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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2301835
Chara remembers a past mishap she and Asriel shared...
Soon, Toriel and Rodrigo did all dishes. This made Toriel give the child a proud smile.

"Thanks for helping, my child. You can play a bit now, or do you want me to read you a story?" Toriel asked.

"It's okay, I'm gonna play a bit then." Rodrigo smiled, then blinked as he felt Frisk push him gently!

"...Tag, lil bro. You're it!" smiled Frisk, as she ran ahead!

"Aww, no fair, big sis! I wasn't ready yet!" Rodrigo whined, but laughed as he chased her!

"Big sis...?" Toriel wondered, but smiled, "How cute, he has an imaginary friend!" she decided.

"....." Chara huffed as she watched the scene, "....Frisk is making Partner softer and softer by the day...I wish we could just end this and move on to the next area." she said, then growled in annoyance as she kept looking around, "And still NO knives! Ugh, how often do people fall here for mother to be so cautious?!"

Then, she stopped as she considered, "....Then again, mother must be extra careful about dangerous things, cause after all, we kids...can be VERY hard to keep safe..."

As she considered that, her mind went to the garden her Partner fell into....where she was supposed to be resting under the Buttercups, had Rodrigo's Determination not awakened her from her slumber.....

.....The Buttercups....yes, they brought about so many memories....

Memories of a life, long ago....

"...Tori, c'mon, why not make just one of your famed butterscotch pies? It has been so long since I last tasted that divine flavor." Asgore asked his wife, smiling.

Toriel giggled, "Don't be silly, dear. We have a important meeting today in Waterfall, we have no time for me to bake it. Besides, you're acting like our children right now." she said, shaking her head. "Maybe I'll bake some tommorrow."

"I understand, dear. Duty first, after all." Asgore said, with a resigned smile as he kissed her cheek.

It was a perfect life. He had the love of his life, his son and his daughter. They'd sit on the living room, tell stories, eat butterscoth pies...they were a perfect family to each other, both Asgore and Toriel agreed!

Unknownly to them, Asriel and Chara were playing nearby, and they heard their parents's conversation.

Time passed, and their parents called them.

"Asriel, Chara, this meeting will take long. We'll probably not come back until dinner, so please, do not wander far from home, and always tell someone in the castle if you want to go somewhere." Asgore instructed.

"Yes, father." Chara nodded, and Asriel nodded in agreement.

Toriel and Asgore then hugged their children. As usual, Toriel gently asked them to be good, before the royal couple left.

At this time, Chara turned to Asriel, "So, have you listened too? Father misses mom's pies."

"Yeah, but who can blame him, sis? Mom's pies are awesome!" Asriel said, smiling, then rubbed his tummy, "Hmm, I feel kinda hungry now with all this talk of pie..."

Chara sighed, ".....That's all you gathered from it, brother?" she deadpanned.

This confused Asriel! "Well, what else did I gotta get from this talk?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Well, maybe how we can make mother proud and father even happier." Chara said, smiling! "We could try to bake one of mother's famous pies ourselves for when they return from their royal meeting."

"Wow, that's an amazing idea, sis! But....how are we gonna do it? We don't even know how mom does it." Asriel asked.

"By looking all over the place. I'm sure mother has a recipe somewhere here!" Chara declared.

Asriel smiled and nodded on agreement! His sister was so smart, as always! "So what's the plan, Chara?"

"I'll check mother and father's room. You look around the kitchen." Chara explained. "Now let's not waste any more time, we wanna have a pie ready BEFORE they arrive, and not AFTER they do!"

Asriel soon checked everywhere he could in the kitchen, while Chara looked under their parents's bed, under Toriel's pillow, even the drawers.

After a long search, Chara located the recipe hidden inside one of Toriel's books and went to Asriel! "Here it is!" she said.

"Great! So, let's see here....first we'll need milk, eggs, and..." Asriel began.

Following Toriel's recipe, the kids seemed well on their way to bake a great pie....however, they soon ran into some troubles....

"Cups of Butter? What is this?" Asriel wondered.

