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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2301805
Rodrigo learns that disobeying Mommy Toriel isn't the best decision!
Rodrigo kept walking the ruins, looking for Toriel. He was feeling much better(specially since the pain on his butt seemed to vanish once he woke up.)

From Judgement Hall, the mental...or would it be spiritual...realm Rodrigo acess with his Determination when he needs to, or is unconscious...Frisk watched her "little brother", ready to guide him if he needed help. Only to feel a hand touch her shoulder!

"Say, Frisk...." Chara said, "Since Partner is busy right now, we have some privacy here. Up for a talk?" unlike usual, she didn't look sarcastic, or angry when talking to her, which is unusual. What could she be planning?

"I'm sorry, Chara, but I'm busy. I have to protect my little brother..." Frisk said, but then gave a patient sigh and turned to face Chara, "....Though, you won't really accept this anwser, and seeing as your Determination is stronger than mine without Rodrigo's help, I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Chara smirked, "You know me well, Frisk." she noted. Then, she added, "I have a question for you, and an advice that you might need. First, the advice, if you insist on this "Big Sister" thing, then do the sisterly thing and let Rodrigo get stronger, already."

"....Chara, both of us share Rodrigo's body, but I won't let you use him for your naughty ways. Rodrigo sees me as his big sister, so protecting him is my duty!" Frisk said, her usually closed eyes seeming to narrow.

"Hmm...my naughty ways? I'm not the only naughty kid here, am I, "little miss perfect behavior"?" Chara asked, her smirk increasing, before she asked the confused looking girl, "I mean, aren't big sisters supposed to be sincere to their little brothers? So...here's the question. When will you tell Partner the truth?"

"...." Frisk looked down. She understood what Chara meant! "....I can't tell him, at least not unless there's any other choice. I...have a promise I need to keep."

Chara smirked and teasingly said, "Oh, first you hide secrets from your little brother, then you lie to me? Naughty, naughty. Someone should give you a spanking, Frisk."

"Y-you know I wouldn't lie to anyone, even to you, Chara!" Frisk gasped at the accusation!

"Oh, really? But there was no one who you could've promised this to at the time. There was no one around but me, you, and...." she said, then got quiet, and smirked, as she understod. "Oh....NOW I get it. You might be telling the truth after all...heh, who'd say his guilt would be the reason for this recent reset." she added!

Frisk just sighed, "....Chara, please. Let me go back to watching over my little brother...." she said, feeling unconfortable with the memories. Yes, a big sister had to always tell the truth to her little brother, but for Rodrigo's own good, and to keep a promise, Frisk had to leave him on the dark. And she didn't like being reminded of this one little bit!

Chara smirked, "Okay, okay, I'll leave you alone, for now. But, I think things just got more interesting..." she mused!

Back in the ruins, Rodrigo had just eaten a LOT of Monster Candy(if Frisk wasn't busy talking with Chara, she'd probably advice him to take only two as it was requested, though!) as he tried to find his way.

Frisk gasped as she said, "Little brother, you're hurt!"

Indeed, Rodrigo had ran into a few traps and agressive monsters, but was able to keep on the Merciful path...for now!

"O-oh, big sis! I thought you were asleep or something...." Rodrigo said, surprised as he saw Frisk on his side, then asked, "How are you outside Judgement Hall, though? I mean, aren't the three of us sharing my body?"

"It's a bit complicated to understand, but I'm still on your body. What you're seeing is just an astral projection of me. I can see you, you can see me by your side, but no one else but you can see or hear me. It's easier for us to talk when you're not in Judgement Hall that way." Frisk explained to her adoptive brother, then hugged him.

Perhaps due to their situation of their souls sharing the same body, Rodrigo could feel her hug as if she was physically there, and hugged his adoptive sister back!

Feeling guilty, not only for hiding a secret from him, but also for her distraction letting him get hurt, Frisk began, "I-I'm sorry, Rodrigo. I was distracted with...."

