered at the thought of sharing her body with something so vile. Natalie spat a harsh bark of profanity as she desperately threw back her blankets, clawing at the divot in her abdomen with unrestrained fury. Her finger still dug feverishly into her flesh to quell the relentless itch that had been crawling beneath her skin all night. The thought of bugs caused her to shudder, burning bile curdling in her throat. Cathy could feel the waves of displeasure emanating from Natalie each time she shifted, trying desperately to get comfortable while lost in her depths. Every movement caused an unsettling tickle as Cathy unknowingly touched nerve endings within the belly button, leaving Natalie livid with anger. Cathy's every breath felt like hell, dreading the moments when Natalie would unleash her wrath. Cathy felt the tears scorching down her face, like a river of magma threatening to engulf her. Her sister's voice had become a cacophonous roar, echoed incessantly in her head with the single word - ‘bugs’. Her breath was labored as the jostling continued, an oppressive pressure squeezing her chest and refusing to relent. If only Natalie had eaten tiny Cathy without realizing it that day. Cathy shuddered at the thought of the goddess’s mouth. A burning inferno of putrid saliva and smothering destruction that could swallow her whole in a single gulp. Death in the form of being ground between her colossal molars or dissolved in stomach acid seemed more merciful than this hellish abyss she found herself in, dark and oppressive with dirt and despair.

Cathy felt a rush of rage, maddening and uncontrollable. She wanted to cast curses upon Natalie for her clumsiness, yet the words died on her lips. If only death had found her at that moment, a quicker release than this hellish nightmare of being bound within her big sister’s umbilicus once more! With each booming word that escaped Natalie's mouth, Cathy was dragged back into memories of the day she fell victim to her sibling's insatiable hunger. Cathy had no recollection of what took place before she found herself tangled in Natalie's long brown hair. As Cathy tried to reach her ear and get her attention, the single strand of hair moved and shifted as Natalie turned her head.
Their mother's voice was like a distant rumble to Cathy, but it was Natalie's words that roared in her ears. Her voice bounced off the walls and vibrated through the air with such power that even birds would’ve silenced themselves. Cathy had been transfixed as her sister spoke, each syllable vibrating the air between them and pounding against her ears like a hammer. Her very soul seemed to swing from the words and she felt her heart quiver in fear and awe at the sight of her sister’s open maw, spewing out its glorious yet menacing sound. The girl felt a scorching heat course around her as those red lips moved to form words. Her voice reverberated like thunder, shaking the world with its ferocity. The air became breathless - suffocatingly hot like she was in an endless series of saunas. Each moment seemed more unbearable than the last.

Natalie's lips quiver with anticipation as she finishes her mundane recital. She strides over to the kitchen table, where a fresh slice of homemade apple pie sits waiting for her. The scent of cinnamon and sugar wafts up to greet her nostrils. With an almost feral hunger, Natalie sinks her teeth into the warm golden crust, shattering it in a symphony of crunches. The tart apples inside ooze hot juice over her tongue like molten lava, blending with the sweet filling to create a sensory experience that consumes her entirely. The sweet smell of baking filled the air and Natalie’s heart with excitement, reminding her of all the times she had watched her mother skillfully bake an apple pie. Nothing compared to her mom’s homemade recipes - a store-bought pie would never do. She leaned forward with anticipation, eager to behold their mother’s culinary masterpiece again. Every detail was perfect: the buttery flaky crust, the bubbling cinnamon-spiced apple filling... A reminder of home even in these trying times. The smell of freshly baked pie wafted through the kitchen, but unbeknownst to Natalie, the thin strands of hair her shrunken sister was on were slowly drifting down, perilously close to the steaming hot crust. The world seemed to stand still as her body leaned over the slice, until with a sickening thud, Cathy landed full force on the scalding surface of the pie. Her sister's face loomed large from the heavens, her hazel eyes scanning the world below with a gaze that was both piercing and wrathful. The planet-sized visage filled the sky like an all-consuming storm cloud, ready to unleash its fury at any moment.
"NATALIE!" Cathy bellowed with all her might, shaking her arms madly in the air. "Natalie, I'm here! Please see me before it's too late!" Desperation flooded every fiber of her being as she begged for help.