"I only know about Buttercups. But it's wierd, cause those are flowers..." Chara wondered.

"Golden Flower IS dad's favorite tea, though, maybe he likes flower pies!" Asriel innocently considered!

"Maybe you're right, Asriel. Kay, let's get us some Buttercups!" Chara decided.

The kids took a while to collect all them, but yelped as the flowers caused blisters in their hands. They kept wondering why Asgore liked flower tea, but figured once the flowers were made into a pie, they wouldn't hurt anymore!

Soon, by reading the recipe, Chara and Asriel had baked the perfect pie. Or so they hoped, anyway.

Time soon passed, and the royal couple's meeting ended.

"We're home, my children!" Toriel called for their son and daughter.

"Howdy, mom, dad!" Asriel cheered, running there!

"Greetings, mother, father. We have a surprise for you two." Chara added.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Asgore asked them.

"Follow your nose and you will know!" Asriel said, giggling.

This made both older Dreemurrs confused for a instant, but then a familiar smell came from the kitchen!

"Tori, did you...." Asgore asked, recognising the smell quite clearly!

"No, I haven't....my children, have you...." Toriel wondered!

The family reached the kitchen, only to see the siblings's pie waiting on the table!

"Asriel, Chara...how did you....?" Toriel asked, smiling proudly!

"We found your recipe. Since Father wanted so much to eat your pie...." Chara said, smiling a bit.

Asgore and Toriel proudly hugged their children!

"Asriel, Chara, thanks for doing this for me. We are both very proud." the king said, with a gentle smile. "Now then, let us see how good your masterpiece tastes, shall we? If it's half as good as the smell, it shall be incredible." he added, happy to eat this pie!

But as the family sat down, and Asgore had the first bite...

"Well, the flavor is...different, and...ugh!" Asgore grunted.

He felt sick suddently.....Toriel was VERY upset, as was Asriel, but Chara merely laughed it off.

Time went on, and it was bedtime for the prince and adoptive princess....

"Sis....w-we got dad sick with our pie..." Asriel said, "I just wanted him to be happy..."

"There was no way of knowing those flowers would do this, bro. Relax, father is gonna be okay." Chara said, sighing. "He is the King...a pie ain't gonna bring him down."

"B...but I feel so guilty! Big sis....c-can you do somethin' for me?" Asriel asked.

Chara raised an eyebrown at this. "Well...I dunno, Asriel, what is it?" she asked.

"W-well....y-ya know how mom punishes us when we're...well, when we're naughty?" Asriel cautiously asked.

"Well, of course I do. I feel it when she does, remember?" Chara asked, rolling her eyes, before she blinked! "Wait, Asriel...you don't mean..."

"Y-yeah, I do, sis." he nodded, "I'm afraid of telling mom about the flowers, but I also feel bad about what I did, so...y-you're the only one I can ask..."

Chara sighed. He was starting to make HER feel bad about the whole thing! Not that she would ever admit willingly.

But after considering poor Asriel's pleas, Chara decided, "Well...as your big sister, it's only right I make you feel good with yourself. But I am NOT going to hold back, understand? If you want to give this idea up, now is the time." she warned.

"T-thanks, big sis...I'll try my best to take what I earned!" Asriel said.

"You better, lilttle brother, cause it isn't just because I'm not mother that you're getting off easy. As soon as you get over my lap, you're not leaving until all the white in your bottom is replaced by a bright red color." Chara warned, as she sat down!

Asriel gulped! Chara DID give him ample warnings and opportunities to get out of this. Maybe he should take it while he still could...

But then he'd keep feeling guilty! He'd never had courage to tell Toriel about the flowers....maybe Chara could, she always had a lot of Determination, but....

No, he knew he had to do what is right, take punishment for making dad sick! So he gulped and went over his sister's lap!

"Guess you made your choice then, little brother. Let's see if I can't make you feel better." Chara said, baring Asriel's bottom.

Asriel was very nervous. How hard could Chara spank? That was a completly new experience to him.

But soon, the first LOUD spank fell, and Asriel's yelp was just as loud!

