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Rated: GC · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2303915
A young woman realizes her whole life has been a terrifying hideous secret.
"The Secret"
W. P. Gerace

In one thirty-second conversation, Melody's entire life had been changed. Her day started like any other in her quiet apartment in North Phoenix. The sun rose over the crisp blue skies overlooking the russet tips of the Northern mountains. In the distance, she could hear kids laughing and running around, probably in the nearby park, as school was only out a few weeks ago. She was grateful, too, as a third-grade teacher, she was enjoying her much-needed rest. This school year was quite challenging.

Just as she sat down on her white patio set overlooking the pristine blue pool below, families were out and about this mid-summer afternoon, enjoying the warm temperatures before the heat hit the valley. Smiling, thinking how she would love to have a family first, she would have to find a decent man, which can be quite a challenge, it seemed for her. Just as she was thinking of the perfect family and man, the chirping of her phone broke through the silence. Glancing at it, she saw that it was her mom, Tanya, on the line. Rare for her to call this early, Melody's stomach sank. Was it Brad, her father? He hadn't been well in so long.

"Hi, Mom. Is everything OK? "Melody asked hesitantly.

"No, honey. Your father is dead. He passed this morning." Breaking off into a torrent of tears, her mother's shaking voice, unable to control herself as she lost her best friend and love of nearly 40 years.

"I will be right over Mom. Just give me like 20 minutes. "Hanging up the phone, Melody had to have a moment to release her sadness.

Her entire childhood played before her like a well-acted movie. She could remember seeing her father's brawny body always doing something around the home. He had such clear, compassionate, soft blue eyes. With his wavy blonde hair and muscled arms and legs, he could have passed for one of those famous wrestlers you see on television. He was so strong and so healthy until five years ago when he suffered his first heart attack. Tears sliding down her face, she could see his emaciated face a few months ago as they took the breathing tube out of him, grateful that he was getting a second chance. But was it a real second chance, Melody wondered? What quality of life did her father have?

Grateful that he was not in pain, the sting of losing him pulled at her emotions with the steadfast pace of a runaway train. Her legs felt like rubber, like no sensation or anything was happening. It was as if she suddenly was suffering from a stroke. Her stomach churned as if it was on an endless spin cycle without the intention of ever stopping. Thankfully, she had not eaten breakfast or anything substantial outside of a small slice of rye bread.

"Sweety, I do not want you worrying about me. I am at peace now. Trust me. But I do need to tell you something. "Standing above her father stood all six foot three of him with his balding silver hair, his blue eyes reduced to tiny little twinkles of the fire they used to hold, his hands thin, dressed in a white uniform as if he were going to be singing in some church choir.

"Dad, this cannot be. Mom said you passed. What am I doing? You are dead. "Melody rubbed her head.

"Do not worry. I must tell you something. Listen carefully because there is little time. You must be prepared for what is to come. I was able to protect you till now. Now that I am dead, I will need you to be strong. "

"Protect me. Protect me from what? "Melody's anxiety rose, overloading her thoughts, almost causing her to pass out between losing her father and now talking to his ghost.

"Listen. And listen carefully. We are not your parents. Me and your mother Tanya are brother and sister. We are witches, and your biological mother Sylvia was a witch, too. But years ago, she was raped by a demonic entity, one that I was able to protect you from, but now that I am not here, he will come back for you. Take this necklace, Melody. You will need it. It is a family heirloom. Take it! "In his hand was a scrawny rope that looked like it was drug through a bunch of dirt with bones on it.

"OK, this is damn well crazy, Dad. I don't want a kind of joke this is, but it is not funny. I don't think you're my dad. My dad will never do this. Leave my house before I call the police! "Screaming at the top of her lungs, she was surprised the neighbors below did not look up.

As quickly as he appeared, he evaporated as if he was some mirage, some figment of her imagination. At that exact moment, a cold breeze swished through her, rustling up her almond hair and tossing it everywhere. She felt hot breath on her neck moving down underneath her white blouse. A tickling feeling, almost like an invisible tongue was caressing the tips of her breasts. How horrible now she was being violated by something she could not see.

"Whoever or whatever you are, you better leave my house! "Standing up yelling, she still was shocked no one from below could hear all the commotion.