The goddess’s voice thundered and rippled through the air, reverberating with awe as she beheld her mother’s baking. The words of Natalie seemed distant and incomprehensible to Cathy at this vast scale, a deep roar that left her feeling insignificant in its wake. The blast shook her to her core, making it difficult to stand while the incredibly loud noise threatened to burst her eardrums. With a powerful heave, the goddess rose to unfathomable heights as she reached for the fork, feeling its weight in her hand as her fingertips closed around it.

“Mmm - this pie looks and smells wonderful, Mom.”

Their mother smiled faintly and gave a sad nod of appreciation. No matter how hard she tried, her grief over Catherine's unexplained disappearance was too strong for her to even think about being cheerful. Natalie too felt the loss of her sister, but she wasn't as affected since they hadn't been particularly close. She could only hope that wherever Cathy was, she was safe.

The teenage girl’s eyes widened as the towering eating utensil descended menacingly toward the pastry-strewn battlefield. She could feel her heartbeat pound faster as, like a meteorite, it crash-landed on the apple pie, sending crumbs and sprays of sugary syrup in all directions. The teen was transfixed, unable to move or tear her gaze away from the shattered remnants of this once-majestic slice. The giant woman’s arm moved slowly and calculatedly as it scooped up the steaming mass of apple pie. She brought her prize upwards until it was just a few inches from her lips. Her eyes were like fire, burning with anticipation as she gradually placed the pie into her gaping mouth. A colossal abyss yawned open, no longer wanting to shout out its words of communion to the other gods; instead, it longed for a sacrifice that could fill the depths of its insatiable hunger. A roar of pleasure reverberated from the goddess as she devoured the county-sized piece of apple pie. She inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of cinnamon and sugar as it exploded within her mouth. The rich flavor was like a heavenly drug racing through her veins, unleashing cries of sheer ecstasy that echoed across the heavens. Cathy trembled in fear as she watched her sister's mouth hungrily devouring the food, staining her lips with juices and smearing a sludge of spilled morsels across her face. As if in a trance Cathy failed to notice how the prongs of the fork were suspended in mid-air several yards away from where she was standing. The little girl froze in terror as the ground beneath her shifted and groaned. A wave of fear rolled through her, squeezing her insides like a vice. In an instant, she was thrown to the floor with a sickening thud as the force of the movement elevated her helpless body. With no time to react or escape, she resigned herself to her fate. The oblivious goddess hoisted her little sister up and inflicted upon her a torturous view of her monstrous maw, gnashing and grinding the food with a ferocity that shook the very core of the girl's being. The air was filled with an unearthly howl as the demoniacal force of her chewing echoed through the air around her sister. The lips of Natalie's mouth curled and undulated with such ferocity that the girl felt as if she was being blasted down with a scorching hot wind. Her senses were overwhelmed by the vile stench of putrid breath erupting from her mouth, and when the lips opened wider she could see inside to witness the gross destruction occurring within. Gigantic ropes of saliva hung from her tooth-filled cavern like floss that had been carelessly spat out, while bits and pieces of crumbs lay scattered around the wet wasteland as mere soggy offerings to a living goddess. Cathy's heart broke into a million pieces as she heard the full-body trembles, the desperate gurgles, and the gulps filling her sister's mouth. Tears streamed down Cathy's face, mixing with her anguish and dread as she realized that she was next. She would soon be swallowed up leaving no trace of her what-so-ever.

Natalie's jaws gaped wide, a black abyss from which a chorus of guttural sounds escaped. Her swollen stomach gurgled hungrily, eagerly awaiting the next wave of food to be thrown in its acidic depths. With an ominous grumble, her innards signaled their readiness for more sustenance. Cathy froze with fear as the goddess’s tongue slithered toward her like a menacing serpent. She could see every detail of its muscle-like texture, moving closer and closer until it was mere inches away. Its countless taste buds glistened with a cold sweat of dread, waiting to consume the next morsel. Natalie’s pink mouth monster slithered and slithered, its rubbery surface rippling along the jagged edges of the pie piece. With each movement, its mouth opened wider, revealing a repulsive array of pulverizing teeth – ready to devour anything in its path. Just then, a searing gale of billowing breath and a firestorm of spit spewed from the depths of Natalie's throat, propelling Cathy backward with an explosive force. She crashed into one of the prongs of the fork, feeling its metal hitting her like a speeding car. Cathy trembles with fear as she tries to cling to the enormous eating implement, each tiny morsel of treat clinging to it for dear life. She feels the lump of treat beneath her feet dislodge and give way, plunging her into an abyss between her sister's heaving bosoms. Natalie’s voice thundered with a force that shook the heavens once more, her annoyance palpable in the air. Cathy stumbled blindly into the depths of Natalie's ample cleavage and disappeared, lost within its folds. Seconds stretched like hours before Cathy tumbled out of the abyss of cloth and fell into Natalie’s navel.