Only to be interrupted, as they saw Chara's own astral projection sitting on a rock in front of them. "...Say, partner. How is the whole "Mercy" thing working out for you?" she joked, as she saw how injured he was!

Frisk shot Chara a disapproving look...well, as much as she could considering she never opens her eyes...while Rodrigo sniffled and winced a bit, but returned the joke by saying, "I'm working on all the quirks, partner."

Chara's eyes widened in surprise at the anwser, which made Rodrigo and Frisk think she'd get mad....before, surprising the two of them, Chara gave a small smirk and began laughing!

"Partner, what a riot! I haven't had such a laugh in a good while. Never thought you could actually turn my joke against me!" Chara praised Rodrigo. Despite her....personality divergences, Chara was still very much a child, and this was one of the rare moments it showed!

Even Rodrigo and Frisk couldn't help but laugh at this! As the kids laughed, and even shared a joke or two, someone arrived behind Rodrigo!

"My child, who are you talking to?" Toriel asked Rodrigo, as like Chara and Frisk said, she could not see or hear them.

Then she gasped, as she looked all over Rodrigo "Oh my, how hurt you are!"

"T-there you are! I was lookin' for you all over the place....some monsters attacked me on my way here, and..." Rodrigo said.

"....Who did this to you? You WILL get an apology." Toriel firmly said.

"Mother is as overprotective as ever. Our partner just got a bit banged up here and there, but considering he already died once, it's not that bad!" Chara huffed, then smirked as she said, "....Say, partner, the monster who hurt you was named "big bum". "

"Chara, quite frankly!" Frisk scolded at her prank, clearly Chara wanted to either get Rodrigo in trouble, or just laugh at whatever puzzled reaction Toriel would have if she was told THAT!

"I'm sure you weren't even paying attention to what monster I fought! You're just trying to get me in trouble, aren't you?!" Rodrigo yelled at Chara!

"M-my child! Whatever you mean?" Toriel asked, taken aback by Rodrigo's outburst! "I'm sorry I took so long to get to you, but I had my reasons..."

Rodrigo soon gasped as he noticed this slip up! "S-sorry! I wasn't yelling at you...it was...huh..." he was unsure how to explain himself to Toriel after THAT!

But this made Toriel shake her head and decide, "Oh, my poor child. You must have gotten so hurt, you're dazed and do not know what you're saying. There, there, let's go inside, I'll heal you."

Rodrigo was quite relieved, since he thought Toriel would NEVER believe it if he told her his body has three souls, AND the two other souls can talk, interact, and even spank him!

As Toriel brought Rodrigo inside( and, unknowly to her, her fallen human son's soul and Frisk's tagged along as well), Chara looked around her house.

".....It looks a lot like the home we used to live. Mother, Father, Asriel....and me." Chara noted.

"Are you feeling nostalgic, Chara?" Frisk asked, "You seem to be looking for something." she added, smiling. Maybe Chara can become good, Frisk considered!

"....Yeah, I'm looking for something, all right. Where are the knives?" Chara wondered, as she looked around! She didn't bother to tell Frisk the reasons why, but she had anything BUT good feelings at being reminded of her former family.

This made poor Frisk sigh deeply! "...Oh, why do I even BOTHER....?" she sadly wondered.

"Because if you didn't, you wouldn't care to keep your promise about-" Chara casually began, only to blink as Frisk covered her mouth!

"SHHHH! Not with Rodrigo here! C'mon, Chara, can't you at least help me keep one single secret?" Frisk whined!

Luckly for Frisk, Rodrigo wasn't there, since he was sitting on a chair as Toriel used a healing spell on him.

Rodrigo sighed on relief, "It....doesn't hurt anymore." he said, smiling.

"I am glad, my child. We'll need to talk about this later, but for now, you need rest." Toriel decided, smiling gently, as she took Rodrigo to a guest room.

Once Toriel let Rodrigo go to bed and left, deciding to bake a pie for the young child...butterscotch pie was the boy's favorite, the motherly Boss Monster remembered....Frisk and Chara appeared before Rodrigo again. Rodrigo smiled as his big sis was sitting down on his bed, with her gentle smile showing she was relieved that he felt better, but blinked as he noticed Chara was laying down on the opposite bed.