A flood of feelings went through her with the tumultuous turn of a lousy storm pummeling through a town. She went from crying to yelling, screaming, and being outright frightened in two minutes. Unable to take any more of this madness, she quickly entered her apartment and grabbed some clothes to escape.


The drive to her parents’ house was usually a twenty-minute sprint across town on Highway 55 on a day without much traffic, twenty-five if there was any, which hardly ever happened since most did not use this route. Melody could have gone any one of many ways to her parents’ house in far Northern Phoenix. Still, she liked this one the best as it was so peaceful and quiet, with the towering Northern mountains and spacious desert surrounding both sides of the highway. Relatively narrow and winding, one had to drive quite carefully on this road, and thankfully, no one hardly used it since there were better ways to travel. Melody liked its serenity; however, on this day, she didn't think anything, or anyone could provide such solace on this eerily disturbing day. Just a few miles up was Hope's Farm, with lush green grass and gorgeous white and black cows grazing along the property's three-hundred-acre space. Centered in front of the place was a small brown building with the words Hopes Farm and Grocery painted in dark letters. Somedays, she would stop here to get some of the farm's fresh eggs and meats. Hope, a small elderly woman with wrinkled, pale skin and straggly white hair, seemed to have her share of troubles. Still, she had three equally muscular, handsome, young, strapping sons who maintained the farm for her. Hope knew her and her family well. Maybe she could shed some light on what her father said to her in the dream she had.

Just as she passed the last set of desert land before hitting Hope's place, the sight of cows grazing as usual on this early morning offered Melody peace. This serene sensation quickly transpired to mental and physical exhaustion. That lethargic feeling one gets after taking a dose of sleeping pills induced itself upon her, causing her eyes to drift off. Not wanting to get into any accident or risk hurting anyone, she pulled aside on the dirt road just a few miles from Hope's Farm.

Pulling out her phone, she wanted to call her mother to let her know she would be late. What would she say to her, she wondered without letting her mother worry herself to death. She drifted off just as she could hear her mother's voice come on. As sleep swept through her, she could still hear her mother frantically calling to ask if she was OK. Melody, are you there? Meloddddyyyy!!! Unable to respond, she appeared to be imprisoned in her dream state. Melody had a weird idea she might not come out of it.

Something that sounded like it had sharp claws scraped across Melody’s back window. Waking up, she must have been asleep for a highly long time, Melody assumed, as darkness encompassed all her surroundings. However, she was not on the dirt road she fell asleep on. How could this be, Melody wondered. Looking around, she managed to land in the middle of a wooded area. This was no longer the winding road of Highway 55 with its tall mountains on both sides and desert and Hope's Farm up the road. No, this was a dark abyss surrounded by gigantic trees with elongated branches that resembled skeletal hands swinging about. A howling wind roared outside as flashes of silver lightning streaked across the sky.

The music played quietly at first, then increased in depth as if whoever was playing this piece, which to Melody sounded like a piano, knew she was there and wanted her attention. She knew hearing music in the woods at night was a bad sign, but it was such a pretty tone. The more she listened to the sweet tune of those piano keys echo through the darkness of these woods and storms, the more she was urged to leave her comfort zone.

Music echoed as the trees swirled about and the winds gusted fiercely, prompting her to leave her car. Leave your safety zone, Melody. There was a voice calling out in a smooth, compassionate voice. I will protect you always. The music grew louder, vibrating around her tiny car, practically shaking it. Suddenly, her car radio turned on, and that monotone calming voice reverberated through her speakers. A chill ran up her spine. Goosebumps pricked her smooth olive skin suddenly, and the temperature appeared to drop twenty or more degrees. A cold air enveloped her, slowly going down her blouse and sucking on her nipples.

"Get off of me! Get out of here! Whatever or whoever you are! Leave you fucking bastard! "Not a woman to curse until she found herself in a difficult situation; she resented that she was not in total control.