The goddess's finger recoiled in disgust as it emerged from the fetid crevasse of her navel, and the tiny teen shuddered at the realization that becoming a mere calorie would have been a more desirable fate than being in this fetid hellhole. The walls always dripped with putrid heat and odors so foul they made her eyes water. It was a sight so revolting that not even eternal damnation seemed preferable. The cavern’s air is stinging to the nostrils, like the air of a hospital ward filled with the sick and dying. It is not the clean air of washing or of perfumes.

Heat emanated down onto her from everywhere around her, causing sweat to drip and bubble from every pore inside of her sister’s navel. The floor of the hole was a moat of sickly sweat, sticky mucus, desiccated food, and other crud that had slipped down into her navel and stayed there. Cathy would have rather felt the crushing crunch of molars or the piercing spikes of teeth tearing into her flesh than to be a helpless prisoner in this abhorrent, nauseating pit inside an abyss void of light. No hope of liberation from her revulsion-filled chamber of doom. As Natalie entered the bathroom, the gurgling echoed before the gas burst out. Natalie’s intestinal groans sound like the wails of a dying monster or a demon like it’s alive. A supreme and ancient being with a mind of its own. A boiling feeling bubbled and spewed from Natalie’s gut as she pulled down her panties. Cathy felt a seismic tremor of disgust ripple through every fiber of her body as she plonked down on the cold, unforgiving porcelain throne. Up above, Natalie’s nostrils flared and her teeth ground together against the relentless pressure that had built up inside her until finally... "Gotta shit," she mumbled.

As usual, Cathy endured the vile sounds emanating from her sibling's stomach and the revolting smell of gas that blasted out from her sister's ass. Much of her days were spent engulfed in her sister's ceaseless torrent of gibberish, her guttural cries ringing in her ears. She heard the belching and gulps from her sister's behemoth appetite with every bite and sips she took, feeling the food rumble through her body as a source of fuel and sustenance. She heard the ferocious gurgling of the goddess’s stomach as it churned like a turbulent sea, slurping and gulping the sustenance she had ingested. Every burp echoed throughout her abdomen as her food was broken down, giving her the energy to go through her day. With every deep breath she took, she felt the nourishment travel through her veins, empowering her with life-giving strength. The small girl was so in tune with her goddess-sister that she could feel the rumble of Natalie's organs as they churned and digested her meal. Every groan wrought from the digestion process sent a shudder through her body, and when Natalie ate something disagreeable, the raging storm of nausea within threatened to unleash an unearthly wrath. The sheer force of indigestion felt cataclysmic at times. The violent waves of overwhelming flatulence created powerful tremors that shook Cathy’s insignificant little world when Natalie's irresponsible dietary choices fermented in her innards and viciously blasted forth from her colon during her trips to the porcelain throne. The aftermath was a devastating demonstration of Natalie's digestive wrath. Luckily, her goddess sister was at that moment serenely disposing of waste as she messaged a friend on her phone.

When Cathy’s stomach growled in hunger, Natalie could feel the rumbles and vibrations of her own empty belly echoing through hers. Even the tiny girl living in her navel was feeling the hunger pains. Cathy saw Natalie and others like her as the luckiest person alive, as she indulged in the sweet nectar of life that was once known as food to the flea-sized Cathy. While Natalie scrunched her eyes in pleasure at every mouthful she ever consumed, Cathy had to content herself with a measly handful of dead skin flakes, dry and devoid of sustenance. Once she was finished, the goddess rose from her chair with her enormous stature and flushed the toilet. Natalie’s eyes widened with anticipation as she inhaled the sweet aroma wafting from the kitchen. The fluffy pancakes, house-cured bacon, and freshly brewed coffee could only mean one thing - Mom was up early cooking again. While Natalie savored each bite of her mom's delicious breakfast, Cathy continued to guess with mouthwatering curiosity what culinary masterpiece she had prepared this time. Cathy sighed. Her world was a universe of filth and lint, crammed so tight she couldn’t move around freely. The darkness of her sister's belly button was an abyss that swallowed her up. As her flesh succumbed to the stench of sweat and decay, she felt hopelessly trapped in a prison of her sister's making.