And she seemed annoyed....more than her usual, that is!

"Toriel is pretty kind, isn't she, little bro? She healed you completly for the second time in one day." Frisk noted, smiling.

"Yeah....she really shows mercy like you're teaching me, big sis." Rodrigo said, smiling. "Meeting a monster that is so nice to me after all those guys who attacked me ever since I got here fills me with Determination." he added, making Frisk giggle!

"....Hmph, what are you guys so cheerful about? She's the enemy, you know. She'll only want to trap us here forever." Chara said.

"Chara, how is she an enemy? She has been nothing but nice to us." Frisk asked.

"And I don't think she wants to trap us, or she'd have locked the room." Rodrigo added!

"....It's just because you're a Fallen Child, Partner. She's trying to play family with you is all. If we somehow manage to leave the Ruins under her watch, she'll just replace you and you'll never see her again." Chara said, bitterly, "Trust me, it's what she does best."

This made Rodrigo and Frisk got surprised, not expecting Chara to be so bitter against Toriel. Did something happen between the two of them? Then again, Frisk remembered Chara's mention of ".....It looks a lot like the home we used to live. Mother, Father, Asriel....and me."

"Chara, is there something bothering you?" Frisk asked, as she got up from bed and moved her hand to touch the Fallen Child's shoulder, "Maybe you'd feel better if you shared this with someone..."

But soon, Frisk yelped, for Chara slapped her hand away!

"...I don't need your pity, Frisk. Heck, you did nothing but make things harder to me ever since you showed up." Chara said.

"C'mon, big sis is showing Mercy, it isn't the same as pity! Sides, if we three share the same body, who better than us two to understand you, right...." Rodrigo tried then added, "....Partner?"

Chara blinked, before she just sighed. But she knew how to end this subject for both Frisk and Rodrigo, at least for now. "....I don't want to talk about it, okay, Partner? More importantly, maybe you should listen to mot....Toriel and sleep. We gotta leave the Ruins soon, and if you're tired, you'll just cause us another Reset."

"But I'm not tired...." Rodrigo began.

However, as Chara, ever the master manipulator knew well, this made Frisk enter "big sis mode"!

"I never thought I'd say this, but Chara is right, little bro. You need to rest. You had such a long and hard day, what with getting hurt and all!" Frisk firmly told him!

"But big sis!" Rodrigo groaned, and Chara only smirked as Frisk wasn't taking any of it!

"Now now, good boys listen to their big sisters." Frisk said, gently smiling as she pushed him so he'd lay down in bed. "Now please get ready to sleep."

Rodrigo sighed as he covered himself with the bed sheets. When not in control of Rodrigo's body, it was clear Frisk and Chara couldn't actually touch anything except for Rodrigo himself, this last part due to their souls being linked together!

"Good night, little bro. Have nice dreams." Frisk said,gently kissing her adoptive brother's forehead. And Rodrigo soon fell asleep...

The next day, Rodrigo had just eaten a pie(which was VERY tasty, he thought) when Toriel looked at him.

"My child, we need to talk." she said.

Rodrigo tilted his head, "About what, mo...." he instinctively began, before correcting himself as he, in confusion, thought he felt his "Partner" glare at him in disapproval, "....Miss Toriel?"

Toriel noticed he almost called her mother, "You may call me that if it'll make you happy." she gently said, smiling. But then the smile was replaced by a frown, "Rodrigo, was it? You have been quite naughty." she said, sighing!

This made Rodrigo gasp! "H-how come? The day just began, and I didn't do anythin' but say good morning and eat pie!" the boy whined!

"Not today, my child." Toriel clarified. "Yesterday. Can you remind me of what I asked of you?"

Rodrigo thought about it. "Oh...t-to wait for you to come back?"

"That's right. And you got very hurt because you didn't listen to me." Toriel softly lectured.