Nonchalantly making its way down into the crotch of her white shorts, an invisible finger that felt like it had some bumps or jagged edges on it finagled its way past the zipper and caressed the softness of her womanhood. Screaming, shaking her head back and forth. If anyone did see her, they would think she was insane. What could she say to a passerby if she were fortunate even to come across someone during this horrific moment? Excuse me, but I am fondled by an invisible creature I cannot see. OK, lady, off to the crazy farm you go. It would take just a few hours to notify the state, and her career and livelihood would be gone in less than 24 hours. She knew how this stuff worked.

"Whatever you are, please leave me alone. I do not know what you want, but do what you need and leave me alone, please! "Melody begged, crying the tears running down her face.

"Child, you belong to me now. You really should have taken that charm your father wanted to give you. Fool, you will now be mine forever. Close your eyes while I take your soul and make you mine forever! "The mysterious entity revealed itself. Melody could not believe what she saw.

This was like something from a horror show where you paid extra to see every creepy scene. A black cloud filled the car and her seat. The smell of rotting flesh overpowered her car's lemon-scented aroma. What arose from this black mist was a horrific being that Melody could not comprehend or interpret if she were asked to. The being had rotting black skin that seeped off its clanky bones. On top of it was grisly red fur with blazing red fireballs in places all over it. Its head was a cross between a creature and some tree. Its teeth were incisive, bloody structures. Its eyes and nose illuminated more of that hellish red glow. On top of its hideous head were branches of a tree spiked out all over the place. On the edge of these tiny spikes were wiggling maggots that slithered up and down the bark.

"This cannot be happening! I am a rational woman! I do not do drugs or drink crazy! I go to church! Where did I go wrong? "Melody had to say anything, even if it did not make sense.

"Oh, my poor child, you were marked early. It was only a matter of time before your father would die, and I would find you. Of course, you know now he is not your father and his sister, a poor excuse for a witch who could not turn a human into a mouse, let alone save anyone. It was her brother who had all the power. Poor, wasteful beings they were. Now, back to the matter at hand. You hear that music. I know you like it that is your mother who belongs to me now just as you will. Stop fighting, my love. Come to me! "Without another word, the creature opened its fire pit mouth, and a long, slithering, blistered red tongue rolled out.

For the first time since this ordeal started, Melody wanted to fight and save her life. Trying the doors, they were all locked. Grabbing her clicker from her purse proved useless. It would not respond. Pushing the emergency red button on the bottom of the device, she knew that she would at least call the police. No response, no sound, nothing. It was as if the entire instrument had failed. What the fuck!

The creature's slithering tongue went down her mouth even though she clenched her lips shut. On the tip was a sharp point to Meldoy; it resembled a black sore, but it was rigid and managed to burn her lips. Only opening her mouth for a few seconds and quickly closing it was not fast enough for this slimy body part. Quickly, it went down into her throat, its spiny structure settling inside her body, searching for anything it could feed on. Slowly, it latched itself onto the inside of her chest. Something sprouted. She could feel its thorny presence swimming through her. Rippling across her breasts, a vast bubble pressed outward. Melody now knew what women with big breasts had to deal with. A burning sensation radiated from the inside. Putting her hand there, the heat was so intense it almost felt like a third-degree sunburn.

"Ah, just what I am looking for. Ahhhh! "The beast moaned, its red eyes popping out as its tongue latched onto her heart.

Another burning prickle came from the left of her breastbone. Melody could hear her blood being sucked through the tongue's membranes. The sounds were like some kid drinking intensely on their favorite flavored milkshake. Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! As the creature drained everything from her, Melody could feel her body become dizzy and faint with each passing second. Shaking as the energy inside of her evaporated with the swiftness of a fast-moving summer storm, she desperately wanted to wake up from this nightmare. This could not be happening. It just could not. But it is my child; it is. Again, the creature spoke, but it was in her thoughts. Digging her nails into her brand-new Vinyl seats, each breath was a challenge.

Out of the corner of her eye, there it was. She could hear her father calling distantly to her as if he was millions of miles away. Grab this, Melody, before the beast realizes it's here. Grab it now!! Grabbb it!!!! Reaching over, she could feel the dirty texture of the rope and those awful bones. All she had to do was grab it, and this would be all over. Just as she was about to grab it and pull it off the seat, her last breath exhaled from her exhausted lungs. She was all his, and there was nothing more she could do.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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