"Owwwieeeee! T-thanks for the help, big sis...OWWW!" Asriel whined as the spanking continued.

"You're welcome, Asriel. I hope this helps you feel better." Chara said, as she spanked, before wondering out loud, "Though, it wasn't really your fault, ya know? I should probably have noticed something was wrong when the flowers hurt us. Maybe I'm as innocent as you are to have thought baking the flowers would make them not hurt anymore..."

"Owww...! Owwie....d-don't blame yourself, sis...I was....OUCH! The one who convinced you! Owowowow..." groaned Asriel. He couldn't believe it til the spanking began, but his big sis was as strong as she was smart! Sheesh, it's almost like Toriel was spanking him!

Chara's red eyes then narrowed! "Don't be silly, Asriel, I don't feel guilty! I never do!" she humphed, alternating cheeks as she spanked harder!

"OWWWWW! C-c'mon, big sis, no need to be embarassed! I feel guilty too, remember?" sniffled Asriel!

But Chara didn't want to admit it, and spanked even harder all over the butt! "....Asriel. Please, just shut up about this subject." she warned!

His butt getting red, Asriel couldn't help but cry now! "Sob! Waaaaaaaahhhh! S-sorry if I upset you, big sis!"

Chara sighed as she calmed herself down. She was supposed to teach a lesson so he felt better, not make him unable to sit because of a bad mood! "....It's okay, Asriel. Just tell me what you're learning from this, already. I wanna stop spanking you, but I can't unless you learned anything from this, lil bro." she said.

Yes, Asriel was most likely quite a bit older than Chara, but due to admiration he has for his adoptive sister, he always respectfully calls her "big sis", so Chara calls him "lil bro" back.

The bawling Prince said, "T-to be careful with Buttercups...a-and, sob, t-try to be braver and tell mommy the truth next time..."

Chara nodded, "That's right, lil bro. What'll happen if you don't do those things?"

as the harder spanks hit the sitspots, Chara did fulfill her promise, the white was indeed replaced by red even through Asriel's fur!

"WAAAAAAHHH! Y...you're gonna have to spank me, big siiiiis!" Asriel bawled, even sorer now!

Chara then stopped. She was about to put Asriel in time out, but then she thought about it. Asriel asked for this, so the lesson was obvious...plus, her little brother looked so tired!

So, she helped him up in a hug. "There, there....all forgiven, Asriel. You feel better now?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, Chara...s-sorry...I...yawn....." Asriel yawned.

"...You're gonna go to bed and sleep, that's what you're gonna do. Getting spanked takes a lot outta you." Chara said.

"Okay....and..." Asriel said, then smiled as he finnaly wiped off his tears and added, "T-thanks for helpin' me out, big, sis..."

"Y-yeah, yeah, you're welcome, lil bro. Just rest now." Chara ordered.

And as both Asriel and Asgore rested, Toriel left the king's room, but saw Chara sitting down on a chair, lost in her thoughts.

"My child, is there something bothering you?" Toriel asked.

"Nothing is bothering me, Mother. I am perfectly fine." sighed Chara, before she blinked as she felt Toriel gently hugging her!

"You need to be honest with yourself, my child. I can see something is bothering you, and if you don't tell anyone, you'll just stay sad." she noted.

".....Well, how about the fact I almost killed Father?" Chara asked, looking at her mother! Asriel was right...only Chara would have the Determination to come clean about that!

"Do not be so harsh with yourself, Chara. Surely the pie you and Asriel made couldn't have felled Asgore so easly, there is a reason he is the King..." Toriel gently told her daughter.

But Chara shook her head, "Mother, that pie was filled to the brim with Buttercups. It's a miracle father is even BREATHING now, let alone recovering." she said!

Toriel gasped! "Oh my! Your Father is....even more resilient than even I thought possible! But...how did this happen, my child?!" she asked.

"Your pie requires "cups of butter", which Asriel and I mistook meant "Buttercup." Add to that the fact Father's favorite tea is Golden Flower tea and..." Chara sighed. "Asriel felt very guilty, but I already helped him feel better..."