Cathy's universe revolved around her elder sister's dingy navel. This was the world she lived in. The world outside the safety of her Natalie’s belly button was a treacherous realm, and she was an unwitting guardian angel. Natalie went about life without ever knowing how it cradled and protected Cathy from the dangers beyond, and it could only do so if her sensitive nerves remain untouched by its fragile devotion. If the goddess were to finally get to her, then any hope of living a safe life would be dashed. Natalie was a merciless deity, vengeful in her intent to bring about the extinction of every vermin and pest she saw. She wielded her power as a weapon and would crush her smaller sibling into oblivion with absolute ruthlessness while ignorant of the fact that it would be her sister. Natalie and her circle of affluent gods feasted on the most tantalizing delicacies, every flavor a new ecstasy Cathy could only dream of tasting. Instead, she was forced to choke down bits of dry skin and licks of salty sweat, scraped from Natalie's body after her sweaty workouts, or a few mouthfuls of soapy bathwater collected from the goddess's baths or showers. Natalie's routine gave her stability and a certain sense of predictability, but Cathy had to fill in the blanks when it came to her older sibling's doings. She wondered what she was eating, wearing, speaking with, and where she might be at any given moment.

The timid teenager trembled with dread as she gingerly reached towards the exit of her belly button, knowing that if touched by the goddess, she'd be pulverized without mercy, like a bug underfoot. Her frail body shuddering in terror at the thought of incurring the goddess' wrath, she dared not venture beyond the middle circle of her navel. Cathy would have nowhere to run as Natalie's massive finger barreled towards her. The fingernail would loom over her like a guillotine, ready to split Cathy into two pieces of gory, red pulp. Her hopes would be smashed along with her body as her goddess-sister sought relief from the persistent itch. Everyone believed her to be lost forever, for how could anyone imagine that she had shrunk down to microscopic size and been trapped in someone's navel? The thought of her being held captive against her will sent shivers up their spines. No one, not even the most experienced detective, could think of where else she might have gone. Everything she cherished from the sights to the smells, and the sounds of her life replaced by a never-ending onslaught of her sister's incomprehensible mumblings and her digestive system's incessant groaning, roaring, squelching, and squishing. She felt as if she was being slowly driven mad by an agonizing cacophony of strange noises that relentlessly surrounded her day after day. Cathy's mind crumbled, shattered by a life of stagnation and dependency. As her sanity slipped away with each passing hour, she grew to accept her parasitic existence as normalcy. The madness that she should have felt so long ago was nowhere to be found, her body and soul numbed by the torpor of her insufferable life.

It filled her with a rage that threatened to consume her from the inside out. The injustice of it all brought tears to her eyes, mourning for the life she never had and never would have. Her sister held her power over her like a noose around her neck, pushing and prodding her until she felt like she was suffocating in this cruel, fleshy prison. Natalie groaned in ecstasy as she devoured her breakfast, a sound of pleasure and satisfaction that seemed to emanate from deep within her. Her moans increased in intensity with each bite, as if taunting little Cathy. As if she was daring them to taste something as delicious as what she was consuming. The sound of her blissful enjoyment rumbled in the air like a taunt. The sounds of her mouth echoed around and within her, amplified to a deafening level. Every crunch was like an explosion, every gulp a thunderclap. The goddess consumed whatever entered her mouth with savage force, grinding it into pulp as if she were crushing bones. Her throat bulged with each gulp as the food traveled down, landing in her stomach with a wet thud. The intense sound filled the entire room, making everyone around her feel like they were being consumed by the divine entity herself. Cathy slinked out of her hiding place beneath the thick, decaying skin flake and set off scavenging, fear rising in her throat that Natalie would feel her presence. Up above, Natalie put down her fork with satisfaction after finishing her plate. But all Cathy could do was grasp tightly to the terror swelling inside.

Natalie, 25 years old with a heart of ice and malice, finally had the attention she had craved for so long - her little sister was gone! For the first time in years, Natalie felt as if she could breathe easily. She had always been left in the shadows, hidden away from the spotlight that her younger sibling hoarded against her will. She felt an internal itch deep within her navel but refused to acknowledge it, instead basking in her newfound freedom with no worries except for getting ready for the day. Each step she took towards her room filled her with an invisible sense of power that only she felt; a power that only rose with each passing day.
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