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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2301776
Mercy or Violence? Will Chara corrupt Rodrigo? Or will Frisk guide him to the right path?
Undertale is a game that is famous for the way it interacts with the player. It's as if you felt inside the game, with every choice having consequences. Today, a young player named Rodrigo, playing the game for the first time, would have a closer experience than most....

As the boy played the game for the very first time, there was a bright flash of light, and he fainted. Once he woke up, he saw himself on some Ruins.

He wondered where he was, only to be met with...a talking flower of all things!

Said flower was confused. "Huh? Your face and body are completely different, and yet, you feel...familiar." it said.

Rodrigo tilted his head. "What do you mean? I'm pretty sure I'd know if I met a talking flower before." he said.

"Well...nah, it's nothing. Anyway, howdy! I am Flowey the Flower! I'm here to welcome you!"

Rodrigo was happy at Flowey's friendly nature...but it soon vanished, as Flowey decided to send bullets (Or, as he said to trick Rodrigo, "Friendly Pellets" ) at him!

Luckily, a goat woman saved Rodrigo, introducing herself as Toriel. Unlike Flowey, she was sincerely nice to the little boy.

Unfortunately, when Toriel had to leave Rodrigo and told him to stay there and wait for her return, the boy couldn't stay still for long, and decided to explore the Ruins. He was attacked by a monster, and not knowing yet how to defend himself properly, he suffered a critical hit! Rodrigo's world blackened....

....And once he opened his eyes, he found himself on a golden hall. It had big windows, from which the Sun was shining. The birds sang, flowers bloomed....

"Where in the world am I?" Rodrigo wondered, looking around. This hall seemed to go on forever, with no doors leading to an exit, and even if one could see a shining field outside the windows, those couldn't be opened, either!

"If you must name this place, it would be the Judgement Hall. It's based on a place that's much further away from the Ruins." a voice suddenly sounded behind the boy, making Rodrigo gasp and turn around!

"W-who are you?" Rodrigo asked. The one before him wore brown shorts, and a green stripped shirt.

The hair was brown, much like Rodrigo's, but a bit darker...it was longer than his, but still a short hair cut.

Rodrigo wasn't able to tell at first glance if the figure was a boy or a girl just by looking. But what attracted the boy's attention even more was the deep red eyes the figure had...

"Greetings. I am Chara." the figure told Rodrigo. "It's nice to meet you, Rodrigo."

This made Rodrigo blink, "You know me? I never introduced myself...."

Chara smirked. That smirk was somewhat different to Rodrigo. He wasn't sure if he was curious about it, or a bit disturbed....maybe he was overthinking it, Rodrigo decided.

"Of course I know you, Rodrigo. After all, this body of yours belong to both of us....partner." Chara noted.

"My body? W-what do you mean?" Rodrigo asked, confused!

"You've met with a VERY bad fate right now, haven't you? A monster attacked you, and all went dark. Do you know what that means? Game Over. The End. Fin." Chara bluntly told Rodrigo!

This alarmed the boy further! "W-what?! You mean I'm dead?!"

"Yes, that is exactly what I mean....but that's only if your Determination is so small." Chara said.

And at the "partner" 's confused face, the Fallen Child sighed, "In other words, partner, we are both dead, stuck in a world inside your own mind...unless you wish very hard to return and make things right. But you need to have enough Determination to do that."

"Determination....so if I wish to return with all my will, I'll be alive again...." Rodrigo said, nodding to show Chara he understood.

"That's right. Take better care of our body, partner, or I'll have to discipline you." Chara said, a bit annoyed Rodrigo fell so easly to only a two-bit monster!

Rodrigo rubbed the back of his head on embarrassment! "....Sorry. I didn't know there was someone else inside my mind. Could you be the one that bad flower was talking about?"

"Just ignore Flowey, for now. We can deal with him when the time is right." Chara mused, making Rodrigo raise an eyebrown!

Then Chara added,"As for sharing your mind...I am no hallucination, thank you very much. My soul is inhabiting your body. This is why I'm here, and why the interior of your mind is shaped like the Judgment Hall. You're here because we won't move on to the next world...not while we have enough Determination to go back. But, you still have a LONG way to go, if such a weakling put you down..."

Then, Chara extended his...or was it her, Rodrigo wondered....hand, and gave that smirk again!

"Fine, I'll lend you a hand. We'll come back just before you were ambushed by the monster who demolished you....but this time, I'll be the one who deals with him, partner, if you will let me. If you trust me, just shake my hand...."

Rodrigo hesitated. Something about Chara's proposal seemed...off. What would Chara use their body for? What did he...or she...mean by "dealing with him"?

"Why the hesitation, partner? Do you want to stay stuck here forever? We are two Souls sharing the same body....we won't be able to leave this Judgement Hall to either the living world or the other world unless we both agree with it." Chara said, hand still extended,

"...And once you cross that corridor again, after returning, the monster will just ambush you again, and send you back here. What will you do? Run away? It'll chase you. Toriel is far from us....do you think you can reach her before the monster reaches you?" Chara asked, and smirked, "Way I see it, you don't have much of a choice...."

Rodrigo groaned, but then sighed. Chara was right. If he wanted to live, he'd have to trust his new partner. The alternative wasn't...pleasant!

"Okay, Chara, I'll trust you. Just...let me back in control of my body soon, okay?" Rodrigo asked, shaking the other child's hand!

"Right, Rodrigo. You are a great partner. We'll be together forever, won't we?" Chara asked, with a laugh!

And the world flashed white....

Rodrigo seemed to be exploring the Ruins. And again, the monster ambushed him, but this time, Rodrigo jumped away. With a dark smirk, Rodrigo's eyes were revealed to be a deep red. "....Sorry. That attack would have ended Rodrigo in one blow, but for ME....you are only free EXP." Chara, in control of Rodrigo's body, said!