"Oh, my child, it was an innocent mistake. Even if the flowers hurt you, there was no way of knowing they still would after baking them. You mustn't blame yourself, the important thing is that your father is doing much better now. Doctor Alphys says Asgore just needs some rest and will be fully recovered in two days...." Toriel said, to calm Chara down.

"....Yeah. That's...good, I guess." Chara said, about to sit back on her chair.

Her voice made Toriel frown, "Chara, you feel guilty yourself, right?" Toriel noted.

"Mother, like I told Asriel, I NEVER feel guilty for anything." Chara told her.

"And like I told you, my child, you need to be honest with yourself. There's no need to act tough, or bottle up your feelings. Your mother is already so proud of you telling what happened with the pie...but I would be even prouder if you didn't hurt yourself by bottling up all guilt inside you." Toriel gently said.

"And....how do you suggest I get rid of this guilt...that you say I feel, I mean, your words, not mine..." Chara asked.

"Even though mother knows best, this is one time I can't tell you what to do, Chara. You need to follow what your heart tells you to do. I'm sure it'll be the right choice." Toriel gently noted.

Chara sighed, as her thoughts went back to Asriel. How her brother felt guilty....and how she helped him feel better!

She then groaned, "Maybe there's only one way, M-Mother..." she hesitantly said.

Toriel understood what she meant, and sat on the couch most of Chara and Asriel's punishments took place on.

"I'm proud of you, my daughter." Toriel praised as she bared Chara's bottom while she was over her mother's lap. "I know how hard it is for you to admit when you're wrong, and harder still to ask for this."

"Well, my little brother was brave enough to ask me to do this to him, so I'm not gonna be a scaredy-cat." Chara said, sighing. She still didn't want to truly admit how guilty she felt outloud.

Toriel understood that. Chara was always one to act tough, specially when it came to show feelings like regret. Maybe, the Queen theorized, it had something to do with the reason she ran from her human home and Fell into the Underground. Even so, as her new mother, it was Toriel's duty to make her feel good with herself...and thus, the spanking began!

Chara grunted, trying her best not to yelp. She'd take this without a yelp...not that hard, right? Well...not that EASY would be more acurate!

"There's no need to be embarassed, my child." Toriel gently said as she spanked Chara. "I won't think any less of you if you let your feelings out."

"Oww, mother, I can...ouch, take it without...ugh, making a fuss. Trust me..." Chara grunted.

Chara hated showing weakness, even to her family! She tried her hardest not to yelp, but it was so...owwie, haaaaard!

Toriel just kept spanking, now alternating cheeks. She knew it was for Chara's own good, after all....so that she'd finnaly be free from her guilt.

And finnaly, Chara admitted to herself after a while how guilty she felt. Father could have died because of this mistake....she earned a spanking for it!

"I....*Sob!* I'm sorry, Mother." Chara sobbed, her butt now getting red. "I learned my...my lesson..."

"You did, my child? And what would this lesson be?" Toriel gently asked, as she spanked all over the butt, knowing Chara wouldn't be truly free of her guilt until she admitted to herself what she was guilty about outloud.

"T...to be more careful..." sobbed Chara, "That asking you when I have doubts is the best thing to do, even at the expense of a surprise..."

Toriel nodded, approvingly, "And what'll happen if you forget your lesson?" she asked, spanking the sitspots.

"Waaaaahhh! I'll...I'll get spanked...I'm sorry, mother, I'll be more careful....!" cried Chara.

And as she cried, she was soon held on a gentle embrace by her mother.

"Shh....there, there....all forgiven...." Toriel said, "You are a good girl, Chara, and I'm very proud of you...."

And then, suddently, Chara shook her head and stropped thinking about what happened back then! "...That's the past. Proud of me....she's just eager to replace me every time another human child falls down Underground!" she declared!

With her arms crossed, Chara watched Frisk and Rodrigo play tag cheerfully for a while, then sighed as she resumed looking around the house, wondering again to herself, "Where are the knives...?"
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