""B-but you were taking so long, and..." Rodrigo whined!

Toriel sighed, "My child, independence is good, but it's also good to know when it's time to obey. What if you had died?"

"......" Rodrigo, Frisk, and even Chara knew better than to tell Toriel he DID die at least once!

"I see you understand, Rodrigo...my child, I have no other choice. Come here...." the motherly goat said, taking his hand and going to her reading chair!

"Aww...b-but all ended well, I made it here and you healed me..." Rodrigo whined, knowing what she had in mind!

But Toriel just sighed as she put him over her lap, and bared his bottom. "I'm sorry, my child, but I must, so you don't put yourself in further danger..." she said, landing the first spank!

"OWWWWIE! Aww, b-but I couldn't just sit there forever!" whined the poor boy.

"I understand, my child, but you need to learn patience." Toriel said as she kept spanking. "Yes, I took a bit more than expected, but if you had waited for me, you wouldn't be hurt."

Rodrigo groaned at this. Toriel didn't just take "a bit more than expected..." he was waiting for a long time! But Toriel was right in that if he had waited for her, no monster would have hurt him!

And to make it even more clear to him that Toriel had a good point, Rodrigo saw Frisk sigh but sadly nod in agreement. Maybe she shouldn't have been distracted by Chara...but Rodrigo really shouldn't wander alone, specially without his big sister guiding him!

Rodrigo soon began sniffling, sad that he dissapointed both Toriel and Frisk at once! "I....I......" sniffled poor Rodrigo.

"Yes, my child? What is it?" Toriel asked, as she sadly spanked all over his butt. She didn't like to punish him, but sometimes discipline was needed to a child, as she well knew.

"I....I understand why...owwie! You're worried....and I'm sorry....sob....I'm sorry, please, no moreee...." he pleaded.

Toriel raised her hand again but hesitated. "......" she knew she had to teach him a lesson for his safety, but did he already learn? Nothing would make her happier than being able to just hug and forgive her child.

".....Welp, now the holding back begins. "I'm sorry" "forgive me", those always have a big effect on her, coming from "her children." Chara smirked.

"Chara, I'm sure Rodrigo is sorry for real, not trying to-" Frisk began, but then sighed and walked to the sobbing boy, gently patting his back with a smile to show him she forgives him.

Even without being able to see Frisk conforting the child over her lap, Toriel gave two last spanks to each sitspot(making poor Rodrigo sob harder!) before stopping the spanking at last. "There, there, my child....you're forgiven..." she promised.

While Toriel was confused at the strange, ankward way Rodrigo hugged her(since the boy was actually hugging her AND Frisk, unknownly for her) she smiled, "Shhh....hush, my child....just know I'm happy you are safe...."

"Don't worry, lil bro, I'm not gonna put you in time out. Ya shouldn't wander ahead, but, I should have paid more attention." Frisk noted.

It took a while, but the double conforting made him calm down soon.

"Well, I'm going to do the dishes now. Be good, all right?" Toriel gently said.

"I'm gonna help you if you wanna. To make up for worrying you." Rodrigo said.

"Such a good child you are!" praised Toriel, patting his head with a smile, as she and Rodrigo went to do the dishes!

"See, Chara? Little bro is doing pretty good." Frisk said, smiling, "No need to go all "EXP" and "LOVE" on everyone we meet."

".....Hmph. We'll see, Frisk. Or have you forgotten what comes next?" Chara said, pouting but motioning to the corridor that leaves the Ruins!

"....." Frisk's smile vanished, but she sighed, "Well, I'm pretty sure we can find a different way than last time, Chara."

"Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that!" Chara remarked, sure she knew exactly how things would go!

The girls then watched as Rodrigo cheerfully washed the dishes with Toriel. Rodrigo seemed so happy, as Toriel was like a mother, Frisk was like a big sis, and he was even getting used to his "partner" Chara!

This made Frisk happy.....though she still couldn't understand what could Toriel have done, for Chara to keep glaring bitterly at her!
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