Inside his own mind, Rodrigo could only watch as Chara proceeded to trounce the monster, with a ferocity he never thought his body could have! He was scared at first, but he had no choice! It was like Flowey said...kill or be killed! He has to let Chara handle things for now. There's no choice....right? RIGHT....?

"....Wrong. There's always a choice." a gentle voice said behind Rodrigo, a mix of strictness, but also understanding on it.

"C-Chara? How can you...wait, no..." Rodrigo noted,as he turned to the one who spoke. Though the newcomer had a small resemblance, there were many differences. The hair was closer to black,the stripped t-shirt and shorts were blue, the skin darker. And the eyes were closed. But Rodrigo felt at ease around the newcomer.

The child gently touched Rodrigo's shoulder. "Rodrigo, you mustn't let Chara and Flowey fill your head with naughty thoughts. I understand you are scared, but killing that monster will only lower you to it's level. Look at how scared it is...do you want to survive by becoming what you fear?" the newcomer asked, with a reassuring smile. It was like a sisterly tone of voice.

"W...who are you?" Rodrigo softly asked.

"My name is Frisk. Don't worry, I know it's getting crowded in here, but I'm the last one here. Only you, me, and Chara." Frisk smiled, and waited patiently for Rodrigo to consider her previous words.

"But...but Frisk, how can we survive if Chara doesn't finish it?" Rodrigo hesitated.

"By taking a better path. You trusted Chara before. Can you trust me, too?" Frisk softly asked, "I can stop this and show you what I meant...but only with your help. My Determination alone can't overpower Chara's...."

Something about Frisk's gentle request made Rodrigo want to trust her. And joining Frisk's Determination with his own, Rodrigo resumed control of his body before Chara could land the finishing blow!

Following Frisk's gentle encouragement, Rodrigo dropped the stick he was holding. "I'll let you go. Please, we don't have to do this...."

The monster was shocked at the Mercy it was being shown, and nodded, as it left! The tired Rodrigo then sat down, and fell asleep...

....Finding himself back at the Judgement Hall, as Frisk gave him a proud smile. "You see, Rodrigo? You showed Mercy, and was granted Mercy in return. There's always a choice." she said. "Do you know why your mindscape is called Judgement Hall?"

"N...no, I don't." Rodrigo said, shaking his head.

"Chara and I are inhabiting your body as well....but your Determination is the biggest one of the three of us at the moment. Only you can choose between peace and violence, and judge which actions are the best." Frisk said. "Even if Chara tries to corrupt you, I'll be here to help you stay on the right path. That's the only reason my soul came here after Chara's..."

"Y...you'll help me?" Rodrigo asked, looking down. "S-so...I-I'm sorry, I almost did a very bad thing..."

Frisk nodded, "I know. I don't like to do this, but I understand you need to be free of your guilt." she noted, as a chair surprisingly appeared out of nowhere, as Frisk sat down on it. "Rodrigo, please lay over my lap."

Rodrigo gasped! He didn't expect to be spanked,and by another kid, no less! But he also knew Frisk was right, and wanted the best for him, as he obediently did as she asked....

Frisk soon bared Rodrigo's small bottom, and landed the first hard spank!

"Owwww! F-Frisk, that was hard!" Rodrigo whined.

"I know it was, Rodrigo, but if I don't spank hard, you will only keep feeling guilty." Frisk told him as she spanked.

Rodrigo kept yelping as the loud spanks echoed on the Judgement Hall, wondering how he could even feel it, on his mind or on a dream. But the thoughts changed soon, replaced by the stinging pain of Frisk's punishment!

"Rodrigo, if you choose to do the right thing, I'll always be here to guide you." Frisk promised, as she alternated cheeks, "If this means spanking you whenever you misbehave, I won't hesitate, understand?"

"Owwwie...ouch....owowow...I-I understand...I do, promise! Please-no more!" Rodrigo pleaded,as he began to sniffle.

But the spanking went on. Now Frisk spanked all over the boy's bottom.

Rodrigo began sobbing, the guilt slowly leaving along with the tears. Maybe Frisk was right. He should be mindful not to be violent even when all seem hopeless...

"Please, Frisk, I...I learned my lesson! I'll try to find non-violent solutions for conflict from now on....I will! Sob! Frisk, stooop..." the boy pleaded.

Frisk nodded in approval, "And what'll happen if you let fear or anger take over you and hurt others?" she asked, spanking the sitspots.

"You'll spank me! Spank me reeeed! Please....I-I'm sorry...no more, big siiiiiiiiiis!" Rodrigo surprisingly yelled, as he bawled!

Frisk was surprised at what she was called, but then softly smiled. She helped Rodrigo up, and hugged him. "Shhh...there, there...all forgiven...you're a good boy, aren't you?" she gently said, rubbing his back.

Rodrigo bawled on her embrace, apologizing again and again, leading Frisk to reassure he was forgiven.

After he was calm, and was about to pull his pants and underwear up, Frisk shook her head, and placed the chair she spanked him on facing a pilar. "Rodrigo, sit there and think on all you learned until you wake up."

"Whaaa? B-but Frisk, that's boring, it hurts to sit, and I learned my lesson!" Rodrigo whined!

"Now now, big sis knows best." Frisk joked, giggling!

This made Rodrigo blush on embarrassment as he realized what he had called Frisk! But even so, both children had to share a good laugh before the wincing boy had to sit on the corner for his time-out!

As Frisk made sure he didn't get up from his chair or try to rub, a bit far from them Chara was growling. She could tell Frisk was going to cause her trouble if she made her partner distrust her!

To Be Continued...
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